Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 20, 1944, p. 6

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y the georgetown herald wed september 20th 1 944 the runaway by deb campbell mcour sjnuuoau wnu atare it mi ten minutes part midnight 4 when big mike condon saw the boy tn the dim glow of hit big trucks headlights immediately bis large foot pushed on the brakes the boy wore the white hat and blue peacoat of a sailor big mtka had a friendly feeling for bluejackets his kid brother was one the truck smoothed to a stop hop m mso the sailor leaped into the seat placing at his feet th small bag he carried and tilting his hat to the back of bis curly brown head big hike gave htm a quick com prehensive glance pretty young to be in the navy arent you mact im seventeen the sailor an swered shortly big alike kept his eyes on the gray concrete ribbon that retreated dizzily beneath the hood cigar ette he turned and offered bis pack thank you i x dont smoke there was a moments pause and then the boy went on hastily of course i really do smoke its just that i dont want one ii think i know what you mean burjfike said meaningly then he improved uniform international sundayl chool lesson lesson for september 24 kfad comlahttd towtunij acfl f 5ltwm bmtueatloai kaz fa kkugion in the life or a nation t uesson tsactn samuai in- golden text torn lord shall ba sots tbe an wlaataw ugbt and ttqr ood laj lory iaateb el righteousness exalteth a nation prov 1434 true religion is vital to the life of a nation and is the only foundation for national sta bility and growth david the man after gods own heart knew this and was not content that the ark of god the center of the nations wor ship should be without a suitable house he was not one to be con tent with a fine palace for his own comfort while the ark of god had a temporary abiding place within curtained walls v 2 although the prophet nathan en couraged him hi his plan v 3 the lord revealed to the prophet that david was not to build his r house see i chron 22 8 9 but to jjbject horstie i pmpwe the materials so that his oulhjs keen eyes m frlomon could do it david s tneboy mouth response to that message reveals the tru rejjgious attitude of a king and a people who fear ttj g they were ready tosftfffrr t iij umu i receive gods grace w 18- pretty house with 1u windows looking svo tfee oyreplied empbat- icsstijno its mill hto tened lookt the tlppebf uie bag halfway and through jhe big mfcs muld fet a jumble of socks unfolded djrogjrees epri skiv- hsd jbvtously been elderlypair write an epic of britains little heroes by margaret ecker in the toronto globe and mau its going to take a long time to write the epic of the little people of britain in this warj lie sombre little heroes no one ever hears about who gave every thing they had two elderly women on the south uxist of england are our nomination foi this roll of honor when you got to know them they asked you to call them tet and dreg and ludicrous as the names were they suited them greg was the widow of a british army captam wbom she had followed into every nook and cranny of the empire when the war started he used to look out from the cliff toward france and ache to be back in the fight he died just about the time the cloud of invasion hung heavily on those same clirfs i think it was partly broken heart greg often said couldnt bear not being able to do his part in this war and they told him he was too old tet was the maiden sister gay and witty at much past 60 the war brought canadians to that little south coast village and some of the people in the big red brick houses behind the iron gates werent very happy about the whole thing but tet and grrg were before travel was restricted in britain after ttie captain died theyd taken paying guests a couple at a tune to help then- liny pensions meet the expenses of the vie shirts it bed obviously been packed in s hurry j3e d sujsml ifio youre runnjpg away- or as tutc vibe boy swung artu sldeftaiitly for goo w well big mike began thats a pfett big thing to t the sailor interrupted theres no use trying to stop me either i i know the line about serving my country and being patriotic i well im sick of it i im sick of stand ing watches and being bawled out and not seeing my folks 1 he swal lowed hard and went on anyway dough tried to tell me all that doughs my buddy back at the base i the great dayldlc ewvenant wmch is yet to have its final ful fillment in davids greater son our lord jesus was made wijh him at this time he was promised that the throne of his kingdom was to be established forever w 115 a prophecy to be fulfilled in christ but tbeie waj also the great promise of blessing upon davids son solomon and the reminder of gods grace upon david the one brought up from the sheepcote to be in humility of heart david re ceived this grace and thanked god for it note such expressions as who am i what is my house what can david say more and for thy words sake thou has done these great things david knew and admitted his unworthiness he realized that this was indeed un merited favor from god but he ac- out to sea these paying guests didnt com any pore german planes often strafed this part of england but tet and greg dldn t notice much they were too busy having canadians to tea giving the boys in a tank corps offi cers and men alike a tasty dinner of steak pies of a saturday night hot raisin biscuits with jam at sunday tea time true it pinched the rations a bit and sometimes greg and tet didnt see sugar or butter in the middle of the weekbut they always had some for the boys where canadians found home we came back late one june evening to see tet and oreg because their home had been home at christmas time when canadians away from home need a home most on the gate was a grim sign auction sale here on tuesday tet and oreg explained their re sources were gone they had to sell lhelr home their hunting prints the big deep chair by the fire where so many canadians had sat and talked of kamloops or belleville they were going tp aalvtfge what they could and live in rooms in somebody elses house theyd never admit it but the winter had been an expensive one 1 could never refuse to give a boy in uniform a meal said greg prices had gone up and up the paying guests hadnt come weve had it said greg and her eyes dldn t smile as her lips did but we re better off qian lots of people think of the poor souls in london bombed out they lost everything hundreds of thousands of tons of war shipping space have been saved by scientific methods of loading and packing supplies itjllliur idtmdueuirr i ha if sot dellgtiled wtl nmlu ef ant pucka attar rwam- um prlw room for everybody production men toeing b ssnatant tench with saorces f raw materi als bpnuecs f parts bkry anthoridea the armed forces with perudbllitt for mining sad supply for troop bmvements for opera- tlofw on land air and eeeaa batthsronts government officials ta tooefc with every phase of our production and military program with foreign governments with national and international i you depending on yon for quick essential com munication at work and at home telephone a5s telephone lines can carry this wartime load only if we all use existing facilities sparingly and keep oar call just as short and businesslike as we can additional equipment is severely limited by material shortages cooperation most take the place of construction if essential calls are to go through promptly 0mtm 60mfsmfta4k 1 hathought hed talked me out of it led a aa gods glft too but i waited until 1 was sure jj too but i waited he was asleep and took out so you see he turned back to tjlg mike nothing you can say will make any difference i big mike turned to him with a little smile thats exactly what i wanted to find out how would you like a job itd be safe enough youd do all your work at night like me see driving a truck the boy looked at him straight hauling what big mike grinned knowingly well you know mac what you were talking about all this nonsense about patriotism and so on well 1 feel the same way sa when this scrap started i flg- gered there was ways of making it pay off and there isi know what i got back there tires new rub ber tires im making big dough sometimes i haul beef ever hear of the black market yeah well thats the racket so youre running a black market ive heard of them sure 1 have im offering you a chance kid and right now is the time to look out for yourself oh yeah i know you hear that stuff on the radio about the fighting men needing food and rubber for jeeps and planes so what7 im looking out for myself and not a bunch of rumdum sol diers in italy or alaska i its me im interested inl without warning the boy swung his fist struckbig mike squarely on the chin jerking back his head be fore he could recover the sailor struck him again this time in the ye black market eht so you dont care what happens to our sol diers the big truck swerved and left the road big mike jammed the brakes and it lurched to a stop o k kid he panted he was try ing to ward off the blows and man age the wheel at the same time the sailor got out anyway you showed me something he said grimly guess i never knew there really were people like youl he took his bag im heading back to the base in case youre interested big mike looked at him im interested he said there was an odd look on his face heres some thing i want to show you he took out his billfold the sailor pepped close to took then h gasped why thats- doughs ph tare sure big mike grinned my kid brother you see be didnt fail to stop you he knew that i carry defense material every night and owhso hs saw you pack your bag he just gave me a ring before i started he figured vd be along tn ifasm to pick you up things worked kt am too ctcept he nibbed his w nanssd you pack door get in mfa tldrrfttou back ii recognise gods power 23 24 israel had seen the mighty hand ol god at work on their behalf re peatedly since the day god had brought them forth out of egypt god had literally redeemed them for himself a purchased possession protected by his limitless power that redemption was not only na tional but spiritual they were set free from the gods of egypt v 23 and confirmed to the lord v 24 it is a great and noble thing when a nation recalls its past and thanks god for his powerful hand upon its destiny it has been said that a na tion whack das bot remember its past will not have a future worth remembering and when it remem bers let it recognize god in its his tory he is the god of the nations as well as of individuals iii beat in gods promise w 2527 do as thou hast said that is a perfect prayer for any nation let the will of god be done and all will be well now and in the future there is nothing commendable about dqubting god s promise or limiting him in fulfilling it it glon ties god and magnifies his name to take him at his word and to confi dently expect him to fully meet his promise to do anything else is to reflect on his power and his integrity it was the prayer of david that the lords name might be magni fied forever in the keeping of the covenant which he had made with im that squarely put all of the uthority and dependability of god behind the keeping of the promise david found peace of heart there may not we do likewise resting on the promises of god iv rejoice in gods blessing vv 2fl 29 david praised god for the as surance that his words were true and claimed the promise of a blessing upon his house that it may continue forever before thee he evidently saw beyond the im mediate fulfillment of the promise in solomon to the coming of christ cf w 18 19 rom 4 and his heart leaped for joy at the un speakable honor which had thus me to him this si substantiated by the trans lation of verse 19 by the hebrew scholar adam clarke o lord god thou hast spoken of thy servant s house for a great while to come and hast regarded me in the arrange mint about the man that is to be from above o god jehovah little wonder then that david raised his voice end heart in praise and worship his adoration and thanksgiving at the revelation of this great truth is beautiful its humility faith and gratitude reach a sublimity unequalled since moses james m gray you cant have one without the other ll you cant share in the victory unlessyou are ready and willing to take your place with the boys who are earning it the fight is overseas in the face of the enemy and you must be an overseas soldier to get into it so get that gs badge on yonr arm right away theres still time and theres a place for you in the canadian army for all the young men who want to be fighting soldiers and when you come home again youu be one of the boys to lead the victory parade join up note and go gs ses wiar it on your arm u vooatr today join the canadian army for overseas service

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