Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 20, 1944, p. 3

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tk cj h 20th partners man and soil ittny ontmio dttens have had nol southern ontario were not ijtuju ttoal introduction to l lewly uooeaatul ta s5t mathave become better lt w light to the w rt5 sl it in vour victory i chmanulu survey in durham butter ration cut with butter stocks in canada sept at 11600000 pounds below the total i private first clas9 c bt mildred kelso iiccuu smh- rtu- introduction to completely uoceaatul aa naa mo0oo pounds below the total toiu- the door become wl to light to jl ltlim date last year it ha been fb bo xdloote ualntei ws it in your victor l aarasta necessary to postpone the valid date ji the fl lrf fsrden perh jou have only telt it oolm v example 0 w two more pair ol butter coupons anxiously up hrfd totox on a bathing beach but even stmoat conflrmed dty dweller leels pleted oanaraska survey in durham to ppcae the valid dates ol the a alrfe isoutt or j aftt butter 5 h d ht j to that are a the wartime price and trade board n w left hand to tfa elirhtyyear period bewen w dt j nmabody hat area urmw be moat cona w wo eightyyear period between 1801 times ttie welling up of a basic urge and 1wi ttu possession of land for a tow of sucn must wolded to oil 1j ajundamental characterls- iuture j accompuiihed i mnt strong- only employment of a denntte i planning program based on a careful study of soil productivity cost of de velopment pressure ox population proximity of economi educational i and other social services and markets 1 there must be an integration between farming and forestry in some localities in northern ontario to ensure full- time remunerative employment dis regard of these factors will undoubted- ly result to wasted lives in many instances innis leu mum w u has announced case his right arm was in a sling coupons 80 and 81 which ordinarily why in blazes doesnt somebody would have become valid oct 6 will help the kid find a aeatt joe mur- not be good for butter purchases un- phy fumed the train swung around til oct u and the valid dates of a curve and the boy and his bag coupons ot and 89 are postponed to b jo jj lt him wince that arm of course he mfr ahnouncement of the coupon j-j- postponement was made so consumers at suitciae and you i can plan to make their butter pur- j jumped torn reel l smith sid silver jos gibbons o j the local newspaper ana hum ward hero kid ii a w benton and with their advertising in return for gimme that uiteam- any buck b w bobb a w boo8tlng do me cuiiduiuh til oct 13 butter bought on nov uo ot man this feeling is most strong ly developed in a young country where ptonee are the first who hope to make a borne for themselves in a new 1 land aa time goes on their descendants lose the keen feelings of their parents lor the soil and seek whatappeara to them to be an caster living in the towns and cities usually a desire uses for a return to the land ana another migration develops back to the land movement begardleas of the extent of lndus- trlauaatlon in this age of progress tarns and lorests remain the tounda- tcrelui aystmoi selection aem ot our lite end the ui mood of prospellve iatme tbe industries themselves oreen plants jjjljri iianse part of the energy 01 the mm it t wowh the answer to urban unemployment no meet the need ot mn and lite a landthex to no w know it would cease wthoutthcrn ossurance whau that a tby can supply most ol our need in truued jrom a brcad wffl f monqa ol restricted procucum food clothing and shelter through an a mcmsaul arm j more 1 figures released by the dominion i terly when v ahnost endless variety ot nroducto lxmme a pubu bureau statistics on monday show spring planting rtonaje ii used wlly hopeles5 epertaenmtton canadian butter production irom the you live on the public lands regulations ot first or the year to aug 31 down joes voice was eager and inter- ontario revised in 1941 spedly that about 12 million pound compared ested before opening any public lands for with figures for the corresponding the boy nodded a little way hrtrt in 1943 summer drought con- out of galata h mrs w f smith heads retailers on board of trade danforth baatness men present at at some length of the swnvth of the meeting- lart ndnesday otjall oaniorth bufllneaa mens association committee choaeiv cmlng ri and bave iptux nlnta on how georgetown merchants could emulate the success of this line organization he particularly stressed the fostering of good fellowship between farmers and townspeople the organizing of trade i days and the encouragement of tourist traffic to drive through the down town district on their way through town mr iff h somervllle pointed out that merchants must cooperate with the local newspaper and support it law 48 hoar week discussed it was retail merchants night at the board of trade meeting last wednesday evening in the municipal building the primary purpose of the meeting was to select a retail commit tee to represent merohavits of the i georgetown district on the newly formed board of trade the committee chosen is comprised of mrs w w smith sid silver jos gibbons c 1 visitor air jtwn i closing hours and the 48 hour week til oct 12 butter bougn n with coupons 86 and 87 also must last be riding around for three weeks 1 hut mollle wrote n the butter situ than it was when we posfponea hc last set of coupons said k h olive up to plansvllle administrator of dairy products it is been in plalnsville long imperative that we take steps to alio- asked just to be polite cate available supplies as equitably as fve been in the hospital i broka possible throughout the year to avoid my arm cranking the truck he serious shortages during the winter said i had to have xrays and months of restricted production things right now he said bit- twntnion i teriy when were busy with the closing noura resident a b speight and seere- and gave as hi opinion mat small tary w e nodweu were present to to stores should be wt llly ttuesb ub civumu jtreoiuan ly result in wasted lives in many oe riding around he apologized j nrwu t u instances for three weeks but mollle wrote me to come home f 7 w f noiv were present to town stores should be open m addiuon to the need of surveys the gutter situation is tighter now on the train she thought it would guests lor the evening two nights a week a general discu to determine the material chanoetoi im it was when we postponed the take too much gas to dra the truck who were three members o th highly sion on thls subjoct tollowe lo oeierm uie maienai cnano k h ouvei up to piainaviiie successful danforth business mens vv r w g o thompson plainaville longt joe asociation in his opening remarks nitht bricflv traced the growth sion on this subject lollowed after which rev w g o thompson thank ed uievisitors for coming to the meet ing and giving the gathering the be nefit of their experience and advice following the appointment of the retail committee that body held a hurt meeting for tie purpose of choosing a chairman and discussing plans for the future xne duties w on the plans we may make today plans which envision full and wise use of our soil to the benefit of 1l aa second front invasion presages the re turn of our boys it is our duty to pre pare for them their peacetime occu pations including that ot tilling the oil in a land that offers a bountiful bfe we cannot paint a very bright pso- before opening any public lands for sale for agricultural purposes sues lands shall be inspected by competent persons appointed by the minister for that purpose who shall report as to the kinds and quantities of timber thereon the possible existence of valu able minerals and the proportion of the lands suitable for cultivation we cannot paint a very bttgnt p- tare on the canvass of our experience lands sm r ciuuvauou i oj ontario dur- ta 3tatuuu starting point for inripr nlacement practice before ture on tme cuu jn our use of the land of ontario dur ing the last twenty yearn xt must be admitted that the land settlement and oolonrsatloa schemes have not been overly successful even the early -set- phone 161 cornel main 8c goelj slioctj scotts garage sounder placement practice before this may become effective however land inspectors must be trained in each district to the desired degree of competence and they must be fur nished first with land classification maps the ontario department of lands and forests will undertake a spil sur vey in the thunder bay region this idltlons in the chief dairying areas of eastern canada have contributed to this decline in production mr olive said the board is watch ing the situation closely and is taking every action possible to safeguard but ter supplies the recent order limit ing sales of cream by distributors in 80 principal markets to the amount sold by such distribtuors in june is jii mnamcu u1 expected to prevent further inroads p mfcw have been more he into butter production h h harder but what the heck did it asociatlon in his opening remarks mr speight briehv traced the growth- of the local board of trade indlcat ing that there were over 100 paidup memberships to date at present copy for a county advertising booklet la being prepared and when this booklet its completed it will have wide circula tion and should do much to popularize the county both in canada and abroad the board has also made plans in connection with rehabilitation and woman i want some nice big ap- town planning and ha rder discus- ples for my slct husoan do you sion such problems as sewage the vnm wne they have been sprayed opening of new streets and a survey wltn pon map of the town mr speight then in clerk no youll nave to troduced mr o j wyckoff who spoke hal at lne drug store the boy nodded a out of galata he aald it aln t much of a town they sat in companionable silence for a while then the boy leaned over and shyly touched the stripe on joea sleeve i guess you have to be pretty good to get one of those he ventured aw not so good joe answered gruffly for the first time he was a little ashamed of that single stripe dont laugh men quality yoali ely i matter 7 mere wao proud of him even if he wore eagles on houlders more than 0o0o0 international sales and service shell products ey in the thunder bay region una ormner which will form the basis of pa to district staff to train a land use poucy for that region the land inspectors who complete the purpose of any soil survey is essential- d6ta0a ot lan4 classification ly to establish an inventory ol the soil mapping be carried out by a resources the soils are studied claa- oation of inepectlon from alr- stfled mapped and described by men craft wd on me gjnd 11 in who are specially trained in soil mapped area will be classified science they are examined in depth as toul foreat and agricultural special well as on the surface and such fac- bttention wu1 howeve be given to tors as texture stonlness colour areas ot promising agricultural poten- structure organic matter etc are tlal where pobie a form i map examined and noted the topography prepared rrom ae photos will be and drainage native vegetation crops used m fl base toe i cla5 grown and amount of erosion are also mtip p report ud maps of the le44 noted and correlated season s worlt arc scheduled for com- the department has tmplojcd mr pletlon early in 1945 g a hills soil expert to conduct the when the troops come marching thunder ba survtj mr hills survey will provide land class maps on scale sire to nine up luium which will give a general picture of boy region may be insured that they lind conditions in the region but will i will not be dumped in the bush to supply sufficient dttail to eltmln- 1 lend tor themselves on land which will the necessity of inspection of in- not give them a standard of living dividual lots mr hills will be pro- that they are entitled to earn for idid vili i uchnicil assistant forjthtm tht brluht promise of the world s scion 1 work who may be ap- ol to morrow must be fulfilled t i no nun wj hardar but what the heck did it latter there wasnt anyone to be proud of him ev 1m on his shoulders the train began to slow down here joe said ill carry your suitcase on an impulse he dragged his own bag from the shelf are you getting off here toot the boy asked might ab well joe muttered a girl with windblown curls and laughing mouth seized the boy oh daveyl she cried its good to have you home then she looked up at the tall figure behind the boy this is a soldier i met on the train davey explained he got me a seat and carried my suitcase the girl held out a friendly hand thank you soldier she said joe felt his ears getting red thats all right he mumbled then he remembered my name is tea t to conauci uie i wncn mv mr hills survey home those of them who have a dc- i ij v v i murphy joe murphy sire to take up farming n the thunder k j aany doctors are with tbe armed forces and those who remain at home do double duty to gwe us tmttrtng protection brantford roofs have given untiring protection to thousands of canadian homes for nearly 40 years tbey embody the finest materials work manship and protective features a dependable safeguard against the elements a brantfordroof will not curl warp or split all brantford roofing is fireresistant easily applied and rea sonably priced the colours are modelled on natures soft warm shades and blend harmoniously with any setting to enhance the smartness of your home brantford asphalt slates are particu larly attractive and help to lower the cost of fire insurance ask your local dealer for information and prices oo brantford aspbau glutei insulated siding roll roofing- brantford roofs brantford roofing company limited brantford ontario for serf by the georgetown lumber co ltd private first class the girt supplied davey can hardly take his eyes off that stripe im mollie evans she added davey s sis ter joe walked with them to the truck you 11 have to crank it davey told him is anyone meeting you the girl asked no ma am joe said 1 just got off with the kid figured to go i on by the next train then you re coming home with i us for supper the girl said firmly no excuses chicken and dumplings t in honor of daveys return i dimples flashed in her cheeks and joe couldn t take his eyes off them all right he said at last may be 1 can help your father fix that starter happens i know a little about trucks my folks live on a farm too but there wasn t any father or any mother either there was only granny both killed in an auto mobile accident granny told him i when they were alone we don t talk much about it on account of daveys being so nervous i mollie drove him to the depot after supper joe groped for the i words he knew he must say i lied i to you today he blurted at last when i tojd you my folks lived on a farm i ve told it in camp so many times i kind of got to believing it f haven t any folks and i was never i a farm in my life until today do you want to tell me about it joe i there isnt much to tell he said i was raised in an orphanage in brooklyn and when i grew up i i got a job driving a truck in camp the fellows were always telling about their folks and the kind of homes they had and so i told em my folks lived on a farm in iowa then when the furloughs came all the fellows had places to go but me i didn t want them feeling sorry for me he said defensively so i went down to des moines and hung around i expect we 11 be shipping out pretty soon m i see there was something in her voice that made joe feel a little dizzy and when you get back she said maybe you will come and help granny and davey and me run the farm we need you joe she said simply the train whistled to a brief stop and then was on its way with eager step and shining eyes he strode down the aisle joe murphy private first class whose folks lived on a farm siwti ct beets z zlc special silver star pastry flour z4tb bag tjnratloned for a limited time only aytawr 69c tjnratloned for a limited time onry aju grapefruit xfcox jar 35c cakes llc lg pkg 21c pilmolivc oaatanare bowmt or odex soap kellogg allbran a i frail jars slqsj 1- da polish to opw dralm sinko chan floor wax amittptlc san1flu8h l in 1 bik sim polish kill inwrti shell tox our dsndr i tea w 4 ihaw we reserve the right to limit quantities of all merchandise mc 300 lfmons 7r 252 qrangfs s 220 orangfs sie 176 orangfs 4se do 39c do 45c do 57c do vpples reachfs m1 pi i ms vt market prices fruit and vegetable prices subject to market flpctaatiora coupons to use september xxw sttoar fl to 10 14 to 41 preserves tea or coffee 30 to 40 j butter to 28 74 to 78 phone 357 georgetown

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