Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 12, 1944, p. 8

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jthe georgetown herald wcdneriay july 12th 1944 looohews tfae3w to being o ta brampton today tbtt rain was sv last night as the land was beginning to suffer buky from drought the otrta pipe band wish to thank sob lane and stan lyon who sup- jflled trucks at their highland ou- therlng on june 39th this is a special flash to school children how is your victory garden remember the victory garden displays dor the fair and be sure to have some rare specimens saved for this exhibit uberals across canada will join angus 7th in celebrating the 35th an- suvemary of prime minister kings jeaderehlp of the liberal batty it announced by the national liberal fe- idermuon mr king was chosen leader august 7th 1019 it is to be hoped that the jiadies lead the advanced prise ua of ladles york and domestic science published n the herald two weeks ago and that they are planning an entry in these classes prize money has been greatly increased the ooneumerb branch of the vbitime prices- and trade board wul imive an exhibit at georgetown pair this year any local organisations de viling space in the hall should get in touch with the secretary as soon as gxmrae as the space will be at a pre- anium this year miss mary oummtoa is in harris- butg penn tjj3a this week with the laurel ladles athletic club of toron to they competed in the united states qbamplorishlp games where mary placed third jn the 300 metre sprint and the laurel ladles belay team came third in the championship relay race after leaving harrtsburg he girls will 0 on to new york for a few holidays church news and to watt for his sen from heaven whom he raised from the dead even jesus which delivered as from the wrath to 11 canadas oldest agricultural fairs with the opening of the 1944 sche dule of agricultural fairs in canada comes a reminder that these fairs are among the dominions oldest instltu- 4fcmc arrangements are being made 4b celebrate this year the centenary of the fairs at vankleek hill ont and richmond out the first organized agricultural fair in canada was held at windsor howa scotia in 1765179 years ago and atpictou n 8 the first fair there was held 127 years ago in ontario the niagara agricultural society held a ialr in 1791 in 1823 what was then axnetdered a groat fair was held at qneenston out it was intended to be the first allpcovlnce fair the records disclose that the fair was lncon- venfenily crowded hot the centenary celebration of the vankleek ban pair a apeocu program at being planned the first feature of shis program the p of ever- jgreen trees in the fair grounds took plaee recently it was part of a gen- eral bea and hnproremont plan the vankleek hffl pan- started jn 1884 under the name of the county of prescott agricultural society it u interestlnff to note that the first falr l with a credit balance of three sterling and seven shinto gs i c was used in canada at that time in 1844 agriculture not very ex- enshnely developed in the vankleek s1h district but now it is a rjrogres- tve town in one of the most prosper- ous farming sections of ontario richmond a village about 20 miles from ottawa takes its name after the 4th duke of richmond the same duke who with his wife the duchess gave the famous ball in brussels belgium cm the night before the battle of wa terloo june ia ibis the duke died of hydrophobia in a ham near richmond ont on au gust 28 1819 the result of a bite from a net fox the agricultural fair in canada has been a great factor in social and eco- nnmlo progress after the war it will probably be bigger and better than men3040 watt rgfahf vav vtr nyobjujapfctmiliu rium tothmmrna- lute boa numla b cat plrrn j vonul pep tko tiiot tltltt7 atlmt so 4ft or i latrotfacicrr 1m uc it am tvuickiad vuki j ont jncaw malar i fniiw twhsj jualt drabjsknshurt uldbcoabtkablbtbblv the united church of canada rev ft o todd minister 10 am sunday school the baptist church and the united church are holding united ser vices july 16th to au gust 27th morning ser vice each sunday at 11 am in the united ohiaxh evening service at 7 pjn in the baptist church everyone wel come it is our duty and privilege to speak the good word for jesus christ st johns church stewarttown rev 3 r colehrook rector sixth sunday after trinity 200 pm- sjmday school 3 00 pm evemng prayer st pauls church nerval 730 pjn evening prayer 1045 am sunday school and bible st stephens churoh hornby class 1115 am morning prayer nerval and cnloa presbyterian churches rev j l self ba minister union 10 ajn pubuo worship 11 a js sunday school 3 nerval 10 am sunday school 11 ampubllc worship knox pr chnroh georgetown rev ohas c cochrane ba minister 10 am sunday school 11 am public worship llmehonse presbyterian church 3 pmbuhic worship joint sunday school and congrega tional picnic saturday july 15th to stanley park erin oars leave lime- house store and knox church at 130 pjn st georges church ven w g o thompson rector sixth sunday after trinity sunday school 10 ajn holy commu nion 11 am even song 7 pjn sl albani church glen wuuanv fttth sunday after trinity matins 930 am sunday school 1030 am first baptist church minister rev john e oatrom organist miss m- cook th xoung people meet on monday at a nm the mid- week service for praise prayer and bible study on wednesday at 8 pm sunday july 10th 10 ajn union service in united church 645 pjn gospel songs baptist church 7 pjmevenlng union service bap tist church lir todd will speak and mxvostrom will assist at these services l u b fa glen winiauts united church ralph waugh b a minister 2 pan sunday school 7 pm public worship active service notes trooper herbert robinson la now serving overseas tpr harvey davidson of oruua spent the weekend leave at home lao bill clark is home on leave from nova sooua sgt george walker of the roaf is now hi england sq1 william king is with the invasion forcealn prance according to letters received by his iwlfe last friday birthday greetings go this week to pte e a hu1 of gten williams who has celebrated four birthdays overseas he is now in italy ab ronnie mendham surprised his parents on saturday morning when he phoned from toronto saying that he was coming home on 28 days furlough ronnie has seen considerable action at sea mr and mrs thomas grieve re ceived a letter from their son lao alva grievoy written from france alva has been overseas only a few months he says the weather is so oold to prance he has to wear his great coat harry wright employed with j b mackenzie son until he moved to toronto with his family is in the army and statkmed at barrleneld camp kingston barry is married and the proud father of a yearold daughter his brother verd is in halifax with the navy mrs o aldoua of windsor a herald subscriber for many years writes to tell us that her son born in terra cotta in 1010 has been serving overseas with the essex scottish for over three yearn he is a veteran of the dieppe raid and was married on sept flfih 1041 to a girl in wales apologies to lac vern klrby whom we erroroneousy transferred to new brunswick last week in this column vern is still at ayhner and it was his brother pus mervyn klrby who had returned to st johns alter a furlough i here mrs ronny bttwards and danny had a pleasant surprise today tuesday when brig gen martin called to say hello from ronny he has just re cently returned from overseas he re ports ronny is well and wishes to be i remembered to the herald and all his i friends congratulations go this week to harold t marshall son of mr and i mrs w o marshall who has com pleted a course at the otncets train ing school in brookville and has been promoted to the rank of lieutenant lieut marshall has been stationed in ottawa since enlisting in the postal corps john s mackenzie busbattd of the former muriel whltmee of george town was among the recent graduates from kings college royal canadian navys officers- tratnmg centre he graduated as a prchstlonwry sub lieu tenant congratulations jack flying officer ron lake has shot down two german planes over nor mandy according to word reaching his parents at langstaft son of mr and mrs george lake he is a nephew of mrs a h feuer of georgetown his brother lieut jack lake hi in france wtttt thequeens 0nu3slclea and an other brother subiieut merton lake to with the royal canadian navy mrs james brunton passes after long illness the death of jttno duncan rodger beloved wtr of jas brunton occurred at her residence on saturday jury btb after a long illness mrs brunton was in her 67th mar born in fueshlre scotland de ceased was the daughter of the late mr and mrs william rodgw fortytwo years ago she married james brunton the family came to canada in 1931 from scotland and after living shout a year on mcoulioogho farm they moved to qeo and have resided here ever since mrs brunton led a quiet life with home and family as her main interests she was a member of knox presbyterian obonohy she leaves to mourn her loss her husband and four children alex in montreal p q pte james who has served overseas in the army for fbur years annie mrs thomas beckett pltsoottle cupar flfeshlra scotland and mrs george becketti georgetown also surviving is one sister mrs wil liam ballingal hamilton and one bro ther james of bronte the funeral was held from her late residence victoria st on monday july looth at 230 oclock rev o c cochrane took the service pallbearers were messrs arthur moomean ed ward logan william maybanks roy wiggins jack morrow and crll ingle- by interment was to greenwood ce metery mew advertisements wanted girls bicycle in good condition apply mrs gboroe chaplin itp murdock st for sale massey harris no 5 bin in al condition apply walter ptddlbb it phone 101 r 5 georgsbawn- wanted a girls bicycle apply joyce still itp factary st for bent pasture for rent apply o btesr p lot 4 erin phone 897 w 2 nm sals piano cwltfc mulo baocb mmon a kuah upright grmad good nm po ipptr phune903 fob bum wood- oeetrlo pod ortodot mat hoc hirtihm link oooiot omrla faoots alto uoodt fonm hmsbtng y fmwjijnm drtot ma wn- xj spkoiai ekotrlo orircn maootte oroun be- prator tans abobosttown cjrhambry 3tp pbone i7w dwd hone and oattla tor xreo pfekup pbone oouiset aojeion tororouro oeo 44 pbane ad 8q3a toronto fakm wobk wanted bspertoncod faam handwoiud vka day vorfc on rarmandy bbone 48 r 2 wantav iik and oraaasd poultry rfhlml omikat pnala apply soat ttrl t m bkwbon laoxcatoan pbona i p o boot an auction sale the underetgned has been ioatzuoted w w m w4tson to sell bypuhoe anouoa on satoeoay july tsnd at 2 otolook at fate realdence george- town a- quantity of household furnl- tmre pull partloutarft riexqweafc it fsbahk petoh aqctto car fob sale 30 chevrolet coupe motor just re cently overhauled 7500 cash apply tflbrafit offboe for rent modern threeroomed apartment comfortably furnished available jury 15th adults preferr ap hhtuad oapfbok agents wanted wanted reliable hustler to consumers with 130 household ties state age occupation reference rawlelghs dept ml214yg mont real strayed from lot 24 5th conoeastorj esquestog whitefaced heifer please notify o mooot jtp r r no 4 acton boys and girls urgently needed on farms of other essential war work the following communication has been received stressing the need of boys and girls either on the farm or essential war work radver- ottawa onl jkuy 5th 1944 mayor harold cleave georgetown ontario national appeal bemg made by radio and newspaper- a ua qaottng all boya over flfleen and this ever i vahmteer to batp on f ataw or in ether e war i mg their holidays tea may have already taken aettn a special local ooauntttee- ta assart m arganhtog thai i farm help bat we weal gr appre any farther yea eevld make to sa ttds a if essnenknt yet wlah to oeoaa dtceotor ontarla farm service force organised nader the besnlnlsn p farm labear eragramam whaas of floe is in the legtslarnre baflalnga tvrante re any aeuen yea think advisable- hamperey mltcheu bhniter of labear those wishing to help in this vital war effort are asked to leave their names- at once with the town clerl p b harrison i harold cleave mayor os holy cross chorea mass at 900 am 2nd and 4th sun days 1100 am 1st 3rd and 5th sun days electrical wobk electrical repairs made to appliances and wiring apply f o whttmee tf young st georgetown dancing stanley park erin 1 ewtt friday style in glasses yes your glasses should be made to fit your particular type of face we specialise la eye bcamm- atton and proscribe attractive glasses at etty por expert eye servlca and newest style tn gl na consult 0twalktrr0 hydro the way ready to serve 24 hours a day o in the early day of commercial flying hours of daylight ware far too short the mantle of nigh automatically cancelled hying schedules but because electrical engineers discovered ways and meant of flooding runways with light swift couriers of th air tontght are cutting hours off time carrying preclaw burdens of humanity and t r h may mea the saving of teewtdnd of dollars before ftmnofraws workday has been completed bachiclty hot not only helped to make flying ecoaeailcally sound buft with tke aid of modem lectronlci flying is safer today tonight airplanes ate guiewd safely surety on their course by a beam of euctrkal waves which euctraaws mad powlole in very held of endeavor at m the fleid f aviation electricity stands read toterye s4tioari a day the development of electrical devkee la the field of aeraaoiahcs h but on lndlcatianofwliattiesaltsdtorthwoimefr in the a held it can v truly sajd the beet b yet to coatw euawkhy h the servoa of monklad ra ctevl merce in industry at hotm c m li form h llgbsrn our tatltt makea j mora co plan and save now eotwot when the dqy of peace wld be fwody to- enjoy more of rwbaetefws thot eucmdty can brhrg yomau tn hydftosfclcteuc rowk ookmusiom 0r ifsii- 7

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