Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 14, 1944, p. 2

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te georgetown herald vednesjfay june 14th 1944 the georgetown herald ikwa of gkokgetown norval guen williams umehocbe 8tkwarttown ash grove balunafad hornby ttrra cotta acton brampton milton subscription rates ouuuu united states and overseas 3 00 a year single copies 5c advertising rates will be quoted on application telephone na 8 walter l 8iehn pumjuhpr in a letter to the editor the minister of agriculture stresses need of assisting farmers june 6 ibm garfield l mogilvray 4abxlk bjehn editor j boley mtfnoei uf the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontarioquebec division of the owjul the editors corner long awaited invasion starts tuesday june 8th will stand out in our memories as the day on which the working training and planning of five long years culminated the invasion of europe by- land sea and air forces began at dawn that day with british canadian and american men joining in the largest assault unit ever known we on this side of the atlantic had been waiting anxiously for dday to arrive nerves were tensed and it was with a feeling of relief mixed wiuh dread and hope that we received the great news of the start o the invasion letters from the boys in england had shown the strain of waiting was telling on them too and wc know that they were more than eager to get on with the job a glance at the world war picture today presents a very different state of things than was the case four years ago at this time it was four years ago on june 10 to be exact that canada declared war in italy jsow our boys are in tne ihicjc of the qgtitlng there and rome has been taken and we can all still remember what a horjible shock it was when jfrance collapsed on the 22nd of june 1940 we hope it won tbe too long before she too is liberated from the t rants yoke in june 1841 germany began to invade russia today russia has conquered the invading enemy forces and is almost knocking on the back door of germany itself the actual landing and the formation of beachheads was more successful than allied leaders had noped for our men have punctured the other ring of the enemys european wall or defence as wc write lhe are at grips with crack german divisions battling for the rightofway to paris the fight ing is fierce and bloody as all krex it would be the news of the hu omoii in georgetown as all over mre world was ushered in with the ringing of church bells and the call to urijtca prajer and intercession there were no celebratiorii but only the intensification of that deep abiding prayer which has been in our hearts inci september 1939 and will remain there ultll a final victory and a lasting peace is ours unemployment insurance fund the unemployment insurance fund has gone over the 200000 000 mark it was announced today by the unemployment insurance cornmls sdon tha the fund whicn is mad up of contnou ions by employees em ployers and the dominion oov emintnt had reached hie total of 200 11213 on may 9th fhe fund has been accumulating since julj 1 1941 when oontrlbu uons b enipktra ind unplojees surted under the unemployment in surance al th oournmti t accb onefifth to the total amoun contrl buted b emplomis ind empioei amendments to ihe act passed at the last session of parliament raised the ceiling from 32000 to j 400 and also provided for including persons in certain specified wage categories even when total earnings ex ceeded 2 400 per annum this was a factor in increasing the number of persons in uie higher wage categories to whom the act applies on the first ol next july collection of unemployment insurance contributions will have been in operation in canada for three years those three vears havt marked one of the highest employment peaks ever known in tills country consequently die unemploynitiu insurance has been usee very iiul but after the war when our fighting men return and the production of such ast quantities of war materials ceasts the true value of sucn insurance for uie workingman will become known when un employment lnsttud of labour shortage will be the biggest problem our government will have w solvt farm labour shortage critical this year is 1 o different from the past four jears when farmers hove had to ippal to tne citizens of towns and cities to assist them to gamer the crops that help feed the world the manpower situation is even worse than last jear and as our armies liberate narf dominated countries in europt exports will be even more urgent v yequlred it is important that no foodstuffs be wasted for any reason and it would be uie greatest pity if such a situation were allowed to exist for lack of help when a little extra effort would sotve the problem the ontario fa on service force has asked afi municipalities throughout the province to recognize this problem and to take steps to organize a plan whereby the farmers in each district will receive help when they need it haltons agricultural representative mr j e white lock milton is head of the orgonlzatlon in our county and reports chat in most of the county commui i ties a contact man has been chosen and he is in hopes that the men in towns who can spare even an hour or two in the evenings a couple of times a week will register at this particular time haying is in progress one farmer told mr whltelock that even if he had a man to drive the team it would be a great help last year the fanners in hal ton were helped a great deal by day labour organized from the city hall toronto which was 6ent out in bus loads every morning and returned the same way in the evening mr whltelock is trying to arrange for similar help this year then last year ualton farmers were fortunate in having 18 to 20 young farmers from the west tansfer here to help with the harvest it is to be hoped that these western men will again come to our farmers rescue the important problem of farm labour shortage was discussed at the last session of council and it was decided to see to the appointment of the head of the town farm commandos it has been announced that mr clare wilson will be the head of the local farm commandos with daytime head quarters at hedley shaws phone 195 and night calls to 45w it is to be hoped there will be a good response from townsmen willing and able to give a helping hand to the farmer let mr wilson know when vou can help and he will inform you of arrangi ments for transportation and pav such help was greatly appreciated last j car and in other years as well marrying canadian girls there was oorae shaking of heads in canada when the first batch of wives of oanidun armtd men arrived in the dominion here and then arose even a small wail it was inevitable of course for there is a good deal of glamour left in tnt united kingdom even after so many thou sands upon thousands of captlvitlng jrls irom england scotland wales and ireland have been leaving lor nonh unirica over the long years but there should lime been no w dl at all the very same thing has been happening l trt in canida reciults under the commonwealth air training plan havt shown q die 1 ukln fo- he canadian girls and many slow moving swains have had uicir girls picked off right from under thelr noses by those attractive voung chips who have come here from all over the empire and elsewhere to be trained as airmen the fact is that over two thousind british airmen trained in canada have married canadian girls nolc that these are british boys only many intend to return to canada when the war ends and make their homes here but others will take their wives to britain when arrangement can be made th interchange is all to uie good and will help to keep the british family drnatlons in goooheart as mr churchill would say the editor georgetown herald dear it is natural and fitting that i should write you at this time in the first place i write to express appreciation on be half of this government and of this de partment of the government m parti cular for the editorial influence given in support to our efforts to and and place volunteer help on ontario farms in the pat two years secondly i write to bring to your personal attention the problems facing us in 1944 and to ask agam your co operation and assistance in what could easily be our most difficult year with your valued assistance wc were enabled to develop and place in 1942 sufficient volunteer workers to permit ontario farmers to harvest and save record field and orchard crops these crops were gleaned in the face of a 23 per cent reduction in competent farm manpower in 1943 with still further depletion in farm manpower a mea gre and therefore doubly important yield was saved under most difficult harvesting weather conditions which caused the crop to be handled many times in the fields citizens of ontario from the youth of our schools and colleges through all classifications of employment business and professions responded to the ur gency or the need it is evident there fore that the urgency was brought home to them clearly and forcefully i without the cooperation of the news papers and radio stations of ontario we recognize that the task would have been almost impossible this year 1944 we are confronted with what may be the most crucial si tuation of anv of the war ears with the possible exception of wheat the called pre war sui pluses of food products have all disappeared and dif ficulty is being experienced in main talnlng even modente stockpiles or commodities essential to our wartime requirements the mosl urfclniqiicj is for lncreas eli production of d tin products wi need all the coarse grains and other forms of fodder necessacv to maintain ing dairv herds it high production lo vols that can be produced this jear the shortage of coarse grains caused t the small jieid in 1943 resulted in ourtalllng of hrda ind decreased milk production in addition the consump uon of milk by canadians has in creased substantia 11 during the wa jears unless evtrj mt of all ontario produces during this jear ca nadian civilians will be called upon to face greater sacrifices than they hv vet experienced oniarip farmers have planted even foot of land crop indications promise a bumper yield much of our seriouslj depleted stockpiles can be replenished by tills j ears crops provided ontario citizen in urban centres will undertake provide the assistance necessary to harvest and save the crops for there exists as you probably realize he most acute shortage of manpower and e pcclallv of form help m our entire h this ta of supplying vohm- parm service force over the past three years this year the efforts of all sec tions are beng intensified our task of enlisting the essential cooperation of the ontario public this year will be difficult xn addition to overcoming the normal apathy and lack of information that exists gener ally from year to year and resistance created by wartime taxation and res trictions a degree ot oomplacenor hu arisen due to our improved position on the battlefronts and a general reeling that this is the year when peace will come at least with germany it is more than ever necessary to correct these impressions we attach to this letter a proof of an advertisement which will appear in all ontario newspapers within a week you will note that uie need of volunteer help is urgent right now the advertise ment appeals for volunteer workers in the farm ctommanoos we earnestly urge that you support our efforts in your news and editorial columns whenever possible during the growing and harvesting seson but par ticularly at this moment the haying season will be upon us in a week or two and men are desperately needed to save this important crop perhaps the most valuable service you could perform at this time would in giving every possible assist ance to the farm commando group in your community or in using the influence of your journal as well as your personal in fluence to have a farm cammando brigade organized if one aoes not exist we are convinced that such support will not be only in the best interests of the communities you serve but would constitute a vital service to canada as a whole faithfully yours thomas l kennedy minister of agriculture tcr ehelp on farms my department has taken on s you will notice in the at tached proof we have set up and per fee ted many organizations through our v- poetic lines from local soldier boy now in italy thxie poems were sent to the herald by a soldier in italy who wishes to re- mi in anonymous ohtona a proud and pretty town it was alou tin adriatic coast a place wi 11 long remember and a place ol which we long to boast for then it was canadians fought a battle long and hard 1 oust the nvzis paratroops who fought us yard by yard bach building was a fortress and each street a kill lng ground we took them on as best we could and lought them round by round as each blow fell we took it well fought back with all our might each foot w garneo a victory for od band was rated by one above for peace 4 task surmounted the nwahtltt when soldiers wearied from the fray whose faith alone remains to grra then courage so that they can hold secure their game who bold no fear for life nor health of nights on foreign sod and laugh aloud at death itself their faith is in their god muddy trenches water oiled in pillbox weak and cold they stand their watch though damp and chilled while dramas of the night unfold where shadowy forms in starlit mist when moving to and fro are halted secret password hissed and challenge answered soft and low while tracer paints the dadcened sky with intricate designs patrols go out and brave men die par put behind the german lines midst thomp of shrapnel faltta while mortars sob and moan they do tber job untouched by fas each man a hero on bis 1 they dream sweet dreams of times when wan and strife shall eeaaa and poignant thoughts run their minds of happy homes and peace they hold no terror of the foe xf his power nor of his might they trust in god for well they the cause for which they fight alert and silent brave and strong they hold their fives at stake for well they know where they they fight for freedoms sake they do ttielrs with laugh and jest while long hours pass away till time when they lie down to when dawn unveils another day the indian formation operating la italy has the first indian to t a battalion in the field directory 1 f r watson dja udb georgetown omce hours 9 to 5 thursday afternoons dr j burns milne dental stjrgb0n xray georgetown dr clifford reid lda djxfl dentist phone 410 main street geor the cause we knew was right and when the final bell rang out our counterblows were counted wedding announcements and invitations distinctively styled the georgetown herald coming monday june 19th sonotone hearing center j c thurgate certified sonotone coiuultant will be at the mcgibbon hotel in a m to 8 pm i will ffladly mke an aikiioffrim of hearing in 20 minutes you can mi how much voir hearing hat whether or not v t need a hearing aidl i no ciia e or obligation for cooauftavnon or tests elmer c thompson insurance service fire auto windstorm c p railway and allied steamship summer excursions phone llftw or geo nielsen the chiropractor drugless therapist 31st tear of praottoe iady attendant hours 2 s 8 b pun closed thursday ovm dominion 8tobb georgetown dr s e magwood veterin aby sukgeoh 11 office between dhrhdon oonrt clerks office and the law municipal building at the oar- oer of main and mill streeta monuments maqb3srs and lxtttering pollock a ingham gait designs on requestphone 3048 inspect our work m greenwood leroy dak icc m sybil bennett ba bairistan and souettora mm street phone ib kenneth pa langdon barrister sobelter notary pabbo first mortgage money to loan office gregory theatre bmg mql street phone s8 georgetown c n r time table daylight saving time going bast 7 01 am and mall 10 10 am passenger and mall 702 pjn sunday only 831 pm dally 035 pm this train was formerly the flyer tnt now stops going west passenger and mali 840 am paaaangar bat only us pjn passenger dairy except oatordayand sunday 138 am daflr except sunday 733 pjn oakvnxe monument work w r unit and good display of afiooimienta ao hand your patronage nllcktd oakvhu we specialize in this work 18 7eara kkpertenoa j sanfordson qboftofftown uv frank petch ucsnsed auctioneeb prompt serrtce phone 391 georgetown po box 413 gray coach lines timetable now ln effect daylight saving time leave georgetown for toronto 7m am c44 j4 am 1 1m pjn b ww for london f 1035 am i 715 p r iao pm b ajopjb 4jh pjn xt 1ub pjm b sun and houdaya only x u guelph dally to ksfc- oheckar bun and hot y to ttttrrtfiw b to stratford

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