Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 6, 1944, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wed september 6th 1944 generally speaking by nadine harkins mcoare bjmdlmte wntj vtatnrm daffy war i main this la a maan like joe cbrlen for instanca back in the fitatea ha always groused about the british and poked fun at the lace curtains in buckingham palace and fb changinc of the guard and bo forth then he joins up and where oes the army send him but straight cross the big drink smack mto the heart of london i and in nothing flat joes a one- nan chamber of commerce for the bland a boosterforbritam da luxe be gets to attend queen marr on a personal tour and winds up think pig hes the prince consort now joe writes hes marrying the sweet aet girl in the world a little eng jbh schoolteacher i suppose when faase shooting galleries empty and we all go home joeil be wearing a monocle and calling bis pals old mrs old sock old top e f teah daffy war take me for ln- jslsiih generally speaking im no ope 1 mean a guys gotta have a little gray matter to get to be a corporal dont he so maybe i don t warm up to attu likejoe does to england i still dont make no bones about it much even if it aint no feetair furnace i just want to be- a good soldier wash out these nippies and get home to barbara i am thinking of barbara that bight in the icecold foxhole with the tars big as kites and the night so till she sure is a sweet kid and ae beat jitterbug in the gang gen eraby speaking im not the com plaining ty but weve been crouched hefetoo long to suit me trying to outsmart a jap trap on the side of the snowy slope below us thinking of barbara sort of warms ma up and when i get warmed up i get mad i mean i keep thinking about barbara and the gang and the good times we had down at the rollerskating link or the dance palace or iakes spa with the juke box moaning a hot improved uniform international sunday i chool lesson rlemd br wwtun nawapapar union georgetown public school to gather milkweed pods lesson for september 10 lasaoo aublccm and scrtptura wxts a lected and coprrltfitml by introuocj council ot rallstmis eduotkmt uaad bj permlaalof s david anointed king lesson te j samuel ib 10 fill golden tkxt man looketb on tb oub- wartf appearance but the lord looketh pd tw heart j samuel 10 t jive and i think how a fellow would want a peach like barbsia and maybe shell get tired of waiting for me so i yank out her snapshot the one in the bathing suit and tt sort ot reassures me but 1 kind of shiver for barbsie and get madder still because we can t rout out those yellow babies down below us theyre holding up the whole works i grunt disgusted fine war i gripe when we cant shoot out a nest of yellow baboons im getting sick of this piece anyway dont like the air conditioning id much prefer being a general makes me bum to think of general farwell over at the base why they say that bird has a supetspecial trailer to live in and he doesnt have to park in no slimy foxhole neither that trailer la bombproof and has running water what simpsie quips the kid next to me again no neon lights the fellows all laugh especially this quiet guy in the corner who roars fit to kill but im still bum ing so i think of barbsie again and ruppentlost outward appearance by which man judges is almost always de ceptive god knows the heart and is able to evaluate a man correctly jn calling david the ruddy shepherd boy to be king god cut across the jdeas of men but he was as al ways right i a man from gods storehouse v 1 i have provided gods great storehouses are full of blessings material and splriw ual but he also has a great and constantly replenished reserve of men and women from which he calls and sends them forth the thing we must guard against is the setting of hindrances in his holy way either in pur own lives or in the lives of others a man power shortage is very serious for it simply cuts off the stream of production without which action becomes impossible there should never be any shortage of man power in the lord s work and there would never be any if all his creation were willingly subject to god was ready to set aside saul and he had david ready samuel the prophet was still grieving over sauls failure in a sense that feel ing for saul was most commend able but it could not go on when men even of our own farm lies or circle of friends persist in rebellion against the lord we must not let our grief hold us back but move on with the man of gods choice ft ii a han who had to be sought w 25 send and fetch him usually those who are quick to offer themselves for an important place are not the ones for the place and those who are sitting around doing nothing but waiting for some honor to come to them are not the ones to choose let the office seek the man is the highst ground even in politics surely it must be the proper proce dure in spiritual activity david might well have wanted to be at the place of sacrifice and the feast that day but since all his family were there and someone had to care for the sheep he did it a man like that hard at his work is well worth seeking when some thing important needs to be done the interesting story of samuel s effort to find one among jesse s seven sons vv 610 is well worth reading samuel still had the idea that a king must be prepossessing and able to thrill men byhls ap pearance he should have learned better from his experience with saul god put him right v 7 and we do weq te renew avr thinking on that point the world is in a place where many leaders must be chosen in the months and years just ahead wtq we be eager and willing to have god lead us in our choice or will we be swayed by personal interests or political expe diency iii a han of spirituality w ii 13 the spirit of the lord came upon david the holy spirit ever active in all periods of bible history became the abiding presence in the be lievers heart after pentecost but during the old testament period he came on chosen individuals for a particular work as david was anointed king the spirit came upon him for that service in spite of his fallings when he forgot the lord david was throughout his reign a spiritually minded man who wanted god s will and his glory to be to pay x0 cents bag for milkweed pods wanted fob armed forces on vacant lots on farms and along roadsides in western ontario there are available about 200 000000 milkweed rods for which the agricultural sup plies board ottawa is prepared to pay school children or anyone else who will collect them 20 cents a bog for dried pods the floss from the pods or rnuk weed is now urgently required for mak ing life preservers and other buoyant material for the armed forces of the united nations it has been found to be an effective substitute for jcapok ipplles of which came from countries in the south pacific ocean until they were occupied by the japanese the collection olthe milkweed pods must be done within the next few ceks the agricultural supplies board j providing special bags to schools and those willing to bather milkwaed pods this autumn these are open- mesh sacks such as are used for ma- keting onions carrots oranges and grapefruit and will allow for the dry ing of the pods without the precious floss blowing away one bag will hold about 800 pods it is estimated there are about 235 000 bags of pods growing on milkweed plants in the souto- estern counties of ontario n all these are gathered up enough floss will be obtained to make more than 100 000 life jackets milkweed seems to grow more abun dantly and vigorously in some sections of the country than in others the counties in the southern peninsula of ontario notably essex kent lamftv- ton elgin and norfolk have abundant stands growing naturally the region between lake slmcoe and georgian buy including all of slmcoe county and adjoining areas could produce 75 000 bags of pods alone if all are picked not only in uie country but even near the cities there are plenty of pods for children and townspeople to gather many of the vacant lots and fields on the outskirts of toronto and throughout its suburbs are polluted bv oils rankgrowing wonder weed five thousand bags are available to the suburban districts of toronto between new toronto and dunbarton alone only a little effort and willing ness to help is required to harvest the pods they should not be picked until some of the seeds inside the pod are brown but they must be gathered be fore che pods split open and the floss blows away the esquesing agricultural society is offering 5 00 in cash prizes to pupils of georgetown and rural esquesing public schools collecting the greatest amount of pods with the decision as to weight or quantity being left in ttie hands of the teachers1 georgetown public school has already signified their intention of cooperating in the project and the fair board hopes that the rural esquesing schools will do likewise information on where to get bags rrom the agricultural supplies board confederation building ottawa side facts on mojadyb new ftjb coat for winter it may aeem somewhat anomalous to the average man that when the days are hottest and the mere mention f furs is apt to make one feel the heat more intensely that those in the fur bade advertise their wares the most there is wisdom born of long ex perience hi this practice for when august comes the time is fast ap proaching for needing fur coats and fur pieces this year aocordlng to w m rit chie oblef of the fur inspection and oracling services dominion depart ment of agriculture the canadian fur industry is in a healthy condition both from the viewpoint ot those en gaged in fur production on fur farms and in trapping and those in the fur manufacturing and retail trades pur farming is in the big bi bracket to canada mr ritchie est mates it represents an investment of about 40000000 in 1043 the value of canadian raw fur production compris ing pelts sold from fur farms and those caught by trappers was 27-694- 164 a pew record and eleven per cent above the value in 1942 mink pelts topped the list with a value of 5 b42 ooo muskrats came second with a va lue of 5599000 silver fox third with a value of 4 623 000 and coyote or pratrie wolf fourth valued at 3000- 000 twenty other kinds of fur pelts sold for more chan 16000100 since the war began the fur trade in canada has been enjoying a good measure of prosperity due to the gen ral shortage of raw furs and to the high ratio of employment causing more people to have money to spend pnwp whom is a high percentage of j women workers while canada contributes substan tially to the countrys requirements tn furs large supplies are however im ported from the doited states and other countries new york city i tbm principal centre of the tf 8 fur trade norval com roast was held last wednes day night for uie young people of norval united church and tbougtv the ground was rather wet a gpods time was had by atl those who at tended were howard garnet jean bill and lloyd laldlaw edith and clark lyons earl uoarttiur crvood carney neil dick betty and agnes van vttet audrie demerung bui hunter mrs h lyons mr and mrs n laidlaw mrs j laldlaw harry lory and morjorie pmnamore tb com wasn t cooked until late in fee everting but it certainly was appro dated by those who had just returned from a swim this was the fut open com roast of the season but it is hoped that its not the last ggjp the pick oftobacco h does taste good in a pipe how we used to go sledding with the gang down hills just like this one and the idea hits me smack in the cranium coma on wise guy i yell to my buddy all excited like tear down that canvas shelter half the little quiet guy comes over then what are you men planning get back to barracks i fling at him spreading the canvas on the snow and sitting on it the little guy starts to sputter but my buddy catches on quick and gives me a good swift push thanks barbsie hold on tight here we go to glory or the grave was there ever such a toboggan ride with the feel of the hand grenade hard and sure my heart pounding against my ribs and my sind clicking like a time bomb errily down the slope i travel very fast and very close to the japs holes doing by i toss the grenade for a perfect basket right in the monkeys startled faces yeah daffy war because next day i have a data in that alrcondi tloned trailer over at the base seems the quiet guy in the corner was major general farwell and he wanted to do a utile coasting him elf that night bei a swall egg and my pgomohnn la firstrate and j afanwftmatal a lfttle bh oc o k too bstfm vu ttt that and gen rahy pamnvsft i nerat thought id vtod ap ayaaltfrgto the gnralt god never calls a man without lnahlmg him for his i isk and the chief and mdispensoblt enabling is that of the holy spirit s power like david we may enter upon a god ippointed responsibility without fcir or question simply trusting the holy spirit to take transform empower and use us for god s glory iv a man willing to serve vv 1418 upon saul there came tre mendous moods of despondency these were from the lord v 14 in the sense that god permitted his disobedient and rejected servant to suffer the result of his self will and failure how awful it is for anyone to be out of the will of god and conscious of his disapproval to help saul m those dark houri divid the sweet singer of israel was willing to serve with bis voice and bis harp how many thou sands of tunes david has served all the generations since with his psalms he was a man of gifts gladly given for the lord and for others bear tn mind that while david was not yet publicly crowned he was already anointed to be king yet he was ready to serve the one whose place he wab to take even in his hours of dejection and hateful ihwill about milk is our most valuable food it must prowde ub with milk to drink with butter cheese evaporated and conteniratcd milk and a score of other products canadian farmers have done a magnificent job they have increased what happens to all this milk milk production in 1943 by more than 510 million quarts over 1938 they have done this in the face of a 25 reduction in farm help equipment shortages and the fact that it takes two to three years to bnng a calf into milk production in si lit f frcaur pr kiuitii n the ltmind f r milk ind milk pr iducts h is ntn tvui m ire because- i there s m rt mont to spend mi rt ixi pit art working with thinned hibits ind m creased ft needs c our armed forces and llies make heavy demands it hts thtrtfore been nccrskar by r itu ninr b subsidies h orcful planning ind by other tontr is to divert our milk sup ply into channels mojt suited to our vinous food needs fluid milk takes as op our milk iwnusc fluid milk is rcrirded by mitn ti nisis the most nearly perfect food ni tiling lus been all wed to mttrfere with its iilt txhy cmnidiins irt drinking m rt milk ind a icroiitr ptrccntut of ur milk su plv is txin consumed as llmd milk llian ever before huid milk his tht rikht o way but don t waste a drop of it it takts 9 quarts op milk to mam oni found of buttk butter takis 4s op ouk milk in th fust three ye irs of wir our butter nsumpti n increased 10 so ration int is esnblished to prtvent too much n iu m iiik ml i buittr it the expense of ui inix rt int milk pr duels ind to i isurt i 1 ur shirt lo tcryt nt tt nti ninj f butur was influenced by the fut tint il his less nutritive vdue thin s mc other milk pr lu ts ind be- i u- m net i rtmr i supply of fits or t twir f id equiviltni in other forms to niaint nn t projxr balance of con sumption txtween vinous milk products ind to ensure that butter is put into storirc f r winter use whcn production dn pb it is necessary to reduce the ration i rm time to lime cheese takes 10 or otm milk canada s annual cheese production has pone up hy about 37 million pounds since thewir cheese is a concentrated food product easily shipped and stored that ia one reasawi why we send large quantities to drcai bntiin to help meet its prcssmg food needs while in the list vear t ex ported four of every five pounds of cheese c made our production has been so increased that we have kit for domestic use about three million pounds a year more llian before the war evaporated milk takes 6 or ouk mlut more than twice is much 152 million lbs wis used by cinaclians thilast ear as m 1 1 million lbs and yet there has not been enough where has it all gone it san uiiportant food for babies and tliere are w 000 more of them a year larger quantities have gone to areas where fresh milk is not avulable armed services have added new demands in spite ol this our exports of cviporatcd milk to great bntam new foundland and the west indies etc are maintained at prewar level ice cream and other milk products take about vt or our milk the manufacture of ice cream is restricted lo the 111 level because bulk is deeded for other purposes milk powder and condensed milk are tak ing more milk milk sugar is used fai the manufacture of perucillm and for other wartime purposes casein a milk by-prod- uctl is used in makmte glue for aeroplanem uct is used in making glue for aeropb 90 of thi milk ptoduced in canada tt consumed in canada

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