Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 20, 1944, p. 2

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the georgetown herald news op georgetown nobval glen williams ldtkhouse btewarttown ashuhove baixinafad 1iobnbx terra cotta acton brampton bolton subscription rates htihh united slates and overseas woo a year single copies 5c advertising rates will be quoted on application telephone no 8 walter c biehn publisher garfield l mcoilvray mary h biehn editor j boley it the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontarioquebec division ol tbe cwjj a the editors corner tent hospital in normandy major j t biehn brother of the publisher lias written home an account of the tent hospital set up in normandy by no 1 0 canadian general hospital which we think will be of general interest to readers at least one local boy pte j g collier is a member of this unit and major edith dick of milton is among the nursing personnel here are excerpts from the letter thought i would give you some idea of just exactly what a large tented hospital is like the proper way to describe it would be to take you in the front entrance but at the moment i am at a table in our ante room in a tent with the sides rolled up and as the hos pital grew from this point it seems easier that i begin the tour right here imagine you are driving along a certain country road in france and came to a farm laneway lined with poplars turning up the lane to the right the whole hospital is on your left first is a five acre field which is the officers lines up and down each end of this field and along the far end are tents in each of which live two officers and there are enough tents to house fortyfour the tents at the far end house the cooks and batmen and you will see smoke for there is the kitchen in the centre are two larger tents the mess where we eat and the aforementioned anteroom or lounge we are now back in the lane and the next field on our left is a large one of twenty acres here is the main part of the hospital looking down the field one sees several small tents which house the administrative departments and another group the laboratory well- staffed and equipped there is a dental clinic and an other tent houses the eye ear nose and throat clinic in the far central portion of the field is the admitting room which when ambulance convoys are coming in can be a very busy spot adjoining this by a tented cor ridor is the resuscitation ward when severe casual ties are coming in any cases needing shock treatment are promptly whisked in here here is where one sees transfusions being given to dozens at the same time this is one of the places that uses up large quantities of dried plasma which is made possible by the clinics back home this is where lives are saved where shock is treated and men are resuscitated to the point where fifesaving surgical procedures can be carried out cases which would die on the operating table if not given plasma or blood beforehand on the near side of this blbck are two tented operating rooms each capable of housing three operat ing tables a roadway runs along the ends of this group of tents and across it are four e blocks each housing about ty patients altogether there is accommodation for 1 200 patients one section of the field is allocated to the nursing sisters of whom there are about 1 00 and there are huge kitchens where the patients meals are prepared the third eld o the left along the laneway is the largest or all and it houses a varied assortment of personnel and departments here are the sergeants and n c o lines the post office canadian legion and quarter stores so far i have made no mention of water or sewage every drop of water is brought by our water truck which pumps water out of a stream filters and treats it to make good drinking water the water for washing is not so treated and it is essential that one use as little as possible and that none be wasted in case you have guessed it there are no wcs either but our carpenters have excelled themselves and the latrines are e tribute to good sanitation so we have a tented 1200 bed hospital which while in the open is very liveable hygenic and can turn out good work and a lot of it when the occasion demands it covers an area of 90 acres this of course is only one hospital in an area where there are many such no effort has been npaied to provide a complete medical service for our fighting troops and for those of us who have seen these boys and helped to mend their damaged bodies nothing is good enough for them l a rehabilitation idea in these days when talk is centered on postwar rehabilitation one way in which some of our ontario fi cookl be profitably employed has occurred to pjrirriy along ontario highways the large percent- flm farm barns strikes the eye and we fnkaething couldnt be done to make our i more attractive the lack of barn paint- f life w two factors the large quantity of paint 1 fo cowr large rough wood surfaces and the the georgetown hcrakc wed september 20th 1944 time and labour involved in painting our suggestion is that a barn painting division be set up under the department of labour to cooperate with farmers in painting barns and outbuildings a schedule of rates could be worked out for the com bined labour and materials there would be many ad vantages to such a plan it would be healthy outdoor employment for soldiers who have been used to the open air life and at the same time these returned men would be learning a skilled and useful trade the farmer would benefit by having a more attractive property and by the preservation of buildings with their protec tive paint coating and the province as a whole woud be more attractive to tourists and have one more sell ing point as a vacation spot for the traveller one little at advertising gets results is a timeworn slogan which still holds true down through the years at the boarhpf trade meeting last week three prominent merchants from the danforth business mens associa- tion addressed the gathering and each in turn stressed the value of advertising both to the individual merchant and to the merchant community in general show me a local newspaper filled with advertising and you show me a community of successful merchants said one of the trio the merchant who plans his advertising will take into account the most important factor the need of steady regular advertisements rather than sporadic attempts and then a long lull when the public is allowed to forget that you are in business perhaps this can be best illustrated by a poem which mr wyckoff quoted it tells the story in a nutshell one step wont take you very far youve got to keep on walking one word wont tell them who you are youve got to keep on talking one inch wont make you very tail youve got to keep on growing one little ad wont do it all youve got to keep them going wounded in action your son has ben wounded in action this la conic message is the gist of the first official notification o relativesaf the canadian soldier who has become a casualty at the front and the message which has come to all to many dis rict homes in the past fe w months it is necessarily terse operational orders invol ving the lives of thousands of men choke the wires communications to the front swirling with vehicles troops moving into line supplies going forward are con stantly busy this first message cannot answer the natural anxiety of the relatives and although the casualty section of the directorate of records at national de fence headquarters supplies additional information as soon as it is received he nextofkin still want to know the extent of his injury is he getting along all right how long will he be hospitalized where can he be reached soonest by letter where possible the casualty section supplies this information but the department of national de fence has found a further solution to this in the cana dian army casualt post card a personal message from the injured soldier to his relatives this card direct from the wounded man him self is routed through the post office with high priority rating it gives him the opportunity to tell the folks at home about his injury and assure them he is comfortable and well cared for it is a weight lifted from his mind and theirs reports indicate that overseas troops are quick ly realizing the value of these quick delivery messages of reassurance more than twice the number of cards examined at records office in london during may passed through official hands during the succeeding month from italy and france wherever canadians are in action these messages are flown to london there they pass to the canadian records office a check is made on the information contained within a few hours the card is on its way again speeding to canada with priority advantages a progressiveconservative letter continued to the citizens of halton the cost of war is heavy both in blood and treas ure we should have learned that treasure counts for little when compared to the sacrifice of tens of thousands of our young men our best and brav est they gave their lives yes their immortality dare we count a million dollars against one of them ask ten thousand mothers throughout the land they who died and they who will live to return home have saved us from the hun have they- saved us from ourselves the years immediately ahead will prove so much have we the leader ship now that will prepare for them their heritage issued by the progressive conservative association oawtteawd next week haston county i in a further effort to facilitate correspondence between relatives and wounded men army authorities advise that the words in hospital added after the address will speed up a return letter to the soldier care fchould be taken however that this coincides with his stay in hospital mail addressed in that manner after hia release when he has returned to his unit would mry cause eventual delay in delivery baptist young people visit cedarvale school a most enjoyable time was spent last monday evening at oedarvale school when the baptist young feaple accompanied by rev and mrs ostrom visited the school after a game of baseball on the grounds the young people met indoors and led in a devotional meeting the entire evening was one of great interest and deep appreciation was expressed to those who brought such real enjoyment to the girls itfe pick of tobacco jtdots taste good in a pipe directory f r watson djdjs mds georgetown office boars 9 to 5 except thursday afternoons dr j burns milne dental surgeon xray georgetown phone 80 dr clifford reid ldb- dji dentist phone 410 main street georgetown elmer c thompson s insurance service fire auto windstorm o p railway and allied steamship summer exoursionb phone llbw or j georgetown monuments uar9cbs0 and lettering pollock a ingham galt designs on requestphone 3048 tnapeot our work in greenwood cemetery leroy dale icc m sybil bennett ba barristers and 8eueltors mill street geo phone ib kenneth m langdon barrister solicitor notary public first mortgage money to loan office gregory theatre bmg mill street phone 88 geo c n r timetable daylight saving time ooclno east 701 ajn pa and mall 1010 ajn passenger and mall 703 pan passenger sunday only 8j1 pan passenger daily bj6 pjn this train was formerly tfce dyer but now stops gotng west pa saunter and mall 840 son passenger bat only 138 pjn dear empt nielsen the chiropractor drugiess tlserapiat 31st year at practice lady attendant hours 25 9 pm closed thursday over dominion stob8s georgetown phone imw dr s e mag wood vetbrtnaby surgeon phone ix office b division gourt clerks office and the hew municipal baudmg at the ear ner of main and mm 01 units oakville monument world w r edwards monuments cemetery lslflag and markers designs suhtnltted good display of monuments on band your patronage phone smw radio repairing we specialize bv this work 10 yean experience j sanfordson georgetown ut frank petch licensed aucttonebb prompt service phone 391 wo box 413 gray coach lines timetable now in ef daylight saving time leave georgetown fob toronto 704 ajn 934 sm 2m pjn for london y 10js am 718 ssl

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