Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 12, 1944, p. 1

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ntyoventh yaw of pdtikaoim wedneaday july 12th 1944 200 per annnm 5c per copy r4heeoeceaikeiseas crops wonderful -irrthmmstrict- cpl brock harley wounded in france ihiy dmt mb qme fntees ovenaas get men man home quicker baeasee of the u lancaster tzans- eorsi operated by transcanada air fjhw in the ftaaaffisn governments faf- aflmtfo service and from the iabmqrddvtothefolk 00000000 letters have in 06 ercerings of the iflinlki law than st with few efaeraft in service three round trip ere now made each week between montreal and the united kingdom fnghta are nude direct without intermediate stops nod the dartanee 8100 statute miles hu been covered m bttle more than eleven boon l j r in the big noses of the lancasters as much as 8000 pound of mao may be carried parts and equipment of importance to the war effort are ear lied m freight no farepaying pas sengers an transported but official war business arc past two weeks have been quiet ones in town with the fanners of the district bosuy engaged making bay while the son hone the mills closed down on noudays and the lome soots reserve and lome boots band at camp georgetown has been a quiet place this iasi two weeks the continued dry weather has given tanners ample time to reap a bumper crop of hay and those fortunate enough to haw help or evenoomman do servieee have the job about com pleted while otters less fortunate will manage to finish op what they can do themselves by the weekend of in terest to fanners has been the tackup baler used on the farms of ward buddeh bona ashgrove it flwy have a device on the mower though rain wafl badly needed the early rains after planting time and the continued warm weather have been very favourable to the crops in this locality although rail ik now badiy needed fall wheat is fitting and colouring well and cutting is expected to com mence next week if not sooner in some cases we have heard of ah early bar ley crop being already harvested oats and other grams promise satisfactory yields haying has been the general order the day with heavy crop of ex cellent quality tfie bright sunny days while hot have aade excellent baying weather wtth fwe time needed to cure the crops pastures have been good but are nov beginning to dry up due to lack ol npfature early corn wfl soon be on the mar ket and the am crops are reported roafcmg satianptory aavanoge those plnnflfg huskug corn are well pleased with the growh despite the dry wea ther unless ralncomes soon the raspberry crop will be short one wild berries may now basecn akrog the roadsides with ihtecfcmps plentiful roots an garden vegetables are well in advancand those who made early planting ap how reaping peas beans beets carets etc tomatoes look like a big crop apples tod pears show promise but word fro niagara district reports peaches plow normal early cherries are almdt over new potatoes have rest of til afternoon was spent playing the onn crop may be small this year du to the maggot pest in early planitinj however those plantin spa nish okms are still confident of a good crp- flows hardly come under a crop report leading but one cant help ad- mirlnfwme of the flower gardens in town vlule the roses were at their best last ek they made a grand showing this jr and some outstanding blooms werebultlvbtcd delphiniums oanter- ourybells madonna lilies saepdra- gong zinnias and others are now do- ugb1 to the eye while some of the popy gardens in town have been droning considerable attention with ttif array of color fnoe the above item was written cjesday am rain fell tuesday even- uv and this morning which was worth hfidreds of dollars to fanners and ntrket gardeners corporal brock barley serving whet the swti battery from been wounded in france according to word just received by his father mr dean harley the conurrunlcatlnn des cribed hjs injuries as multiple abra sions and injured foot brock was in charge of an antitank gun battery his wife the former rjlanne perrott of brampton resides in undsay opl barley is one of four brothers in tile canadian army and served with an artillery reserve at undsay before enlistment in 4643 he trained at pe- tawawa and debert before going over seas be was the first local boy to be reported as a casualty in she invasion battle of normandy ontario farm service force open camp at huttonville thrrvw the hay into windrows ana to pickup baler tractor driven comes along behind after sufficient time is allowed for the hay to dry and picks it up and bales it in the one operation it looks like a big saving to the farmer when he can store his hay bated to the bam and no doubt more machines will be in use another year after the ruddells have given it a try out the provincial and alhance mills nd o b doyfoot oo were closed down last week on holidays and smith fc stone ltd will be on holiday to wards the end of- the month camp for the lome boots reserve was earlier nhls year than usual and with a large number of men at niaga- raonthelke the town was unu usually quiet hi all approximately 350 irne scots of all ranks are attend- the camp centres represented in clude georgetown brampton port credit ookville orangevule erin ac ton milton and other centres this years camp is somewhat smaller than those previously held many members of the regiment who are engaged in market gardening and farm work found it impossible to get away the various groups travelling to the camp journeyed by bus transport train and car a boot trip across the lake completed the journey the ma jority of those attending camp had reached nlagaraonthelake by sun day noon the camp p this year is de signed to give the men intensive train ing along modern lines the camp will be to pr until july iieut col i bertram of brampton fa to command of the group with ma jor n l fears also of brampton smmitwi inmfmn other high oxa- eers toemde kaajor 3 o h stratton oommander of local support company capt h t busses ooootnander of a company port credit major j h chambers commander of b company oataffe major h o acccfamf com- cnander of ct company oeorwetown and oapt f k s btowart oam- nandcr of dt company oraatfertbe uml ool o oodsbrk of georgetown is also at catnp uwo baaskf nrorlded mask for the ipjbd thty m the lome scots pipe pte alex miller wounded in italy arrived home pte alex miller arrived back home in glen williams last thursday night after having returned to canada on the hospital ship most recently dock ed- pte mfller was a member of the first contingent having embarked for overseas with the lorne soots in 1k pte miller sustained serious hip and chest injuries during the first part of the italian campaign he is able to be out and around now after several zccmvie h i boa jjxi sl a sly meeting of womens institute fan try w m s ur mkmnkltw and associate mkhbcrs mketd atoout forty members of the it- mens missionary society of the oj- getown united church met athe home of miss anne staunton mle avenue for the last meeting djjhe season on tuesday july zuvbe members gathexed at 6 pan thhro- graro was in charge of the ufefem- berp and the associate members alter light refreshments in u gar den mrs a m nielsen the pswent took charge of the meeting tbdevo- tlonal was planned by miss eli mac- kay and mrs r jones the latfeing secretary or the associate menws de partment the theme of thlsfoffram was the 13th of 1st corinthiai those taking part were miss mainjoamp- bell mlsa isabel mcdennid v elma king mrs mcbnery and msmckay mrs mcdernnd gave some ferestlng information about the wof miss isobel leith the mlsatonarypr whom the prayers of the auxtliar being offered this year mrs h i butt read a 1ar of ap- prsdauon and mrs o adm on be half of the auxiliary th life member certificate maclaren mrs h clarke to mrs a r- speight the faithful and capable by her to the btputon hatton presbyterial and dent of our mlssoin ber of years a ufa cate was presented the gift of her mother tor the singing of tbe the tie that binds enjoyable evening toi ndon after a short business session the rest of the afternoon was pent playing cards the following were prisewin ners for the afternoons acthrltiea travelling prizes mrs j williamson mrs e collier highest single score mrs o csmpbeo mrs w sinclair high score mrs f oole mrs scra pie lowest single score mrs v king mrs b near low score mrs a mac- donald mrs fred armstrong lucky scores mrs w moahhur mrs h cleave lucky chair mrs w mar shall time race mrs jones a picnic lunch was served and a vote of thanks moved to the hostess after a most enjoyable afternoon margaret evans weds charles jeffery in garden wedding a trellis of red roses flanked with standards and baskets of lilies del phinium and oleanders formed the set ting on saturday july b for the gar den wedding of margaret esther evans youngest daughter of mr and mrs walter x evane of georgetown to charles etandon jeffery son of the late dr end mrs ohas e jeffery or woodbrldge and formerly of detroit mich the rev r o todd officiated to the strains of the wedding march the bridal party approached along a daisy path given in marriage by her father the bride was gowned in white faoone crepe designed on princess lines with train effect long tight sleeves and sweetheart neckline her fingertip veil of white embroidered net fell from a chaplel of orange and her cascade bouquet was fashioned of red roses delphinium and bouvar- dla miss ruth evans of st catharines sister of the bride as maid of honour was gowned in primrose sheer with kmg matching gloves and rosebud head dress she carried a fan of orchid tulle dotted with clusters of rose buds w ethel jeffery of paducah kentucky sister of the groom as btideamaid was frocked in aqua sheer with draped bo dice and head drees and fan atmoaf those of the maid of honour the two- year-old- flower girl margaret anne smale of freeman who la nm and niece of the bride was frocked in pale blue dotted swiss with insets of white eyelet embroidery and touches of baby plhk on her sash was a minia ture corsage and she wore a wristlet of rose buds donald jeffery of wood- bridge nephew of the groom was groonaaman the wedding music was supplied by mrs james bvane sister- inlaw of the bride at the reception held at the resi dence of tho brides parents mrs evans received in powder blue shadow crepe with dark blue accessories and ofplnkm8i fvr trayflllrm the weather bjeat and drought has characterized the weather last week the daily aver age temperture was 7336 a little mer five degrees higher than oxcf previous week heavy rates have gone all around us and now even those in the midst of haying admit a good rain is needed yet weeds and garden grass grow apace f following are the local records date h and l temp tuesday july 5 82 56 wednesday july 6 04 p thursday july 7 86 03 friday jkuy 7 02 66 saturday july 8 86 67 sunday july 9 83 66 monday july 10 86 60 lieut j bowman killed in france the war took ite toll of geo finest again last week when mr and mrs william bowman received two letters from friends of their son lieute nant john bowman saying he hed been kffled in action two weeks ago in prance lieut bowman was serving with the british army and no official word has bee n received to date the sympathy of the community is extend ed to the bowmans in their loss lieut bowman was twentyone years of age born in geor and a graduate of georgetown high school where he was an abovetheaverage student both in academic and athletic activities john had served in ttie reeeffe army lome scots since he was eighteen he went active in may of last year and trained at debert n s and vernon bc going to the officers training school in broekvfde early last fall he graduated in october as a first lieu tenant and went out to chuuwack bc shortly afterwards he was posted to brockville as an instructor two months later he went overseas to join tlie royal scots fusiliers which winston o regiment surviving are his parents one bro ther william and one sister corporal anne bowman of the rjcaf monc- ton n b district were badly in need of help fanners and marked gardeners of the huttonville district were given some assurance that their crops wculd be harvested when the ontario farm service force set up a girls camp in huttonville last week end there are many market gardeners and fruit farms in this district as well as fanners who need help the camp headquarters is in the huttonville public school and tbe building has been equipped to house the girls for the next two months and longer if necessary according to mr a maclaren superintendent of the on- tario farm service force besi the dormitories a wash room has been built at the rear of the school where the girls may do their own washing a weh having been dnyied and tbe water pumped to the washhouse to- supply this need the kttahen is sup plied with an electric stove and other conveniences the farm service force camp is in charge of the national council yw ca and supervision is given in the dauy routine and recreation by this organization swinunlngr privileges at huttonville park have been given the camp girls by the park management already 21 girls are at the camp two coming from brampton and the re mainder from northern ontario mr maclaren says the camp is equipped to accommodate 46 and ghat he expects it will be up to full strength within s few days mr maclaren further stated theft during the many years he has been connected with placing farm help at no time in the history of the province has the help problem been so acute aleck 1 a letter for a nucs oertifl- speujbt a vanat- sbjat be lerchgiven marriage the marriage of frances madeline otven daughter of mrs t appleyard georgetown and edward lerch son of mr and mrs jacob lerch of hes- peler was solemnized by rev o c cochrane at knox presbyterian manse on saturday afternoon july 8th the bride wore a blue afternoon dress with white accessories she was nttended by miss charlotte moouuough who chose a pink ensemble and white accessories after a short wedding trip mr and mrs lerch will reside in preston tbe bride wore a twopiece frock of fi gured turquoise jersey with brown pic ture hat and brown accessories mr and mrs jeffery will reside at jw1- brook farm glen williams guests from out of town included mr and mrs thos oouon and child ren of detroit mich miss battle jef fery detroit mr and mrs root jef fery of woodbrldge mr howard jef fery woodbridge mrs annie smale freeman mr and mrs roy smale freeman miss mary smale freeman mra wm frank campbellville mr and mrs frhsetreid toronto- miss dorothy reld toronto mr and mrs ray miller and family nashville misses mary fouett and jean davis toronto mr and mrs herbert taylor ohtltghnam mr and mrs victor pazer cheltenham misses nellie and frances frazer cheltenham mr and mrs c f hutchinson sault ste marie stewarttown public school report for june following is the stewarttown pub lic school promotion list for this year grade vtx to grade vttjitoriald cash hon joan mclennan hon jack graham ree grade vi to grade vii barbara oromar hon donald lewson hon- harold henderson grade v to grade vi julia de- vries hon june thompson n carhart sylvia barrow margare ray grade iv to grade v billy murray grade ih to grade iv ijab bessey hon lois thompson hoc lois mile- ham jeannine humphreys orade n to grade hi roy bender- son hon evalonne smith hon betty barrow grade i to grade ii betty hum phreys betty ann henderson miss m l white teacher family weilknown here calgary paratrooper killed mrs thos wanues received word on monday from her friends hi calgary mr and mrs j w blair tbe their son paratrooper alfred blair 30 wt killed in action june 10 during tfee normandy invasion the bcatr flimby are qulfe weir known heret navlfig lived here when their family was quite young mm blair is a sister of mrs clayton allen glen wifflams and mr blair a brouher of mrs frank wood the father and another son were both employed in town until re cently paratrooper blair wee bom in oban hn bask and went to calgary in lfiqsk where he was educated he was a ketn sportsman and was a member of thf- boyo town basebah and huton hoe- key team he enlisted in the high landers in calgary in july 2m1 later jok transferred to the airborne forces tn june last year and went overseas besides his parents he leaves a bro ther and sister in calgary and an other sister in edmonton elected to board of canadian bronze oo stewart o bennett of toronto and georgetown has been elected to the board of directors of the canadian bronsecb ltd it has bean announced by toe president of tbe ootnpany ilk bennett to fttm prsaiiliin end general manager of jsrflmori fe ob ltd and a director of other pplwin com- pezdea be has a be farm home on tbe crest of the mountain on the 7th une near baufnafad they tat m a conceited ntnas ta when taking a p ptosa akssfe dadotts ten beats nephew of captain and mrs roger guyot loses his life mr and mrs- a h jones 49 ess road barrie received a cable telling them of the death of then sun ser geant air gunner george a jones on active service overseas on jury 4th burial took place in wellwood ceme tery surrey england george was a nephew of captain and mrs roger guyot of toronto formerly of glen wilhams and will be remem bered by many friends here he joined the rjoaj early in september 1830 and went overseas in feb 1m3 he tmnsferred to air crew and took his training as an air gunner in england he was m hli 32nd year baffle holstetn calf for red cross the largest livestock organization in the british empire the holstein- frieslan association has just for warded to national headquarters of the canadian red cross society in toron to a cheque for 1264882 this re presents net profits which tfae or ganisation as it s 14 war effort re alized through sale of tickets on the can glenafton laurel blossof draw ing took place at the national holstet sale at brampton the heifer won by j sharp moose jaw sask was do nated by the associations president j j e mccagueauiston oct sale of the calf immediately after the drawing added 1600 to the amount previously raised through dominion- wide sale of tickets castle reunion the fifteenth reunion of the gague family was held on saturday july ijfcb at the home of mr and mrs george- readhead lowvule ont about 119 of the clan enjoyed the afternoon whh ball sames and racesla gift was pre- sented to mrs mary featherstone of hamilton for being the oldest and little miss irene lawton daughter of mr and mrs cyril lawton of toronto for being the youngest also one to mr and mrs ed caven of london for rnf the ibngeet distance guests were pre sent from georgetown toronto ha milton london niagara palls ont guelph aylmer kincardine oreemore and the surrounding district card of thanbts we wish to express our sincere ap preciation to all our friendm and neigh bours for ther kindness to us and for the beautiful floral tributes hi our re cent sad loss of a beloved wife and mother i brunton and pamir john marshall ddks john known marshall one of the bast of rassagaweya ataldsnly on t june 37th at the horns of fats daughter mrs sheldon trousdale b l poa- rincn ha was m his nuiamj afinlyear and had bean m ertodhealsh and axons about ugh f fcejtspet of days before in case you are interested rested tomato gtobe and lttn an jvir- 10th aaattm iran ttu boun that wni total 75 pand mb mnxxu baton tb wmi 9 mfrnasak tbat a an i wa ai at tth payaublbs to vttrriaom tat vm of noonaasf jgj oot aarai jajar f

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