Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 14, 1944, p. 8

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wednesday june 14th 1944 your eyes it yon attach a much lmpor tanee to having your area ex- amjned as we do you will be a pasjsnt of ours we have toopt uptodate by taking post graduate oourses obis good equipment ad have over twentyfive yean experi ence in eye examination far a complete bye service and ctaattty glasses aft city frlees oonsdiit ot walker r0 ensioxn srscuust who will be at hut office over the sell telephone co main atrett oeonjetowo the second wedneaday of each mouth or you mas consult o t walker at bta office in brampton fbohob geor 6v brampton 609 chuck koast8 are chkafsbs 1hn1quabtkbs housewives are now ahle to buy ofruuc roasts and other front beef cuts about lour cents a pound cheaper un der the new beef oeungs which became effective on monday according to a rul ing by the wptb but the joker in order is the the retail prices of hind qaurter cuts have been increased four oenta by an adjustment in price levels aimed at a better balance in meat consumption since the suspension of meat rationing it is claimed the exist lng celling prices resulted in uneven marketing of hind and front quarter meat which shows that people have plenty of anoney to spend and have had it but rationing prevented them from buying choice cuts prices for hind quarter meat have been pressing the ceiling while frost quarter meat has been in poor demand which the packers dont relish it is stated that in normal times padtem and retailers met such conditions by adjusting hrn quarter prices upward nmj front quarter prices downward un til demand and supply came into ba lance another reason given for the change is that tt might effect the pro ducer the new prices are nam on dls play in the storee- sse the mat in your victory garden to display at the local fair in septem the tyons family reunion will be held at stanley park erin on satur day july 1st piano recital by the pupils of selen cblackhurn will be held in the auditonum of the public school on monday evening june 1 9th at 8 1 5 o clock the public are cordially invited to attend silver collection proceeds for junior red cross carrolls rraii annakoka coffee wheat a w- 33e rpdiiri cmckm riu no eoup u n foods tke 7c omwi cocoa me ui s4c lobster ua 3e supett mtjffets cheese 8teero- t apples x 17c 9 ioc c wort soapj if us oap 3 a oats h ic nam isc sc mzai xe ovcoldcn tip tea 44 w imiih th xigbt to unit qamoutlu at ftll msrcluuidlm ioa me rm i m vajxhcia obange8 ho dot i os tmocu ounces te i viuwcia oumna wc kw beet ui csunu at itaifai ftfao rkatt sad nffrtabla pxtet nt et to aaxkot tfoetutloiu localjkws inext sunday is fathers day oeorgetown pall bwr 16 and 16 thle year start now to pre pare your exhibits the schools had a holiday last thursday june 8th in honour of the king s birthday the flower gardeojs in town are beautiful with their lovely showings of iris and june rosea remember the rummage sale un der the ausplcea of rebekah lodge in the mtogibtam black friday june 10th a special service of prayer and in tercesston will be held on friday even ing in the united church all citizens are urged to at end bigger and better than ever girls pipe band second annual street dance and bingo on mauf street thursday june 2th come to the girls lookout dub concert in the umehouse presgyterlan church june 30 at 800 pjm good ta lent booth on the grounds admission 25c you may be the lucky winner at bingo or hold the winning ticket on three cash vouchers at the girls pipe band street dance and bingo on thursday june 29th afternoon tea with teacup read ing games and ponj rides for the children at the navy league tea next saturday afternoon nb a change tea including a reading 35c at three pm the lome scots band paraded with the acton legion to the baptist church in acton last sunday evening and also gave a band concert in the park after the service it was very well attended j3ont miss the tea and garden party sponsored by the georgetown branch of the navy league next sa turday june 17th on the grounds of the sam mackenzie and fred anguish homes on main street the local council of women will bold their closing meeting at the home of miss ann staunton friday june 16 at 3 pjn prof h l hutt will be the guest speaker the members are asked to bring a friend and please do not forget your ditty bags services to commemorate the 134th anniversary of boston church will be held on june 25th at 11 ajn and 730 pm daylight saving tune the rev mr douglas from toronto will be the minister for the day and special music will be rendered by the choir 3t gala garden party next saturday night sponsored by the navy league ventrollquist singers and oomsdtan bill macdonald and his rythm rubes guest soloist and sphcialty dancing featured on program there will be games refreshment booths and nsh ponds admission adults 36c child ren 16c th all rural school boards and the local public school board have been asked to put up as much prize money this year as the fair board in order that the prize for the school children might be doubled and this further ln- ae the interest in the fair of the younger set some schools have al ready signified their intention of com plying with the request so the boys and girls are asked to get their draw improved uniform international sunday i chool lesson lesson for june 18 a uhcts aaa sortptum to luonal id by logs paintings writing hobbles tory gardens etc ready for the fair o mcmillan and his one ba of hackney s have already started out for the show season and have attended fairs and horse shows at richmond hu1 hlusburgh ouelph and stratford his team has been quite successful tn ring so far this season mr mrmegans decision to purchase his hackneys was probably prompted by his success and interest at the local fair which fur ther goes to show what an important part the local fair plays in community building a nove idea f6r raising money for russian relief is beng onsored by the canadian aid to russia fund lucky draw tickets are being sold for linen articles instead of cash thus 1 tome entitle you to 1 ticket 1 pu towahip 1 ticket 1 sheet three tic kets ana so on the idea is to gather and send to russia as many of these household necessities as possible forty grand prizes are being given in luding a 15000 mink coat donations will be received at the dominion store from wednesday june 14 to saturday june 24th rheumatic pain sciatica lumbago quickly relieved by using rumacaps recommended by thou sands who have gained better health robba drug store macoormackt drug store a good soldieb of christ jesus lksson tkxtn ttawrtlo sa goldkn textsuffcr hardship with has a a food soidlr of christ jaus h ttaw- tbru a good soldier what a wealth of meaning there la tn that simple phrase we think of our own home town bays who have distinguished themselves in the service of their country who have provad again that there la that in american life which can meet a crisis and do it wall a good soldier of jesus christ la an even mora sig phrase peaking of that una loyalty and dei votlon which christians of all ages yes and of our day are giving to the captain of our salvation our commander mchlaf in the great spiritual warfare going on in all the earth in our laaaon wa note that the soldier la i obediaat 3 1 1 thara is something to be done and tha soldiar is enlisted for the purpose of doing it in tha case of the christian soldier it la to sea that the gospel massage which he has received is passed on to others personal work is gods method one man tailing another and an other and another this is to be a continuous matter not just now and then and each one is in turn to be come a soul winner as each one wins others and the witness is multiplied by the law of arithmetical progression the total result is tremendous why then has the entire world not been long since completely evan gelized because we who are chris tians are not all obedient soldiers 67 christ h loyal 2 j 4 no soldier can serve well with a divided loyalty he cannot ba run mng a business back home or taking on outside interests to divert his attention being an efficient and useful soldier is bis first and only business have not the military authorities in this war asked those who are at home to keep the probjschs of the m home and business out of the letters i h to men in the annyf do they not 1 require a man to leave home and family and give his all to the serv ice j the soldier for christ must plea the lord even though it involve bearing hardness u u no soft ahd easy business to ba a soldiar blood sweat and tears ar the order of the day jshali wa not do as much for our hard m rrepara s ml training 4s of highest importance for a soldier st most know what to do and why he is doing it he must understand tha reason tor obe- fathers day suggestions from ishvers 5 remember dad on fathers day sunday june 18th broadcloth shirts made by arrow arfek forsyth 200 and up 5 summer sport shirts a good selection at 125 up ties i new summer patterns- boxed if desired 50c 65c j 100 sox summer anklets also regular half hose y 50c 75c 100 braces a very good assortment at 50c 100 belts the famous colours hickock belta tn good summer 50c 100 tie and handkerchief sets beautifully boxed matched sets at and 100 hats- si a swell group of biltmore fur felt hats at 395 ond u l silvers dept store where good clothe co le phone 37s georgetown birth notice hancock mr and mrs william hancock olen wllhams wish to an nounce the birth of a baby daughter marjory ann a sister for carolyn on saturday june 10th 1m4 a peel memorial hospital brampton c p tm ma jbm 15th unu e 14 to sb 1 aoramtos4bis if 1 to 83 62 and 68 ip3s7 georgetown or norton m memory of our dear son percy who died june 7th 1039 there la a mother who sadly and finds the ume ions since you went and i think of you dally and hourtr i try to be brave and content and i breathe a sigh of regret for you wan mtne and i though an the world f ongata badly missed by 6iters and brothata fare in other words ha must be a disciplined man prepared to serve effectively tha soldier for tha lard la to re member jesua christ bis resur rected lord and victorious com mander he knows tor whom and under whom ho fights he also knows w 10 11 that the message he bears is gods word and will succeed even though tha bearer of it suffer and die he is prepared to die if need be before he will deny his leader v 12 iv faithful 4 57 watch endure work be faithful to the very end such is the obliga tion yes and privilege of the soldier lor christ paul was able to ad momsh young timothy to such com plete faithfulness because he had himself exemplified these virtues in his own life those who ore called upon to com mand men must themselves be good soldiers there is an encouraging note from the battlefields of this great war one learns that the com manding officers are at the front not hidden away in dugouts far behind the lines the men take courage as they see the bravery of their officers what that meant in pauls case may ba learned from tha story of his life which is condensed in a brief statement in ii corinthians 12 2333 he really endured affliction for christ s sake v vletorlons v 8 a nation at war can stand the strain and bear the agony if tt can be sure of ultimate victory the grave disappointment of losing a bat tle or the deep sorrow of heavy casualties can and win ba borne for tha sake of tha final triumph of tha righteous causa in tha battle tor christ wa know that tha result will be victory the faithful soldier shares the fruits of victory the christian soldiar shall one day receive from hla lord and leader a crown of righteousness whan wffl that great day come whan jesus christ returns matt 18jt he ts coming again first for his own sad tha in glorious revelation of hinisatt as tha judge of all tha world his victory over all his sftg- wtn tha ba conn and ftafl rata forever and beatty bros ltd sales service en beatty labour saving equipment shallow deep well pumping equipment wind mills pump jacks well pumps cistern pumps cylinders pump leathers etc o barn and stable equipment steel stalls pens water bowls manure carriers hay carriers grinders barn door track etc ken mcmillan phone 40 georgetown sols

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