the ceorgetown herald wednesday july 12th 1944 jaids to home construction urged by halton member rifflf- g la fee boon of ootnmou raanuy on postwar ckmatructlon bbm clearer member for hatton mid tbt number 1 priority should be v gtwn to the c of homos and urged that apecial study be given this problem we quota from his address we new an acute shortage of bouses in this country estimates dif fer bo teuebte sources acne that iffaen thai war la over we shall nam shortage of over three hundred mm iwl homea it la only right and proper that to tbae of war with its conecquent shortage of tabor and ma terials we ataoojd try to get along with the housing aooominodation we bam we have struggled to do that mr bpeafccr qr rental controls and tfae bke w have done our best to get by the present emergency without any need less eaqpendunre of ettber labor or ma terials on the building of houses ttrile we have been quite correct in jnatpmtng boose buftdmg to meet the needs of war yet la the long run i swggest it la going to torn oat to oar advantage because daring the imme diate postwar period this postponed consumer demand for houses will hare go be met and it wtu put thousands of men to ssork at the moment we can reasonably hope ttiat the end of the war is not m ibe too far distant future and i think we should immediately crenplote plans for postwar house fny x should she to urge that pilot or fcey organisa tions be set up now which can be ojukftly expanded when the war is over to support and direct house obaodmg schemes m adopting this plan bousing needs uotfl the war la over we have of necessity caused some real dis tress today many people are imng under attnost unb fcnmwg eon- dftiona to some extent tins has been the cause of increasing crime is health and the uke tn addition to those who are in actual distress thousands of gsmflles are daily imng under the threat thai their booses wfm be sold oyer their heads and they will have to move not knowing where they will go people cheerfully and wffimgly endure bat sort of tbtng during the war time bat i suggest to you mr speaker that the inhmte this war is over the cana dian people wlu demand they have a right to demand that their proper housing needs be met m addition to the acute housing problem which exists at the present time when thousands of our service men return they wfil marry and want homes of their own to addition to giv ing the housing problem the rating winch i believe it deserves namely no 1 priority x should like to urge that gover sponsor a campaign every man to own bis own home x do not know of any better time to start chan now when we hare such an acute bortage- x should like to urge that credit faculties be made available for this need on a sound business basis the advantages of home ownership and the disadvantages of tenant oc- gaupftnoy are so apparent that i do not jsted to labor the point in these days ff bear many dtseuskme of the relative merits of our capitalistic system and swo so far as x am concerned tie major complaint that i have in re- system to tfae capitalistic system is that have too few oapkahsts x would own his own home every man rtx bec cap this proposal is not e dream inspoawhle of fulfuknent xt is scheme which if undertaken as a mttonal program could be quite eaefly attained in a very short time ibday many men have to pay rent for their boosmg accommodation is there any man in this country who would not ra ther pay the same monthly payments on a house which he win eventually own lot me say something as to the down payment we all know that prac- ttatjb everyone in mis country is ac- ffwrnilarfng savings which i suggest in gftsat instances win tie sufficient to take eftre of the tan per cent jkmu payment at the and of tfae war to those who feast not been able to acquire the goact x sug the at to the bank aet wffl meet their dtfn- atftles the bsftvji are going to enter j inly the neat of small loans repay- fttg on a m basts at a reasonable fftw of interest a man dsatrtng to own bjh sw home wou be ale to acquire bis ossjb payment from that source in the watfcrial housing apt wo have a pa i mli at band we do not need to create anything new to cat on wftfa this program do hon i know since 101 under the housing act we have bodt r over sajooo bousesr they are pratttkazly owneroccupied and while gnft lovetbatjant has pftrttntpated to the stent of ft gftwntyhw per cent con- hfiistsjii toward the cost of toe act was aft well thought out borrowing at s per oent or less xst us take the governmenta cpnufbutlo of a per cent and figure it 6n a 8 per oent basia let us allow the joan com panies 6 per oent on their 75 per oent loan content and we ham a resulting rate of k per cent x suggest that if we are to adopt large building program the lending may net have sufficient money to finance it on that basis and that perhaps tab government should enter the field on a so per oent basia with l per east money in this event allowing the loan companies 5 per cent on their so per cent content tfae in terest rate would automatically fall to 4 per oent with the interest rate of k per oent and the minister of fi nance has announced in advance that is what is going to monthly payment for these under which a man actually acquires ownership are today less than the normal rent for houses of that type with a posstwuty of a further onehalf per cent reduction one can see what the effect would be in connection with monthly payments coming to the second recommenda tion in connection with repayment of loans x know something about these houses bunt under the national hous ing act they are well built- x say without fear of successful contradiction that homes built under the national housing act standards have a useful owneroccupancy lifetime of at least flirty years z therefore suggest and urge that the amortbatlon period should be increased from twenty to at least thirty years that again will as sist in bringing down the amount of monthly payments the minister of finance has already announced thai that proposal is under discussion and that some progres will be made i would urge as strongly as i can that thirty years should be the minimum where an owner requires that time to pay for his home my next suggested change is a new one in the mind of each of these new home owners is the constant dread the constant worry hanging over his head that something may happen pos sibly through llhuas or accident as a result of which the breadwnner would lose his nfe and the widow would be left with an unbearable mortgage toad if this is to be a nation wide scheme for every man to own his home then i say that in the event of his death the mortgage should be paid off and the widow should be pres with the house free from encumbrances and that this should be paid out of an in surance fund i am told that this tjype of term insurance could be acquired at moderate cost not exceeding one dollar per month per home my next suggestion deals with re straint in respect of alienation very serious thought should be given to this matter os far as i am concerned the owner of a house should be placed in the position where he could not through bad business judgment or in any other way lose his bouse i would have the bouse in such a poslton that tt will not be subject to execution le vies in addition i think it might be wise to prevent the owner from selling his house or possibly it would be well in the event of sale to freeze the sell tag price or set it apart to be used only for the purchase of another house that is only my own thought on the subject but i offer it for what it is worth these five suggestions will in my opinion make the act workable and bring it within the reach of every working man in canada however we caching point where every pian would own his own home unless we were to pro vide for the use of ng bouses al ready built i suggest that an addi tional number be added to the housing act to make these second hand houses if x may so describe them available for exactly the same purposes and on quite the same terms i concede at once that the amortisation period should not be so long4hat is it should not exceed the life of the houses in imlqfn money should be made available by borrowing repayable in m pay ments just as under part i of the act to provide for nenessariy permanent repairs and permanent alteration to bring the existing houses up to mo dern condition xf those things are done ana a nat ionwide campaign is instituted it would be almost impossible to eetknat the amount of human happiness and human satisfaction which might flow stbwarttown private jack jenkinaon who has been here for ten days on leave left monday evening for hie camp in mora sootia mra hedge who recently suffered an accident to hernatte is able to be around sghfti mr and mm p r batty of hamil ton spent the week end at ther home here the sympathy of the entire commu nity is extended to mr and mrs w bowman and famtty in their sorrow at the death overseas of their son iieut john bowman hornby congratulations are extended to mr and mrs kenneth brown on the birth of a son tn milton hospital on satur day jury let also to mr and mra ro bert fasken nee betty xtobertson on the arrival of ther baby girl on sun day last july mb m the western hos- the women association of hornby united church held its july meeting ad thursday afternoon last july oth at the home of mrs cuffbrd wriggles- worth a good congregaqon was in attend ance at the special childrens semice in the united church on sunday even ing last the church was beautifully decorated with a varlfecyol flowers a children choir sang fewonnanbers wy aweethj and jack and carmen oahte- lon each phtyed a hymn on the piano the sermon subject was trees and how they grow during the service the yo daughter of mr and mrs addison xuey and the youngest son of mr and mrs murray bayward were presented by their parents for christ ian baptism bftdbae bean so attkai mm ear 1mm to date ftwjaftmftre less than cc i tedftar por aft these reasons x urge as strongly as i can that the present is not one day too soon to make poms and to complete the organisation for the financing and the supplying of ma terials for the new houses we do so ur gently need schools are closed for summer holi days once more miss jardlne has gone to her home and miss edred olbbald of merriton public school has returned to spend the vacation with her father we congratulate the members of the entrance class on having all rjtinfl out of pubtto school into falgn school standing abo those attending high school on their recent excellent show ing in ther recent examinations gan melodies of richard pry in the mornmg be also pro sendevous with rhythm tsoogs by jimmy james and recital ferloda as well as o to canadian round up bfe teste for nwsfo runs to two ex tremes claashvwith prefere cor modern composers and outandout jive apvjbhrrkse in tbat bbbau boob stbiotxt rmxbb scientists at the michigan state col lege experiment station have dereloped twodtbode of treating eggs wtfeb they predict would keep them triotry fresh for ffwmit one method gives the eggs an oft coating to whfcb a smab amount of the erienusts say freeees the agge for in mdefmttejp 8 stb halls from chatham n3 but calls the three maritime p home because he has worked in radio in an of them his first position as an announcer was with radio station gpct in 1987 later being promoted iff assistant program director in 1041 1 accepted a position with the cbo as an operator at the halifax studios but after tiwo months he was trans ferred to station cba in becfcvflle ns as program representative after an eighteen months sojourn on the taatramor marshes he was recalled to as chief announcer and to act as assistant to the regional repre sentative maritime listeners bear 6yd at noon on the newscast and announcing or- mak thi sfrm yam wartimm you need vitamins in summer too summer is the time to build for winter wealth long 1 hours hard work and lack of exercise have sapped your vitality during the long winter months now is the time to restore your energy get plenty of exer cise and sun and eat wisely in addition ask your doctor to tell you what vitamins contmrvm your baty doctors tina and etmrgy s the products he suggests cnfr we stock only brands with a reputation for quality get the vitamin taking habit this summer and keep well all winter maecormacks drug store phone 327 geoggetowd i have commented on the urgency for the need for housing i have com mented too on tfae t peace of mind and human htrp which would ftow from such a pom i ban one other reason why in my opinion housing should receive priority in osb- nectton with postwar looonetructlon and it is this the labor content of every medtom dsed house is at least eighty per cant some members dm question that percentage but when i refer to labor content i am not only referring to the labor frajtrmled in building the house i include the in direct labor the labor content that goes into the manufacture of frames doors lumber flooring plaster hard- ware phenrtng and every thing else used in oooatrootton xf one computes ah that in the labor content he wot rwsoh at least eighty per cent labor content in medium suvdbom x do not know of any type of iisaanadlisi in which toe labor content is aa great at that ream tbsrarore i say that tbm it liolr baton tn rnniiwi nob ms lata emm and l taa la mash lbs attar eoatais amid b m