Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 5, 1944, p. 4

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the georgetown heram wednesday july 5th 1944 u phone 161 comer main fc cmfeti scotts garage a amimkwhbha sales and service shell products i an kjbt fee bcay chkka b tka laolltr pboaa ar call jar catalocac a4 pnf iwt iba ba caidt ooea tai trick ceo c brown hm new figures of british aircraft sfodoctlon show the great increase not only in the numbers of planes pro- dbqed but also in the average weight cf planes softball league organized aoewtbetawn and district softball league was organised over bba week nd with gworgo barnes a president and walter blcbazdaon a secretary biz teams nave entered to tbe loop and one excellent softbau la anttntpafd during july and august the teams will play their home games on their own ssndlota with tbe georgetown teama playing in the fair ground team en- smith 6c stone cben frfffl w cdal and morval obe following rales bare boon laid down by the league and will be strictly adhered to r l bach team must be able to supply a referee a oamee hobday and friday nights if teams wish to play another night they can arrange it to suit themselves as long as ttie game la played in the week scheduled if pos sible any change of eohodttle must be made with managers of teama concerned 34 bourn before 3 managers of teams tperra ootta wta hunter phone victoria 26 rll glen williams jxvln hill phone 403 norval tom wniihn phone bramp ton 332 r 4 smith stone ptred spires phone 114j 1230 or a30 alliance bungy ward phone 238 before 6 pro vincial robert mbuenemy 274 r 2 4 games start at 700 pjnsbarp s oamee to be seveninnings 6 managers please turn game score cards into walter richardson after each game 7 30 game schedule each team playing home and home games a complete schedule has been drawn up and is as follows july 3 smith stone vs glen wil liams terra coua vs nerval july 7 terra ootta vs glen williams july 10 smitha stone vs alliance provincial vs terra ootta ner val vs glen williams july 14 smith stone vs terra oot ta glen williams vs alliance provincial vs narval july 17 norval vs smith stone provincial vs glen william al liance vs terra gotta july 21 smith fc stone vs provin cial alliance vs norval july 14 norral vs term ootta alli ance vs piw july 28 chen williams vs protlnolal terra ootta ttw albance july latsmith stone vs provincial norval vs alliance olen wfl- uams vs tarn ootta aug 4 smltb 8b stone vs alliance terra ootta vs provincial olen wlinams ytw novel aug 7pen ootta vs ftntth an ffimie alhance vs chen wulums nor- val vs provincial aug 11anianoe vs provincial smltti sm stone vs norval aug 14 olen williams vs smith acton mr and mrs hugh orourtte lately of acton now zeeldlng at speyslde have received word that their son pte james xrourke has been seriously wounded in the abdomen while in ac tion against the enemy in italy owing to previous obligations in connection with church work mr oor dler who baa accepted the poslton of principal of acton continuation school for the next term asked to be relieved of his contract the board agreed to his request and have engaged mr ca meron a stewart of embro as prln dpal of acton school at a salary of 2100 rev e a pulker of niagara palls is the new rector now in charge of si albans acton and st johns rock- wood and he and mrs pulker are now getting settled in the rectory on wil low street during the week two acton soldiers have been invalided home after several years overseas cpl r s otiara ar rivedln acton on friday after a plea sant and uneventful trip from eng land he will enter hospital shortly for treatment sgmn bill blanche arrived in toronto on saturday and is in christie st hospital there receiving treatment for leg injuries free press fourteen factories have been in operation for dehydration during the pasi ear and an entirely new product mashed potato powder has been developed with the airmen bill herbert former chief announcer at the vancouver studios of tne obc is with the corporations overseas unit covering the invasion for listeners at home now cbc war correspondent attached to the allied expeditionary alrforce normandy is his theatre of operation and his reports concern the part uiat flying men are playing in the liberation of europe united church s s picnic well attended thbautiful lawns at the oedarvale school made a perfect setting for the united church sunday school picnic last thursday afternoon tjbere were i2g chilrden and adults in attendance and a very happy time was reported by all the sports were in charge of h o wriggteswortb howard lulloo rev ffw m f nn ffl m oumber whoe tbe social committee was composed of mrs wrlgglosworth mrs burns mrs qlarke and mrs farnell the afternoon was spent playing softball races and other games follow ed by a delicious picnic supper the pilbewlnners in te races are as fol lows 1 all under 4lst patsy richard son 2nd hllller 3rd judy mc- trafalgar township will form new school area trafalgar township council met in special session on june i6th at 8 pjn all members being present and passed a by law to form a township school area covering the wnole eighteen schools this vas moved by w h big gar seconded b w g seargant and passed unanimously the herald soldiers comforts fund forwarded to soldiers comfor c mmiltec 97354 cash on hind icknemleriged 153 38 pibll s m 1 jim or red cross 10 00 1 uj j 1 all s 113692 one mans come is another mans out go x girls under 6 1st sandra scott 2nd marjorie sper 3rd pat rich ardson 3 boys under 6 1st bobby hllller 2nd allan johnson 3rd gordon brittalh 4 girls 7 and 8 1st muriel spence 2nd joyce denham boys 7 and 8 1st george her rington 2nd billy whitney 6 girls 9 and 10 1st imanne hen derson 2nd jacqueline beaumont 3rd buty clarke mary booth 7 boys 9 and 10 1st floyd varey 2nd billy maccormack 3rd jack hil ller 8 glcls 11 and 12 1st mabel brown 2nd betty cox 3rd jean colman 9 boys 11 and 12 1st ron den ham 2nd donald burns 3rd hugo tapp 10 girls 13 and 14 1st nancy chapman 2nd joyce langford 3rd lillian cator 11 boys 13 and 14 1st donald herrington 2nd junior grace 3rd bill arnold 12 girls 15 and 16 1st theresa savink 2nd nancy brown 3rd joan ljony 13 bojs 15 and 16 1st clare burns 14 ladles race 1st mrs todd 2nd kay lyons 3rd marion ostran der la mens rnce 1st h c wriggles woitl 2 d rl r c rodd 3rd clare burns novelty races bunny race under 10 1st dianne ht id rsoi jnd fkjjd varej 3rd l 11 uec mm k j uk hllller shoe race girls 1st dianne hen dtraon i d jcqutlinc beaumont bt t clark shot race boys 1st hugo tapp 2nd alfred sjncl 3rd bui oo dthild wheel barrow riice girls 1st ma 11 ii o i i 1l ivai ljons 2nd btttj ki i marion dickie willi barrow race bojs 1m hu t i ifr ijoitd b irns 2nd flojd varey corey herrington mixed rliij itqutlu e bl i union t uon 11 uj i huto tapp dt i hlr i ion mlxld relay u jean tyler corey htrrinton jean colman floyd va improved uniform international sunday i chool lessorr b haltou u umdodlbt d d of tb moody mbte atttoto u chlwatvt blumd by wtrn nmpipti tirnlan lesson for july 9 zaim mbjacta and sortpton tatt i gtcd and eqpy by utertuttlot tm t wtfflrft i if rising prices and costs were allowed to keep pushing each other up inflation would be un avoidable thats what inflation is a panic rise in prices with money losing its value and confusion everywhere to prevent inflation a ceiling has been set on prices and profits wages and salaries have been controlled r so wr if one person demands higher prices another higher profits another a higher wage or silary soon everybody would be mak ing the same demands demands on everyone else then costs of production could not be controlled the ceiling could no longer be held living costs would go up out and teo beln their frantic rise economic stability is necessary to meet the present problems of war and to provide a basis for peace ims i mm mrtw mlmj iii b it o fcoma w mot hh im m aaaa mmf mixed relaj lli bui maccormack frld sjil ct joan buck wllhclinl na fielding mixed relay rv theresa savink c chapman don herrington junior grace dint legttd race 1st bill mac cormack alfred spence 2nd donald bums hugo tapp 3rd nancy chap mai theresa savink one minutt walk dean anderson n lt d 25n 000 bags milkweed pods wild faniurs in tint area of ct i tci bo nded 1 centrnl mnnitobn on tlu west oid 1 line in q colc dnwn l t ri ers nre wielding the hoe or scjthe this summer thc are nsked to ro ea on mufcweed this re quest comes from the agric dt iral sup plies board tbe reason for ahat may mini in inconsistent req test is that milkweed floss is urgently needed by the united nations for a buoyant wa terproof fibre to r place kapok in life preservers for the armed forces the board has an objecthe for this year of 250 000 bushel bafcs of milkneed pods and will p 20 rents for each bag of dried pods collection of the pods will befrin in the first or second week of september all of the pods wul be collected this year from wild stands oi milkweed the board estimates that ontario will contribute about 200 000 bags and the remainintr 50000 will come from quebec and manitoba whllp most of the collection willbe done by school children anyone may assist country schools will be among the principal collection centres and cash payment will be made at the schools and other selected points last year tine rural sdhools of on tarlo did an excellent job in collecting mfflrweed leaves required by the board for rubber researdb this year no leaves are wmntedjbul pods in abundance are since japan entered the war im ports of kaftok from java have been out off kapok was normally used m life p tbe sttty floss m toe seed pods ofmtbnreed has been f otmd to be an excelleot sub the dehavtnand mosquito plywood fighter and reconrialssance bomber which ftmri ta matters in brttam and canada are helping to manufacture is now opertmw with fee baj agatost tbe japanese m taking possession of canaan lesson tbxtjmhoa 14 fltj joogmf 1 20 31 i golden tkxt thoti haat wboor lowed um lord joshua 1 9 companions in battls usually means friends and comrades fori hie joshua of whom we studied last week had such a friend ml caleb together they had faced thaj crises of life j caleb is one of the character about whom the bible does not sayj much but in every case the word is one revealing high and noble i character consider such passages j as numbers 13 6 30 14 79 24 30 26 65 as well as our lesson for today the background for our study is the story of calebs courageous stand with joshua when the spies rej turned from their visit to canaan which is related m numbers 13 note first of all cileb s i perfect obedience josh 14 6 8 i wholly followed the lord myl god such a testimony from a man like caleb is no idle boast no effort to parade his faith and piety beforaj others in saying it he was repeating what god and moses had both said about him in his heart he knew it to be true it is god s will for each of his children that they should come to such a place of simple trust and complete obedience that in every circumstance of life they need to know only one thing god s will and then in faith to go and do it it is a life beautiful in its transparent simplicity and powerful m the strength of god himself ii promised inheritance v 9 surely the land whereon thy feet hie trodden shall be thine inheri- t intc such was the promise of c d through moses forty five long rs had elapsed but down ll ioulj this period of wilderness wndlnngs and the conflict in sub- i nf cann in the promise had lived in cdleb s heart hl knew it would fulfilled and he waited serenely f r cds time such also are the promises of god which kltp the htart singing in our i mrs o trial ind sorrow winch i t up tl e lark wiys which nfethen the 1 irt of hisldhildren i rn g d s pr ruses cherish them n ur heart pect god to fulfill ten iii preserved strength vv 10 11 the lord hath kept me alive jnd 1 im strong here was a man ktpt of god in full vigor in his eigl t fifth year like a rock in t clnntcful sea like a snow- tipped peak in a change of cloud ind storm and sun meyer no d ubt there was here what our fore- f hk to c the- longevity i of the antediluvians but even apart from that let us recognize that life and strength come from god and that those who walk with god in holy living may count on h im for the renewed strength of psilm 103 5 an incidental but extremely im- i rtant lesson we should learn is ii it god las no age deadline the irch has frequently sinned against him and against his fiithful serv- ints by shelving them for unrcr men when they would have bi light blessing if the church had incounlcd and used them the vr ttr of thes lines is a voung man but he wowld speak here a word of 1 nine admonit on regarding his hon- t n d brelliren vho have gone on be- f re to bear the munt of the battle iv powerful assurance w 12- 15 judg 1 2021 if the lord will be with me t i i shill be iblc caltb asked n i is lisk he was rndj to go tl i t tu glints of hebron h i dc t rono n 3 11 ind ou mil find t it th rt o men in thi se i s who needed thntcei foot 1 ods bit c lit b wis not afraid he unted not on his own strength but on the power of god it is significant that while the other sections of canaan uere only porliallj cotiqucred caleb brought his formidable adversaries entirely under control so that the land had rest from war v 15 the verses in judges 1 ind ate that caleb was as good as his word he was a doughty god fearing 85yearold his faith is hce contrasted with the shameful unbelief and failure of is rael the spiritual application to our day is evident and appropriate there are giants m the land cor ruption social and individual raises its brazen head drunken ness and vice leer at us witbthe im pudent suggestion that cannot control them there are giants greed selasnnssa passion cftmlty are w to 4 1 if we ara to umttnatn ta tb strength of th flaak in balght al most as wd do mmg but in ttw sfllaum f

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