Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 6, 1944, p. 2

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the georgetown herald wed september 6th 1944 the georgetown herald nbwb op okorgstown norvai olen williams uafxhoube btewarttown aahgrove baujnafad iiornbx terra ootta acton brampton bolton suu6ciuptxon rates canada united states and overseas 340 a year single copies bo advertising rates will be quoted cm appttcatton telethons ne 8 walter o bzbhn publisher garfield l mooiiivbay mary h biehn editor j boley member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontarioquebec divisioo of the owj4a the editors corner r can our town be improved theres no doubt about it georgetown is grow ing and thriving weve interviewed the boys who have arrived back home after two or three years over seas and all remark on the same fact the number of jiew buildings and in a couple of cases practically whole xiew streets but the growth has been so rapid that we didnt need the testimonials of those who have been away for some time it is very obvious and remarkable even to us who have been irving here all along very soon now a new industry the federal sales and engineering company ltd moving out from toronto will begin to operate in georgetown they riave built a fine new brick factory on the site of the burnedout cement walls of the woollen mills on king street and will bring many of their workmen from to ronto in addition to the local men employed this means more new houses more business- for the town and more use of the towns facilities such as schools churches parks etc weve remarked before that georgetowns growth is not of the warboom variety even the new factory has excellent postwar manufacturing prospects this is a time when all over the dominion communities large and small are taking stock as it were and plan ning how to make their towns more attractive and bet ter communities in which to live after the war we see it every day in the daily papers and every week in the weekly papers this trend in thought made us turn our eyes to georgetown to look at it and compare it with other towns we found two things lacking a possible third which we consider vital community pro jects and which merit careful consideration first of all a sewage disposal system this is badly needed as natural drainage in many parts of town is poor we be lieve that this particular improvement is practieally assured after the war then there is the matter of tt good clean place to swim in georgetown has no suit able river running through it that could be dammed up and made into a swimming pool so the undertaking might prove fairly expensive but we believe it could be done if all the organizations in town got behind the idea and each one established a swimming pool fund appointed a central representative committee and made it a real community project in the truest sens of the word it would be a good objective for our board of trade to aim at the possible third we mentioned was extensive improvements to our high school the time is coming when the whole secondary school curri culum will be radically changed to combine matricula tion studies with more practical forms of instruction for both boys and girls the improvements and additions will have to be made then but in the meantime we feel it is a shame that our high school students haven t a proper auditorium or gymnasium when there is a school gathering of any kind the students have to assemble on the stairs facing a cramped little hall space the auditorium and gym could be combined in the one ioom its something we would very much like to see built and soon as our town grows in size wed like to see it keep apace in conveniences and facilities weve men tioned the three things we consider most important and when we accomplish these georgetown will be second to no town its size in the province it will be a better place in which to live for your wife your children your neighbours and you i arts and crafts cooperative imagination skill and industry these are the underlying requisites of any work 6f art theyre qualities which become more and more highly develop ed as the person uses them in producing a work of art we have a twofold benefit a beautiful object and a widening or improvement of the personality and the natural result of this a more interesting person thus it is always a good sign when a cultural organization flourishes in a town we read as many ontario weekly newspapers as possible each week and ain a pretty fair idea of what people in towns through out jus part of the province are doing and thinking it i only occasionally that we see reports of meetings of such an organization as we have here in georgetown in the art and crafts cooperative these ladies all have an ait or craft and their occasional exhibitions and ales are looked forward to very much by all who like lovely things and who doesnt some of the mem bers paint pictures some make childrens stuffed toys i transform old furniture into attractive household i pieces with an artists paintbrush and a good dash of originality but- by far the most popular craft at pre sent is handloorn weavimg we were surprised whenwe learned of the num- ber of looms there were in town and of the yards of multipatterned material being woven and made into coats suits hats handbags scarfs placemats luncheon sets etc not so long ago we received a circular at the office telling- of efforts being made by ontario to at tract the tourist trade with some provincial specialty in the line of food or clothing we understand that hand- loom weaving has become very popular in the cities of this part of ontario too so having seen the beautiful and useful products of this creative pastime right here in our own little town wed have no hesitation in re commending to the bureau that they concentrate some of their tourist publicity on ontario handwoven materials going bacl to our local art crafts co operative georgetown people will have a chance to see their exhibit at the fall fair 0 work is beautiful and members are to be congratulated on their skill initiative and enterprise in joining their efforts into a thriving organization to encourage the development of canadian arts and crafts in georgetown when children die the tragic death of children in an english com munity when a military airplane crashed in their midst aroused widespread pity and sympathy ironically nothing has been said about some 240 children in eng land and wales who were choked to death by diphtheria in four weeks endingapril 29 last or the- hundreds of other british children who have fallen victims to pre ventable diseases this year are our tears to be confined to those children who die dramatically according to statistical reports there were 2420 cases of diphtheria in england and wales during the four weeks mentioned about 10 per cent of diphtheria cases today are fatal many of the patients who recover suffer serious complications thus like falling aircraft or enemy missiles in fectious diseases take their toll in dead and maimed the difference is this- all the valor and skill of the arm ed forces and all that parents can do cannot protect all children against the violence of war or accidents asso ciated with warfare but loving parents can and should protect their little ones against preventable diseases for which simple safe immunization procedures are avail able our tears for the little children who died and were maimed in the crash of the airplane cannot bring them back but we can protect children against di seases which kill and maim just as surely as violent accidents associated with war- this applies in canada as well as in the british isles this is the objective of national immunization week september 1016 spon sored by the health league of canada in cooperation with health departments throughout canada landlord and tenant i many in recent months have undergone a change of status they are now owners instead of ten ants of their homes in most cases the change did not come about through any particular improvement in their financial position but was forced upon them by the current housing shortage their landlords sold the house in which they were living and the evicted ten ants rather than take the chance of being moved out of the next home raised a down payment and assumed responsibility for a mortgage in the process they evict ed another family but their sensibilities were well har dened by their own experiences in moving and house hunting and they had no compunction about the trou bles they might be passing on to total strangers a byproduct of this common experience may be a new sympathy for the landlord always hitherto deemed the natural enemy of the tenant race when the tenant becomes a homeowner he finds that he has been leading a sheltered life particularly if his move is from an apartment to a house when he is paying rent for an apartment he can budget his living costs with some accuracy heating costs plumbers bills taxes and mortgage payments all come out of the landlords poc ket as a tenant he favored the freezing of rents by the wptb as owner he quickly disaovers that taxes are not frozen and that maintenance costs have a steadily upward tendency in spite of price control perhaps the most noticeable feature of the change in status appears in the matter of decoration when the blanks were tenants of an apartment some years ago they felt aggrieved if it were not completely redecorated every other year and as jane blank had a more forceful personality than her landlord she usually carried her point now after three years residence in their own house the wallpaper still needs renewing jane has found that new roofing exterior painting fur nace repairs and countless other items have prior calls on the budget jim her husband who hates the domes tic upheavels associated with paperhangers visits smiles secretly for him homeowning has its compensations the printed word school again by mary i ritohle o j a progressiveconservative letter v f 0oontlnued to the citizens of halton for ldng centuries men and nations have accept ed applied and capitalized mechanical and scien tific truths and inventions they have hardly yet tried the acceptance and application of moral and philosophical truths even christianity has been found hard and has been tried only here and there where consecrated leadership has been given to the peoples thinking t the observations contained in this and in our pre vious letter coritain the key to the solution of our national prpblems internal and external issued by the progressive conservative continued next week association halton county georgetown fair sept is 16 directory x f r watson dxb mx georgetown ofitee hours 9 to 6 except tbursday afternoons dr j burns milne dental surgeon xray georgetown phone 80 dr clifford reid ldb dxjt dentist phone 410 uatn street georgetown elmer c thompson insurance service fire auto windstorm o p railway and allied bummer excursions phone 119w or j georgetown monuments uareb9s and mjttaerino pollock oz ingham g alt designs on requestpbooe 9048 inspect our work tn oreenwood cemetery leroy dale tcc m sybil bennett bjl banisters and solicitors mm street georgetown phone ib diclt cannot find his rubbers and paul has lost his slate and peggys in a fearful fuss shes sure she will be late big brother ben picks up his books and tries to look so cool as if u were a little thing this starting back to school while mother hunts up caps and books and handkerchiefs and ties wee baby sue sits patiently and watches with surprise she wonders if it la some game- theyre trying all to play for nobody has told bar yet that school begins today kenneth m langdon barrkter solicitor notary pabuo first mortgage money to loan office gregory theatre bmg mm street phone 88 georgetown c n r time table daylight saving time going east 701 ajn passenger and mall 1010 am passenger and mail 703 pjn sunday only 831 pjn dally 025 pjn this train was formerly the oyer but now stops going west le aii hil fir and man 840 ajn passenger sat only us pjn passenger dally except saturday and sunday l35 pjn dally except sunday 7jjj pjn passenger sundays only v 1153 pjn dally except sunday 12jjs ajn ooxno north and man m0 ajn ootno south and mall 1m pm nielsen the chiropractor drugles therapist 31st year of practice hbady attendant hours a 5 89 pjn closed thursday over dominion btorst georgetown phone loow dr s e magwood veterinary surgeon i 11 office between division oourt clerks office and the new municipal bufidmg at the ot ner of main and mm strasts oakvujle monument works hnmnmta cemetery tsllilssj and markers designs submitted good display of monuments on band your patronage rifrril phone 83w oaktilu radio repairing we specialize in this work 18 years experience j sanford son rtoone georgetown 34w frank petch licensed atjotionekr prompt service phone 301 geo po box 413 gray coach lines timetable now in efpbot daylight saving tcme leave qeobootown for tobohto i 7m im m ojb b34 ajn 9 j4 pm ut pjn b wj pm job london r iojo am i t4s pm r uopjo kuonjb xb luf pjb mm

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