hft georgetown hld wtxtiy my 12th 1944 esqimsins turns down i 5diool are system etewaruown june 20th vh bkouestag township ooandl brtfl a on tuesday evening am umsnbers of council were preawt and reeve a h may presided minutes of the lest regular meeting were read ooancldort george s otam george gurrie and wm a wuson ptessnt with bsxmo h may presiding minute of the last meeting wore read and adopted a letter from the fire iran was read re safety in pubho hah letter from iht r a bjjrttx co in answer to utter fri conrteouon with work done an ut line letter from ontario hospital woodstock referring to the artrmsstem of an mdtgent patient a letter from the its twf for the first three momba of ttts year long distance lines handled cada at a rate which woom represent an increase over the ftim year of nearly tftrse ami ooejud million caks so you see we ye not out of the wood yet nd wont he until the war is won ts kssp wwtsti usa lost dtefesnos tor delays can cost fires 1 mmbkhght rates now begin at rm tub 11t1u boats of england alter dunkerqum theuttte boats of etoeund bow peacefully they tit drawn up upon the shingle neath the sunny morning sky the tiny llspmg wavelets lap gesfuy fctttlalr kwfl but the sturdy boats are stolid to their mischievous appeal go away you naughty wavelets leave ua be they seem to say we have work to do for angaria we mast rest as while we may- oouncfl apnresiates the good quality of t and sentee that was sup plied be ktbretore resolved that we pay w a wakey at the rate of 90b per ca yd op to 10000 cq yards town- atop to supply gravel subject to m approval of the department of high- moved by carrie seconded hy mar- say thsjt tans council go on record as svst bstng to fever of a school area too the township of ssnuestog carried moved by wilson seconded by mqr- rsy thai this council do now adjourn oarrlsd atewarttown july ard wm gaqosatzig townahlp ooundl held theft ksjular meeting on monday even tag depntyreeve o w murrey ssnottnt due uto oaimty for the year it craig ftdd and herb cleave waited oh the ommofl in conneoaon voth the usual grant to sfcouesmg mr baud moved hy wilson ascended tar cesare that accounts he paid board of bvdro oonwnlstloners georgetown street lights at oieh wonamsto juhkh gnao anton puc tjullttta cotnmte- aton cresoent street lights um beb- telephone company ma e taking indigent from gmebpb to old peoples home bramp ton june 6th 5 the georgetown herald sanitary notice 120 a e wuson co earned pre- mfaia on workmens cbrnpensstton ptfucy no 104605 to march 3rd ip mix a w benton stamps gwo qsitlcd moved by carrie seconded by wilson that the road accounts as presented by the road superintendent be paid t09jq7 carried moved by murray seconded by cleave the the check of mtckey con struction company be returned to the company carried moved by cleave seconded by wuson that this ooundl do now adjourn to meet tuesday evening august 8th at 8 oclock or at the cab of the reeve carried vawsovm uniform internationa sunday i chool lesson lulmmd by wmfara 1 lesson for july 16 successes a1to vailv9m of iba1x mm swh6 a message to canadian motorists jsvm and the ude begtm toi swell they can feel their timbers quiver as tliey scent 4hat other hen when the night comes down upon and they heard then- countrys ch when they floated down the channel to give of thetr very ajj a motley crowd of little craft bravely they pot to aea hi a unity of fycfrrn that old england might be free we have heard our country catting and our men are over there we must brave the stormy waters and the terror from the air we win run the hunlsh gaunttet to the rescue of our men we have dauntless bearu to guide us back to iprafland once agam the little boats of england best beneath the morning arm but she epic of their oaring win throughout the agea ran aslesm barb brown qouj -ntjlp- ssaaw m m afite npmaeht aaq the streets of the town have now all received their annual quota of oil canadas country storekeeper doing best business in years canada country storekeeper is not only doing be best business in years but has forged far ahead of all other cflaafeaof merchants since the war be gan country general stores have im proved their sales by approximately 60 per cent over hob according to official oales volume for 1643 as ccenpared vttfc ipo shows these changes in var ious usstsjotlf department stores and mail order lo 23 independenta exclusive of country general stores p8 oofrntry general stores frs retail sales show the largest creases m the provinces which nave relatively more country general stores ffcan others the maritlmes reporting prairie provinces an increase of 8c per cent the brisk increase in country store sales is attributed to several factors the rural merchant finds his supply problem simplified by the wartime prices and trade boards policy of equitable distribution which assures him a fair share of available goods officials of the retail administration nmj tfr-i- fidi1nl nf tjrr hfmnl iphe invasion of europe has thrown a vast and critical burden upon the petroleum resources of the united nations in the first eight days of die cam paign alone allied aircraft flew 56000 sorties many thousands of oilburn ing warships and landing barges are shuttling ceaselessly across the chan nel tanks trucks jeeps mobile artillery ambulances by the thou sands are in action tbirdrlpingpowerebimldltbis activity is petrouvm gasolm mmd ftuls drsum from a dtvimdlmg crude oil supply but there is only so much oil if existing supplies are to prove adequate the most stringent economy ofgasoline and fuel oil must be prac tised here at home canada is able toptoduceoaly 15 of her own gas and oil needs the remainder must be imported from the common pool of the united nations and the bulk of this is shipped here by tankers critical manpower is must be risked to deliver it to our shores invasions and the difficulties of supply and tnmsportarion are not our only problems alight here in canada gas and oil are needed in enormous quantities for vital war purposes the conimonwealnv air training plan has consumed as much as 548000 gallons in a single day canadas navy expsasded since war began from 15 ships to sso consumes over 2150000 gallons every week army training war plant operatioo food prcdocdon essential trucking all are huge consumer of gasoline and petroleum products gasoline is amssritioa ammu nition of which we have all too little to waste a gallon of it is a e against pur nghs- the western part of the district they will appear on numerous rrmlwi and win five a number of concer the bands on then- tour is a special recruiting detach ment of lieut nora fiwwea booth and seven noncoojcnlsaknied officers all members of this detachment have had much experience in recruiting and they know all the answers that mothers and fathers as well as intending re- crutts ask lieut boothe enlisted in the cwjlc m mbnfcreal and most of her army career has been with re cruiting companies in mjos 3 and 3 in this district she has spent consider able time in northern ontario and the niagara peninsula three of the ncos are from mj3 2 they are cols mar ratierson of toronto patricia jimmy james of a rise of 93 for 1m8 over-lm2raiwr-the- tflagsra on the lake and ell la- grioe the bands and recruiting de tachment have been in mj3 3 with headquarters at kingston for the past several weeks and lieut boothe stated that the response had been most encouraging ingi needed to produ gasoline and cot precious lives and p ships answering your questions about the gasoline shortage r m itssr w i as all who are astute businessmen have lean- ed over dscktward in their efforts to have small traders dealt with fairly while the wholesale administration has been interested in doing everything possible to assist distribution through wholesalers to the independent trade various other circumstances have helped the country storekeeper to raach his present enviable position restrictions on automobile travel dls- douxagejuraj residents from shopping in the ctty farmers and their families shorthanded and working long hours find it easier to trade at the nearest store many country merchants have been able to supply customers with vjearde goods after city stores have ethaosted their stocks and have add ed new lines to their already varied assortments shortage of sales staff in larger estabbshmente has worked in favor of- the friendly independent mer chant who takes time to answer his c questions helps them with their ration coupons and extends in- nunwrable small courtesiec if no price control existed retailers would be compelled to gamble very heavily m obtaining rnerchandise as every shopkeeper would buy to the ex tent of his ability creating wldeapread rtagea small operators would be most adversely aftected because of the united fmaneee and small staffs la ter when prices had reached ther peak those small retailers suh m business noun be faced vrith serio inve juaea and bankruptcy as prices tr hied to fair levels reoosdxng not a new system canadian womxnb auat oosvs the brass and ptos bands ofjbe canadian women aitny corps whv are making a coast to coast tour to am of rscruwng for their or arrived m m bv a on wednesday and win iwmath- in the ttstriet for allgkly overvffins weeks purtag that time use tarn bands ssjs some four snito r viatt oentn 5 recording is not a new system it was practised by the ancaenti thousands of years before the ohrts- tian era in more recent times before ajct 900 milk recording was in com mon usage in the principality of wales in the summer time the welsh fanners migrated to the hills and turned their cows into untouched f ture every day the yield of each cow was recorded and poured into a com mon churn each farmer later re ceiving bis equitable share of butter and cheese according to the yield of ma cow on that day the record was made by what was known as the ve- nedotlan measure and not by weight the measure was in accordance with the code of venedoua the chief of the early states of wales and was a vessel of three thumbs widths across the middle nine thumbs- across the top and nine thumbs diagonally a thumb was about an inch so that the venedotlan measure held about a gallon of mnk a normal cow was ex pected to give about two gallons of milk a day tbreetimesaday rolbrtng was also well known in wales hi the twelfth century and the month of may was known as the mouth at three mile- tags a day wlregatd to the ancient record ing of milk frfeae representing a farm about 3100 b c was reoentty unearthed in the excavattons of ur of the ohalrtww- it shows men mufcttg cows in the bam and to a room close by csneuls pouring milk through a strainer mto huge atone jars oalvea duly mtttated are tied to the cows tawlststli to e the cows to give more mtik akshaj ssealm the success pir fadurc of bott m- tion and fcdiymuajs is h5jw detembby tte sjjhintj andsie onsit ftpf world order thst gwtogs wodly i one extreme to another is his lawr which la pertect and etarnal cfod u rib respecter of persons- evan israel hi own chosen nation found that observing gods law meant blessmg and failure to 4ckso brought judgment and sorrow wo man is great and powerful enough to ignore this rule sad nsns is ex empt from ita operstiob i remembering ged brings maes tag w m although israel had not fully obeyed goda command sad had beenratukeddyanmngelofthelordl for tnefic fsumre jods l- y had come into a measure- of their inheritance under joshua they now possessed that inher itance and entered into enjoyment of h 6 it is onething to bmvs an ktherttsnee but another thtojito- coaim it ami make use ofrt ownt- less christians have never taken out their toherltanoa hi christ all they have is the earnest epn 1m or down paymea god never meant that any child of his ahould live a ptnrertysrtrlckea apirttual life or should so hahtos on flrst one side and then the other be has made provision tor a ton- orbed strung an ivfaj not enter upon your full tohernance to christ now as the people d israel took pos session of the land they went for ward to the way ol blessjaajcosj an joshua and the elders who re membered god kept them steady and true we have here m fgcel- lent mustrauon of the power of a godly example it is far stronger than we think ii forgetting god brings back sliding w 1013 the fact that a people has been highly privileged and has been ex alted to a place of power and honor will not save it in the day when god is forgotten israel no longer had godfearing men to bring it back to god and so began its awful dftttirig away from god we americans are rightly proud of our great land ita mighty re sources its fine past and promising future but wait what is the future to he oh we say the most glori ous days are ahead they may he but only if we uke our forefathers who established this nation recog nize god if we do not america will go the way of the forgotten- em pires of centuries past and that in- spite of all its past achievements and its present promise let us always remember thav america is not some vague entity nnnrt f ua for we tfftf i on iiradons busttat but route each kutootnas teases as many sssjooo a day this means uvffee hssnte average to aoiijet monej and tea ticketa once every flft saosons s fifty feet twe maxn a inti yoanavsnh astratob sst jdu are america we determine what it shall be and how it shall relate it self to god let us be sure that no- one we know ever forgets god it is a significant thing mat the leaders of our nation so often come from christian homes but it is sad that they are so frequently hot christians themselves their lives i are shaped by the teaching an in fluence of godly parents who reared them but what wul their children do if they are not brought up in the fear and admonition of the lord forgetting god is bad eriough m its immediate results but just ahead there is great and certain disinter m forsaking god brings mt meat w 1416 a j god not only will not hold a back sliding nation guiltless but wul bring judgment even if bfe soi to turn over his people to a dspmling nation be havmstnunenu ox indi vidual and national cwstismnt and he la ready to use then- notice that wherever tiay the lards hand was agahuft bemi there is no place to ftos the presence of god anyone who tatoks comlort to the briwtx tail h la not uttl dwniwttut 8 im uo- btuvr ty- god howrr lwj nawmtmn nrtijn1jtootjvkiiap 1011 h fit judmito t unil wtai he wi mm jritetr rtpnuaac ttintf u tvtt a ttan wfxm vttioiir auwrrt sclotiiiiwihja4i dehbtt mhf i muoomt tmp te r w mii mtrtotto f i i i tewjayxib a 4- eiriwi