Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 23, 1944, p. 1

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the georgetown heralq seventyseventh year of publication wednesday august 23rd 1944 georgetown fall fair prize lists now ready for dis largest list vet presented intfcftjibting volume uom cover to cover last week end the georgetown fall pair prize lists came off the presses slid proved to be one of the most out standing lists yet presented to fall pair exhibitors in this district the booklet contains 40 pages of interesting reading for showgoers and will com- pare favourably with lists issued for fairs throughout the province the cover is an attractive mayfalr green with bold black type and carry- ag an engraving of a soldier farmer and commando farmer appropriate ldeed for georgetown s sixth war i time exhibition the same motto is j used as on last years cover they also serve who feed the empire an other feature of the cover which should not be overlooked is the fact that the official prize list of georgetown fall pair is sponsored by the esquelng agricultural society this is very im portant because this is the ninety- eight consecutive fair under the aus pices of this society its origin dating back to the year 1846 then again the date should not be overlooked and in large block type we are told the show will hold forth on friday and satur day september sth and 16th the names of its i fleers are also listed tony stapleton writes interesting letter home aaivesewkemotes- horace blyth has recently been pro- motcd to lancecorporal he s in john bhanks manitoba farmer grain france with the invasion forces lac lloyd boyd of moncton n b i is on furlough with his wife and daughter gloria lac bob mackenzle has been trans ferred to no 8 ttu at greenwood n s bays rome a beautiful city and com- pares favourably with canadlat cities many interesting letters arrive back home from the boys who are being the world with the army this week we publish a letter written by tony stapleton to his parents mr and mrs harry stapleton in norval tbny as you will remember grew up in georgetown and later made his home in brampton while starring with the famous excelsior lacrosse team which won the dominion champion ship in field lacrosse a few years back tony did much travelling with this team across canada and through out the western states but his latest globetrotting has taken him with the canadian army to italy here is his letter home somewhere in italy july 20 1944 million parcel you mrs lovell puckering received word tins week that her husband ha been promoted to sergeant sgt puckering is serving in italy lac wlnfleld curly wheeler has returned to his station at victoriaville que after a furlough at his home in ulcn williama word has been received here that pte k w jimmy king is now in france word has just been recelvetfby mr ind mrs geo h leslie that their soninlaw sgt geo v chapman suffered bullet wounds in the abdo men while on active service in france birthdaj wishes to pte geortes latimer of the irish regiment ol ca nada who is celebrating his 16th blrthdaj in italy this week this is his second birthday overseas word has been received here that gordon pass formerly of georgetown jand husband ol louise bullnant has thanks for the sweu ymca super- t me early m may which vlsor he holl5 ra u honarar 200 per annum 3c per copy lions street carnival an outstanding success buyer for 52 years retires m buyer for national grain co ltd interesting news has been received about a native of the limehouse dls trist mr john shanks of pettaplece manitoba recently mr shanks was interviewed by the editor of news and views a publication fur the employees of the national grain co ltd and he has sent us this interesting article to republish for his friends in the district mr shanks is still hale and hearty at eighty three years of age he recalls that on two occasions in the past he was honoured by visits from editors of jie herald the late r d warren and the late j m moore when they were visiting manitoba and hopes that the present editor will be able to pay him a visit someday he reports the graham family all well and the 3rd generation in manitoba now carry on here is the article from the february 1944 issue of news and views on june 30 1041 there retired from our company a grain ouye with a ser vice record of 36 years with one ex ception we know of this is the longest the weather after the heat wave of the previous two weeks the temperature has mo derated to give us a week of ideal summer weather with showers early in the week to keep up luxuriant growth the average daily temperature la week was 6925 as compared witn 7j5 and 84 3 during the two weeks pre vious here are the records date h find l rain temp fall tues aug 16 01 65 08 wed aug 1c 85 68 34 rhurs aug 17 75 56 2 fri aug 18 70 67 sat aug 19 73 51 sun aug 20 82 50 i mon aug 21 84 63 lome scots jamboree holiday treat plans are well company ome arrived two days ago gosh what swell treat the cigars were they with craig red president and garfield irzlr really welcome and now i on really l mccilvray secretary for their se- cond terms and p w cleave trea surer who has held this position for i captain i in a letter to his mother pit lieut o well over 20 years a name that become synonymous with georgetown fall fair turning the cover page we find the fairday programme listed in a very concise form on the inside a feature will be the official opening of the show by mr j a carroll supt of fall fairs association of ontario this will be followed by music by the girls pipe band baseball game baby show light horse show harness racing trick horse show potato race and musical chairs on horseback etc the hall exhibit will also draw much attention especially the display by the arte and crafts cooperative and the work of the urban and rural school children the livestock show is cited as one of the best in ontario the following page lists the officers and directors for 1944 as follows honorary president hughes clea ver m p hon first vice president l e fleck president craig reld first vice president w j alexan der second vicepresident d charles treasurer p w cleave secretary garfield l mcguvray phone 273w georgetown board of directors t l leslie g w mclintock frank petch john bird james fisher t j brownridge nelson a robinson harding price w c cunningham howard may herb cleave spencer wilson robert miller h o wrlgglesworth n h brown honorary directors nat guthrie douglas g h wright john bingham w a wilson dr r t paul associate junior directors john mcnabb r alexander eccles mc- clure j lady directors misses m oault c mccullough elsie bird eva chis- holm mrs w e nodwell mrs h cleave and mrs spencer wilson auditors john h bingham and j d godfrey a unique feature of the 1944 list is the two pages devoted to fair news it features a number of items which might otherwise pass by unnoticed to the average citizen in the forward the directors hope 1944 will be the coy enjoy them in theening whenl sit f down to read or write everything was o k except the little jar of jam and that had leaked out luckily it soak ed mto i pictorial section of the pa per and did not spoil any of the i was wondering if your par cel was lost on the way over when it was so long in arriving but then i buess tlje reason our mail was held up was tht number of boats required for i llie invasion of france the fruit cake was ox and also the fancy cakes then the next day another gift of pipe tobacco arrived and i sure want to thank you for everything well last friday i spent the day in rome and it is a beautiful city just like a city back home every person jou see is well dressed and no sign of war damage in any part of the city perc that i have seen i went to the cana da club and bumped into bill collier and ed shortiu they were both in the best of health and i was surprised to see them after dinner we sat to gether and had a little chat they reallv have fixed up a nice club for us under way for c scots big jamboree sept 4th it promises tually bought grain for 52 years which wlt t 77 t jrww wmiu basebau championship tournament no doubt is a record for train buin ummeiclng at 10 ajb term of employment of anyone in our ot tnbo organization not only that he ac- 7 n western canada remarkable is at first glance the more amazing it uecomes when you stop u consider the ears of our west are not many more that is as far as the white man is con cemed it was the formative stage and during these vcars western canada grew up a sprinkllnj of white men tells of visiting his at who is in hospital in england sgt jim was several wounded in france tuilj this month douglas sas that while jim sutlered severe wounds in the became hundreds ol thousands wide lit is still verj cheerful and should be around and wtell again in a few i months sgt major thomas wames s lor lhrti juis bent j mos interebtiiil parcel to his family last week which included a piece of metal from a flying bomb this is on display in the herald office window there j plim in prairie trials became whistle stops as the ratlro ids erept onward ind branched out whistle stops po pulated into towns and here and there developed a iltv if onlv in an odd nstante is in excuse to increase the mil rate the northern elevator company ptrt of the national grain co also cigarette a shell made into a novel was incorporated in 1893 and was lighter several pieces of english copperyware were included for mrs warnes as well as some ex cellent photos of the wedding of sgt spurgeon oakville at which fommj was groomsman taklxhns ukaw much attention the cartoons which iispla in the herald manj favourable comments have been on window hav e boys it is a big stone building on one ls jq suimp his of the main streets there must be h j usama about thirty steps from the street up orl joe 3lamv ta a local to the entrance big stone pillars relurne recently from the fight ing front in italy where he was ae- in the afternoon there will be bingo games and other amusements the regimental band will be in attend once you are asked to bring a bas ket lunch and spend the whole day with c company in the evening a dance will be held in uie armouries with a guelph or chestra supplying the music there will also be lucky draws for valuable prizes c company lome scots reserve look forward to your supoprt and proceeds will be used for comforts lor the boys who spend many nights training in the reserve army icn ore considered to be the oldest operating incorporated grain elevato ompauj in western canada 4 years hlo the incorporation of the old northern mr john shanks of petta plece man began his 52 years of trrain buing and here s one for the books he doesn t consider himself in he categorj of a grain agent but was and is a farmer mr shanks was bom in hal ton on a iarm near limehouse and a farmer lip h todij and he has been all his life he was almost eighteen years of ae when he arrived in the west in winnipeg march 1879 and on april around the front of the buiiaing m- w c d by ox uam struck oul for his i ide the doorway there is a hall with fronl m iuuy where h 7 omestead at pettaplece man mak- palm trees on each side as you walk bhe11 shockod wc i ion lrl 8 he immediately down the hall on the right hand side w some drawln r a to work and broke up 40 acres of continued on page eight r m p w y i prairie land seeding 20 acres to wheat ind 20 acrci to oats the crop a good jm lone due to an abundant rain fall was chml jtdrts cut with a cradle and hand tied with dirri sln bands and threshed b a small ifcw lojlalti driven outfit the yield was mainly i istd for seed a small beginning but service to the county farmers latr he acquired for 400 00 an ad fire at herringtons last friday night 1 what might have turned out to be a serious situation was caused when fire broke out at the home of mr and mrs covered b its broadcasting facilities joln quar section and still later c herrlngton john st last friday i adio station ohml hamilton has ilirreajied nis holdings to 800 acres night while the tamlly were attending inaugurated a dally morning sundas todny the acreage comprises lwo the lions carnival on main st the excepted farm programme before the he rides on one which ls tire started trom an electric burner i programme was started chml pro- by a son the other was run and was only discovered when corey imperial section canadian legion annual picnic boa ruing a chartered bus last satur daj august 19th the imperial section of the canadian legion accompanied b their wives and family motored to stanley park erin for their arm ml picnic spoi is were indulged in bj joung and old and all enjoyed the bas ket lunch during the evening several races and other sports were carried out and the following were winners in the sports program girls race 75 vards peggy mulr 1st doris roberts 2nd throw ling rolling pin mm j kemshead 1st mrs a taylor 2nd vets 75 yard dash comrade t herbert 1st w carney ind kicking shoe mrs w taylor 1st mrs a taylor 2nd three legged race comrade w cirney and jessie murphy i potato race 1st mrs j kemshead 2nd mrs f yates mrs w carney mrs f smith mrs r mulr girls potato race d roberts 1st p mulr 2nd all attending had an enjoyable out ing and with the exception of a few of the comrades who had stiff mus cles after the different contests the i picnic wib a grand success w i ducers conferred with agricultural off b a grandson until he enlisted in the jr went into the houstforsomrf2is cuus from ntokmpni in and and te now a puo somewhere a quick run by the firemen saved the l toronto where all inform 0meta situation although a basket l jzx slutlng on the stove were burned be- peach prices fore the fire was extinguished using takes up its share of pages un til we come to the list of prizes it is impossible to list all of these but itic we can assure our readers that a very victory year and thai before another i attractive list has been compiled a fair time should roll around that i number of classes have been added and peace will have again been restored to 1 prize money increased so that exhi the world they realize that canada s jitors will find it not only interesting basic industry ls agriculture and with i md entertaining to display at the fair this in mind will do their part to it profitable as well maintain and stimulate agriculture in special features in this sectiottls the every department they note the ex i iddition of a hackney horse class n cellent opportunity to display the pro hampshire sheep class tne i eaton ducts of agriculture the fair offers in co hog special of market bogs the this district also to advertise that the husking com display and the special farm prices crop reports and agricul highest quality stock and produce are i iwards for gmin women s institutes i tural no fnn rovemmental office d vtotorj garden displays spc i districts is routed the farming offl clals made suggestions as to what sort or information the ontario farmer wo ild appreciate on his early morning i show and these have own adopted the name of the pronnni ls rural i reveille rural reveille comes on the air oright and early each week day at 345 in the morning and lasts for two hours when it leaves the air at 7 45 canada s sterling newscaster lome leeie o mes on the air with the itest world news included in this new and interesting farm programme are such features of titerest to the country and rural re- dents as weather reports closing britons buy peaches at 150 each the early days grain buying while we can get a sixquart basket of winter job between seasons good ones for 99 cents canada ls a oldtlmers used it as an oppor i tt lood place in which to live continued on page eight niagara falls review en lertainers please labcw crowd proceeds earmark ed for community park project although the weather turned cool after a week of stifling heat it did not cool the enthusiasm of a record crowd for outdoor entertainment for an evening of fun and enjoyment it lj estimated that 2000 people thronged main street for the event and all went home satisfied with the program put on by the georgetown lion club the evening opened with a program of band music by the lome scots re gimental band followed by a free gar den party entertainment on the main platform the band music was excel lent and great credit must go to this fine musical organization for the ser vice they rendered to the lions olutk hlghllghtlng the entertainment ml little clifford votsey of hamilton who thrilled the crowd with his singing and accordion playing charlie jack son versatile comedian won much applause with his wit and humour and has been promised a return en gagement somewhat out of the ordi nary was the skits by oie english co medienne lou rayne who ran grade fields a close second making his se cond appearance here this season was bill davles ventriloquist with huvj punch and judy show and clever wit after an hours program an inter mission was held when the many games and refreshment booths were well patronized doris hulls orchestra supplied music for the jatney g and the younger set enjoyed this post- time until well after midnight with the grand prizes afforded for the bingo the tables were thronged for all games the lions had the coopera tion offline legion men who ran the bingo games off in a very satisfactory manner while the pop stand did not do a rushing business due to the cool even ing the hotdog stand sold out long before the supply met the demand a brand new bicycle was set up and tickets sold during the evening and the draw made donny ford was the winner of this valuale prize the draw for the ton of coal was won by mrs h martin college view with ticket number 99 and mrs martin 1 asked to call at brills store and re ceive her voucher for a ton of ooal the carnival was held with only one oojectlve in mind the levelling and beautifying of the lions park site co water street so successful was the affair that an app mm has been raised and work will now go ahead for the drawing of plans and boautiflcation of this site the lions club wish to thank all those who helped in any way to makr the carnival the success it was tor without their help they could not have staged the carnival due to thelr llmlted membership they would like to especially thank the band the men who carried on the games the men erecting the booths stan lyons for the use of his truck the boy scouts mrs vail en line for the use of her home the ladies in the booths for their assist ance and jos sanford son for then donation towards the sound equipment the lions club have been requested to put on a return engagement and he are already working on plans tor in even bigger event in the fall when some distinguished talent will be se cured all six teams vitl paiticipate in soft playoffs i stonf now leading rnlta for playoffs finals will be played semi plajoff best 2 out of 3 games mitii loop- at georgetown fatr games to be huttonville park community singsong sunday night scottish concert party will supply entertainment the georgetown scottish concert pirty consisting of the girls pine band bill macdonald s rhythm rubes and other artists are supplying the additional program at the huttonville next sunday night q available in our county they urge ci ttzens to come and meet old friends and m new ones and enjoy the many varied and interesting attrac tions fair f ews also gives an account of the boards donation to the soldiers oomforta fund and a report on the societys field crop competition in husking com which has 13 competi tors the following two pages presents pictoriady the georgetown a girls pipe band who are again supplying moslc and gives notice of the guthrie baby show which win be held in two classes this year four pages give way to the ust of contributors to this or- ganixatkm without whose support the fair could not carry on rule and regulations governing the eihttnang at the fair and complimentary atsver- lal prize list and the acton dublin and limehouse girls garden brigade exhibits one whole page is given over to the arness racing an event that has been a feature attraction at the fair for some years on the inside back cover one sees at a glance that the annual pair night dance will be held again this year m the arena music on this occasion will be supplied by the modernaires or chestra and the dance win be held on friday sept 16th on the back will be found space to address a copy to anyone whom joa think might be interested in exhibit ing at george fair and the edi tion is f1p with the time honour ed slogan meet tour friends at oeorgevwn fair plnv ofr games start on monday there ire just thrce games to be migiwt 28th and must start sharp at plaved in the georgetown and district o clock if team not ready to ploy by glnnlng g proeedtof tau softball lenpic to wind up the regu- xn will be forfeited all playoff games to be played in georgetown no players will be allowed to trans fer from one team to another after being put out of playoffs teams can not bring in any net players for play offs games to go 7 innings if possible umpire can declare winner for schedule smith a st nc are end news from governmental offices lnr gp au and county headquarters weekly news williams pracing i close second papers at six and seven oclock there and lhtrd piajcfr games start next is world news and throughout the pro i mon aug 28th with all six teams gramme there is bright cheery music competing and all games beingplayed anging from peppy marches to old a georgetown park however to fl- time music for the younger people llisn seasons regular schedule who rise with rural reveille there is liire games have jet to be played also some modem dance muate j aug 23 alliance vs provincial norval more npkte innings in newseditor logan stewart who -pj- qq aug 25 t qo i darkness writes the program has said that he alliance hrtfumb the program to be a real ser vice to the farmer and hopes they will write in any wishes or suggestions they may hare tor m the pro gram their own morning rural re veute fght black market buying in the black market ii sbrtkng a blow for the enemy knif ing our jown fighting men and women in the baek- ftnals at fair i the softball league finals wol take place at georgetown fall fair on sept 18th three teams will partici pate in a agaime suddendeath affalr hlghest team in league standing after semifinals gets a bye and plays winner of second and third playoff winners the first game at the pan win start sharp at ii0 pm or team not on time will forfeit game of other umpireinchlef w ford umpires j ellington j boyle meeting friday august 26th at richardeon8 hardware for team man agers leagsk standing p w l t pta smith stones 10 0 3 2 14 alliance 8 6 13 13 glen 10 4 5 1 provincial 9 j 0 1 1 terra cotta 8 1 b 0 norval 9 3 6 3 s ver collection will go to buy cigarettes for georgetown and district boys overseas those attending are asked t be as generous as possible besides the program by the flcot party there will be community ringing and moving pictures talent ls volun tary and any incidental expenses are borne by the inanagement of hutton ville park if the proceeds are not large enough to take care of all the local boys the oouectlon from futon singsongs will go to this fund last sunday evening was streetevllle night and 86 00 was realised everyone from georgetown and district ls invited to mate this a gala erentng for a good canee lists are posted every sunday night of men who hare iw tbess eaa forts call at she herald ouset or write the beoretary fir a copy of to osot gatown fall pair prise 14

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