Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 9, 1944, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday august 9 1 944 the georgetown herald fc ioews of bobgetown khtu oun willuin riwltramn ashgbovb uuinwid tbbba ootta acton bbauuttqn 1 30b00rift10h rons united states and overseas 9x00 a year advertising rates will be quoted on apottcauon telephone na walter o bieun publlaber oarmkld u moanvriy mary h bixbn msmber of tbe canadian weekly newspaper association i ontarioquebec division ot toe owjijl the editors corner guest column tfiis week interesting army paper the military district no 2 soldier a favourite leading is a twelvepage newspaper aptly entitled the bullet a military paper that gives the soldier the latest gossip and information on other personnel in the district edited by staff sergeant phil daniels a former toronto newspaperman the bullet is one of the most popular news sheets of its kind in the country from the front page where sgt daniels holds forth with his personalized just between ourselves tolumn to the back page where sgt hammy hamil ion unfolds her salty weekly apiel the paper is chuck filled with news and cartoons news stories and pictures of current happenings in the district take prominence in the lead pages the editorial found on page 2 races from the value of sports to the army to the foolishness of going awl all told of course in the spicy language of the soldier informative pieces are contributed by major charles r sanderson chief librarian of the toronto public library whose our traditions space is avidly read and by the district educational office which con tributes what goes on a weekly quiz on world events other features are columns of news centering around the various camps in the district contributed by ranks ranging from private to officer these meaty kvuichellesque contributions are favorites of the readers i depot dtggins news from onllia hamil ton military hospital mumblings from north bay medical murmurs bits from brantford simcoe scraps etc gives the soldier news of friends and acquaintances who are promoted transferred married achieve parentage or aaks pertinently who is the current sweetie of cpl casanova sparling the cwac s are not overlooked by a long shot as a full page is given to cwac activities here and abroad cartoon strips hold dear spots in the soldier s hearts particularly welcomed each week is a lovely well faced young lady named lace who is every re iectrng officiers for the common soldier of the infantry prawn with lana turnerseque qualities by milton caniff creator of the very popular terry and the wiib4wpwiipftl of many a warrior cpl san some s wolf and other pictorial gags lend the humourous touch to the bullet in the more serious vein there are tips on battle procedure how to avoid booby traps how not to waste ammunition how to identity friendly and enemy aircraft etc to keep the soldier fully aware of what goes on in the world the public relations branch contn butes a weekly roundup of world news given in cap sule form entitled the war news summarized sports hold a high spot as they are given a feature page withinthe paper swimming softball baseball tracks soccer and bowling as practised by the military personnel is duly noted and coming events heralded the spiritual life of the soldier is not forgotten as the padre s corner conducted by the uniformed men of god each week brings a salient message issued urjder the authority of major general a e potts c b e ed district officer commanding m d 2 the bullet is issued free to the personnel and how they love itl particularly the laff of the week this week it is a little poem culled from the ford islander published at pearl harbor and which goes like this my bonny lies over the ocean my bonny lies over the sea when she cables unswerving devotion my bonny lies obviously this carelessness must be stopped destruction of canada a forests by public care- kssness must be brought under rigid control if any na tional plan of security is to be made workable declared dr h j cody president of the university of toronto in a public statement this week small wonder that every class of canadian expresses alarm it camda s pace of forest burning president cody added when we arc pondering ways and means of employing more people after the war than ever m the country s history the ageold foundation for jobe and wages is the soil on nearly sixty percent of canadas soil nothing but timber can grow it is the mixing bowl r anni attan hydro hem lctolit hello honxcmakersl pickling is one or the many ways to save surplus fruit and vegetables cucumbers are on ot the common vegetables that may be preserved in many ways to give va rlety to our inexpensive winter menus pickling is a matter of bringing and curing without destroying the coloui or flavour or food value tbe equipment needed is compara uvely simple but you must be able to store in a cool dry place if you are storing in odd jars sealed with war time wax or crocks we suggest recipes requiring little or no sugar although we have had several requests for those using sugar but naturally if you have sufficient sugar go to it and make the kind that pleases your family saccharine pickle 1 teaspoon powdered saccharine vx cup salt 2 tablespoons white mus tard seed h cup dry mustard seed vi cup dry mustard i tablespoons tur merlc j teaspoon curry powder 4 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 cup cold vinegar 1 cup corci syrup b cups cold vinegar 1 large cauliflower 8 large cucumbers 10 small green tomatoes 6 small onions combln e caisharlne salt mustard seed dry mustard tumeric curry powder ai u cayenne very thoroughly mix to a smooth paste with the 1 cup vinegar adding it gradually at ijrst and combining thoroughly alter each addition add corn syrup and the 9 cup vinegar place this dressing in a thorougnli clean large trock break caulltlower in small flow erettes and soak in salted water about hull an hour drain cover with boll ing water and boil 10 minutes drain and let tool wash cucumbers and tomatoes and peel the onions cut all into small ubes add prepared vegetables to dressing in the crout ai d combine well cover crock with a clean tea towel tor with otl er cloth and cover with the thc- oughlj lean lit place crock in a cooi place l the c liar floor is good and stir the pickle twice a day for two weeks tmu sauce 12 large ripe tomatoes 2 large onions 4 grec i peppers is sail 4 tbsp tr sugar 1 tsp clwts l isp cinnamoi 1 tsp allspice 1 tsp grated utmeg 1 pint vinegar pfil tl e tomatoes nd onions cut toh aloes ii small pieces and chop the onions and peppers fine add the re ma i i ingrtiliei ts heal gradually to boiling poll t cook slowly two and one 1 ii lo t r c houl u frequent ly ii the vli egar is strong dilute it with water dill pickles select ucunlxn ol dill size wipe and arrange in jirs with layers of dill and mixed spices in the bottom cen tre ai d top of u e jar cover with hot brine made oi cup salt to 7 cups oil lng walei bcal and let stand two months before using strong vinegar may make pickles shrivelled and tough 2 a brine too weak wu tend to soften pickles the recommended solu tion to crisp cucumbers is one pound of salt to five quarts of water 3 keep pickled cucumbers green put a thick layer of fresh green grape or cherry leaves between layers of cu cumbers and on top of them before pouring on the brine ale question uox mrs st b asks why dqes chlu sauce cooked in an enamel pan turn a brownish colour answer allspice and cloves t to darken sauces more than other spices we suggest exact measure ments of the seasonings mrs k p ask will a einc tub be all right to soak cucumber in brine answer no we suggest that you put them in two or three crocks or enamel basins in preference to zinc or tin containers mrs t b asks recipe for bread and butter pickles answer 6 qls cucumbers sliced 1 dozen onions sliced 4 green peppers sliced salt cup 6 whole cloves vinegar 8 cups sugar j table spoons lurmeric cup mustard seed wash cucumbers and slice without peeling arrange vegetables in alterna- uyers hi a large bowl sprinkle with salt let stand for three hours then drum cover with cold water then drain combine remaining ingre clients and heat until sugar la dls owed add the vegetables and bring just to the boiling point but do not boll seal in sterilized jars mm b t asks ingredients for sy ij s to use on fruit to pickle answer 8 pounds fruit cinnamon 2 tablespoons whole cloves 4 cups vl egar 2 tablespoons whole allspice 4 pounds sugar 2 cups water anne allan invites you to write to her co rhe herald send in your sug gesttons on homemaklng problems and w i ten this column for replies at yonrservice tor wedding announcements and invitations distinctively stylkd the georgetown herald 11ie clle of th talking ihm sei upon ir the lonely woods the wonder dog who could talk was unable to save his crippled master but 10 r la tr his j rprlse courtroom tea tlmony helped convict the killers read about this i lq e cose in the amcricin weekly with this sundays aug 13 issue of the detroit sunday times men 30 40 50 wart normal pep vfe vigor fitjiceed triwns i pt small pickling onions 1 qt white wine v negar i teaspoons pep r corns 1 teaspoon salt bring vinegar and seasoning to boll lng point and remove scum peel the onions put into the boiling liquid and simmer about three minutes or until the onions are transparent pour into sterilized jars and seal take a ttp too much salt or sugar or too pjp tt- 1mw scrtc w aali 114 ft lja dimms ha pmwfc ate mwrgstimte directory of tobacco it does taste good in a pipe the final and only ciop from that domain of timber lands we now produce more employment than from any other resource except agriculture unlike agriculture mining or fisheries the forests are exposed to devasta tion by fire and such devastation either must be se verely curbed by tovernment action and public assist ance or this nation will lace tragic consequences canada has overcome difficulties far surpass ing the forest fire problem we can remove this blot whenever we decide to set about it bidding against ourselves it would be wise if we were to remember that every time we countenance a violation of the wartime prices and trade board that every time we make a purchase from the black market we are bidding against ourselves and agiinst our future it is too bad but money is only as good as its buying p wt r it wont mitter how magnificent our wages ire next ycir if they won t buy as much as low wages would last yen just let us start off on the wrong foot ind the good vicious circle will start rolling giddilv along gathering momentum as it travels until it will land u ivmg in the middle of another first rate depression w c have not yet forgotten tke different times we have only recently com through but there are many who do not yet understand that inflation is our great danger they cry aloud for high wages attended by increased costs from the port hope guide f r watson ddj3 md8 georgetown office hours 9 to thursday afternoons dr j burns milne dental burgeon x ratt georgetown phone 80 dr clifford reid ijb ddj4 dentist phone 410 slain street georgetown elnur c thompson insurance bkrvick pin auto windstorm o p railway and allied steamship summer excursions phone llttw or j georgetown monuments markers and laetterino pollock ingham galt designs on requestphone 3048 inspect our work in greenwood oemetery leroy dale kc m sybil bennett ba barristers and solicitor mill street georgetown phone 18 kenneth m langdou barrister solicitor notary pmjbuc first mertgage money to loan office gregory theatre bldg mill street phone sb georgetown c n r timetable daylight saving time ooino east 7 01 am passenger and mall 10 10 am passenger and mali 7 oa pm passenger sunday only 831 pjn passenger rlally fl25 pjn this train was formerly the dyer but now stops gotno west passenger and mall 840 am passenger sat- only z33 pjn passenger daily except saturday and sunday 63s pni dally except sunday 133 pm passenger sunday ly 1153 pjn daily except sunday 1259 am gotnq north passenger and mall 850 ajn going south passenger and mall 708 pjn depot ticket office pheoe zvw nielsen the chiropractor dragteu therapist 31st yesr x piaotfas lady attendant horn 25 8 b pjn dossd tbunday over dominion fftcbm qeaigbtown dr s e mag wood vktbrinary bubcwom phone u office between division clerks offloe and the id municipal building at the m oer of main and mm streets oakville monument workt w r bowftttda monument cemetery f shwhn good display of band tour patronage rtlkihao phone 6s8w oaktou frank petch licensed atjctxonbam prosnpt serrtoe phone 301 qeorawtown po box 413 radio repairing we specialize of this work 18 years j sanfordson phone oooroetowk jw gray coach lines timetable now in daylight saving time leave gbobostowm for tobonto im am 934 ajn 224 pm 644 pjn 934 pun b 10 09 pjn for lontxn y 1035 ajn s 7 1b f 250 pjn f d bjo p 450 pjn xb ll0 b sun and boudaya only x to guetph daily to qt- ohener sun and hol y to kitchener to stratford

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