Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 27, 1944, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednea september 27 1944 a romar coffee now unilationed i special vain 14b bag tea sj3c flour ilvb bosbs 43a canptelft cucfca md kit soup he wctuni soda biscuits ikes shrvdm wheat s3tt htdbbft spreads ti x9 catarac dry ginger ale x btls sc quater cora flakks qmto bran muffkts quid ftwto oats ssa urn- i7s k 19a peas cltotc clmb soda drpult ert x bttex3c atl1cb store m1 tim champion pww biscuits ron miller dm biscuits pvo dog food for owtuii l sowmx melu must abo kelloagi rb a as x as 11k a ao ixe molotr pbrkvi com upwt rid ubl tka soap 47 37 a u s as canolli dm cleans bran posts tasty flake pk loc 15c w reserve tin dent to limit qoautlm of an aurenandla size 100 grapefruit z for lie size 300 lemons dot 48c size 252 valencia oranges do 38c size 220 valencia oranges do 43c peaches plums and pears at market prices pratt and tegstable prlom subject to market frnrtinttoni school township nurse plan approved by county countil special committee appointed to speed up advertising booust for halton county county council to secure information re equalised assessment in grey county other items at tuesdays caaptmia ts as sepfatwr asth sttoabpltolo u to is 1 preserves i to 30 1 btjttbr 74 to to phone 357 georgetown halton county council was in ses sion at milton last tuesday all mem bers present and the warden in the chair there was very little business arising from committee report but plenty at discussion relative to the rural health plan also county ad vertising for the overseas booklet reeve alex near was chairman in committee of the whole following which reports were adopted as read reeve j af macdonald secretary of the school nurse investigation committee gave a report of its pro gress to date it was a full compre hensive report stating that the com mlttee had met twice and at one ol the meetings had been addressed by an official from the department of public welfare outlining the county health plan this scheme if put into operation would take care of all children of school age in the lour of the townships at an approximate total cost of 4500 per annum or one sev enth of a mill to each taxpayer the expense incurred would not involve the urban centres all of whom al ready have their own school nurse reeve robertson i think the school nurse system as it is operated in the towns isthe better system but we can hardly ask the towns to give up their present plans with which they are well satisfied for an entire county system as an alternative i feel confi dent the township plan is a step in the right direction with the ultimate aim of having the entire county united un der one head at some future date the warden was afraid the scheme excellent though it was might meet with some opposition mr gilbert sure there will be op position some people would oppose any thing but are we not here to give some leadership isn t it our duty to inaugurate this service for the good of the county as a whole aren t the children of today the greatest asset of our country and lsn t it right that we should protect their interests it was moved and seconded by mr gilbert and mr- robertson that this county council is in favor of ac cepting the report of the committee appointed to investigate the adoption of a halton ounty school nurse sys tem to be inaugurated in the four ru ral municipalities of the county ana that the same municipalities be res ponsible for the financing of the same according to their equalized asssess- menl and that c authorize the com mlttee to proceed to organize the scheme carried operation before next may reports and recommendations re garding data for the advertising folder to be sent to great britain were then considered but since the reports from all municipalities had not been re ccived it was impossible for council to make much headway mr craig was of the opinion that plans should be speeded up otherwise it would be too late he therefore moved and mr hlll- mer seconded that the county council of halton apopint three mem bers to work in conjunction with an advertising man to draw up an adver tising folder advertising the countys good features and that a meeting ol the county committee meet with the representatives from the municipali ties on september 26th at 8 pjn milton carried it was further moved by cnug and mocdonald that this council secure the services of mr e ferrers to help to coordinate the county advertising and advise the committee in the form ulating of a county booklet carried reeve robeitson then introduced the subject of equalized assessment whlcn he said should be given some j consideration in the near future in order that council might be prepared to deal with it next year he recom mended a plan which had impressed him very favorably as outlined in the municipal world and which he thought was more practical and ies expensive than any plan previously considered by council it was moved by dr heslop and seconded by mrs pettit that the clerk be instructed to contact mr j2 v redbourne assessor for grej county to visit this council and give us instructions along the lines of county assessment carried mr redbourne being the gentleman whose advice was quoted in the muni cipal world matters relative to the house of refuge were discussed and instances wvre cited wherein it was alleged that persons committed to the home had been released at a time when thty were unfit to look after them selves and without the knowledge of the rr unlcipahty concerned it was moved by mr macdonald seconded by mrs pettit that the committee in charge of the halton and peel house of refuge be requested to advise the municipality concerned when any in mite from that municipality is about to be released or application for re lease has been made and also to auait confirmation by municipality before such release be made car ried other resolutions passed were as follows moed murraj and nefir that ij letur of thanks be sent to each of the following major conboy and the cltj council of toronto alderman j it was also moved by robertson and inrtes robert simpson co ntiri the military awards by a letter of com mendation and best wishes accounts passed for payment were finance 1 79436 buildings s468 80 printing 480 hospitals 114o50 agriculture 15000 council adjourned till their next meeting october 10 improved uniform international sunday i chool l esson released by wertem nwapaper union johannes prophecy the following remarkable prophecy was made nearly 400 years ago ay jo hannes an itinerant scribe who was well known throughout middle europe for his devoutness and apt sayings the records in many french and swiss towns contain writing and letters by him but among them all not one is so remarkable as the prophecy close students of political history will see a wonderful picture part of which iias been fulfilled before our own eyes and part is nearing fulfilment johannes prophecy about 1600 ax part of an extraordinary prophecy made by jooannes in 1600 quoted in a recent issfift of the figaro and copied from that paper by the new york evening standard key to prophecy prance is represented by a cock england is represented by the leo pard russia is represented by the white eagle germany is represented by the black eagle austria is repre sented by the other eagle the lamb stands for justice mercy and truth toward the year 2000 the antichrist will manifest himself and his army will surpass in numbers all that can be imagined there will be christians among his legions and mohammedans lesson for october 1 lesson subjects and scripture texts se lected and copyrighted by inumatlonnl council of rausioua education uaed by ouncu enntasl jesus the light of the world lesson text john situ m1 golden text i am tb light of tb world bo that followcth mo shall not walk to the darkness but shall have u light of life josn 8 11 light is a fascinating subject for study and especially is that true when we speak of spiritual light in the lessons of the next three months we are to see the light which christ sheds on the problems of life today how appropriate to begin that study by recognizing christ as the one true light of the world he it is who brought us out of darkness and it is from his light that we too are lighted and become gods lights m this wicked world matt 5 1416 the story which presents our lord as the light and the light giver is that of the man born blind four choices confront us i guesswork or gods glory w 15 men have an inordinate curiosity about those who are handicapped or crippled even the disciples of je sus had fallen into the sad tendency of seeing in one who needed their help a case for theological specula tion rather than one in whom gods and savages among the defenders of glory cou revealed the lamb need without power to help is b for the first time the lamb will be depressing thing and may encour- all red there will not be a single spot age man to a bit of scientinc or re in the christian world that will not ligious guesswork here is a speci- be red and red will be in the heavens j men let us examine it how did the earth the waters and even the this happen who was responsible air for blood will flow in the domains but when we know the power of god of the four elements at once guessing and theorizing is gone the black eagle will throw himself help on the cock who will lose many of his jesus declared a great trutt here feathers but will strike back heroically suffering is not necessaruythe re- t suit of sin nor for the purpose or with his spurs but would soon be jud pungent tt mn crushed were it not for the help of w henj that mlgm bia the leopard and his claws grace power the black eagle will come from the those who suffer in our day may country of the lutherans will surprise be the means of declaring gods the cock and will invade the country glory either by his deliverance board of trade carnival october 6 heslop that deputy reee biggar appoincti to the aboe committee carried due to the shortage of nurses h is not expected that the plan will go into eaton co for the help with com- mindo labor in this county vocd b hillmcv and micdonald t mt this count council recognize all soldier citizens who have been given t poultry cream and eggs we have a good market for dressed poultry telephone erin 18 for prices and information wright s creamery erin ontario of the cock up to the middle of it the white eagle coming from the north will surpris- the black eagle and the ether eagle wfll invade the country of the antichrist from one end to the ether the black eagle will see him self forced to liberate the cock in order to fight the white eagle and the cock will pursue the black eagle irto the country of the antichrist to j lelp the white eagle the battles fought up to this time will oe as not ling compared to those which tttl take place in the country of the lutherans for the seven angels a u together pursue in their censers on the impious earth which signifies tint t if lamb will order the extermi nation or the race or the antichrist when the beast sees that he is lost he will become furious and for many months the beak of the white eagle the claws of the leopird and the spurs or the cok will cross the rivers oer the bodies of the slain and these in places will change the course of the waters thej will burj only the men of noble families and leading comman ders because to the carnage made by the armies wll be joined the whole sale death of those who will die of hunger and pest the antichrist will ask many times for pence but the seven angels who walk in frontof the three animals de fending the lamb have declared that peace will only be granted on the con diton that the antichrist be crushed like straw on the barn hoor the exe cutors of the justice of the lamb can not stop fighting as long as the antl- christ has soldiers to fight against them that which makes the decrees 3f the lamb so implacable is that the antichrist has pretended to be a fol lower of christ and to act in his name if he does not perish the fruit of uie redeemer ill be lost and the doors oi hades would prevail again t the saviours the fight which will take place where the antichrist forges his arms will not be in any way a human fight the three animals defending the lamb will exterminate the last army of the antichrist but they will be forced to erect a pyre as large as a city for the bodies of the dead will change the aspects of the countryside as there wfll be mounds of the slain the antichrist will lose his crown and will die hi solitude and madness his empire wil be divided into 22 states but none of them will possess fort resses armies or vessels the white eagle by order or st michael will drive the crescent from europe and will instal htmgif at con stantinople then will begin an era or peace and prosperity for the earth and there will be no more wars each nation being governed according to its desires and living according to the rules of justice there will no longer be lutherans or schismatics the iamb will reign and supreme happiness of humanity will begin happy will be tmse ck escaping the perils of that period will be able to enjoy the trait of the reign of the spirit ancpotqn purging of humanity vbich can only coma after the defeat of the antichrist from pain and sorrow or by his grace to bear the burden graciously and for his glory ii impossibility or obedlease vv 67 clay cannot bring sigtu to a mans eyes anyone knows that ah such a covering can do is to make the darkness of sightless eyes even more impenetrable the blind man might have reasoned that way he would have been entirely logical in so doing and he would have gone right on being blind it is possible to thrust from you god s richest blessmg by insisting that god s work be done in accord with your ability to understand but the blind man chose the obe dience of faith he went and washed and came seeing jesus is the light of the world to those who will believe the blind man found it so we may also find it to be true if we will believe the impossible be comes possibles with god for with god all things are possible jesus said it matt 19 26 let us believe it and act on it hi controversy or confession w 13 3438 this is a great chapter one in which we see the glory of faith con trasted with the controversial small- ness of unbelieving men the phar isees were religious men but they hated jesus a combination possible een in our day so they sought in every possible way to discredit him to deny the miracle and to destroy the one who was healed against that dark background the light of this mans faith shines the more brightly the more tbey tried to confuse him the deeper they en trapped themselves as he answered in simple faith testimony is a tremendously ef fective thing even though it must cling to the elementary and blessed truth was blind now 1 see v 25 but note that he went on and under the tender ministry of jesus he received his spiritual as well as his physical sight i beheve- what majestic worjls what trans forming words what worldshaking words friend do you believe on christ if not will you do it right now iv healing or hardening w 39- 41 the same sun which softens the wax hardens the mud the tight which attracts some out of the dark places causes others to shrink far ther into the shadows lest they have to give up their mark deeds and thoughts so it was in this case the blind man who had faith saw and that sight was the sight of the soul as well as of the body but the em bittered pharisees were only hard ened in their sin because tbey boasted of their spiritual sight which made the ministry of jesus unneces sary as they thoughtl there jras nothing for him to do but to leave them in their darkness the light of christ which is to shine on the problems ot lite to tin lessons of the thrs months ahead of us will either bring men to the light in faith or confirm thesn in their unbelist which is ft to b in your ess and m that of tins to- whom to mlhlstert

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