Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 19, 1944, p. 1

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the georgetown herald tenty3erenth yew of publication wednesday july 19th 1944 200 per amunn 5c per copy 4dr ken rittiacdson gives vivid description of the normandy in but ken richardson son of mr ipd un james richardson entered ypnnandy two days after d day trtth a light antlainbraft battery after twine in england for three and a naif rears the invasion came as be thrill- ihg ouknlnatton of hi yeats of ain- ntg ken lias sent borne several ex ceptionally good letters telling of bis part m the invasion m one ho includ- ed the following letter from esen- torer supreme headquarters of the allied bxpendltlonary force which all outward moving troops received before rhour i headquarters allied expeditionary foreel soldiers sailors and alnnen of the al lied expeditionary parcel ton are about to embark won the great crusade toward which wr have striven these many months the eyes of the world are upon you ins hopes and prayers of libertyloving people everywhere marchwith you in com- peaty with our brain allies- and bto- tbarsfdatrms on other runts you will bring about the destruction of the german war machine the elimination of nasi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of europe and security for our- serves to a free world tour task- win not be an easy one tour enemy is well trained well equip pad and battle hardened he will flgbjfe savagely but this- is the year 19441 much has happened ince the nasi triumphs of 194041 the united nations have in dieted upon the germans great defeats in open battle mantoman our air offensive has seriously reduced their strength in the sir and their capacity to wage war on the ground our home aunts have given us an overwhelming superiority m weapons and munitions of war and planed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men the tide has turnedl the free men of the world are nmrohtng together to vic tory z have fun confidence in voter cour age devotion to duty and skill in bat tie we will accept nothing less than cull victory good lock aod let us all beseech the wcisslnp of almighty god upon this great and hojfte undertaking dwdgbtt eisenhower following la the first of ken s letters to his family the others are equally interesting and will be published next france june 14th 1944 dear mother and dad nn not sure of the date but its within a day or so anyway the time is 1290 and we have just finished our noonday rattans etew tea and 1 suits it tasted ok though and i was hungry so now my stomach is full again and i am lying on a blanket a few feet from the gun the weather is perfect a nice cool breese and the sun out bright and warm we landed on the beach one night several days ago about a quarter of a mile from shore i guess i should say in the daytime as it was only about 6 or 890 pn at the time the ship must have grounded on a sandbar the water was about 6 feet deep so we had to sit out there for whacseem- ed hours to me and was actually about one hour and a half until the tide went down to four feet deep or so and then we went ashore while we were waiting the getmans bombed the har bour once i was sound asleep down below and it really scared the d 1 out of me a couple of the bombs landed in the water about 75 yards away and shook the ship so roughly that i thought we d been rammed the alarm signals went and 1 upstairs to the top deck as quickly i could once we landed we kept going to ward a wooded area and there we parked for the firsts night once we had our vehicles camouflaged we all went to bed as we were so tired we could hardly stand up not having had a bed for two nights previous to that but we dldn t sleep very long ai soon as darkness came so did the ger man planes dropping bombe and flares the oak from the ack ack guns and the boats was terrific as was the noise it lasted ail night the next afternoon we moved up to within 6 miles of the front unas and promp dug ourselves fox holes we bad just finished that when they told us we were going on in which nearly brake everyone s heart after we had p for a couple of hours we passed through a couple of small french vfllsgee and e waved and cheered and threw flowers out of the whidcriato us there were not a they bad been evacuated the tad been shelled and bombed pretty bad as the houses and pulboxes on the beaobas had been blasted to noth ing the battleships had stffl been firing whan we left dark the day the akr was full of r nlanae and we didnt see tarn i man planes we wore to ack ek protection to a field arttuery unit obntfawed on page three wevnewatsonweddii in south porcupine mr and mrs brie warnes and at tendants mrs george young of thn- mlns and mr william klbeee also of timmlns are pictured following their wedding ceremony on june 34th at the united church south porcupine ontario rev johnoroasley thompson officiated the bride was given in mar riage by her father mr john watson of the department of lands and fo rests who is a lookout man in one of the towers near night hawk lake a few miles from south porcupine the bridegroom lived in georgetow for many years before going to south porcupine he has just recently been honorably discharged from the army after serving for a year after the wedding ceremony a large dance was held in honour of the newlyweds in the golden city hall mr and mrs warnes were presented with a handsome purse which con tained 3400 a gift from fellowwork ers at the preston east dome mines where the groom is employed fjo ihfa t evans i killed in action mr and mm wetter t brans have received a cable notifying them that their elder eon flying officer john taylor evans was kitted hi action on july fourteenth 1044 burial took place july 18th hi kirk andreas church yard isle of man flying officer brans was born in georgetown ontario october eleventh 1910 and graduated from the local schools as well as from the university of toronto he was a member of the georgetown utalted church prior to enlistment he was the edmonton re presentative of the firm of johnson ajohnson he graduated as an air bomber at portage la prairie on september se cond 1943 at which time he was comi missioned as a pilot officer he ar rived overseas m october of that year word war received just recently of hlsj promotion to the rank of flying offi cer flying officer evans is survived by his parents one brother flt james evans overseas and three sisters ruth evans jean swafevsmale and margaret evans jeff ery ltsien wa picric held in park fifty children and about 14 ladles of the legion w a held their annual picnic in the park last thursday af ternoon the weather was perfect and the outing was enjoyed equally by children and adults mrs fred mc cartney nd mrs thomas grieve were in charge of sports the picnic supper was arranged by mrs dickenson glen williams and mrs robert cain following are the prlsewlnners the sports events boys and girls under 6 all received prises boys 70 stank carter billy hewitt girls 79 ellen dickensoiv lorrle glvens girls 910 mabel shepherd pat wilson boys 1013 denis mccartney fred dicken tennant joan vlok btrls 1113 belle chapman girls 1416 june shepherd shepherd boys 16 leonard tennant girls boot scramble pat wilson and mabel shepherd boys boot scramble leonard ten nant and frank carter boys ball throwing leonard ten nant and billy hewitt girls ball throwing june shep herd violet shepherd women s events throwing rolling pin mrs fred bralsby kicking the shoe mrs chapman and mrs glvens walking backwards race mrs hewitt and mrs given wiluam sonet appoint lo recruiting offices men or women of georgetown and district who are considering joining the armed forces are invited to get in touch with mr william boney who has been appointed the local recruit ing officer for geo men who are called up may obtain valuable in formation from the recruiting offi cer and transportation can be arranged locally for those requiring same mr roney has accepted this volun tary appointment to help in the war effort and those who are interested can get in touch with mriboney either at the legion hall or at his home on market street mens doubles toobmament july 12th great success the local lawn bowling dub held their first invitation tournament of the season lsst wednesday evening iftth a fuqtmry hst of sixteen pairs ewnpetiagrlnks assembled from ac ton muton brsmptoh as wen as five local teams for the evening play of three twelve end games while the weather had been a bit uncertain in the afternoon the greens had dried out remarkably and the sky was clear by the end of the first draw lunch was served at this time by the lady members and play continued afterwards e5nal winners were charters 1st henderson tod dickie srd prises were presented by s t parana chair man of the game committee and president jas richardson who txtankeu the visitors fur ch mta response activities are in full awing with the present week being exceptionally busy on monday of the week july 17th the start was made on the playdowns for the provndal lawn bowling titles in singles doubles and rinks acton and milton met on our local greens for doubles and rinks while georgetown entries went to brampton to compete against representatives of streetsville for this district ellmina- ons acton doubles team skipped by w p gould defeated the milton pair while the mffton four won over acton to progress to their respective sections at brampton hugh dickie george town defeated tumey streetsvllle in the single 338 after a really ding- dong battle all the way streetsvllle doubles pair skipped by dr smith beat georgetown bell and richardson in-the- e tfttst by one shot sst cyril clark said troop morale high sgt cyril clarke who arrived back in canada around june 34th is now at bis home in town after spending a couple of weeks holidays with mrs clarke at niagara falls although wounded in the battle of moro river oronto italy cyril looks pretty well and there s no concealing the fact that canada looks very good to him after three years overseas dgt clarke said the going was prettj tough in italy with the germans ex pert fighters and battling for every inch of ground while there he met only three georgetown men jimmy sobofleld jimmy collier and raynor it was a coincidence when jimmy col lier was put in the hospital cot next to him in italy cyril said he enjoyed the heralds which usually came in bun ches the morale of the troops is very- high stated sgt clarke but he be lieved there was stffl a hard fi ahead before the war is won cyril was invalided home on the hospital ship lady nelson they had a stormy crossing sgt clarke went ovoneas with the lome soots in 1942 and transferred to the saskatoon light infantry while in england the weather 1 when reporting last week we were complaining about the long drought but before it appeared in print the rains came and good heavy soakers which spell bountiful crops since the rains the temperatures have moderated considerably the daily average for the week was 87 de grees or 625 degrees lower than that of the previous week following are the local records aided wounded under fque milton soldier is lauded praised for hie br and credited with saving the uvea of his comrades under fire in italy lcpl j b dent was mentioned in a recent issue of the canadian army magaslne the maple leaf his parents mr and mrs nel son dent br 2 muton have received a copy he is a nephew of mr alf rolf e of georgetown and is well known here lcpl dent a firstaid man with a company of engineers rushed out and under intense enemy fire tended three wounded men and removed other casualtes the dispatch read the engineer field company with which he was serving had the respon- skbuity of clearing mines and other obstacles in the path of advancing infantry before they were through the hitler une they had become objects of special attention as usual the en- glneljps moved forward mnmng way for tankj when german d bo roared out of the sky to mix german explosives with the canadian variety shell and mortar explosives joined to greet the steady advance along high way six it was under these condlfons my son went in to assist his comrades when they had hardly time to dig in mr dent said lcpl dent was bom at lowvllle and educated at the lowvllle public school another brother is serving with the canadian army oversea the two pah- were all even at the end of the 90th end ge rink of chapmen wmmamson faram and h cleave skip advanced to the next round by taking the measure of the streetsvule quartet to the tune of 2813 formes glen williams boy drowned at duelph harold roberts son of mr and mm thomas bcberxa fbrmsrjs of hen wil liams and now of guetob net an un- 1 lot of people left though as i gliealj llineiy death at only ysarsugagsf whenine dmnenfilq the pool on the ouelpb grounds he wasnmawto th young man was a nephew of mr and mrs henry marcfament of town mr and mrs marehment at tended the funeral which was ginwiujams cm raised fpu brit was victims fund the friendly neighbours consisting of mrs p wagstacfe mrs jack crawford and mrat herb pr held a most suosessrui garnentpsrty at the pome of mrs wagstaffe on wednesday afternoon and by their efforts the sum of m60 has been handed over so the bwvf despite the rainy weather about sixty guests were present from toronto norval limehouse george town and the glen a wheel barrow maae oy herbert preston and filled with groceries do nated by mrs herbert preston was drawn for during the afternoon and was won by mrs bob meeaenemy this draw only made svjoo garden hats given by mr tom beaumont add ed another s00 to the fund and a ta ble full of homemade baking done by mrs wagstaffe also helped consider ably towards the grand total a beau- ufut cake smdeet mrs crawford was won by mrs hatoey during the tea hour the guests enjoyed musical se- lecbonaftr jeaeawi hep nj john wsgstaflv mrs- root saomaste7asssp ed during the afternoon and made the lucaydrawe twfouowbej- prises were given by hmbn county wxxtu for fosters and health books done tn ptfalrf last wednesday deceased leaves istttl grade vhand prise paojkae baw- rl grade vi 1st pries hugo tepp and prise bad walters trd- prise 1 basal edkextjt ea grade let parents to mourn his loss as wenst margaret oolden 2ndtiea oasssean ff t bwo brothers sorrta cswraees endee i sjft apenee 22j2 jskl tnmn to deter ta oaek t meeting robert joyce dies in esouesing robert joyce fourth line esque- sing died in his 82nd year following a stroke he was born in esqueslng and i lived in that district all his life of the presbyterian church rev john rlddell and rev shannon officiated at the funeral ser vice on wednesday afternoon surviving are three brothers wil liam and richard of toronto clark- son milton three children mary and thomas at home and flnlay es queslng there are three grandchildren his wife predeceased him last decem ber interment was in evergreen ce metery milton the hermld british war victims fund forwarded to toronto evening telegram s 314225 cash on hand acknowledged 29126 marjorle evans 3 00 mrs harry scot 1 00 mrs nelson cook 60 good neighbours olen williams 82s0 total july leth 1944 360o61 rhe herald soldiers comforts fund forwarded to soldiers comforts committee 97364 cash on hand acknowledged 16338 arnold brill 600 total july 19tfc 1044 seed growers 11413 officials seed growe of haltoh and peel have inadstarrangeihente to meet fe deral seed branch officials to discuss plans for the marketing of this years crop of abate red atover and alfalfa aeed last years ptan reacted very di sastrously- in a monetary sense on on tario seed gro and needles to add farm jeadeik are determlswd that th situation be rectified leibre the 1944 crop comes on wjotawrketrib this end we leamee4fsfagrlconral bepre- sentehyfijlbajssautea1tat a meetj tag- is to be held bi ta court house brampton on moodafi iuty mth at lawmmaw and orrtarw to be notes on the lome scots camp at hiagaraonthelake date h and l rain temp fall tues july 11 86 67 67 wed july 12 74 65 70 thurs july 13 73 69 fri july 14 78 48 sat july is 83 63 sun july 16 s3 61 mon july 17 74 47 nephew of mb walter wbxtmeb db3s overseas from wounds lieutenant hayden asslln husband of phyllis whltmee who is a daughter of o j whltmee formerly of george town and niece of mr and mrs walter whltmee died in france on july 8th as a result of wounds sustained july 6th the whitmees received the sad news early this week lieut aestm had served two years when he returned to cana da for an instructors course shortly afterwards he returned overseas he was a member of the cornwall regi ment pte george tarzwell killed in france former eorretown man was mem ber of patens own sergeant george tarswell son of mr and mrs harry taraweu of toronto formerly of limehouse and georgetown who has served with the queen s own rifles of toronto overseas for the past three years has been killed in prance according to official word received by his family on saturday sgt taraweil who is 23 years of age was dorn in limehouse where he at tended school he enlisted in toronto shortly after the declaration of war surviving are his parents 9 batarta st toronto a brother howard and four sisters mrs j lindsay mrs fred castle mrs william baboock and mrs ted hiefcen all of toronto large congregational picnic i- ok norval and union pres byterian churches the non ooagngatlesial pknlc of ohurclasi was bead in peradsie park cheltenham last saturday the th w id for the e and ov 100 persons enjoyed the- picnic lunch and program lunch was served rae oclock shortly afterwards the program committee composed messrs andrew mcdonald albert hunter william bums and rev sekt commenced the afternoons sports events following are the races and the winners placed in order of winning girls 6 7 and 8 velma hunter helen amott bays 6 7 and 8 boy thompson ross ounn ingham girls 9 10 and 11 mary reid betty mo- chire boys 0 10 and u james cunn ingham harvey hazel girls 12 13 and 14 marjory macdonald mary mond boys 13 13 and 14 bui reid bob leslie girls under 18 loma m- clure marjory macdonald boys un der 18 harry singer bui cunning ham novelty races girls under 10 shoe race betty reid marilyn cunningham boys under 10 shoe race donald anderson james cunningham backward race girls un der 16 betty mcolure patsy patter son sack raoe for boys under 15 bui reid harry singer potatoe race girls open alma mae hunter loma mfc- chire potato race boys open bill cunningham john mcniauy honey moon special rev self add gertrude watson mens race open jnorman loam bob cunningham womenls tkne race mrs stoturt mrs albert dol- race boys under 30 son obstacle harry singer rues fendley young peoples relay race mr carson wt- ee miss ocrtiu watson bean- guesathg contest patsy patterson afana mae hunter egg throwing oon- test bonne jcam and obartle mfc- nauy the final eventos the program wm an entpoatastk bau game mabstaoe annofjngkment on monday july loth at the church of the good j cornwall on tario by the bekb g btuttr eusen may eldest dwbofmrs barveyl sraow mtoaawbraj eras united in tmtrtmwmpwu tent ably us efr wflbatn parfcen- sokendeheve mtf7uham parkin- 0ts baseball sprinting tugofwar an4 other sporting activities made up the programme for one saturday afternoon at the lome scots reserve army camp at nlagaraonthelake the weather although very hot was con ducive to keen competition m all events lieut e m mcklnney the sports officer of the regiment had things weh organized the top attraction was the ball gome between the support com pany of brampton and 0 company of georgetown this game climaxed s week of games between the various companies c company under the able coach ing of lieu jjvrlgglebworth earned off the honours the score was 2418 the battery of the champ was catcher- pte lorusso and the pitcher sergt j a ritchie and both these player turned in a wonderful exhibition other players in the team were shark stop pte r anderson first base pte m krente seooaffl base pte l brand- ford third base pte j bruce left field pte h smith centre field pte d robertson right field pte j buton spares cpl crelghton and pte b anderson f csjm edwards cpl mcdonald pte marlatt and pte j lawrence were thai chemplon sprinters of the b com pany team which took top honours in the relay race two tugofwar teams battled for honours in this interesting- event oner team was chosen by opl browning amf was coached by lieut wrlggdeewarttu and the other was chosen by onl tur ner and coached by lieut thornlcraft the four hundred pound rope used for this comeptltlon was put into action and after a tussle of some minutes the former was declared the winner there was a large entry in the 100- yard dash events pte j lorusso car ried off top honours cpl mcdonald was second pte wilson third and opl marlatt fourth the winners la all events were given spoons on whlcf was engraved the regimental crest the regiment received great praise from a large group of onlookers at headquarters friday evening at re- treat their smartness and steadiness on parade was a great credit to th officers in charge lieut wriggle and lieut waddeu on sunday the camp paraded to the- polo grounds for divine worship tjw service was conducted by ajmjor h p charters assisted by afmajor arch deacon wallace of hamilton and afmajor canon wukinson ipti of the 2 or massed bands under the di rection of capt j j buckle provided the music on saturday the boys arrived back home with enthusiasm good health and a grand holiday written all over their tanned faces all agreed it was the best camp yet from every staavu pah even the weatherman seemed t specially favour them a much larger percentage of the tfcxseihundxeov strong lome scots personnel qualified on the ranges than in former years their training was of a more intense and b calibre than formerly be cause all units receved specialist train ing with a much greater amoumvoc training equipment each unit had its- own complement of motor transport and weapons special to the army the first friday in camp lieut bx c wrigglesworth commanded the oase picket altogether nearly 8 thousand men from m d no 2 encamped jt nlagaraonthelake with memhsct from the different lome scots cobs- panics as personnel a group of tsven had to be on 34hour duty for proteo tton against fire etc at mgbt that were paraded to camp beedquazteca at retreat and were inspected by tbf field officer the local brigade wm highly complimented on their compe tence and appearance col bertram of file lome scots was complimented by major general l bv potts o c who inspected th bat talion on wednesday and thursday 4 last week on the high standard of s sonnel at camp and the twllirjl iff training achieved during ta two- week period the lome scots regimental band was rated as the finest in the reserve army in canada- severe hundred visitors were guests at the camp last sunday inputting halton oottdkjr obunoa who visited in a body on july 9th the loassrsvonthelake ladtas auxiliary invited the band to play m the unveiling of then- honour net ofl men on aottre service out w jiiifle of ony 8 major d g dtttsfraa supplies and rations weejtatder the direction of oqjcs lean prabtree who did the job in bis uesal capable sst mjr iksatossorwm oar- ssftilil fa jrswectta trott ing sgt cook steve xkawon wli charge of massing mil did ssggadebt rjpfc onwstws

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