Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 26, 1944, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday july 27th 1944 defeiille speaks from peace tower addresses crowd on parliament hill general charles de oauhe speaking to name- 10000 censdtiim gathered be- zustti the mighty peace tower on ot tawas barttanunt hot declared that oanadas assistance had done much to help prance stand upright and united again prance bad found comfort and support in canada general de gaude said for she had trained fighting french aviators armed french sol diers fed and clothed french prison ers ibe french leader spoke in xbg- llsh and french after taenia introduced by prime idolater w l meffcerwde king and hon last laurent tounty council meeting oewntj pntd grants pi i iiiueiuu to beard af tnie for tjse of victoria park and removal of two trees halton county council met in mil ion last tuesday july u the warden and all members were present with the exception of mr o v huhner fol lowing the reading of the minutes and wmuuaio mr u o marriott sane forester fox the dept of lands of forests reported to the council on us inspection of the county forest jast month he commended the county tor me good planting and the work that bad been done in the past two winters and hoped that additional land would soon get acquired he said that trafalgar ano nelson would benefit by a greater degree of moisture if more trees were planted in nossagaweya in creased reforestation would also be an insurance in times of unemployment as many men could be employed in t and improving the woodlot mr marriott was assured by the council tfeat the matter of acquiring dew land is already under consldera jfiobe ctuuiun the oood roads committee gave a de tailed report of the work done on the county roads to july 7 expenditure for the same amount to f3i6606 finance printing and hospital committees r payment of accounts county buildings committee asked to hare a letter from the muton board of trade discussed this letter re quested that permission be given for the removal of two trees in victoria park to provide sufficient space for a soft ball diamond for the juveniles of the town it was moved and seconded by craig and blair that the milton board of trade be given perndsslanto i- down amatler trees trirnfrt in the letter and that five lowest branches of the larger tree be trimmed off also in connection with victoria park was a communication from some of the residents in that district which read as follows we the property owners and tenants adjacent to vic toria park respectfully petition you to cause the discontinuance of the above mentioned park- as a playground for children we heartily concur that the children of milton should have a play ground bat feel that a more appro prlate place could be found a place more remote where tbeeonunuous noise would not be heard to the same extent during the part week from 7j0 am until late in the evening sunday incruded the noise has been most pro nounced and has certainly been un bearable to persons in the park vl cinlty especially to a few aged mr i who are far from physically well hermore no sanitary provisions lave been made for these children it more objectionable without doubt if these conditions are to obtain the value of property in this area will not be enhanced rather the gentlemen your promp and sympathetic consideration of this mat ter will be appre twenty s were affixed to the letter council were of the opinion that the matter was one for the local mu mdpallty to deal with and reqnesteo hat fee clerk send a copy of the let- tor to the local board of trade in tespa to a question by dr feeslop ft wms agreed that if and when per mission should be requested for the erection of sanitary accommodation such permission should be granted provided plans and maintenance met with the approval of the council and were not in danger of becoming a nui sance or a public eyesore county buildings insurance was again discussed in detail following a re port sent in by a w betson of to ronto who had been called in to make a valuation of the county buddtngs for insurance purposes the insurable value of the county buildings includ ing registry office and governors dwelling was appraised at 1330o with apparent reptecable value less 20 per cent for depre 47760300 it was finally moved by j m mcdonald and dr heslop that we place the in surance on the county buildings with the general fire and accident assur ance campany by taking a blanket po licy with a coverage of 103500 and a premium of 666 68 for three years the aforesaid company agrees to dis tribute premiums equitably among previous ocal agents concerned car ried other motions passed were aa fol lows moved by blair and campbell that the following accounts be paid fin anct 3272 60 printing 11538 agri culture 13616 county buildings 23832 hospital accounts 472 70 to tal 435s5 moved by mrs pettlt and w j ro bertson that theclgoeinstructed to convey to the co of the lome scots the sincere thanks of the halton county council for their mdtt gener our hospitality at niagara camp on july 9th mr blair gave a report of a session of the department of municipal affairs dealing specifically with assessment which he had attended and from which he had gathered information which he thought would be of great value when the time came for revised equalization of assessme for the county the mat ter was left over for the present mt j m mcdonald was chairman in committee of the whole itwea decided that no mee of the county council would be held in august the next meeting therefore is scheduled to take place on the se cond tuesday in september council adjourned a somxrk talks to god ood moves in a mysterious way to more bis erring sons to pray a soldier on the battleeve from sky a vision did receive much food for thought we must allow are in his words that follow now o god i i did not know tests true the reason pre not talked with tout some told me you did not exlstl id like to grreto them my fist lest night from trench t saw your sky i figured then theyd told a i thought of many things youve made those folks werent calling spade a spade 0 oodl youre big and great and grand but yet i feel you understand 1 had to be in this bombed place before in mind i saw your face i hardly know just what to ray a never learned the way to pray the sero hour is nearly bete rm not afraid god i you are near the signal i oodl m got to gol i trust you i want you to know its going to be an awful fight i may be at your borne tonight z wish rd talked with ybtt before please meet me when nn at ybor door 0 ood rm crying bbeddmg tears 1 wish ta known ton in pact years and now rm off but not xtood-by- weh meet quite soon if i sbould diet improved uniform international sunday i chool lesson y babojld t- untoquist d d of lit moody blbu institute of chlcajo balmmd by wtitira newspaper ontao lesson for july 23 womans past js national life lisbon tect- 4 1s l- a goloxh tscxtrwjw koowoth wmumt tboa art doom to the ktasdoin far 4 w women of our day have unprece dented liberty of action and almost limitless opportunity to show their abmty to meet responabljlty and to accomplish great things they are measuring up to that opportunity both in the armed services and in the multitude of tasks they are creditably carrying on in civilian life to those who seem surprised at their response to the nation s need the church could well testify that women have always served well in thof hgl jrljigj co most for l x woman can role w 15 god has established an order in the world wbjcfi places woman where jibe best fits in the home 3seretunjer the guidance and with the nelp of her husband she exerts her most powerful influence in the rearmft of children that is her norrnal most effective and most blessedposttion but afl too often conditions in the world are not normal and woman hke man is thrown out of the cus tomary orbit of existence deborah faced each a day israel had sinned and been gfven over to the chas- tisinf hand of the canaanlte then ood heard their repentant cry and was ready to send a deliverer as he did in the case of each of the judges apparently no man was ready to take up the responsi- bdlty or willing to thus serve god and so he called deborah she sat under her palm tree and israel came to her for judgment she typifies many women who have been the leaders of their people and her story has been an inspiration to women in the church may many more be encouraged to take up the weighty problems of moral and social righteousness which the men of our nation and others do not seem to care or dare to attack n a woman can lead w 69 barak was a man of ability deborah gave him full credit for his capable service 51 12 but evidently he lacked that initiatve which would send him into conflict with his people s enemies without deborah he would not go v 8 under her leadership he was willing and courageous it is easy to ridicule barak and no doubt he deserves some measure of censure but let us not be too severe on him when the records are all in it will be known that many of the feats of courage the high and noble decisions the vie tones in the fields of science and culture things that have been accomplished in and through the church were the result of the leadership of some woman many are the distinguished na tional and spiritual leaders rwho have said that all they were and had accomplished they owed to their mothers others speak with high ap preciation of a noble and inspiring wife think also of the many social and religious causes which have been largely carried on by determined and sacrificial women yes a worn an can lead and often she must lead out to get the men to follow not all the pursuits of life are lived out in peace or in preparation for war the time comes when battle must be joined and then we see that iii a woman can fight w 13- 16 true it is that it was barak who led his army but he went ouj at the word of de hers was the re sponslbility for strategy for the de termining of that important dday when the blow must be struck the courage- of women in the battles for country makes an insphr ing story not the least of that cour age has been shown by those who have quietly stood by the stuff at home who have bravery parted with their cherished loved one who have borne the dark hours of loneliness uncertainty and often of heartpiercing sorrow they shall not be without their reward see i sam 3034 m this it thejplsc to say a further word of appreciation of the women of the church who have fought such valiant fight against liquor social degradationrvice evil politics etc hats off to them may they be encouraged to go on then too one ought to say a word of sad and earnest admonition to those countless women who have used their great freedom in our 6ay as a license to live wicked and in- godly lives they do not have the courage to stand against the loose moral standards the common ec ceptence of intoxicants the immod est apparel of the day v christian women have the golden opportunity- of setting a fine pattern ot naeftiiiftring now let them make the most of it for the glory of got t impftoveo uniform internatiqhal swnday4- chool lesson by haltou l ldndqinbt d x of th moody edbte znstjtut of chicago ralcaaed by wtatarn newspaper union lesson for july 30 tmm ohjart and scriptvra txu mm- lctarf and conyrlhtd by international council of raililou xdomttaa uad by ptmlirton gideons faithful few lesson nsctvjudf s t 47 1mj- goldjen text there is no restraint to ibe lord to uw hy many or by jw i samoa ue m man power is said to be the secret of victory our nation is concerned about the shortage of man power in critical manufacturing centers the armed forces are caning for more and more men and women that will all make it a little strange to study and teach the les son for today for here is the story of a crucial military campaign in which the leader gideon was told by god to cut down his forces this happened again and again until he had less than one per cent of his original force which was none too large humanly speaking what singular thing was going on god was at work and he did nol want israel q l2 to me arm flesh but to hjnv three questions are raised and answered in this interesting story i quantity or quality 7 47 the lord is looking for men to do his work but he cannot use men who are afraid or careless this was the lesson gideon learned and it applies to our day as well when gideon started out he had 32 000 men judg 7 3 not willing that they should glory in their own strength and knowing that many of them were cowards at heart the lord told gideon to let those who were afraid go home when the mob had left there were only 10 000 left how sad it is that so many are fearful and afraid v 3 when it comes to going into battle for the lord they sing cheerily stand up stand up for jesus ye soldiers of the cross let courage rise with danger etc but when the bombs of satan begin to fall or the bugle calls for an advance into the enemy s territory they have dis appeared to places of comfort and safety what good are such sol diers the lord told gideon to send them home perhaps the church should do the same then came the second test which appears in our lesson those who took the comfortable and easy way to drink v 6 were not alert and ready down went the number to 300 but these were men who were ready to obey who were alert and courageous the church needs to learn that large numbers are not the answer to her probpems god is interested in numbers be sure of that but he is more concerned about quality than quantity let us get more peo ple who arc truly regenerated into the church and not just more peo ple ii man s power or god s power vv 1518 cruiung the plan of battle was even more unusual lights broken pitch era and trumpet blasts are hardly the accepted weapons of warfare nor does the method sound like mill tory strategy this was no time for questions for logical arguments for the usual organization of war for now god was about to work he was ready to show his power quite apart from the ability of man and he had a right to work as he would wise and blessed is the church which knows that there comes a time when the thing to do is to put plans aside and let the lord work no one will question the value of organization and proper church machinery but we need to ask ourselves whether we have not be come so organized that we impede the work of god observe on the other hand that it was the sword of the lord and of gideon not just the sword of the lord god is allpowerful wetmust not hinder his glorious working but he works through men do not forget that he used gideon and he used gideon s little band god power must accomplish gods work but that power flows out to the world through yielded and obedient men itj banning or standing w 19- 11 the enemy ran and cried and fled the sword of the lord and of gideon had put them to rout well may the enemies of god be terror- stricken when he begins to work through his servants ah this was done by faith for we find gideons act of turning to flight the armies of the aliens list ed among the exploits of faith heb 11 34 now see what gideons host was doing while the enemy ran v 21 they stood every man in his place no need for frantic hurry with them no fear no excitement god works that way remember the children of israel at the red see the water ahead and pha raohs host tojthe rear what to do fear ye not stand still and see the salvation of the lord exod 14 13 perhaps the word is corning to us just now trust god rather than the power bf man stand still and see what he win do for his own glory school opening ontario high schools will open sept 5 tt was stated recently by the ontario department of educa tion bat any secondary school board may postpone the opening date ap to a month later if the number of papus engaged to spe cial work makes this necessary this work tochides barvesung pre erring processing and and boards most notify the depart ment of any extension milton ttae grim reality of war came to an other milton home this week when mr and ma frank morley received word that their son pte george mbr ley had been killed in action in france on july 9th on sunday morning july 23rd at llajn his lordship the bt bev l w b brouahall bishop of niagara will celebrate holy communion and preach at st georges church low viue pte o carl turner 23 who was previously reported m following the dieppe raid is now officially re ported to have been killed in action his mother mrs howard turner ool borne st el oakvllle has been in formed eleven milton girts returned home yesterday from attending the humber valley girls damp near bolton they were accompanied by miss jean mac- nabb who was a member of the camp staff champion acton pte leo close was reported severely wounded while serving on bhe invasion front in prance definite information of the extent of his injuries has not yet been received by his mother mrs thee close church street bev mr waugb of olen williams has been supplying at churchill in the absence of rev mr foreman who is on holidays funeral services were held for the bite henry tyjrmnm uf elong real dent of this district who would have reached his 76th birthday had he lived for another four days mr leachman passed away wednesday july 12th at bis residence in aberfoyie after an illness of about six months at the regular meeting of acton public utilities commission superin tendent wilson reported that a few water meters were yet to be installed a notice is to be run in the paper no tifying each consumer that they were responsible for the protection of the water meters from frost and other damage during the heavy electric storm last night the street lighting transformer was burned out this put 146 street lights out of service free press brampton meeting in open session the town council voted monday to increase the salary of mayor w a bates to sso0 annually previously the mayor re celved 300 yearly plus 120 a year in fees for attending council meetings under the new salary schedule the mayor will not receive compensation fpr attending miwttnga in an attempt to solve brampton s bicycle parking situation the town council agreed on monday to provide a number of portable stands for the use of cyclists the stands wfll be sit uated on the roadway in front of the post office in the alleyway adjoining the a p store and on the roadway beside loblaw groceterias lieut e f ted oonover son of col and mrs r v oonover has ar rived back rn canada according to word received here yesterday lieut oonover was wounded in the italian theatre of war early in may plans of the armstrong bros con struction co for a new s9oo0o g on queen st k are dormant at the present time and no work will be un dertaken at least until fall it was dis- ctoeed last week well buud if as and when we can get the steel explained earl williams company representa tive conservator toronto commandos help fwtv halton pj since june 27th one of the robert simpson or t eaton company truck is to be seen almost dally in the county town prom 15 to 30 cofnmandos from toronto come out each day fifty odd formers in this county have to data received this assistance for varyma periods we learned from the agricul tural office in milton that up until the end of last week these men have given the equivalent of 343 days work tn answer to our query as to the ability of these men to assist in haying mr whitelock answered by stating that while the men sent out all had good intentions they naturally varied con siderably in flheir experience physical fitness etc he further stated that at least 80 per cexof tbe farmers re ceiving this help had been well satis- fled with the assistance received we also learned that upwards of 20 halton farmers had receved holiday workers who remained anywhere from 3 or 4 days to two weeks we also inquired re western faro hands and learned that to date thirty men had been received from saskat chewan and these had been placed wftss as many different farmers commandos from local centres hav also been going- out to a limited extent and now that wheat harvest is under way it is anticipated that many pro fesslonal and industrial workers wilt volunteer for two or three hours after supper to assist with stocking if our reader is in a position to render suca assistance phone local commando headquarters at once farmers requir ing such help should contact the same official baixinafad the annual meeting of the baby band was held thursday afternoon jury 20th at the home of the superin tendent mrs f j sborthill the de votional exercises were taken by mrs w brennan and mrs j mcbnery a program mi recitations and songs was rendered by the children and a very suitable reeding was given by mrs stanley sinclair mrs b weroe mrs j klrkslood and mrs j mbxnery brought greeting from the auxiliary three of the children graduated into the mission band and mrs foreman presented them with pins and spoke erjoonragmejy to the little ones after the program the served dainty lunch and a fecial hour was enjoyed by all mrs brans of toronto is spending a few toys with her sister at the manse rev joe pompier of jobnston omy tennessee is visttmg his mother at the home of his sister mrs j mrjenery lflsiii lena ferryman betty rtt dler and joanna shortul are pendlrtg school nbrmandale ontario mrs peter cole left friday morning to spend some time with bar sister at wlnzdpsr beaou una farra to toss dlsfrlot are awisamaj the fab wheat and report a of be bories ead ifs awa to leave a lot of them at yoar sonunexc0traa when they nughtomerwiscbepattosjkiod us all winter long for bottles sad cartons are used over and over agsis so please return your snnsmers couecnoe of empties in heir original car- to your nearest brewers retail store and help us m steady supplies for you this winter

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