Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 2, 1944, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday august 2 1944 director op bbo war reporting howard marsh 01 joined the british broadcasting corporation as an an nouncer in may 1s29 and was trans tarred to talks department for a while and had a hand in the news periodl- cauy he abandoned broadcasting and vent back to journalism he was sports writer for several papers in cluding the london dally telegraph at the bbc he was principally known dor his broadcast commentaries on ce- remonial and historic occasions though he is equally well known for his lively observations at sporting functions be has been heard describing king george vs jubilee and the moving scenes at his majestys funeral and again on the occasion of the coronation during the war he has been public relations officer at the ministry of food but in january 1943 with lord woouons sanction he gave up this appointment to join the bbc as a special war oar- respondent he is married and has two sons and a passion for fishing visitors tod8a canadians planning to spend their holidays in the tjjs this summer when boxdercroelng restrictions are more tknplrfled need not take their ration books out of the country with them mid fred o butt ontario superin tendent of rationing upon entry into the u s visitors from tills country will be supplied with ration points if they apply to the near- t war prlceand rationing board hi the ctty or town whue they are holi daying- points adequate for the dura tion of their stay win be provided mr butt explained tf canadian visitors plan to re m the tj 8 more than 60 days they will be given a regular american war book but under the drcum- they must turn in their cana dian ration book to the authorities here visitors to the v s for more than co days may also apply for canning sugar allowance in that country noted local frodvceb ufrdb total lynn river tensen ouve a mem ber of the purebred hblsteln herd of emerson ford hornby who last year qualified for a red seal certificate of longtime production by bringing her lifetime milk total to over 100000 lbs has recently completed another roj test which swells her lifetime total production to 123406 lbs mfik contain ing 4 012 uos butterfat she has been milked twice daily during seven of her eight lactations and four of her records have been made in the 306 day division her best test was made as a seven- yearold when she gave 630 us butter- fat from 18215 lbs milk in 306 days on twlceaday nnn her latest re cord was made as a tbirteenyearold she producing 426 lbs butterfat from 14190 lbs milk in 365 days olive has been classified aa excellent m se lective registration annual clkanup laying quarters after the old hens are culled in the summer and before the new pullets are brought in from the range an op portunity is provided to give the laying quarters a thorough cleaning usually some of the old birds are kept for lay ing or breeding purposes those that are chosen should be the healthiest and most vigorous part of the laying house building should first be cleaned out thoroughly and those birds which are to be kept placed in it the re mainder should be marketed and the rest of the houses thoroughly cleaned says dras munro poultry division central kcperhnental farm ottawa first move out all the equipment feed hoppers water stands nests roosts and dropping boards if mov able then scrape out all loose litter and droppings on both floors and side walls if water pressure is available boss out the house dirt which cannot be loosened with the water from toe hose should be weu soaked and allowed to stand with the house closed up tight to keep in the moisture the dirt should be sprinkled at intervals until it can be readily removed with a scraper- then scrape loose all remain ing dirt and sweep or wash out with water pressure after this is done use a strong lye solution about one lb to 5 gallons of water or a good coal tar disinfectant sprayed or sprinkeld over the entire inside of the house this should be allowed to stand for a few hours and then washed out with water the house can then be left with doors and windows open to dry out the roosts feed hoppers and other equip ment should be thoroughly scraped scrubbed off and disinfected before being placed back in the house when the bouse is dry fresh utter can be placed on the floor ready for the new pullets after the pullets are housed the co lony houses range shelters and feed ing and watering equipment used an range should be cleaned for use the following spring an annual deanup helps not only to guard the new pullets against con tracting disease from the old birds but serves to keep the poultry plant reasonably neat and clean jeep the pick of tobacco it does taste good in a pipe 3 when is a dollar not a dollar if hen it wont buy o dollars worth of qoods fir instance compared to prtsnfdoa standards q dollor of the lost w wa worth n o dollor p hut sometimes lejsthonfi housewives who went marketing in 1917 had to part with yj3 tor a tourpound jar of jam which uou buy todoy for qss winter underwear sit him hack sthenas compared tothe vjv hi could buy itfortoday you get a lot more tor your money n0wfj because price ceilings and otherontiinfiationory measures have kept the value of your dollor high thats why it will pay you to see that selfish spendin never undermines price control in canada remember you protect your dollars worth whin you use your money wisely when you pay off debts fy refuse to buy needless luxuries give black markets a wide berth and dont hoard goods i promise to give my support to keeping the cost of living down i will buy only what i need i will observe the ceiling whether buyiog or sell ing goods or services i will pay off old debts save for the future invest in victory bonds and war savings certificates and i will support taxes which help lower the cost of living je oak pofob muae ffqaf 85 v pinup girl a by bessie j doenges ucgure syndicate wntj faauirta hphe sands of the desert were 1 growing cold the sudden drop in temperature still cgrfte each night as a shock to corporal hank jones veteran of six months fighting he hud known defeat had seen the stars and stripes pulled down and the swastika flying over the hill where he had camped the night be fore he had lost track of time and the orderly sequence of day and night the men who fought beside him were closer than brothers be cause of those who were- nolonger there and now he was knowing vic- toryall day he had seen the ger man troops come down the road to surrender they were all over the place some waved leaflets that the british had dropped promising good food and fair treatment they were giving up by the tens of thousands arriving on foot in jeeps in trucks in tanks hanks thoughts turned to prue and the baby born after his depar ture if only he could seelttle anita just once before she grew out of her babyhood prue wrote every day he re membered the morning shortly after he landed that he received a batch of thirty two letters twentyseven from prue he carried them around for a whole half hour anticipating the pleasure of reading them he glanced up and stared at the colored picture of a perfectly beauti ful baby on the cover of a magazine on jerrys bed the child had a dolllike head plump rosy cheeks and mischievous blue eyes its hair was goldenred parted on the side and tied with a blue bow she looked so much alive that it seemed as if she were about to laugh improved unform international sunday i chool lessen d h ati old l lundquist d d of the moody bltate institute ot chicago nrteaacd by western ntwbpipsr union lesson for august 6 lcfioon aubji council of and scripture copyrighted by in religious education improved uniform international sunday i chool lesson t hahold i lunh ie moody bible in1 iruacd by western nc tut of chi en go lesson for august 13 uuon lubject and scripture texla a- fa idtfmnunruui puhlhca hr 1 hi brewing industry ontario help rmal ihrtjnrr iht nflriofi frprnrnrt w all the people of ilia nsttao why this might be anita hanks tongue curled up over ms teeth as a thought struck him why this might be anita prue had told him youneednt worry about our finances anita is supporting me in the style to which i am accustomed i took her to a model agency and everyone there raved about her she is averaging fifty dollars a week i have moved near the studio and nearly every day our little darling is photographed the camera men say they ve never seen such hair and eyes the description fitted perfectly mct the age noted ten rnorltrra seemed about right but he was crazy there was no reason to be lieve this was anita he just wanted to think so there was no resem blance to prue or any other mem ber of the family except that the little glimmering smile was like grandma nelson s picking it up hank found that the magazine was three months old anita wasn t even modeling then and she certainly wasn t that big impatiently he threw the monthly on the adjoining bunk jerry said we ve got to pin up some pictures we 11 probably be here for a while he examined the cover of the periodical you 11 make a nice pin up girl he said tacked to the canvas the little girl looked at the boys with inter ested alert eyes the impish smile curving the corners of her mouth she looks like somebody said jer ry half to himself then why she looks like hanki don t that baby look like hank fellahs they all gathered around looking from hank to the wall exclaiming on the likeness of hair eyebrows and mockingly of dimpled chin he wanted to tell them that it might be his kid but it would sound too fool ish he couldnt write his letter now he glanced through the table of contents of the magazine there he read frontispiece the young lady on the cover is miss anita jones of new york city aged six months her father is with the armed forces in africa its the spit n image of hank said fiu well call her hank second and make her our mascot he began a new letter to prue dear sop he wrote i wished on the new moon tonight i wished for something impossible and yet he couldnt put his feelings on paper somehow all he wanted was to stare at his little daughter he tried to envisage her big enough to take her first step to have a funny tooth or two in front some day when the boys werent there he would kiss her but hed have to be sure he was alone silence was falling on northern africa the campaign was over and he was that much nearer home power thbough selfdisci pline temperance lesson lesson text proverbs 1 1 10 jere mlah 33 510 i corinthians 9 2 27 i thcs sa ionian 3 22 golden text and every man thai strivctn lor the mastery 1b temperate in all things i corinthians 9 25 discipline that word doesnt sound exactly attractive does if it makes us think of punishment for wrongdoing wheri in reality it is a very helpful word which means teaching disciples learn and thus are disciplined so that life become afet simpler and more efficient when tht morro castle caught fire there was time for everyone to escape but 134 out of the 500 on board perished because they fought eath other when the presiden coohdge sank in the south seas 4 500 soldiers escaped alive what made the difference discipline thats all but it was enough there are many kinds of disci pline and all have their important place in preparing men to live well ordered and useful lives the dis ciphned life has power to meet trials and temptations we find in our les son three kinds of discipline itlome discipline prov 1 7 10 the training received by the child early in life from its parents is of the utmost importance in forming character children should ifcarn the true standards of life and be held to obedience to them if they are later to walk in the right way it is here that they most effec tively learn the danger of the use of intoxicants and the importance of keeping their bodies clean and strong for the service of god and country some parents possibly misled by attractive but false theories of edu cation think that the correction or punishment of a child is not to be permitted they assume that they are being kind to a child by not limiting his development or trying to direct it these are the people uho curse their children with kind ncss which is in fact the greater of unkmdness only a fool v 7 will despise the instruction of his parents and only a fool of a parent will fail to give that training which is like an orna mint of grace v 9 in the life of the young man or woman but the discipline of the home needs the support of ii social discipline jer 35 510 the social order which concerns our relation to our fellow men dis uplines ach of us it makes many ind vhat somitimes seem burden some demands of us in order that vo as well as those around us may iiul the privilege of living ordered ind useful lives wise is the man or woman who elrtvs from his fellouship with oth t rs that helpful training which give him stability and grace the rechabites had made a vow that they would not drink intoxi ints and as a tribe they stoot3 b mure thangod the priest in the life of israel lesson text i simud 1 1130 35 l 12 18 golden text for trrwry hlh priest taken from among men is orttwlned lor men in things pertaining to god hebrews 5 1 failure to observe gods law in evitably brings disaster that is true in the family and in the nation rlt follows even though the man who sins is in a high and favored position in gods service our lesson which brings before us the work of the priest in israel also reminds us of the sacred relationship of father and son these are im portant matters inviting our careful study 1 a holy calling 2 27 28 eli was the high priest in israel an office ordained of god and by him established in the household of aaron the priest was to stand be tween god and man there to seek his forgiveness for the sins of the people and his grace and mercy upon them he was to teach them the law of god and to seek for jhem divine guidance he was subject u special laws and had great pnv- leges of service such a man must not only be holy himself but unusually diligent about properly rearing his sons who wquld follow him in this office which waa by gods ordinance an hereditary one he had to be both a good minister and a good fattier eli waa the former but he failed as a father jn the new testament christ be comes our high priest heb 7 26 9 11 and those who minister for him are to bring men to him the one mediator between god and man i tim 2 5 heb 9 is in this new covenant the minister has a high and holy calling but it also is made clear that all believers have the liberty to come boldly to the throne of grace heb 4 16 hence they too are called a holy priest hood i pet 2 5 ii a high responsibility 2 29 30 35 as already suggested eh was evi dently a man of personal piety and integrity in office we honor him for that but we regret his failure to properly rear his sons who were to succeed him it is not enough to meet one phase of our responsibility before god and then because of our faithfulness i there to seek to justify weakness elsewhere one sometimes hear3 ihe expression but he is such a good man as an excuse for failure but it just will not do eh did remonstrate with his boys i but he waited until it was too late or did u in such a way and at such a time as to be ineffective his failure at this point is declared v 29 to be a placing of his sons above god in his thinking what a solemn warning to indul gent parents not to rule and re strain our children to give them their own way is to honor them n when tested by jere mi ih note that we say tested not u mpted he knew they woul mind fine family traditions have greai ilue in guiding and controlling oung people wt should like th good man jonadab v 6 establisl a tradition of abstinence from in tnxicints vhich will make all of out di st tndants sa no one in our f imil ever drinks the training of home and of society has one great goal and that is iii self discipline i cor 9 24 27 i thess 5 22 in the life of every one of us there should be that determined purpose that life shall not be lived in care less disorder or be permitted to run out at loose ends we are all running a race v 24 and it is for us so to run that we may achieve success we cannot run with uncertainty v 26 we must know where we are going we are fighting a fight and at times it is a desperate hfeand death struggle we must not beat the air v 26 but strike home the telling blows which will bring vie tory over our enemies the world the flesh and the devil to do this calls for training and selfdiscipline it means bringing the body and its demands into sub jection the man who runs in a race does not destroy his chances for victory by using intoxicants or other detrimental things surely we who run the race for christ must be even more determined that self shall be disciplined for gods glory the standard for the conduct of the christian is higher than is com monly supposed for he withdraws himself from every form of evil the disciplined believer know that sin is sin that what looks com paratively innocent often wears i false face covering real wickedness or it is the first step on a downward path to start on that way la to in vite disaster a striking example o this u the social drinkthe fashion able cocktail the friendly g1as abstain is the word abstain fror every form of evil weakness becomes wickedness in ourselves and in our children too god has made every parent a king m his home that he may command his children m the way of the lord andrew murray god will not permit such sin and failure to pass unnoticed he will set aside those who fail him v 30 and bring them into judgment he has others who are willing to serve him v 35 evidently young sam uel was the one in mind here it is both significant and encour aging to note that in the midst of the wicked and immoral surround ings created by ehs sons god had the tender vine of his own prantmg the life of the boy sampej grow- ing up in the temple he was al ready hearing gods voice and learning to obey the call iii a heavy judgment 4 1218 the israelites went out to battle against the philistines meeting de feat they thought to gain victory by bringing the ark of the covenant into battle and who had the effrontery toaappear as priests with the ark bat the wicked sons of eh swift end awful waa the judgment of god not only waa there defeat but the ark was lost to the heathen philistines and the two sons of eh were killed when eli heard the news of what had taken place he too fell and died here was the tragic end of a life that had begun with promise and all because of weakness failure and sin there ia a pomted lesson here for us the people of israel depended on the ark itself an outward symbol of godliness whan there was no spiritual life in the heart and they went down to failure will we go through the motions of religious ex ercises talk easily of prayer appoint men who please our itching ears h tim 43 to preach to os and then go on our rarrtam wotldly indifferent way am that our formal religion vflft bav uat paul tells us in jzttawttar that hav ing a form of goduneas bat denying the power thaw fc a atgfi of the r o perombr times bam upon may god last

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