Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 21, 1944, p. 1

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the georgetown herald smntyamnttl yew of pmkwtitm wednesday june 21st 1944 mrs mary pettit first woman on county council grants increased to fall fair loards history was in the ipakmg at the judo meeting of halton county oonncu beu in muton last tuesday when for the first time a lady member took nor place as a member of the oouncu she was mrs mary pettit recent elected deputyreeve of nelson ttasmawp the warden and each member of tfae council poke few words of wel- to mrs- pefettt several expressing r opinion that her pr would hssve9 a steadying influence on the oooncii as a whole mr w j robert son teem of nelson said i have known mrs pettit for a good many yean and bare always valued her work on the oounco some of which has been oeh that it never could or would have been undertaken by a man with any degree of success i am proud that as reeve of nebnn township i am able to introduce to this council mrs pettit as my deputy mm pettit expressed her apprecia tion of the welcome accorded her and added that she always took and would continue to take a keen interest in municipal and county affairs par ocularly in all branches of social ser vice prises were awarded to the public school contestants who wrote essays on their recent visit to the county council of the bb children who were guests of the council last month 21 wrote essays the awards were as fol lows 1st marfcaie service kelso kid jack gray burlington 3rd john batton burlington british war guest 4th james tails acton 5th jack jarrls no i mil ton 6th lola btmdy milton ttfa doris roberta tfeovgetown 0th catherine bingham george mh mildred armstrong acton 10th robert marshall ho amuton the prises were 10 for the first tanging downward to si for the 10th the judges were muat canon and afiss leacock of the milton h school ataff representatives were there from tbe three fah fair boards in the counts with a request for their annual grant and asked that if possible the amount of the grant be increased this annual request always leads to an argument as to whether all faint should be treated alike or whether a larger grant be given to the fair held in milton which so the board claims is a county fair and known as halton county pair fi nally the following motions wen tabled moved and seconded by j m mc donald and k r macdonald that mil ton pair board be given a grant of 250 acton fair board a grant of 179 and george fair board 175 carried the weather bain and more rain has been the feature of last weeks weather there ilsno lack of moisture now to insure bountiful crops of an kinds but it has been bard on those attempting early hay cutting here are the local records for the moved and seconded by w h bfggar and j m robertson that a grant of 300 be made to the halton county fair and 150 each to ekqueslng and acton special communications a letter from the department of highways re complaint regarding highway 25 from milton to acton stated that letter from county council had been forwarded to division engineer for immediate atten tion the following resolution was received from the halton district womens in stitute but o m the nassa- gaweya branch of the w i whereas the provinclar government has made provision for county school health programs throughout this province be it therefore resolvea that the ooun avty council of halton consider this our bkliijiiiut for the establishment of a s school health program in hilton county reeve near went into detail regarding the request which he said had arisen because of a feeling among rural taxpayers that rural school children should be given the same me dlcal supervision as the children of urban centres members of the council were all agreed that the establishment of such a centre would be a step in the right direction since it involved the hiring of a travelling school nurse continued on page three georgetown and district softball league organized a softball leagua for the georgetown district has been organized with five already in these pitching hey are alliance paper mills ltd rssmith stone ltd glen williams terra gotta and nerval the opening game of the series starts tuesday june 27th and will be played at nerval the norval team will play terra oott the next game will be played at glen williams when tbe alliance team win contest the glen williams team the executive of the league would like another team entry to round out a she team series if any group is in terested phone walter richardson or bar j l- self nerval- all the team i wffl meet at tbe home of walt tuchardeoa after next tuesday game to arrange a fun schedule data h and l bam- temp fau titee june 13 74 63 wed june li 63 63 36 ibim june 16 60 66 tw june 16 63 67 j08 sat june 17 ao 68 sun june 18 60 66 30 won june 19 76 61 r dedicate honour roll the heavy rain storm just at ohurcb time last sunday morning that caught many churchgoers gave a drenching to the officers and men of c company lome scots reserves as they paraded totbe united church for the unveiling of the united church honour roll the honour roll contained the names of 75 members and adherents of the united ohuroh who are on active ser vice the service was conducted by rev r o todd music for the hymns supplied by the orchestra which also played the offertory the choir ren dered an anthem o god our help after the reading of ty on thw roll bud tost sang land of hope and glory during which the veiling flag was removed from the roll by two members of the lome scots re serves ivan crabtree and donald harrington prayers for the king and those on the honour roll concluded the dedication service speaking on the subject greater love hath no man than this rev todd said that there are three things being taught us today by the e and women on active service first the christian principle of love laying down of life for the common good second the terrible havoc that sin wreaks upon the comparatively in nocent third the great potentiality of the common run of men and women he said that the world needed very badly to team these three lessons the names of those on the honour list will be published next week piano recital the pupils of helen blackburn held a successful piano recital in the auditorium of tbe public school on monday june 19th miss mary moyer was the guest soloist and delighted the audience wlui seveial pleasing- numbers of a class of 43 32 pupils took part tbe pupils are dianne hillock patsy wlllson marie armstrong marilyn chaplin mabel shepherd marlene bludd bonnie carlisle sylvia barrow mary arnold bobby lucas ross pres ton lorraine eknmerson bobby la- vole freddie waroes joan chaplin ruth brandford richard slenko gerard wilcox bumy arnold owen davis george farmer ruby mitchell pauline tyers joan bradley margaret bradley margaret sargent jean tyler violet shepherd gladys rud- ueu joyce mcmluan surfey- harrison joan lavote kathleen thompson olive moyer therese wilcox sylvia lorriman john farmer dorothy al- cott eleanor cummins mrs b arm strong mrs h waifcins mrs t ool den mrs h slenko twenty dollars taken as a silver collection was realized for the junior lied cross little pauline tyers on behalf of the pupils presented miss blackburn with a lovely bouquet gala garden party in brampton next saturday i the brampton branch of the cana dian legion is holding a mammotn ourden party in gage park bramp ton next saturday june 24 when fill afternoon- and evening of fun has been arranged for young and old alike the cause is exceptionally de- wrvins the legion supplies comforts to every brampton boy overseas and the number ns increasing every month georgetown girls pipe band are among the attractions of the day the afternoon activities commence at 230 with a grand parade led by brampton olusens band there win be games bingo fish pond and refresh ment booths on the grounds featured in the evening is fifll tbe fanny down back in canada mxn overseas to entertain ctvohms navy league garden party huge success at a monster garden party and tea sponsored by the navy league of canada georgetown branch and held oil the lawns of the properties of sam and fred anguish main street saturday last a grand total of welb over 300 was cleared about one thousand persons attended the activities throughout me afternoon ag and enjoyed a variety program arranged by tbe local execu tive which includes ctarence bain b maooormack mrs w tfr mrs sam mackenzie david brffl and mrs tex schrag donations and amlstance were given by a great number of local residents and chairmen convenors and their assistants included property irnm helper fred an guish tom young walter mendfaam w g bell norton nelson howard wrlgglesworth mr totle wuuam hyde in charge of the lighting sys tem and assisted by buddy hyde eddie sanford in charge of the sound laystem comfort roaeell and jim i douglas games chairman clarence bain assistants frank fetch mr totle ernest forgrave jack glhbene clare wuson and g mcguvray mrs h wriggleawortb mrs bona spence mrs eleanor spence mrs keith bar- ber mrs ada sinclair mrs corlnne macdonald and mrs ruth jones bate committee c bain sam mackenzie tom baton and w mendham quilt mesdames alleen bradley and totie dolores herrlngton pish pond con venor mrs gordon brown assistants mrs paul barber pauline herrlngton and douglas norton general help boy scouts kenny mendham donnle brill david barbe r teddy cohnan and earl walters and jlmmle ford ponies committee ponies loaned by mcmillans and bells joyce mcmil lan donnle brill earl walters teddy colman and k mendham tea con- mlttee con mm w g bell and tea pourer mrs a walter assistants mrs isabel cleave mrs totle and miss young girls serving misses do- reen mulhottand violet barnes shir ley muckart helen mcglll and shirley smith tea cup readers mesdames tom elaton 8 groat and william mc dowell hostess mrs w mendham with mrs sam mackenzie as hostess for the grounds booth convenors miss margery mackenzie and mrs lex schrag assista misses margaret pasxnore phyllis tumbull edith squires mrs e kercher mrs peggy westfau and mrs ted scarlett assisted also by scouts and afternoon tea wait ressea program chairman david brill treasurer e v maccormack the program for the evening with chairman mayor harold cleave pre siding featured william t davis ventriloquist of hamilton and the personality boys sunny johnson and georgetown fair board active number of changes listjnvitk jfiasbx- bhow here the eemwstng agricultural society met last friday evening in the me- bon house with president craig rew presiding the fair board are enthusiastic over this seasons fair and look forward to its outstanding isfyears show they highly commended the action of the county oouncu in increasing the grant by 7500 this year and the secretary instructed to write a letter or appreciation it was thought possible that the htflton county jersey bleeders field day could be staged at georgetown f air this year and tbe board passed a mo tion offering 110 in prise money to ttns organization if they would consider showing here increases in prize money were made i the light and heavy horse classes wlth prizes for the best pair of horses all classes being 1st 1000 2nd 0 3rd 6 00 prise for bredtolay poultry were also increased to 1st 300 2nd x00 the secretary was instructed to re vise the root and vegetable prize list and bring it in line with other lists arangaments for ty fair night dance ware left tn the hands of committee composed of j bird craig reld and o mcguvray the arts and crafts cooperative were invited to show their handicraft at the rair and the board offered assistance in erecting booths etc the secretary reported thirteen en tries in the field crop competition for husking corn the contestants are as follows w h reld sons har vey nurse francis thompson k c lindsay claude picket t j brown- ridge spencer wilson m t mcnabb sons edwin harrop john alexan- jder wilfrid leslie ward ruddell sons p d charles sc sons the canvassers will again be on their rounds and those contributing to the fair are asked to be as generous as possible tbe fair has come through the war years very successfully so far and it is hoped that it may continue to go ahead so that when the society celebrates its 100th anniversary in 1m6 it will be able to celebrate the occasion in a very fitting way jack washington vocal instr and piano numbers also of hamilton gertrude cain of glen williams and her pupils marlene bludd and dianne hillock dance numbers piano ac companist mrs mltctbellrmay ol brampton the rigo brothers from milton instrumental selections miss ehna king soloist georgetown bill macdonald and his rhythm rubes and several numbers by the boys band under tbe leadership of joe carter who were assisted by members of the lome soots regimental band winners of games prises and oullt draw presented by mayor cfcave and drawn by clarence bam were mr martin mrs ruth wriggiesworth alfred spence and mrs may mcglnnis toronto acq oonkm martin of spent the weekend at his home here he had as his guest acq lome mer- sereau of maoadaxu v b fire saturday at gregory theatre about a quarter to four on saturday afternoon fire broke out in a projec- ition machine at gregory theatre ana bi less than three minutes mr r l gregory proprietor assisted by mr george alcott usher had the building evactuated of two hundred children about 500 feet of film were burned but the blaze was soon put out by fire ex tinguishers by quickly closing the shutters in the projection room at the time those in the theatre had no idea a fire had started the exodus was or derly and without panic mr jbn croll of oakvule was run- inlng the projection machine at the time the- accident occurred later in the afternoon the remaining reels were shown on the other machine after the gre had been put out so that the pa trons who were children for the most part saw an the show in the evening a few theatregoers were admitted up to 130 but the fire inspectors were on the premises and announced there jwould be no show that umnmg it was announced their ticket stubs would be 4tonoured at any subsequent pic itare said hf was refunded to outof own custamata the dbobssarg repairs- to the burned lout inachine have now been made and the theatre wffl operate m aeual this w0 james kelly reported missing another of our fine young men was listed as missing last week when mr and mrs j d ketty received a cable telling them their elder son warrantofficer james kdiy was miss ing after operations on the night of june 13th jta as be is popularly known is twenty years of age he was born in georgetown and received his education at our public and blgn schools he was one of the first boys to enlist from george high school where he was cadet major at theume lhe was then only seventeen his many friends tn town hope with his parents and his wife the former leone frances hanley who lives at her h winnipeg man that when further news is received it wih be word that he is safe it is believed that when the accident occurred he was flying over france bombing german reinforce ments as they were being brought to the invasion front w o keuy enlisted in toronto in may of 1v41 and trained at osbawa windsor trenton and dafoe mani toba being stationed at matton time before going overseas in june of 1943 he was flying with the famous moose squadron for some months pre vious to being missing and had been many nude over germany parks board gives report 200 per annum 5c per copy s ninth blood donor clinic most successful to date the ninth and most juo blood donor cunlc to date was held ltt the legion hall last wednesday morning when 108 donors were accepted of cnfc number 27 were women and there wen 19 new donors it is estimated that witfa this clinic there are about twenty men j entitled to the silver button for having given blood at least 6 times las alnsoe bjt was tbe nurse in charge from headquarters of the motsls- red cross blood donor unit assisted by nursetechnician mrs lake mrs jack campbell rj7 ottorgetown was in charge of the clinic there were nine- beds to accommodate the donors and the three local doctors assisted by then usual capable nursing staff and st john ambulance brigade me took the blood miss annie ryan se cretary registered the donors and mrs anne lawson was in charge of re freshments the fine attendance at this ounta was made possible through the splen did cooperation of the industrial planes and the junior farmers crab the exe cutive appreciate the fact that suets cooperation has been a large factor m the success of this an lifebuoy follies to aid red cross for two years the follies has tour ed canada and newfoundland playing to more than a quarter million troops with invariable success now for the first time this fine show is being made available to the general public and thv total of all receipts minus only the rental of the theatre and incidental ex penses will go to the red cross week from next thursday night the citizens of georgetown wfil have opportunity to see this outstanding pro gram and at the same time almost outright contribution to the bed cross when they purchase their ticket now that large scale land operation have begun the red cross will need more and more supplies and of course that means that revenue to buy these must be raised the lifebuoy follies is a fast-step- pinf streamlined revue originally pro duced in 1941 by lever bros ltd and represents the first major effort on the part of a business organization to present a fulltime professional road show on a par with the best theatrical offering for the free mtrfrtfmnmfnt of canadian tad ajusd troops bsi complete travelling unit fully equipped with its own settings scenery and entertainment is in store for george town on june 29th a meeting of the board of parks ma nagement was held last night in the municipal building and a report of tin results of the winters work was gone over good progress being shown the board wish to announce profit of 1143 00 for the four months the rink has been in their hands i 1 r all the account have been settle str awtem a real toalm and the books will be audited by the town auditors in due course the skat tng season was rather spotty but re cords show that gate receipts ranged from fifteen to forty dollars per night the board hope to be able to show a much better report another year when we may have a local hockey team and also will have the revenue from the dance hall the board regret that the present tennants did not see fit to remain as they had been invited to do and also had a better rate of rental of fered than had been formerly enjoyed by them however the board wish them success in their new venture it has been decided to remodel and redecorate the rooms renovate exits flre escapes etc and generally make this the finest dance hall in the ooun ty considerable other work is planned in tbe way of repair inside and out dressing roms are to be renovated and decorated new lighting system in stalled and it is honed the people of georgetown will have a recreation centre they can be proud of further reports will be given to the press as progrcas is made com helen bruce leegstrass wha wul tafea part in the jfeboay fnlllesr at the bed crass society calendar wrong saturday july 1 is dominion day regardless of what the calendar may say canada is celebrating dominion day this year as usual on saturaay july 1st the official date remains july 1st although here and there a few indus tries are taking the day off on july 3rd the first mondayif the month dominion day qne of the su wartime statutory holidays early las year it was decided to celebrate the holiday on the first monday in july but before the day arrived an order in council was passed reinstating july 1 as the observance date a number of calendars for 1944 however were printed with the holiday date shown os july 3 which led to some confusion this year thr state secretarys depart ment at ottawa recently made it clear that the date is the first of the month the generosity of donors who bar given of their blood eo many times si also gratefully acknowledged at tbj time the red cross has two main func tions supplying parcels ofwar and sending blood j the battlefront the next clinic win be held in september and an who possibly can are urged to register with miss annl ryan secretary within a week of the date of the next clinic st john ambulance brigade is highly commended the fourth annual inspection of the st john ambulance brigade was held at the armouries monday night dr w j bell provincial commissioner land mrs kirby lady district officer were present to inspect the drill work first aid home nursing and stretcher bearing demonstration put on by tbe fourteen local brigade members under the instruction of lady divisional supt mrs t grieve and divisional surgeo dr c v williams the brlgadje were highly complimented on their work v those present at the inspection in cluded mayr harold cleave and mrs cleave mr a c mocsure mr and mrs h wrlgglesworth and mr and mrs john campbell after the inspec tion the social committee mrs w peck mrs v sbarpe mrs w hffl and mrs art scott served delicious re freshments gifts presented returned men at band concert there was a good crowd at the band concert and garden party held under the joint auspices of the lome scots band and the lome scots w a in the armouries last wednesday june 14th numbers by the lome scots band mrshebatkin toconvene mile or pennies brivo the countess of strathmore chap ter lojje met for their regular monthly meeting fh the legion hall oa monday evening mrs leonard bell re gent was in the chalr it was reported that 9015 was til proceeds from the recently held op portunity sale mrs a beaumont re ported that 173 articles mostly omld- rens wear had been packed in the bale sent to the northern school mrs john d kelly and mrs 8 mackenzie were apomted represents uves from the chapter to the looal council of women mrs k d barber the chapter dele gate to the 44th anni dominion con vention held recently at barrtflton gave a very splendid report on pro ceedings among other things mrs barber mentioned that the total amount or money raised by ixxdjsl chapters across canada was 1 18e 77787 last year mrs h r batida win convene tbe mlleofpenies drive to be held on tiaaln street on saturday june 24th a gift subscription of echoes the iodel magazine was sent to aw3 jean mackenzie at st thomas a mem ber on active service with the rcajp the july meeting has been with drawn the meeting closed with the committee serving light refreshments- hostesses were mrs k m langdon mrs r f barber mrs h batkm first word from france received in town mr and mrs j r williams re ceived a field card posted ht france the girls pine band and the george- i u s trovor wluhuna town boys band were greauy enjoyed one or boys who took partta the by the patrons some of gertrude mtmslon abe f was posomarked cams school of dancing pupils gave f j etm to town dance numbers the refreshment booth t end intown dida rushing business and there was j t pwaakm area bgt wmiama dancing afterwards to the band mr sf i2l 4be jack thompson was master-oferemo- pjf w nies mrstiren ww omwenor m charge special invasion prayers were be to iriven bar ven w q o thompeon i inttm fe out mr jstfagss jtltjt

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