Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 28, 1944, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wednesday june 28th 1944 acton me invasion teougbtlts sadness to two homes in aeton when news came last week that ounner john peter sweeney had been killed la action on june 0th and rifleman sydney maids was reported wounded in action on june 10th parents end dtixens are pleased to learn that the cases of infantile pa ralysis reported last week are mild nd the three victims are m sa ttsfaetory progress in toronto hos pitals in only one caw that of mrs llillmis blemess has actual paralysis been manifest mrs beirneas lr a pa tient in the rrrardale isolation hospi- tt1 ttm noimr bwn ft j ita- vidson aged 8 and donald dawfcms aged on saturday june 10 a lovely june wadding was soktnntoad bar the rot a- o w foreman when buby havel daughter of mr and mrs roy oulp or skin became the bride of stanley corbett rsno 1 brio son of mr and mrs john corbet ertn on sunday june 4th a special oc casion was marked in st josephs church acton when 13 boys and girls jecewed their first holy qonuminton vtee press brampton jo r stratton of brampton has recently been promoted to the rank or acting major in the lome scots reserves major stratton is the com pany commander of the lome scots support company i the board of education went on reoord last night as being reluctant to see bi enter the proposed comity health nursing service scheme tpivf under the new plan the town receives health services equivalent to jbose rendered at present a quiet but pretty wedding was asrdemnlaed at the presbyterian manse by rev a neil miller on june 10th when edythe prances only daughter t mr and mrs j e pendley of brampton was united in marriage to george archibald marshall and the jate mrs marshall of brampton clarence charters managing direc tor of canadian weekly newspaper association and publisher of the brampton conservator was on hand at ottawa reoently to welcome hi so plying officer r b charters dm back m canada after operations over seas p o charters won has award in april 1043 after an attack on essen during which he was badly wounded but stuck to his navigators post to bring the aircraft safely back to base conservator milton the paper salvage drive which was carried out by the pupils of the public school last saturday was a huge suc cess the pupil an worked r ha and a total of 10 tan 176 pounds 30 170 pounds was reclaimed to be used in the war effort at council a letter from armstrong wood and co requested an opportu nity to speak to council regarding the installation of sewage permission was granted for the first meeting in july sunday morning last was a gala day in the life of st pauls united church when squadron leader the rev o w porter the minister ws has been serving in the rjoaf chaplaincy for the past four years returned with mrs porter for a brief visit with their parishioners first casualty from milton in the in vasion of prance and the continent was reported this week when mr and mrs david wilson received word that their son rifleman donald alexander wllson was reported missing since june 11th champion fighting canadians army airforce navy fighting family probationary subueutenant mar tha o stratton of toronto graduated with 18 other new wren officers from otc at ottawa but she was the only one with a wren daughter on hand to congratulate her mrs stratton s hus band captain k v stratton ojo ho is with the canadian army overseas her son lieutenant john henry stratton is with the canadian armoured corps at oatnp borden and her daughter wren lois stratton flew up from her naval duties at moncton n b to celebrate her mo thers commission for sale northeast half lot 23 concession 4 township of esquesing containing approximately 100 acres also parts o lots 24 25 concession 4 township of eaquesing formerly toronto lime company quarry and kuns apply gypsomrtlme and alabastine canada limited paris ontario mr william gowdy acton ontario boat invasion part by the ume the invasion of pes tling europa was two days od allied forces had completed 32000 in dividual sorties of these the rcap completed its full share with activities that ranged from minelaying heavy img attacks an enemy rail cen te a radio mst a o fibree enemy destroyers that left two on fire and the third badly damaged the successful of an enemy eboat and fighter cover that enabled the nevy to land fighting men with a minimum of resistance typical of the overall splendid show were performances turned in by the following men plying officer h walnman orlllla ont who scored a direct hit in a beaufigbter attack on one of the three destroyers attack ed on the night of june 7 pilot officer e w andrew ooulngwood ont brought his big bomber down to the 900 foot level in order to deliver the most effective attack on his particu lar target but in so doing felt the concussions lift plying officer ge rald billing essex ont knocked down an enemy aircraft oh the night of june7 squadron leader lome m ca- on dpo roland man blasted two enemy alrraft from the invasion skies on the night of june 7 ser geant pred ward north portal sask- destroyed one enemy aircraft on the night of june 7 from his air gunners position m a giant bomber tt doesnl look like hollywood s way of con ducting a war said plight lieutenant alexander halcrow penticton b c giving his version of the apparently hopeless muddle existing on the inva sion front far below his s air- crafts he was credited with scoring a probable during the second day of the invasion submarine ml lieutenant tom pollen rjcn of oakvllle ontario had his own kind of revenge recently late m ims as first lieut in hjkcs ottawa he spent seven hours in the cold north atlantic after his ship was sunk by a u boat now he is first lieutenant in hafcs chaudlere which was in the kill of a uboat and found himself assisting the survivors of the nazi crew as they were brought over the side lieut tim dunn of st petronlhe isle dorleans que first sighted- the u boat which had been forced to the surface by a group of canadian war ships victory gardeners canadian troops at home and abroad are dinging in for victory in several ways 1 acre of fully cultivat ed ground will supply vegetables for from 500 to 700 men and the soldier farmers including americans have produced 160000 tons of fresh foods from victory oardens in the british isles all planting weeding and general work is done by soldiers m their off hours flyers earn m c two men serving with the royal air force overseas have been awarded the military cross in recognition of gallant service and great skill the two men thus honored are flight leut o 8 phupot dpc of vancouver b c and plight lieut h d wardle of windsor ont pew rjoajp men have received the military croat in this war not in offices by alice duane waotii ajmdtcato wnu sarvte jap so when he returns to canada po prank mcdonald of tlusonburg ont and borden bask will have a splen did cobecuon of souvenirs from the far bast his moatprised keepsake win be the buckle and strap of a para chute from a japanese bomber which he shot down in flames during the christmas nuisance raids on calcutta in 1m2 swansea assist the village of swansea ontario has reason to be proud of the new frigate elmcs swansea for on her first operational trip she assisted the ca nadlan destroyer st laurent m wip ing out a uboat when be popped up i thought to myself were going to be out of oils show said cdr clarence a king of oliver b o the captain of hmos swansea but we were very much in luck and gave him a good hiding all our guns were in action and our guns crews were right an the target he had plenty of speed but we were too much for him swansea on her first oper ational trip gave a good account of herself commander kings wife and two sons live in the okanagan valley in british columbia where the former captain of hmjsx7 oakvllle had a fruit farm before the war besides holding the djbjo and tbc his da legion of merit was the first us decoration awarded a canadian in this war eligible for award officers and men who have been discharged from the canadian active army and who served in specific active operations for which the 193043 star was recently awarded may application for it to the department of national defence too bid for sprr spitfire cockpits were not designed for six feet five inches of fighter pilot wo jimmy bones bulman of b wlnigan palls and stan stead que has learned he found long ago that once he gets into a spit he cant wear his cally brent was a sort of handymanor handygirl might be better in the editorial offices of one of the big womens magazines david lister worked in the art de partment sally could type and ahe could write captions for illustrations she passed on a good suggestion now and then to one of the editor about som ah thought w ma a bit with the wide group of women readers of the magazine altogether ahe was a really valuable young member of the editorial staff sally was e lot more than that she was pretty she dressed well and ahe was a thoroughly nice all- round girl w and then sally had decided that ahe wanted to marry david david didnt know this sometimes sally wasnt quite sure of it but ahe was always ready to admit to herself that at least she wanted to have a chance to refuse david if she definitely de cided not to marry him and in an office what could she do about it david never paid her any attention and thought sally that was nat ural and to be expected men you meet in business dont propose to girls they meet in offices some body had told that to sally lots of women had told it to her in fact in one way or another and sally believed it or at least she usually believed it and there were some men in the big organization of course who would ahe thought on encouragement probably like to marry her but not david the more ahe thought about it the more determined sally was to make no mistake m anything that was becoming so important to her sally was getting so that she saw davids blond head before ber in the subway crowds but she knew perfectly well he didnt use the sub way but commuted to long island she was getting so she shivered when her work took her to the big art department room so that she blushed if he happened to ride up or down in the same elevator with her and so that she noticed what kind of necktie he wore and whether he looked tired or happy so sally being a practical sort of young girl took herself definitely in hand she made an excuse to hang around the telephone operators desk one lunch hour and by adroit ques tions found out where david usually pent his weekends yeah said the girl stretching her tired neck and shoulders as she goggles on the top of his helmet and slipped off her headpiece when her o a w trtjeman educationist broadcaster and a stngar of songs a w trueman likes to test about the things he likes books are among his favourite topics and just now he is discussing books par txs times for listeners at the obo transcanada network mr traemen win be heard next on tuesday juftv 4 at 10js pm eot 1116 pjn adt from st john where he is p as siipermtendent of schools 0 still close the coupe top another bit of gen that has come his way as a re suit of experience is that if be fmea for more than a few hours he has to be pried out of his seat jim flew sei spitfire to india in three days and lste1i now in england after contracting ma larla eight times nearly 40 yean brentford roofing has watched over tbou- ot on df homes it fine uririgls skilled workmanship and protective qualities providing depend- mu prtkthm against the damaging esxtry of sun rain wind snow and sleet all brentford roots arc inherently longlived easy to apply and fire- more than this their colour ings are very lovely with natural softness and warmth which add a new note of beauty to your home at most reasonable coat for truly aristocratic dignity and charm have brentford aiphalt slates applied over your old roof they are distinguished durable and help to lower your fire insurance premium tfcjaskjacsleferfaf a sassswfb as jsaustswatossd flibaa braiitford roof s flel cap is casualty lleuloommander oeorg h ste phen ronvji of halifax captain of hmcs st laurent spent four long years in north atlantic convoy work in the course of wtjloh he won the oj3e the djsj3 and a mention in despatches for outstanding sal vage work but not until list month did he bag a uboat he was so excited vhen che opportunity tuti anally pre- aent itself he ripped the peak off his cap aye it was rlcht good riximent was that when jerry popped his heia up says the jovial soots captain but wont ma wife give me hell tor being so creless wlma cap a couple of days before he smashed the uboat he brought the canadian destroyer along side a burning freighter in the convoy and landed a fire and salvage party which subdued the mass after a two day fight girls check vision the gigantic task of training more than 300 000 men in night vision h and testing their reactions has fallen to the canadian womens army corps the girl operators will demonstrate and lecture on all subjects which has come increasmgty important due to the number of military objeotivea that are reached under cover of dark ness among the interesting facts re vealed it has been discovered that persons with poor eyesight may have excellent night vision milk drinkers the rcaj ki canada and new foundland drinks mok and lots of k in addition to fresh milk the airforce uses approximately 1000006 fca of powdered milk to supply isolated sta tion consumption averages a pent a day for every man and woman in the roay dispatch rider wearing crash hehn goggles and balaclava la the way ulc barry oojuer of cttsifeoofc bo starts ttw days work barry la a dtspatoh rider to jwtete tt t hu job to carry tan portent ifciiaaimiii and ptutoeraptn to widely dispersed stations the job of dtspatoh rider carries all sorts of hasares in great twsiytewn umber company ltd batd with ate they ass ass ea noon relief appeared she didn t know it but she was really answer mg sally s question as definitely as if sally had asked it sally had just vid one thing and another until the lephone operator was giving her the information she wanted wish i had a nice place to go like some of these people mr lister now with his saturdays and sundays out there at pine lake in new jersey i bet he doesnh miss a weekend there all through the summer the girl gossiped on just lazily talkative and sally made her plans it wasnt very hard three weeks later she got off the train at pine lake one saturday afternoon and as- m atthe stal stanhope it hadnt been hard to meet her and when sally wanted to be charming aha seemed to be just the person you d always been want mg to ask to your house as a weekend guest oh miss brent said her host ess looking past sally up and down the crowded little commuting plat form i ve another guest coming out by this train david lister oh hello david come over here and meet sally brent too bad you two didnt know each other you could havevisited coming out from town that was the end of it so far as sallys efforts went david took things m his own hands after that sunday evening he and sally were sitting on the moonlit terrace out side the stanhopes open living room windows sally said david as he sat silhouetted against the brightness in the garden sally sat in the shadow of a pergola column she watched the golden halo behind bis profile and hugged herself for being a bright young thing she felt sure now that david would propose to her and she felt sure too that she would accept him you see sally im awfully glad to havexbund you here like this ive been longing to get you to talk to me to listen to mi and that was that twenty min utes later when sally had told david she would marry him she said but david think of all those wasted months in the office i you never even seemed to see me oh that said david well you see this way girls you meet in offices dont marry the men they meet there they dent fall m love with them you tnow mat all girls in emcee want is a good time if thats all a man wants thats ell right but if be realty tells for a girl as i bv for you then hes just out of locsuotrls in offices dont was to rnajsjtthe ha put us jo work- hoe plant re store to evstoeter and bade again i for bottles and cartons are used many times so please dont break this cycle renmra your empties in their original cartons promptly and youll help as maintain steady supplies for you in it iijsrajsffjrtji

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