Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 11, 1944, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventyseventh year of publication wednesday october 11th 1944 200 per annum 5c a copy ioard of trade carnival draws bis crowd to arena citizen turn out en masse to- make first annual affair a suooess games bands bingo vaudeville iwvwn among highlights local and dlstrist citizens supported the board of trade carnival iiand- abmely turning out in large numbers to enjoy an evening- of music danc- ing stageshow and novelty games on friday last befitting a carnival the evening started with a grtod parade at three georgetown bands the lome boots regimental band the girls pipe and the boys band art pelght chairman of the board of ade welcomed the citizens to the carnival and on behalf of the organi sation thanked them for heir splendid support the stage show co immediately and went on throughout the entire evening interspersed with numbers from the bands r v mac- oonnack was masterofceremonies for the first part of the program and j d kelly kept the program roiling during the latter portion gertrude cains tap dancing proved as popular as ever and clifford voysey boy singer and accordionist from hamilton was excellent charles jackson wellknown hamilton come dian provided plenty of laughs for the crowd the kansas farmer and w hired help their music and antics were very well received mr cecil chinn and mrs irene mitchell may of brampton entertained with piano duets the amplifying provided by jos sanford k made it possible for carnival to hear the program clearly in all parts of the arena while all this vaudeville was taking place bmga a lucky chicken wheel recordavoiceand fortune telling by teacups and playing cards was going on mrs thomas elson mrs wm mcdowell and mrs stafford groat were the teacup readers and mrs digglns foretold the future by cards al norton and jack maclaren ran a mysterious and wellpatronized bed sea booth a merchants display booth was run by fred sinclair and clarence bain the soldiers com forts booth was wellpatronized with the ladies very busy all evening pro viding refreshments for the crowd the dance in the rose room up stairs to modern and old tyme music by the modern aires was a very popular feature of the carnival the lucky draw for the 60 00 war bond and 25 and 10 vouchers was made by hughes cleaver mp for halton chester scott georgetown won first prize with number 3521 clayton allen glen williams won second with 24 j h lilllco won third with 1747 the sully cast alum inum oven donated by the board of trade for a door prize was won by ticket 773 hughes cleaver mp al so made this draw substituting fox stan hall bipj who was unable to be present the weather byel hutt following are the local weather re cords for the past week pate h l baln- tenu lall tues oot 3 54 37 wed oct 4 ee si thura oct 6 g3 43 16 frt oct 6 76 86 sat oct 7 69 63 sun oct 8 58 48 jff man oct 8 93 43 a e cripps brother wounded in action mr and mrs e crlpps of acton received word during the past week that their son pte henry clrpps had been wounded in action on september 17ut his wounds were described as scalp lacerations and shoulder wounds pte crlpps was serving in belgium he enlisted about a year ago with the lincoln and welland reglhient and went overseas about two months ago before enlisting he was employed with the ajax engineers of acton besides his parents two brothers stanley and cecil reside in acton alger is in georgetown and mrs welch a sister is in grey county and mrs welch another sister in temis- fcamlng all hope that the family may receive word of steady progress toward recovery further news of local casualties last week brought further informa tion to anxious families of those ser vicemen who just recently have died in action or received wounds mr and mrs percy dfllon received a further letter from the director of records ottawa last week inform ing them that their son dvr claude dillon had died from complications resulting from a compound fracture of the right leg and thigh the sad news was first received on wednesday sept 27th that dvr dibon had died on september 17th a letter from sgt thomas given to his wife in town states that bis injur ies reported in last weeks tteralrt are a fractured left arm and a bullet- wound in the right arm he is in a field hospital in france sgt paratrooper jim sargent is now out of hospital in wgta after hav ing been confined there since the 6th o august on that date he suffered shrapnel wounds in his neck back and on his left side at present he is in a convalescent home and writes home uiat as soon as he is able he will be jumping again cpl robert rayner wounded in italy cpl robert rayner son of mr and mrs orval rayner has been wounded in italy according to word received by his parents a week ago sunday night no information concerning the extent of ms injury has been re ceived to date a member of the princess louise dragoon guards bob has been over seas nearly five years he 1 now last year he married an eng gfix prior to enlisting with the 48th high landers pte rayner was a member of the militia upon his arrival over seas he was transferred to the prin cess louise dragoon guards bobs father is a veteran of world war i and n his two brothers pte leonard and thomas are also serv ing in italy the herald british war victims fund forwardet to toronto evening telegram 3392 76 cash on hand acknow ledged 139 07 total oct uth 353183 organize for 7th victory loan tomorrow night a meeting 111 be held in the muni cipal building at 8 00 o clock tomor row night for the purpose of organiz ing for the 7ji victory loan campaign in georgetown and district the ocunty organizers will be present and chairmen and committees will be chosen to head the campaign exact details as to the amount of the objective to be raised this time li are nor available as yet but there is r every indication that this time the objective will at least equal and prob ably exceed that of the 6th loan which was 370 000 this was divid ed into georgetown 230 000 and eb- queslng 140 000 in the last loan this objective was exceeded by 51 000 final figures for georgetown and es- quesing showing purchases of s421 000 in bonds since the last loan an lmportan change in income tax procedure has eliminated the compulsory savings portion of the tax so that the aver age worker is getting a bigger pay check these days this extra money is needed for war financing and the minister of finance is hoping that nore bonds will be bought because of the increased cash reserves of mr i averageman it is up to every clti- sen to buy as many bonds as he can itd by so doing invest in his own and canada s future as well as speed liars end well admit we have had a few days of real indian summer weather but we dldnt think it lasted long enough to fool any fruit or vegetables however mr fred mcnally showed us branch from bis raspberry bushes last week end upon which were a dos- en or more large ripe raspberries in our mail bag georgetown oct 10 1944 dear madam editor it has been my privilege to convene two tag days this autumn and wish to thank my fellowcitizens for their generosity and cooperation and may i draw attention to the un selfishness of the school girls who do the tagging on these occasions the public is apt to take their services for grantea but the girls have been call ed upon so often these war years that the novelty has worn off and their help represents real selfsacrifice one saturday one of the girls re marked i had a chance to go u acton pair this afternoon but i figur ed the british need milk more lhan i need a fair surely we have reason to be proud of our junior citizens when that is their attitude to public service sincerely yours sheila r lambert ballinafad the autumn thankoffering of the wmjs was held in the hall tuesday evening october 3rd rev ostrom of georgetown had charge of the devo tional period and made it very- impres sive the music consisting of da by rev and mrs ostrom mr and mrs f j shortlll and mrs stanley and mrs norman sinclair was moon appreciated by all present mrs os trom the guest speaker stressed the need of more p and faith in these strenuous days and co back id god la necessary miss k mcglrrery spent the week end visiting miss b rfmfaarm xl robert visited ljdta snow over the active service notes lieut n s irene mulholland has written home to her parents telling of tbe wonderful welcome the allied troops got in brussells she says in part we drove through the city in a con voy and the people lined the streets thousands of them we had to drive ery slowly and they jumped up on the running board and shook hands kiss ed us filled the vehicles with every kinds of fruit flowers ran out with glasses of beer and champagne it was ur believable they cheered danced sang cried they were completely mad with joy irene also told of her short visit to paris and expressed the hope she would be able to go there again bruce collins who is in training in the east for service with the merchant marine had the good luck to be chos en as one of two recruits to be inter viewed when the governorgeneral and lady alice paid a visit to the camp movies were made of the oc casion as well as photographs by the halifax newspaper and we hope to see bruce on tbe local screen one of these days wren barbara cousens has graduat ed from the gait training school and is now posted to sydney nb with the wrcns law jen mackenzie st thomas was home on leave last week end lac bert fiddler has now been pro moted to the rank of corporal bert u a rormer employee of alliance paper mills and is now an engineer f the rcap and is at the present time stationed at three rivera que lac curly wheeler of st hubert quebec vnd his wife pte oha hill of toronto spent the holiday at their home in glen williams mr and mrs a o m bruyns have received a cable that capt bob bruyns serving with the netherlands forces is in surlnari hospital with both legs and his left arm broken ted stlgger of the rcaf was home on leave last week end ljs ronald mendham has graduat ed 4th in his class in radar at st hyacinthc quebec and is now an in structor at the station wren margaret chapman nee leslie formerly stationed at esqul- nialt bc has arrived overseas lac larry mackenzie of st thom as was home on leave last week end a wedding of local interest waa held in toronto on saturday oct 7th when joanne fallls became the bride of flightsergeant edward h sucker field nt a ceremony in holy trjnlty church eddie was clerk in mac cormacks drug store when he en listed in the rcap a couple of years ago he has since been overseas congratulations to cpl stewart yuung who was married in england m august 26th particulars of the wedding will follow in a later edition of the herald his brother cpl jack young is with the canadian army in prance pte jack fox is another local man who is serving with the forces in italy due to a mix up in addresses pte fux has not been receiving his her ald regularly which are sent to him by fellow employees nt the alliance paper mills but thl has been cleared up and we hope the herald arrives regularly from now on w0 james kelly missing three months writes home mr and mrs j d kelly received a letter last wednesday from their son wio james kelly having been re ported missing in air operations since june 12th during a night raid over enemy territory this is the first let ter his parents have had from him since that time about three weeks ago they received a cablegram which said he had reached england and was safe and well in his letter jim wash allowed to tell a great deal however he was in very good health and after a two- week refresher course will be going back oil operations for the past three months he has been hldlngout in enemyoccupied territory when their plane was shot down the midsipper gunner was killed one of the crew was taken prisoner and the rest escaped there is still one crew member to be ac counted for the plane came down many miles behind the enemy lines but at time of liberation they had worked themselves back as far cambral which is 15 miles from the belgian border and about 60 miles in land from the north sea when the allied armies reached this point they were freed of course and taken back to london for security reasons this is all of bis story wjo kelly has been allow ed to teh his wife parents and friends wul await with interest the time when he can nil in the spaces tetween the lines geo graham 85 dies in brampton hospital george graham well known farmer of sllvercreek esquesing twp died in peel memorial hospital brampton on thursday october the 5th he had been in falling health for several years and was in his 85th year he was a bachelor the late mr graham was bom in derry west the son or the late james grahim and eliza mcclure he farm ed on the homestead and for a number of years in peel county about 36 years ago he moved to hus farm at silver creek esqueslng mr graham was a 3taunch conservative in politics and member of the orange order he was a member of the united church surviving to mourn bis loss is one sister miss sarah graham at present a patient in guelph general hospital the funeral service was held on sa turday afternoon from mcclures fu neral home rev r c todd conduct ed the service palbearers were messrs david mcclure stewart miller silver- creek frank smith erin thomas l lyons georgetown oscar and harry graham of derry west interment was in glen williams cemetery georgetown welcomes first war bride mrs uwr jvu1 lite with husbands famlly here likes canada pressed by stores and variety first of the english girls whom our district soldiers have married to come it this country to make her home mrs archie lawr arrived in georgetown on thanksgiving oay with her baby daughter jean she will make her one in georgetown until her husband comes home with his parents mr and mrs matt lawr mrs lawr is the for mer kathleen mary splnks of peck- 1 am rye and besides being a daugh ter inlaw is also a niece of mrs matt lawr the trip from england by boat was neventful except for two days rough issage mrs lawr and jean came from the east coast by train though ed from the trip she couldn t resist shopping trip down town on tuesday morning the first purchase was a baby buggy for jean and then mrs lawr visited the food stores where he was greatly impressed by all the fresh vegetables eggs etc spr archie lawr is at present with the canadian forces in belgium his lwo brothers sgmn harvey lawr and pte sheldon lawr are in france the boys also have four cousins in the eimy fred marsheu in italy stan ley in france and jack and joe in canada holiday and mrs e price of dixie visited at th home of mrs f w shortlll the community feels the passing ot mrs a kentner and miss e mckay both of them spent their life among us sympathy is extended to the be reaved ones the september meeting of the young people was held at the home of jo anna shortlll ur foreman gave a talk on points gleaned from confer ence he had recently attended the mate thought being nods acre girl guides the campflre meeting of september 27th had to be held indoors around ar imaginary are but that did not spoil our enjoyment of the song skits nor the quality of the sing song by lieutenant mary moyer on oct 4 the more serious work of the year was started with right and left turns being taught by the patrol leaders and the health rules being leviewed in patrol corners recruits wanda timbers and audrey bradley were welcomed to the company hilarious game of tails ended the evening and patrol leader peggy kelly being one of those who lost her tall was penalized by having to recite and explain the health rules which she did ery cffectivplj it was a perfect thanksgiving wck end with the trees in all their glorious autumnal colours halton hotstein and jersey show again feature at milton fall fair miss ellen mckay died suddenly the death of miss ellen mckay oc curred very suddenly on wednesday afternoon october 4th she was on 1 i r way home from main street when stricken with a heart attack from w hich she passed away almost mediately miss mckay will be greatly missed by the congregation of the united church particularly for she was faithful worshipper and ardent work er she was a member of the women s missionary society as well as the women s association bom on lot 27 9th line esqueslng the late miss mckay was the daughter of mr and mrs donald mckay she lived on their farm home all her life until twelve years ago wtoeo she and her sister miss kate moved to geor getown they have lived here ever unce the funeral service was held at two o clock friday afternoon with rev r c todd officiating six nep hews of the deceased were pallbearers oliver kirkwood toronto wm kirk- wood erin and james kirkwood bal- li naiad alex mckay of toronto earl mckay brampton and archie mckay toronto interment was providence cemetery flowerbearers were jimtnle kirkwood jim weather- ston bert mcmenemy and donald kirkwood surviving are two sisters and two brothers mrs william kirkwood mary georgetown miss kate mc kay georgetown david owen sound ind sandy ballinafad relatives and friends from a dis tance who attended the funeral in cluded dave mckay owen bound alex mckay toronto mrs william mckay and miss jessie mckay to ronto mr and mrs james weather- ston toronto mr and mrs aldon patterson toronto mrs stuart smith weston and mrs wilson wi le toronto the georgetown herald soldiers comforts fund forwarded to soldiers comforts committee cash on hand acknow ledged v friend total oct 11th 20053 100 mr frank petch was judge dairy cattle at fordwich fall pair on saturday mr oscar lerch was also i judge tpr fred tut harrison decorated for bravery for outstanding bravery under are trooper fred harrison has been awarded the military medal tpr harrison is serving in italy he also participated in the invasion of sicily tut as he is popularly known volunteered along with a small group of east indian soldiers to cross the raptdo river at night to capture a strategically important bridge they succeeded in their dangerous mission and tpr harrisons decoration ha come as a result of this action it took place last may enlisting in 1940 with the th highlanders tpr harrison went over seas in june 1641 and later ed to the tank corps robbery at a kershaws nomk police are investigating a breakin that occurred on saturday night al the home of mr and mrs albert ker shaw ontario st resulting in the loss of money amounting to 108 as well as a jewel box and an earring a back window and a dresser drawer vers opened and in a ransacked condition when the occupanta of the house re turned home from tbe cfty abouvufl sunday morning chief of folios w marshall and night oonstafaie if ftobb boas segsworth and maurice beat premier breeders and exhlbftiux the halton county holsteln and jersey shows conducted by the halton holsteln club and the halton jersey cattle club in cooperation with the halton agricultural society were again the outstanding features of the county fair at milton on septa 30th thirty halton holsteln breeders brought a total of 150 entries out which reflected great credit on presi dent w h robinson and his fellow breeders while the catchy weather and shortage of labour made it im possible for the cattle to come out in quite the bloom which they have done in former years nevertheless in che opinion of judge j m fraser of streetsville it was quite an outstand ing show at the opposite end of the ring the halton jersey breeders brought out 80 entries and in the opinion of judge oswald warman of brampton and jas bremner secretary of the cana dian jersey cattle club who was an ir terested spectator throughout the day the quality was outstanding in the holsteln show son of freeman was both exhibitor and premier breeder num bered among their wins were the senior and grand championship awards on their 3 year old herd sire armac sir george chieftain posch flst on their 3 year old dry cow spruceleigh pansy first in the open get of sire class on the get of glen- rose hartog mercedes which get also won for them the coveted bank of nova scotia special the first on tbe junior progeny of dam s class on the progeny of poplar row chieftain maid which also won for them he bank of commerce speclal the same breeder headed the parade in the senior herd class and thereby secur ed the t eaton company special the junior champion bull was ex hibited- by j l neelands son of hornby hi pioneer lodge kobe gov ernor while the winning senior bull calf was exhlbted by a t woodier of milton in laurie komdyke rag apple and morley watson sons of tansley had the winning junior bull calf in victor banostlne pabst which was declared reserve junior oham- in the cow classes ejmeagher of oakville who is making his debut in the show ring swept the boards winning the mature dry cow class on monlvic chieftain bunnle the milking cow class on buttermald lealand who was later declared senior and grand champion female and in the milking 3 year old with an outstanding winner in graymar bessie pathfinder it is interesting to learn that this heifer is now com pleting her twoyearold record and in eleven months has produced over 20600 lbs of milk in the twojpearold dry w class chas austin of georgetown another new exhibitor was first wins evergreen hills jemima w h held sons also of george town in mnfcing their debut nt tbe snow ring had the winning junior yearling heifer in plumbroke bonnie h which was later declared beaen junior champion as usual at milton perhaps the out standing feature of the entire holsteln show was the exhibit staged by the boys and girls calf club which this year brought out 18 entries the win ning calf was exhibited by david pel let terio with irwin thompson second douglas alexander third earl ford fourth and john w picket fifth in the showmanship feature of the calf club show first prise went to ward brownridge david peqetterlo second lome lawrence third john stark fourth and douglas alexander fifth m the jersey show eight brought out 62 head while maurice beaty was successful in again winn ing the awards for premier exhibitor and premier breeder gerald gra ham featherstone bros- arthur pad- bury and mcclure bros were strong contestants throughout padbury had the senior champion and reserve orand on rochalda wellborn victor and the winning vwoyearokl m inv on rockalda alma alios featherstone bros of oakrule had the reserve junior champion bdh in avonlea youll do king the sen ior and grand champion amale tn avonlea kings lona lavs snd the reserve junior ftisjuiliiri in avonlea kingiona qbl tnejr also seared in the oct of ore and progeny oassss wngdag top honours bt the fanner coast on their oet of sqvr april king which wori for than fee t antoa company speclal enafci t oontrnosd i

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