Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 21, 1944, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wedneaday june 21t 1944 improved uniform international sunday i zz chool lesson i l for june 25 1bk powkft in simple living has to be 1 dan to stand aha date to haw a psrpm item friday evening last the legion hall was the scene of a large gathering of members of branch 130 and members of the ladles auxiliary to pay their respects to comrade objm h t shepherd m3e on his teoent award receved in the kings honour list over 100 members and guest were present when called to order by pre sident harold atauord who occupied tbe chair and acted as master of cere monies during the evening on the table centered- a large bouquet of pop pies and peonies which made a very beautiful setting toe the purpose for which the gathering was called for that of a presentation oontrdaresldent stalford in a few well chosen remarks expressed satisfacr tton for the large attendance present for this special occasion he then can ed on comrade csac shepherd to come forward on behalf of branch 120 stated comrade stalford it is my pleasure to express our sincere congratulations to you oomrade shepherd for the honour you have brought this branch in re lieving the award of mbk and as a token of appreciation and friendship your comrades of the auxiliary and remember how w used to sin rt m oar sunday schools possibly soma of us atw do the thought of tbe song assuredly needs to be em phaalzed anew tbe times are out of joint mil- yons of men and women axe meeting lew problem and temptations the standards of life they learned in home and church or sunday school are not too easy to maintain many are hearing that old excuse for laxity man youre in the legion extend a hearty welcome to you- army now or dont forget youre not at home with mother youre in the navy civilians have similar tempting excuses for careless liv ing drinking etc our lesson is a timely one it presents daniel as having i a courageous purpose v 8 daniel and his three hebrew com panions were among those carried captive to babylon as promising young men they were selected to receive an education in the wisdom of tbe land at the kings expense and in preparation for bis service the king provided for them the delicacies of his household thinking thus to keep them strong and in vjeood health daniel recognized that riany pf these things were unclean acoormng to the laws of his people he also knew that to eat such food presentation from canadian legion to sgtmajor h t shepherd mbe m this latter capacitor he has received recognition tor his work and was re- i for further promotion which is expected shortly sgtmsjor shepherd has taken a keen interest in canadian legkm mat ters and through tbe years as a local held important offices in the m 1833 he married miss maud cox in georgetown and the family was blessed with seven children six gfrla and one boy the boy passed away on september 3rd 1030 on the date of the declaration of this war mrs shepherd is an active member of the ladies auxiliary and lome scots auxiliary and has always taken a keen interest in both organizations and to drink the intoxicants provid- edrfor them would be to injure his health and cut down his ability to learn it was no easy thing to ask to be excused from what the king had commanded not to do what every body else was doing but daniel had a courageous purpose in bis heart but daniel had the wisdom to be tactful about his convictions he went to the kings steward with 31 a considered plan w 913 he had something thoughtfully worked out a fair proposal which would not endanger the life or stand ing of the prince who was over them he proposed a test and agreed if it failed to be subject to further orders he knew it would not fail how often those who have it in heart to stand true to god against evils such as beverage al- cohol have no plan m mind and are only loud and tactless in their condemnation they make no con tribution to the cause let as be intelligent and properly prepared daniels plan put a planned diet and water over against rich foods and wine it was a case of simple living against high living and the result was a foregone conclusion those high in positions of authority in the field of diet tell us again and again that we need simple well- balanced meals and science is def inite and clear in its condemnation of alcoholic beverages daniels test period resulted to rn a convmcbig proof vv 1416 ten days proved the point daniel and his friends were fairer and fat ter than the others they were vin dicated in their courageous stand for what they believed to be right sim- ple jiving demonstrated its value think what a fine testimony the experience of daniel must have been jn that great groupofyoung princes who were at the kings table so we also may give good witness for our lord by our loyalty to right standards often it is true that those who outwardly scoff at them are secretly moved to respect those who consistently stand for what they believe we need to cultivate in our yo ting people the high courage which will enable them to stand against the constant temptation to partake of alcoholic beverages and to face with intelligent courage the clever propa ganda of ftehquot sellers note that daniel and his friends did not lose by their decision they mined they reached iv a commendable position vv 19 20 at the end of the training period the kmg gave these young men ex- amlnatlatw note that in technical knowledge iq and in personal characteristicm daniel and bis com rades were superior to all the rest that is in accord with the findings f modern scien in the matter of fee use of honor 9 is it not almost unbelievable then that the advertising of the liquor in terests suggesting that liquor is a desirable thing from a personal so cial and business viewpoint is per mitted tbe tacts are all on the oth- too is the tolerant attitude specialty of many toward that which is detrv comrnen- jo which our haw ben lowered or for- milton acton double yolk egg are quite common tcry formed egg metde was bro into the free press office this week it was laid by a leghorn hen in the flock of mrs george young r r no 4 rockwood rev a o stewart a pastor of knox oburoh acton for seven years and now at midland was elected moderator ci the praaxrterlarj church in canada t the 70th ocneral assembly in to ronto last week a couple of cases of infantile paraly sis have been reported here and asa precaution bathing at fairy lake has been prohibited children who develop colds or other ffinesa should consult their family phyatcan at once and not neglect these cases there is no cause for panic but every precaution should be taken friends are glad to see mr george mason home from the hospital follow- tog an operation and able to be about town again the june clinic of the red cross blood donors was the first anniversary of the clinic in acton it was the largest and most successful clinic held here 167 volunteers answered the call and attended there were 127 women and 40 men in the tuesday group of volunteers free press in flat after toward that wt tjtjf wructive and i now call upon past president mc cartney to carry an past president mccartney stated that for him k was a great honor ex tended in allowing him to proceed with presentation comrade henry shep herd and myself were both attached to the 56 th battalion in the last war and thinking back on the old days it brlnga fond memories of the old battalion comrade shepherd stated comrade mccartney has devoted many an hour to this branch and it is useless far me to mention all his accomplishments and fine work performed in the interest of thin branch many a time when the going was hard in years gone by the legion could always count of comrade shepherd to give a helping hand and both mrs shepherd and my own wife often mentioned that both of us should bring our bed to the legion the honour bestowed upon you by his majesty is one to be well proud of and brings great credit to branch 130 therefore for the wonderful work you have accomplished for branch 120 and xhe fine military record you now hold it gives me great pleasure in presenting to you comrade shepherd a small to ken of appreciation from this branch the gift from the legion wa a silver cigarette case suitably engraved and bearing the legion badge along with this a certificate of merit was also presented this certificate of merit is the first ever to be presented to any local member and is for outstanding merit later on in the evening a second presentation was made to comrade shepherd by mrs alf collins on be half of the lome scots ladies auxi liary in accepting the gifts from the le gion and lome scots auxiliary oom rade shepherd exipressed his sincere thn for the thoughtfulness of pre senting him with souvenirs i came home on furlough to have a rest and never expected such a gathering or comrades would do anything like this i appreciate it very much and i can only say a hearty thank you one and all after the presentation a few hours were spent in enjoying talent from those tfth h full upon by president stalford in his ca pacity of master of ceremonies many a surprise was registered when names were called out but all did their to fill in the hill as best they could mrs morrow was pianist and for an impromptu party it was one that will long be remembered the ladles auxilary served a deli cious lunch and all present enjoyed the evening of entertainment put on for omt sgtmftjor h t shepherd mb e major shepherds military career oomrade cftaa henry shepherd mbx although just passed his 4bth year has the distinction of having served 33 of these with the army his award tor meritorious service was re ceived early this month when given the title of mbe in the kings honor list a veteran of the last war in which he received severe wounds on two occasions did not hinder him from following to this day his career military service comrade shepherd enlisted with tbe halton volunteer rifle in the year 1011 and at the age of 19 joined the active service with the 58th battalion and after serving overseas was sent on draft to the second battalion in 1915 and served until 1010 at which time he held the rank of sergeant on his return to georgetown he re- enllsted hi the halton rifles later known as the lome rifles scottish on armistice day after the unveiling of the memorial by gen currle m this regiment he held several ranks and on completion of service iff this unit held the rank of w o i on the amalgamation of the lome rifle scottish and peel and duffertn hegt in 1036 hekt the rank of rjbm and was attached to the scots until september 1m0 he reenlisted in se 1040 for active service as a nrtrate at tbe to ronto tjnlrerstty armourte for basse training and was then transferred to new market ont with tbe rank of cam unto march lmt whan he re- cerred tt apporramena of deputy fire llaiahati tasilwl to wm fire preven- txm carrie bttaton at jsbooett on brampton fred forbes of milton wasfounti guilty of taking a car without don from in front of the hotel in georgetown the car belonged to e louth of nerval he was sen tenced to 18 months imprisonment from date of arrest june 9th with hard labor this car was taken about 530 driven to ttt and returned to the frotlt of the hotel around 1050 the same day highway no 25 is having some fine i attention and travel between acton i the death occurred la fri of a and mlltdn can now be enjoyed not wellknown business executive of this onry has the road maintainer made re- town richard j brett after suf- gular trips but this week more ton- ievere paralytic stroke mrs provements were storied brett conducted the peoples fuel mia a pandnem of sudbury has company assuming the responsibility bought the c w king farm which after the death of her husband about has been in the family name for over yea ago a hundred years shores have dropped out of the mark won chinese laundryman senior o l a race and with only suffered a paralytic stroke sunday three teams left the only sohtuon left morning and is now in milton private or brampton and mkmco to return hospital the stroke affected his left to their own identity aide george yarranton wellington st a group of four local teams have e had the misfortune to lose the been arranged to play ball games in index nnger of the right hand at the the park here with the first game on second joint in an accident last night monday night champion while engaged in wiring a barn john oabna4o a member of the met suden death at ttfbmaacm on thuradayvnen taking off the top of a transformer whkh had been jd in wednesdays storm in some manner he slipped as be was re moving the top of the transformer and was caught hi a live wire he was ter ribly burned about the head arm and leg and death was instantaneous mr oalme had been employed with tbe woodbrldge rural hydro unit for sevnteen years and was a valued and highlyesteemed e toronto gore agricultural boaetys annual spring fair was held yesterday at olslrevule and with ideal weather there was a large crowd coming from as far as oulfport mlsa nearly 300 members of one of the oldest 0nred eznptre loyalist families gathered saturday tor their annual reunion in thlsfletown park all are descendants of isaac devms who came from peohsylvama in 1793 with- his wife polly chapman of oenessee vat- ley it is believed there are some 600 descendants of the biro pioneering fa- rmlies7garette balijnafad the annual picnic of united church was held saturday afternoon at erin park the sports committee had va rious sports arranged and these were enjoyed by all dr blair m p for wellington spoke a few encouraging words for the sunday school the june meeting of tne w a was held tuesday afternoon at tne home of mrs henry hilts most of the mem bers being present arrangements were made to hold a garden party at the borne of mrs john snow wednesday evening june 28 the news of mrs len wardens passing was regretted as she spent her young days in this village mr d mcbnery st has returned home from general hospital guelph and his health is much improved mrs stanley sinclair and mrs jesse mcbnery attended the trousseau tea for miss x qraman of islington saturday afternoon phone 161 comer main c coafeb streets scotts garage imhrvulova sales uid service shell products we prlnte nifty letterheads 6w 1 am asset far bray ca la this locality pboae or r for catalogue and price 1 tba bray cmek se or cav geo c brown t a a i ioiuatebr today joih the canadian arftay for overseas service

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