Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 13, 1944, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wed september 13th 1944 legion notes labge delegation from legion attend the zone memorial service members of branoa 120 canadian legion gathered at the legion hall last sunday at 130 pjn and boarded chartered bus and private cars to pro- ced to brampton to attend the annual zone memorial service the delegation irom georgetown on axiival at brampton legion hall join ad the representatives of zone 26 from brampton acton oakvllle pork ore dlt milton etc and the parade moved off from the hall headed by the brampton band and the legion colors and followed by the ladles auxiliary and members of the canadian legion to the cenotaph where a wreath was deposited by col g b s cousens the past zone commander acting in the absence of zone comander t drew coming to attention before the ceno tph over three hundred and lifty ve tarans of the last war and members of a armed forces now on duty paid their respects to those who have made the supreme sacrihoe in the last war as well as those of tihls war after depositing the wreath prayers were offered by capt j r sloan the xast post sounded two minutes si lence observed then reveille alter this service the parade re conned and moved oti io the cemetery for decoration service the salute ftt uie parade was taken by col cousens assisted by judge robb and mr gordon oraydon mp from the library steps the services at the cemetery opened with the singing of the hymn o god our help in ages past prayer by japwn j r sloan decoration of the graves by branch presidents placing auxiliary of wreaths the last post sounded t two minutes silence observed re teille an inspiring address ft as de jtvered by capt j r sloan and the services concluded with the gathering singing the hymn abide with me the depositing of popples by legion members benediction and the na tl anthem immediately the parade being dls missed at bhe legion hall the bramp ton branch served sandwiches and coffee a special meeting was tiien called lor all the presidents of the different branches regarding the calli of a pedal meeting for the purpose of electing a zone commander for zone 36 to all this office for the balance of tbe year it is with regret that we hear that comrade teddy drew the present zone commander is at present a pa uent in the christie street hopital toronto teddy has been a popular orficer of zone 28 and we are informed that he has been instructed to ceaje all activities for the uexi three or four mo members ol branch 120 and all memoer ol oranchti in vjqne 36 wish teddy a speedy recovery first vice fresideni hern harlow representing une local brancn m lne absence ol prijjdeut fatalloid lnionru the writer that it has been decided to hold a special zone meeting in ocorge town on jdiinday bept 24ih and de legates from ail nranches are expected to be present at this meeting wnicn 111 be held lor lhe purpose ol appoint ing a zone commander and to deal with otnex uuporuini business the ladles auxiliary ol tae legion were repxesentea by mrs 1 cmee zone commander ol uie auxiliary un w roney mrs 1 preston anu mrs henry hnephird wno joined tne brampton lidies auxiliary in uie pa notes most of hla canadian training with the rjcaf was in the canadian west although fireworks were not ad vertlsed on the programme of bramp ton fair the evening proceedings closed around 9 pan in a flash of light a can of gasoline and the gasoline en gine on the earlal swings burst into flame but was extinguished by the brampton fttre brigade with no other damage than to the engine on september 2nd at three o clock miss mary lou oonover rdn daugtiter of lt col and mrs r v conover of brampton and lt gar net lyons britton cs0 son of dr and mm g p britton of guelph were united in holy wedlock in christ church brampton by rev mr c allen johnson gazette milton robert deforest was badly injured last friday afternoon when he was in collision v 1th car driven by mrs clarence cation the department of national de fence has announced the awarding of the second clasp to the canadian ef flciency mtdal to prank allan shan non of the lome scou of milton another war casualty has been add td to the growing list from milton and district pte james d mills paid the supreme sacrifice and died in action on august 20th word has been re ceived by ms wife here on tuesday august 22nd branch 136 canadian legion were strength ened by the inauguration of a ladles provincial officers from mto and georgetown were pre sent to organize the new branch the guests of the evening were members of branch 136 canadian legion council felt a public meeting of lhe ratepayers should be held to get the feeling of the citizens of milton on this matter of sewage disposal the council selected the streets that were to have storm sewers installed and gave the engineer other data so that ie could prepare estimates limehouse eleven ladles attended the lime ouse w i meeting held at mrs jamleson s on september 7 the roll call was answered by antedotes work done during uc month included a carton containing eighty articles of good used clothing si lpped to the salvation army parcels valued at 3 41 each mailed to eleven locul men overseas and 31 40 cleared from meals served to those attending the rural mall courier t convention held in acton y m ca on labour day the committee named to pack over seas christmas parcels included mesdamee noble miller smethurst benton and ellerby mrs jamleson offered to hold a eutlne in her home on sept 29 to help raise funds for the christmas boxes it was decided to provide prices for school children a victory gardens as last year an invitation to visit acton on oct 5 at lieii regular meeting was accepted so the limehoue branch will hold tholr meeting wed oct 4 mrs smethurst reud ourrent events ai d enlarged on the motto do as you will be done by current events were heard from convenors of stand ing committees mrs a w benton read a paper on jmenile delinquency ihe meeting closed with tl t na tional aiitit in after which tea and biscuits mere served by the hostesses ir wm grieb visited mrb ciu and miss ivens last week end r a m mil o has received word of the safe arrival overseas of his son wilfred of it c a p mr and mrs e miller spent the week end at meaford mr and mrs wesley lane of toron miss isabel lane and mr wm lane visited mrs r lane over lhe week end mrs e sanford and billie have returned from the family cottage at waubftushene mrs shevlln of chatham visited her sister mrs s norrle last week mrs s norrie is spending this week at chatham mr and mrs w greenlces and children spent sunday with the ben- tons la 0 lorrie norton is home on fur lough the girls lookout club held a euohre at mrs harvey norton s on friday evening highest scores being jicld by mrs jamleson and s norrle mrs k c lindsay held the winning ticket on the quilt and mrs kirk patrick won the door prize the mission band met at margaret kirkpatrioks on monday evening bauunafad intended for last week miss phyllis foreman of toronto spent the week end at her home here miss joy ruddell of ashgrove spent the week end at the home of miss joanna shortlm the mission band leld their picnic on august twenty second on matt shortill s playground after playing baseball and other games everyone joined in a treasure hunt races were run with several entering in the prizes a picnic supper was then served on the lawn which was enjoyed by all pre sent mrs e g wanlcss of toronto and miss isabelle alexander of georgetown spent the week end with mr and mrs f j shortill mrs peter binnie of guelph is spending a few weeks at the home of her parents mr and mrs r warne miss joanna shortill spent a few days last week with friends in gnelph and fergus the mission ciricle are holding an open meeting friday evening at the home of rev and mrs a o foreman a good programme is being prepared and everyone is cordially invited mr and mrs wm klrkwood of georgetown spent sunday at the home ol their son mr j p klrkwood whose marriage is to take place short ly during the afternoon the guests played court whist and mrs cecil wilson won the high score after a de llcloiib lunch served by the hostess miss frances wrlgglesworth presented the bride to be with a beautiful table reflector com flower pattern and miss joy ruddell expressed the good wishes of all present mrs r j graham spent the week end in toronto with her daughter mrs maurice dixon mr and mrs w n brownrldge left last week for a trip to western can ada mr and mrs qlosser and daughters beverly and darla of toronto were week end visitors with mr and mrs bruce brlgden miss evelyn fadden of toronto was a guest at the home of mr and mrs horace barnes last week end mr and mrs lloyd martin and sons glenn and barry and mrs john rus sell of toronto visited with relatives in the community last week end misses frances and jean wriggles worth of milton are spending a week with mr and mrs horace barnes ashgrove written for last week a pleasant gathering was held on monday afternoon at the home of mrs joy and betty ruddell in honour of miss marlon miller of rockwood tife psychology of frlar contldnued from page three known the question arises can man plan the future can a man by taking thought add one cubit to his stature mai is certainly able to plan for the immediate future but hla range of successful planning appears to be limited he has by taking thought added to its knowledge and physical powers but he certainly has not add ed to his moral and spiritual stature the worse than brutal cruelties of the present war testify to that man s in humanity to man has made countless thousands mourn and all this has been brought about by fear not the four fears of the at lantic charter but by rnan s fear of man combined with racial and intel lectual pride in politics what begins in tear usually ends in folly said coleridge andt he scripture declares that pride goeth before destruction that is the whole story in all oorv plannlngs for the future there la on fear that we must cultivate and it it a fear which casts out all other fears the feaaof god which is joe be ginning of wisdom the beginning not the end for the end thereof to love righteousness and peace pall fair dates oeobgetown sept 16 and 1 oooksruie sept 38 and milton sept 39 and id aberf oyle oct 3 and bolton oct is and 14 term oct 7 and a grand van oct s and 4 marknam oat ft andt rpckton oct t aodo streeomue out t orangevuto sept 13 and u aotonaapt at and tl ancestor sept 33 and 3s arthur sept 36 and 37 oaledon sept 38 and 30 phone 161 q corner maui guelrjli street scotts garage international vw sales and service shell products acton it was back to school in acton on tuesday for some four hundred pupils lhe continuation and public schools last thursday mr and mrs johi irwin mill street received word that their son pte albert john irwii had been wounded on august 24th the nature ot his injuries was not stated monda was a big day for acton boys band the ys mens club pre sented the entire band with a set of new uniforms they are neat blue capes with red trimming and lined with red the caps are wedge shaped with red piping pte victor elliott son of mr david elliott has been reported wounded on august 15th while serving in prance his injuries are described as bullet wounds in the right shoulder and left leg and his lather received on monday a letter from him is hosp congratulations comrades lor the nne turnout last sunday ai urampion many oomraaes were unaoie to oe pre sent aue to illness or nad to work du in all it was a grana turn out c q m o nenry ttnepnera attacn d to tne tire maranati auui spent the week end at home a special recuuve meeting is called lor tomorrow j thursaay oept iiui m 800 pan this is a very important meeting and ail memeors ol hue txe outlve are requested to oe present keep in mind comrade me nrsi regular meeting will be held on mursday ttept- min at tjm pjn sharp your executive nas paasea mo uans that the meeting start promptly on tif a terminate at w b p make it your duty to attend as tuerc axe several very important items to be dealt with- j b last friday afternoon when he was in collision with car driven by mrs clar ence cation the accident happened just north of milton on friday after noon mr deforest is one of the main tenance crew on this highway he was spraying asphalt from a portable tank filling holes in the roadway and it is said stepped backward from behind the machine into the path of the car free press fresher cheaper food for your table by rnen who think of tomorrow ukamttun rev and mrs john d stephens wno ma their home with uioir son a u utepnens ltuest street ceie crated tneir goiaen weaning anmver sary on monoay jaoor uay ana were eudiatea ay a large auiniwr oi uhu officers and directors oi trv oounty agricultural society can smile ytmy can untme eacn other oy tne jaaod ana with all sincerity gay we wan lucky last year out u anytnwu turn bocseaooes and lourleaiea cioveio vci mare la viance this year wort waa raceiveajiy mrs owrge t street houm unit pilot officer oearge rcjfcf met ois igt fljrpig davidson m a lev months ago stewarttoww intended for last week stoker escond class stewart simpson spent me week end with his sister airs hoy smith aar and mrs walter lawson sou donald spent last week holidaying at meaiora juixs iawaon mr and mrs jos hun ter visited at brampton over the week end jur and mrs p r bally of hamll ton were visitors witn mrsj mary bany ounday and monoay iujiiaay visitors vtiui mrs jenklnson were mr ana mrs promt jenjurutoii mount uennis mr anu airs n otu aisn lea rosemary ana kionara oi rnoroia ana i a w itances jeu mnson ua ntmioundland r ranees started back uom ner leave monoay going tirst to moncton and oy plane row mere tu newlounonuid n asisteo in the clioir at onuren suii uay a service of intercession and tha giving was nela in st jonns luxcn ouuuay morning liie unnay school picnic was helu at ma farm of mr ana mrs o mile mm asturasy aiveraoon me weauiei was hne ana everyboay enjoyed the grt ana races and of course the grana picnic supper provided oail smith had a birthday last sa turoay she was 4 years old school opened here tuesday morn ing miss white of georgetown is our teacher the beginners this year are gall thompson john milan br alan devereaux and bobby oorley cotton can be spun so flneihat pound of lt will make 260 miles of yarn tomorrows evergrowing gardens why ihould garden fresh vegetable be available only in lummer why ihould rich ripe strawberriei be a luxury in winter men who thmk of tomorrow are doing something about it in scotland where seasons are short it has been possible to grow six to eight crops of vegetable a year by heating truck gardens with underground steam pipes under glass in winter open to the air in summer iyjifn who think of tomorrow are planning to feed the world better than it has ever been fed before to make it healthier than ever before it is a glorious future to which we may look but only after the var rs non arc you working at jour war job as hard as you can arc jou 8ainr and turning in wastepnpor to help meet the serious shortage this country fncea in the manufacture of containers for war materials are you collecting and turning in every last drop of fat from your kitchen to help food the hungry machines that turn it into tnt are you heeding the governments plea to curtail your personal travel bo that troops and supplies c in moc freely over our already con gested tranfaportation sjslcms hae ou added your blood lo that of millions of others to provide iifesaing plasma for our wounded and have you increased your purchases of war saings certificates an 1 victory bonds to the limit of jour ability and are you holding on to them only b working ab h in as we can at thcbe and scores of other vir jobs will we be sure of ictory and the ever ripening fruits of victory let us all be men who think of tomorrow i the house of seagram m pbesfci km cvt and the tjnlted states are engaged ka the production of highproof aloohol to help pud iba war la a victoria

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