Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 13, 1944, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventyseventh year of publication wednesday september 13th 1944 200 per annum 5c per copy georgetown fair friday and saturday this week many feature attractions promised for 1944 show the die is cast on with the show the 1944 fair will in all probability be one of the best shows ever of fered by the directors of esquesing agricultural society to the public not in 98 years of the society s existence has their been a more enthusiastic board of directors who with victory in the oiling are making out pair into on great rctwar effort so that halton county will stand in first place as an agrlcul ural centre the war years have been trying ones for the society but it has endeavoured to lav a solid foundation so that when our soldier boys return they will be proud to step back into the harness and carry on in true canadian style show dates friday and saturday september 15 and 16 are the dates all day friday the fair grounds and hall especially will be a hive of activity as those ex hiblting will be placing and entering their exhibits entries have been com ing in to the secretary since the first of the week and many old exhibitors are being welcomed bock new exhibi tors will be welcomed on fair days so bring in your exhibits membership is only 1 00 and you may exhibit up to 10 entries in the hall over that amount 10c entry f fees are charged with 25c lor special entries the hall will be open froaf830 ajn to 6 00 pjn on friday show day proper will be on saturday when many special attrac tlons are promised official opening mr j a- oarroll supt of fall fairs association will officially open the fair from the stand from which a number of other agricultural and fair celebrities will be introduced the directors have been fortunate in se curing tory gregg of kincardine outstanding announcer of the big shows to act as masterofceremon les the girls pipe band will also usher in the fair by parading to the park sqftbaix play off commencing sharp at i pjn will be tfae softball league playoff two suddendeath games will be played and will no doubt attract many spec tators light horse show georgetown fair has advertised their light horse show far and wide and some of the owners of ontario s finest horses have been invited to show here just bow many will be on hand is not known at the moment but no doubt an appreciable entry will be on hand baby show the guthrie baby show will certainly be a feature attraction this year two separate classes will be judged and two competent judges from the lower end of the county will assist mr guthrie in awarding the prizes for which he has been donating for many years other attractions those in charge are more than pleased to be able to present a hall ex hiblt which will no doubt be tops for district fairs the outstanding exhibit by the arts and crafts co operative will hold the centre of attraction flanked on all sides by excellent ex hibits by the women s institutes girls garden brigades school children s work navy league display girls knitting club besides the usual dls play of victory garden vegetables flowers fruit grain a new exhibit will be the husking corn entries the out come of field crop competition prizes are also offered for children s pets on the grounds there will be a large entry of the finest cattle horses swine sheep and poultry there will be musical chairs and potato races on horseback high jumping horses po nies etc the georgetown board of trade will have a tent on the grounds and mr russell t kelley of hamilton has been invited to be present the st john ambulance association will also have their new tent on the grounds ready for any emergency that might occur fair night dance friday evening prior to show day proper has always been given over to the usual dance when young and old trip the light fantastic this year a brand new dance hall will greet the dancers as the arena building has had many improvements it is the first dance of the season don t miss it mo- demalres orchestra with favourable weather don t you agree that it promises to be a great day in georgetown yes it is fair time again blarney turns up after months wandering in georgetown georgetown has always been a cfif ftcult town for tfce stranger toflnd his way around but it is seldom that anjone stays lost as long as blarney who disappeared on august 5th and didn t turn up again till last friday i blarney is a handsome black persian cat who came for a visit with mr and mrs harold bell of hamilton and saw 1 more of the town than he bargained in answer to advertisements i i the herald mrs bell had been inform ed by several townspeople that the elusive cat was seen about town in the queen street district and around th monument last week some kiddies captured him and brought him to the herald office where they were directed to the home of mr bell s mother 1 i town but blarney escaped en rout- and the search started all over again last friday he turned up again in the ravine behind mr and mrs c chapman s home on main street south and in response to a call from mrs chapman mrs bell was able to per suade blarney that there was rjo future in wandering around georgetown with tumn coming on now he is back safe at home in hamilton where he is probably ruminating on how a town can have so many streets and by ways incidentally mrs bell is grateful to all her friends in town who kept her supplied with news or blarney s whereabouts w0 james kelly safe in england three months of anxiety ended for mr and mrs john d kelly and family last sunday morning when they re ceived a cablegram from their elder son warrant officer james kelly saying he was safe in london england twenty year old w o kelly was reported missing in a raid over cam oral france on june 12th being a member of the crew of a lancaster bomber which was shot down since then his family in town and his wife in winnipeg have never lost hope that he would some day turn up safely details of his activities the past three months are not known as yet but it is assumed he had been in hiding in france in one of the areas recently liberated by the allied armies on monday the kelly family re ceived official confirmation of his sa f ety infa telegram from r c af head quarters and they expect further word by letter from the young airman in the next overseas t mall georgetown druggists participate in war samngs stamp drive the druggists of georgetown are 100 per cent behind the canadian drug gists war savings stamp drive which began on september 1st the drive has a million dollar objective and the money has been earmarked for the government to send orlikon shells to canadian forces oversea these are 20 mm shells for the orlikon guns you may see examples of them in the three drugstores again this year as last when a total of 16 stamps are bought each druggist holds a draw to see which of the pur chasers will win the 5 00 war savings certificate macoorroack s drug store and robbs drug store have not yet held a draw at chapman s mrs nor man snyder won the first certificate and mr h moss of toronto won the second as an added incentive this vear the drug trading company has donated a 500 00 bond and each purchaser of stamps at robbs or maccormacks has chances equal to the number of stamps he buys for every four stamps however an extra chance is gien death of pte stanley dickenson overseas the communities of glen williams and georgetown were shocked and grieved to learn of the death overseas of pte stanley dickenson on august his mother mrs james dickenson received official notification in a tele gram from ottawa monday morning it stated that her son had been killed in action in france and that further information would be forwarded as it becomes available his father spr james dickenson is on the canadian headquarters staff in london eng land pte dickenson enlisted in may of last year with the argyle and south era highlanders he was nineteen in july born in yorkshire england the family came out to canada and settled in glen williams when he was a small child he sad irved there ever since and was employed in beaumont s woollen mills beforeealisting a fine lad in every way he will be mourned by a large circle of friends his is the first death on the honour roll of st alban s cttorch of england surviving him are his parents and barbara leslie betty freddie and ellen at home reg broomhead married in england mrs lily broomhead received a ca ble last wednesday september 6th that her soil reg broomhead sta tioned in england with the rcaf was married to the former miss betty daley further details are following by letter and an account of the wed ding will appear in a later edition of the herald employed at the hera i at time of enlistment in the air force reg is a member of georgetown united church and the united choir active service notes sgt george gilmer wireless air gunner with the rjcaf arrived safe ly overseas according to a cable re ceived on friday b yhis wife and fa mily birthday congratulations go this week to pte gordon lane who cele u u j jrj7 a congregational meeting in the brates his 22nd birthday his fourth united church last thursday evening the weather we have had a week of ideal autumn weather warm sunny days but cool nights when the glow of the kitchen stove or fireplace feels comforting the average dally tenjperature for the week was 572 about eight degrees lower than the previous week following are the local records date h and l rain temp fall tues sept 5 70 50 08 wed sept 6 74 53 20 thurs sept 7 60 50 fri sept 8 63 50 sat sept 9 68 44 sun sept 10 70 40 mon sept 11 75 45 this contest is for ontario only the druggists war savings stamp drive ends on september thirteenth remember when you make a purchase at chapman s robbs or maccormacks this month buy a war savings stamp to send shells to our boyst church honours rev a dayfoot on departure for china mission price on axis chiefs rocky ford colo the local ro tary club li offering coloradan troops money if they participate in the cap ture of axi leaden the prices hlt- tol 100 htrohlto w5 hbnmler 94050 ooertn oh76 ittbbentrop o0m ooobbel ajff50 mntsoltna 4j6 birthday overseas on friday septet ber 15th pte lane who is the son of mr and mrs r lane went overseas with the lome scots and has since transferred to the saskatoon light in fantry for the past two months he hase been in a convalescent depot in italy recovering from an attack of diphtheria wo 2 horace hurley has reached overseas safely according to word re cently received by his parents lccpl william kelly camp bor den spent the week end at home ia c george brandford graduated last friday at guelph and received sparks symbolic full flight wireless navigator he will be posted to chat ham nj3 at the first of october most rev derwyn t owen form erl bishop of niagara and now pri mate or the church of england suf fered a sad loss last week when his son david died of wounds sustained in the battle of france opl bill armstrong of st thomas was home on week end leave barbara cousens daughter of col and mrs g b s cousens has en listed in the wrejjs and is at pre sent taking her basic training at km c s conestoga gait barbara is a graduate of georgetown high school sgt norman delke of vancouver c has been spending a furlough in georgetown and toronto sgt delke who originally enlisted with the lome scots has since transferred to the cmbc corps of military stat clerks and is at headquarters in van oouver he brought news of norman wright an acton boy who war sta tioned at george anoourtm for some tune back in 1m1 wthav th lome soota were recruiting norman recent ly went overseas with a western unit and held the rank of cornpany ser geantmajor the georgetown board of trade is planning a big eent sot frl oct 0th see next wev herald for fur ther passed a formal resolution wishing the rev arthur dayfoot god speed on his journey to china and god s blessings upon hun and his work t iere as a mis lonary of the united church of ca nada following the resolution the congregation engaged in worship led by the minister during wtdch the blessing of god was invoked upon arthur and his parents mr and mrs c b dayfoot brief addresses were made by the chairman of halton pres bytery the rev douglas facey of bronte and the convenor of the com mlttee on foreign missions and mis monary education of the presbytery the rev a fosbury of acton messages of goodwill and interest were given by the ven woo thompson ilnd the rev c c cochrane on behalf of their respective congregations ot st george s church of england and knox prcsby terian church the rev john ostrom sent a message of regret that he was unable to be present and of good wishes from himself and the members of the baptist church adams former teacher of a sunday school class which arthur attended as a lad in georgetown spoke briefly telling of the boys in his class practl cally all of them are on active service for the state in this or other lands arthur dayfoot he said is now going on active service in another land for the church he paid a high tribute to all of the boys whom he served as teacher all of whom are serving either church or state a solo by mrv howard wrigglesworth jesus never fails brought the meeting to the climax when the minister asked rev dayfoot to come forward and read him the following address dear arthur it is not so very long ago that you were a lad attending this church and sunday school here along with others you heard the word of god and were nourished in the christian gospel at length confessing jesus christ as your lord and saviour and becoming a member of the christian fellowship in bus community you received your secular education as well and from its halls of learning went to study at the university bat somewhere and some time daring those years you heard the voice of god calling you to the cehrtst- tian minttry and in your fourth year at tjnrrerslty the session of tills con cremation recommended you to hakon presbytery s candidate for tfae mi nistry you were received as oandl mccleanherringtot nuptials last friday on friday september bbh at the united church parsonage rev r c todd officiated at the marriage of au drey m herrington daughter of mr and mrs c e herrington george town and stanley j moclean stoker 2nd class royal canadian navy so i of mr and mrs charles e mcotean ol brampton mr and mrs garnet norton georgetown were the attend ants and the parents of the young couple also attended the ceremony a wedding supper was held at the home of the brides parents atteided by the immediate relatives of the bride and groom later in the evening the bridal couple left for a short honey moon on their return the groom re porti to his station in nova scoria an unusual feature of the weddtrg bupptr was the presence of four gene rations in two families these were mrs melissa ross mrs corey herring ton mrs jack mcmullen and edward and david mcmullen the other group consisted of mr george herrington mr corey herrington mrs jack mc mullen and edward and david mc mullen public school pupils planning fair exhibits milkweed collections and war stamp drive pupils at georgetown public school are busy these days planning their en tries for the fall fair this weekend is well as an autumn war savings stamp drive a milkweed collection and continuation of last year s success tul paper and basket salvage principal h c wriegleaworth re ports an enrolment of 313 students which includes 41 beginners an in crease of 15 over last years begin j ner class there are 34 students in date and after your course of theolo u gical studies was completed you were to year s enti class mrs g mc duly ordained as a minister of the lolla ha been appointed supervisor united church of canada you chose music for the school a position as your field of labour the home mission field and for some time vou lave served your master there being truly a christian it was in your heart noi only to obey the first great com mandment thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thy heart and with all lhv soul and with all thy mind and with all thv strength but also to obey the second which is like unto it namely thous shalt love thy neigh bour as thyself a great love for your fellow man has grown in vou and you have come to see that jour neighbor is he who has need of your help be the color of his skin red white yellow or black and be his nationality what it will events have led you to offer your services to the foreign mission board of o ir church what those events were we do not know but we feel cer tain thev were ordered by the al mighty and through them ou have heard his voice calling to you for this treat decision now you are under orders to pro ceeti to the chinese mis ion fl id nder orders from jour lord and from his church we pny god s grace upon you and by his grace may there be beautiful fruit from your labours to his love we commend vou and voir parents whose influence has meant so m ich to you we know that they are proud of you we are proud of you be well assured that yo i will liavp our prayerful support in your work for the lord with our good wishes and prayers we present you with this watch re minding you through the words of the author of the book of ecclcsiastes that to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven a time to be bom and a time to die a tlmeto plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted a time to kill and time to heal a time to break down and time to build up a time to weep and a time to laugh a time to moume and a time to dance a time to cast away stone and a time to gather stones together a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing a tone to get and a time to lose a time to keep and htlme to cast away a tone to rend and a time to sew a time to keep silence and a time to speak a time to love and a ton to hate a time of war and a time ot peace there la also please god a continued on pace eltfit hich she held in year milton p s last robert hoare tells of a near tragedy mr and mrs charles hoare re ceived a letter last week from then- son bob of the rcaf in england which contained the following i must tell you about the narrow es cape i had 2 weeks ago on a sunday artcmoon i went to a show the three which were in the home where i have been living were the mother and her little boy and my chum when i cimc back from the show there was no home and the three were killed civilians searched for the bodies till 10 pjn i have to gel a new kit and new home they gave my chum military funeral that i will remember f r a long time if i hadn t gone to the show well we won t talk about that you can imagine how i felt managed to save a few articles 1 v hiding my uniform i expect to go to scotland shortly when on leave i am in good health so until i write again keep smiling and love to all bob hoare a letter to the editor georgetown september 11th 1944 dear madam editor i it is my desire through the medium of the georgetown herald to refer to a debate in the municipal council in regard to the georgetown arena as published in your paper of sept 6th his worship the mayor is quoted as saying that the arena had been a white elephant long enough and that the parks board should be paying the town something instead of the town giving their income of taxes water rates etc slay i as briefly as possible point out to the citizens who may not be familiar with the situation that appro ximately twenty years ago the voters of georgetown approved a by law granting the arena co a fixed assess ment and free water for a period of ten years therefore the fact and truth is that the corporation ot georgetown from the time the arena was built until today has never re ceived one dollar for the supply of water to the arena co the assessment on land and build ings was adjusted in such a way that the taxes amounted to approximately eighty dollars when the 143 council voted un animously to foreclose the mortgage there was owing to the town 114000 by the arena co and one of the rea sons for doing so was if the situation were allowed to continue the corpora tion through the status of limitation might lose their right to collect and as the matter stands today the citizens of georgetown own an arena at a cost of 14 000 less than half the replace ment value i suggest madam editor that re gardless of the management or mis management of the arena down through the years the mayor on se cond thought would not say it had been a white elephant we shall not forget the keenly con tested hockey games with our neigh boring towns and cities which you recently referred to in your valuable paper we shall not forget young men like bob goldham one of the best hockey players in the nth who in terrupted a brilliant sports career by his desire to serve his country in the canadian navy no the people of georgetown will not forget the many happy hours boys and girls men and women have spent curling skating and dancing in the georgetown aren the parks board constituted under the board of parks act under the chairmanship of mr w g bell are entitled to an amount not exceeding 1260 00 the same as the cemetery board but through their consideration tor the taxpayer they are only collect ing 600 this year this money together with their operating surplus will be used for much needed repairs and im provements and a visit to the arena will convince one that the money is being well and wisely spent therefore as a humble citizen and taxpayer commend the reeve and members of the council for carrying out the terms of the by law which appointed the commission to do a very difficult job and i submit it be hooves all the citizens to assist in any way we can temake the publicly owned georgetown arena the great communltj asset it was always in tended to be jos pte w c deforest killed in action in italy another georgetown home was sad dened this week when mrs clare wll son received the news that her brother pt william clarence deforest had been killed in action in italy septem ber 1st son of a h deforest ol kll bride pte deforest went overseas with the irish regiment in march of this year he la sondved by three sisters and two brothers mrs glare wilson georgetown mrs gordon stenboi freeltoh mum doris deforest toronto pte chester deforest aahgrore and irwin deforest at home different program for acton fair on september 22 and 23 acton fair which comes this year on friday and saturday september and 33 has many added features the original jimmle fax has been se cured to bring his fun company for a first night concert in the town hall and a dance will follow the concert two bands will take part on satur day the well known lome soots band and acton boys band appearing for the first engagement locally in tbetr smart new uniforms ken budd and his rodeo she are featured before te grandstand as well as the potato race musical chairs gentlemens road race and high jumping bones and baby show a tactt has been e- cured for part of the usual hau ex hibits indications are tfaat bora lovers and live took men will see- 4b usual big show the prise list u- note attractive than ever a second 4bom iwtii feature the saturday prelum acton fair of 1m4 ba many mfrfmbr tares and all the proven attraoott

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