Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 13, 1944, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventyseventh year of publication wednesday december 13th 1944 200 per annum 5c a copy survey map a must in town planning speaker advises james hurny toronto architect speaks at board of trade meeting delegatlea will interview council for proposed surrey map james murray member of the atari ot the university of toronto school of architecture and of the toronto pla board was guest speaker at a public meeting in the municipal building last wednesday night spon sored by the georgetown and district board of trade mr a r speight president of the board introduced the speaker and w b nodwell secretary read the minutes of two previous meeting mr murray emphasized that a sur vey map of georgetown was a must before any town planning could be set into effect the last map of the town was made in 1854 by the provincial land surveyor and this is relatively useless for presentday needs before a sewage system could be installed before new streets could be properly opened and before correct data on building sites could be supplied to any prospective industry two base maps xe headeda subdivision map show- tog streets town limits etc and a topographic aerial map with these two as a base supplementary data could be employed to build up a com prehensive picture of the town mr murray said the first step in town planning was to decide how big the town should be remembering that size is not necessarily an indication of prosperity another factor was 10 study the features of the town physi cal social human and financial he pointed out the excellent position en- joyed by georgetown situated as it 1 in the proximity of two large cities with good agricultural land surround ing he local industries and blessed with beautiful natural scenery population statistics show that the town had doubled in population in the 19011941 period the 1m1 census show- tag 3b63 another integral part of town plan ning which is lacking in georgetown is some sort of noning bylaw and building restrictions with the trend of industry to decentralize and move to the smaller centres a town must be careful not to mix factories and residential districts a suggested lm- 1 provement at the main street no 7 highway intersection was a small is- land to cut down traffic hazards speaking of industry mr murray said the town should be careful to encourage only industries with good wages rwi skilled workers to locate in town inls not only made a more prosperous town but brought the right sort of citizens to the community an informal question period was held after the speech and mr speight then asked if the meeting was in favour of appointing a delegation to interview council regarding bud geting for a survey map 8am mac kenzie w e nodwell and mr speight were selected and they will ask coun cil to set aside a sum up to glfioooo tor thi purpose harold cleave mayorelect for 1m6 was called on and expressed the thanks of the ga thering to mr murray for his inform ative talk the weather bv h l hutt my oh my i we are getting it this morning a regular old blizzard from the northeast and radio reports say it is sweeping acoss the country from coast to coast public and high schools in new york state are closed for the day the storm began here early yesterday morning with a light fall of snow that by night had reach ed a depth of four inches during a lull then many good clusens got oat and cleaned their paths and sidewalks but this morning they are all filled with snowdrifts and what about the country roads since writing the above we find that the storm is general from ottawa to windsor and from niagara to north bay with some two feet of snow cov ering the province toronto and sub urban schools were closed today and all roads blocked mall trains were hours late here are the local records for the past week date h and i predpl- temp tatkm iragic accident rafts former district farmer rev a dayfoot leaves for china a tragic accident on saturday dec i rev arthur dayfoot who in early 2nd on the newman farm at dunbar- september was commissioned by the ton pickering township snuffed out united church of canada for mlsslon- the lire of a young farmer wellknown ary work in west china and nas since in this district victim of the accident j been awaiting transportation thither was samuel craig 38 years old who received word on thursday last that with others was cutting trees on the j the reservation longrequested by the farm a large limb from a tailing mission board had been secured tree hit him and he was instantly he left toronto sunday evening for killed new york on the nrst lap of his jour- the jate mr craig came to this dls- ney tothe orient trict from ireland when a young man he spent saturday with his parents coming out to canada with the wiley i mr and mrs c b dayfoot in geor- famliy of georgetown he worked on igvtown and sunday with them in to- farms in this district till some two roiito years ago when he moved to dunbar- i they attended the morning service ton district farms where he was em- 1 at carleton st united church with ployed included those of wubert which rev mr dayfoot had been con- cleave harold lyons and albert i nected during his student days in he was a member of the toronto and of which he was recently hunter orange lodge and the glen fife band also associated with the stewarttown band while a resident in this district the funeral service was held from his residence falrport beach on tues day december 5th with interment in st johns cemetery norway sur viving are his wife the former mabel ganton of georgetown and a daugh ter jean he also leaves a brother hugh in toronto his mother four chosen missionary designate in china at the close of tbe service a gather ing of carleton friends wished him godspeed prog bess made on norval sink the open air skating rink being constructed at the school grounds by brtsviurirdtad l tues dec 5 47 30 wed dec 6 37 33 06 thurs dec 7 38 28 rain pri dec 8 48 31 jo sat dec 9 35 28 sun dec 10 31 30 mon dec 11 36 21 4 snow samuel mcclure diet of injuries while assisting a veterinary in mak ing ts tests of young cattle on his farm on the third line ohing sam- d mcclure was pinned against wall of the stable by a yearling and suffered internal injuries he was removed to peel memorial hospital where be died saturday night mr mcclure was a member and el der of the nerval presbyterian church he was also a member of the ionic lodge aj and am and the lol surviving is his widow isabel in- gram mcclure three brothers w j john o and cras wccturc and a sister mrs ellery brownridge second sister mrs james archdekin died several years ago a private funeral was held from the home today followed by a public service in norval presbyterian church rev j l pelf who conducted the ser vice based his remarks on the great words of st paul i have fought the fight t have finished the mrs amott moclure brampton sang a fitting hymn during toe service pallbearers were messrs airfield mcclure tom a mcclure samuel j mcclure s j t moolure art moclure and d j mcclure in terment m hqlcrest cemetery nor val cakd ot thankfi many thanks to the friends whose thottgntfumeas in conducting s lucky r on my behalf to help defray the of injuries 9ut fair softball game sgmreciaiedjeck harlow and fi mrs nelson bandys brother returns after being wounded in france pte kenneth c bailey 24 brother of mrs nelson handy glen williams arrived home after more than two years overseas service in england and prance on november 14th pte bai ley whose wife has been living with mrs handy in glen williams since last july received shrapnel and bul let wounds in bis head at the battle of palalse as a result of this he lost his light eye and has only alight vision in the other he will report back to toronto on december 15th for a surgical operation after being wounded he was unconscious from august 17th to september 20th and doctors attribute his miraculous re covery to the new wonderdrug peni cillin he was with the algonquin regiment in spite of his injuries pto babey in good spirits and feels not too bad pte and mrs bauey have two sons the younger of which pte bailey had not seen until his return after us operation kens ambition is to have a little farm pte baileys father was a veteran of the last great war a brother ser ved at dieppe and is a prisoner-of- w in oermany and another brother allan is with the militia mrs ban dys husband pte nelson handy has been serving in italy over a year sympathy of the community is exten ded to the bereaved family in their rehabilitation council receives papers from dept veterans affairs the second business meeting of the georgetown rehabilitation council nas held in the waterworks bldg on wednesday nov 29th coiq b s oousens reported that two papers had come through from the dept of vet erans afflalra concerning men dis charged from the services and that these papers had been forwarded tc lhe chairman of employment mr l e fleck who will give the discharged men all assistance possible in obtain ing emnloyment col oousens also reported that one man has already obtained employment through the aid of the council mrs mendham chairman of the womens committee reported having visited two war brides who have re cently arrived in the district other committee chairmen were called on but all reported no action up to date progress for the past week several men and boys from the district have been spending their spare time nailing ooarda together and getting things in shape for the opening the club plans to call the project the norval recreation centre and it is planned as a memorial to the norval men who are serving in the armed forces to date some 9800 has been collect- lied by canvass expenditures includ lng a 2 hp motor are in the neigh borhood of 550 it is hoped to raise about 300 more to pay for screens club house and modern lighting for the rink rev j l self is secretary- treasurer of the club and in charge of the funds presentations to miss ruth evans miss ruth evans returned to geor getown on december 1st to assist her father mr walter t evans in his insurance and real estate agencies prior to leaving st catharines miss evans was honoured by several organ izations in which she took an active part the st catharines branch of the dominion life assurance company held on agency dinner at the st ca tharines golf club in honour of miss ruth p evans who has been branch secretary for the past four and a half years mr w d hannah branch manager made a very fitting speech covering the work and accomplish ments of the st catharines agency after which mr earle h thomson on behalf of the st catharines branch nf the dominion life assurance com pany presented miss evans with a beautiful sliver tray in appreciation of her enthusiastic interest and untir ing efforts as branch secretary the choir of first united church st catharines presented miss evans with a suitable gift the blue bird club of the ywca gave a party and presentation and the llthanl club gave a dinner and presented miss evans with a lovely leather bag ba1jjnafad on tuesday evening last mr and mrs lloyd mmnuiih entertained the famines of the oosd neighbours cflmb several tables of progressive eiwhre were played and prizes given tor ugh score sandwiches cake sad oofles were served and all had an enjoyeme evening p win go toward war services iode plan bale for northern school countess of strathmore chapter i odje held their december meeting at the home of mrs w o o thomp son on monday evening donations of clothing were received for the bale being packed for the adopted school in hallburton by the welfare convenor mrs a beaumont an informal discussion took place on ways and means of raising funds during the winter months and ten tative plans made refreshments were served by mrs a grelg and mrs a beaumont chief marshall director of police association police chief w o marshall is a member of the board of directors of the recentlyformed halton county police association lee j smith burlington and prank mcnlven mil ton head the organization with john derry oakvule as secretary other directors are e e harrop acton thomas hall burlington harvey hunt nelson and p devonish oak vule rebskahs meet in new lodge rooms verdun rebekah lodge no held its first meeting in the new lodge rooms on tuesday evening dec 0th with mrt myrtle dron mome grand and mrs lillian ritchie vice grand presiding about fortyfive members were present and all were very favor ably impressed with their new lodge home it is a very spacious and well- appointed room with two fair sized ante rooms the basement is not quite completed but when it is there will be a large banquet hall and wellequipped kit chen and all things point to good times ahead for the oddfellows and rebekohs in town ross thompson worshipful master credit lodge credit lodge met in the lodge rooms last friday evening december 8th for their annual election of officers the following were elected worshipful master bro ross thompson senior warden bro d charles junior warden bro t wold chaplain very wor bro w g o thompson secretary wor bro w ford treasurer wor bro e cole senior deacon bro h wriggles- worth junior deacon bro t eason jr io bro w cleave t bro o sinclair s s bro e dron jj3 bro o hunter hey kids im coming to georgetown saturday dec 23rd meet me at the community christ mas tree in front of the municipal building at 3 pm tell your dad and mom not to forget their tickets on the annual lucky draw extra proceeds to help the boys and girls in england who have been bombed out sponsored by tbe georgetown lions club theres a grand prize of a doll dressed in 25 1 00 bills and 24 prizes of chickens and geese see you saturday december 23 lions sponsored bell telephone demonstration last monday annual christmas tree planned by lions club at a dinner meeting of georgetown lions club held monday evening in i the mcglbbon house plans were com pleted for the annual christmas tree i to be held saturday afternoon decem ber 23rd in front of the municipal building the committee in charge is composed of lions ab tost d brill dick llcata garfield moguvrmy and walter carpenter a donation of 10 to the navy lea gue canvass was voted and the club decided to sponsor a team in the local juvenile hookey league lion ed mc- whlrter will be in charge of this dinner guests included mr w o mlsener district representative of the bell telephone company messrs spencer and baker of the beu tele phone company and miss m chave the local office also miss sybil bennett mr art johnson and mr a r speight after the dmner members adjourned to the municipal building where mr spencer gave an informative and entertaining talk on his companys products active service notes flighhlleutenarjjb ken mackenzie has been posted to the rcaf station at comox bc after a months leave in town and left this week for the west mrs mackenzie and son john have returned to pictou nj3 gnr herb arnold son of mr and mrs gfeorge arnold has been hon ourably discharged from the army for health reasons and is working in town at the brewers retail store herb enlisted in the army two years ago and trained at brampton petawawa and in georgia with the paratroops he has been stationed for same time at no 2 district depot toronto ai an mp second district girl to arrive over seas with the navy is leading wren sally bllck daughter of mr and mrs george bllck of glen wuilams eigh teen months in the services sally trained at gait and hmc8 york in toronto she was a member of the local st john ambulance brigade a brother tpr james bllck is with the canadian foroes in italy word has been received of the pro motion to captain of maurice m dix on husband of the former lulu gra ham of the ashgrove district capt dixon who went overseas with the rce is now serving in holland while mrs dixon is also overseas nursing in on english convalescent hospital before enlistment capt dixon was employed at warm ting with the forestry department pte keith spence serving overseas with the saskatoon light infantry re- i cently completed a regimental mach- lne gunners course held at his unit arriving overseas on july 1 1941 pte spence has since coming to italy had leaves in bart florence and rome hu wile and small daughter live irfoeor- getown its always a pleasure to report the meeting overseas of relatives and friends this time it was the three emmerson brothers who were fortun ate enough to have a gettogether for two days near london before pte wheldon was sent to belgium tpr bob emmerson overseas nearly two years and pit sgt jim overseas a year joined their brother wheldon and the family t circle of boys would have been complete if pte steve em merson in italy had been able to be present clear splitsecond communications ore vital to the success of combat op erations and the mlrrophone helps to attain such precision by developing the best voice technique for transmit ting messages members of the geor getown lions club were told at a meeting lost monday evening decem ber 11th speaking on your voice as others hear it r h spencer of toronto public information representative of the bell telephone company t canada said this recording device a considered so valuable in speech train ing that it is used in canada and in the united states to train the voices of combatants who transmit import ant orders and messages and of in structors the nurrophone is also an important aid in language instruction it helps trainees to capture elusive pronunciations in the study of jap anese burmese russian and other foreign languages since it permits a recording to be made and reproduced immediately the mlrrophone enables anyone to listen to his voice just as he would look at his face in a mirror after the ad dress many in the audience tried the machine for themselves in explaining the scientific reason why we do not know what our voices sound like to others mr spencer said unless a person has heard a record- lng of his voice he has never heard hi3 voice as others hear it using lapel and throat microphones the speaker showed the difference be tween his voice as he hears it himself and his voiceos others hear it br means of the voklaaerrie demonstrat ed how speech is manufactured and by floating a bar of steel in the air he illustrated the fact that like poles of two magnets repel there were many other demonstrations and in all some 500 pounds of equipment was used outlining some of the problems of transmitting speech over a telephone line mr spencer said the energy of the average voice is measured m in sect power the entire personnel of canadas armed forces tjtigg soil out the barrel for three hours would generate just enough energy to warm one cup of tea public health nurse accepts guelph position 1 appointment of miss wlnnlfred walker of milton as supervising pub lic health nurse for guelph was ap proved by the board of health of guelph at its november meeting miss walker has been in charge of the public health nursing service for about a year in milton acton and georgetown prior to that time ehr was senior nurse for several years at kirklond lake she succeeds miss e machveen terra cotta we aie informed that mr f o thompson of georgetown has sold part of his 50acres and the house and outbuildings- here to mr zllllo for a nice sum so as we sold before real estate is on the move and other real estate transfers are in contemplation congratulations to mr and mrs j mcdonald nee marjorle mckane on the birth of a son mrs orr of toronto has moved back to thes cnjr station here end we ore pleased to welcome her back to our hamlet once more wood cutting is still the general or der of the day mr c shepherd reports doing a rushing trade in the fur business this fall and reports having secured a number of foxes etc success to you charlie we are sorry to learn that mr j eaves fell and injured his leg last week while at work and wul he oeoj fined to his room for some time ire an hope that he will soon be afast to be around again as usual mr and mrttw p ranter spent sund with m in f we are pleased to team that mr birth notice saxb mr and mrs david sexe nee ellen curtis are happy to announce tbe birth of their son stephen paul at peel memorial hospital bramp ton on monday dec 11th walker lac and mrs c j wal ker a daughter judith elaine sister for the three boys born osv december 6th in peel memorial hospital dbd latrd suddenly at norval on day december 10th 1644 david ian dearly beloved infant son of mir and mrs murray laird aged 8 yeans 2 months private funeral will be held the home of his parents lot 11 con 6 chtoguaoousy township on thurs day december 14th service at 2jss oclock interment in hulcrest ceme tery norval flowers gratefully de clined in mkhobiam white in loving memory of a dear wife and mother mary mae b white who died suddenly on de cember 10th 1041 in gait hospital her memory is as dear today as in the hour she passed away sadly missed by her husband f l in toronto her son donom brampton and daughters boeen and marjorle georgetown and mrs wright of the town line who have been on the sfcak list are now on the mend end ire also hops soon to hear of their raeoearj mrs ianghton of toronto spent tbm week end at her bonesssre mr george bme we nndststssd in tends moving to vis ihestwanaslal brick plant st cheltenham ehortty mr r j stringer spent the week end with m glen nssboss tnsosjdsk ftfj soldi i valent in oar harnlst at

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