Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 27, 1944, p. 1

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seventyseventh year of publication wednesday december 27th 1944 200 per annum 5c a copy hew atvertisemehts caretaker wanted owhtor wanted cor georgetown bvxqb onraos dec brampton a good smart boy mechanically in clined also food s girls apply laajvoaz khtilvfu- ooj dec istf 3ad hoor gordon aloott matoitfl northern ontario outl a qtilet wedding took place on sat urday december 23rd when miss jean mccracken of vlrginiatown be came the bride of mr gordon aloott of copper cliff- and son of mr and mrs george aloott of qto the wedding took place at the ae of the brides parents in vir ginia town and the couple honeymoon ed at mrkland lake they will visit their home here shortly agents wanted man wwnted for rawoelgh route treel opportunity we beh get atmrtelwnte rawielghs dept ml314ojj montreal boarbufg bouse wanted young uslnesb lady desires room and board apply federal sales enoinehrino georgetown announcement mr and mrs fred thompson will complete fifty years of married life on january 2nd and will be pleased to see any of their friends who care to call from 3 to 6 pjn and from 730 to 1000 in the evening carpenter work wanted odd jobbing carpentry repairing done at reasonable rates apply prank brown dee 27p phone 441 r 4 georgetown for bent one large housekeeping room fortably furmsned also two smaller rooms partly furnished each orr bathroom flat steamheated insulated rooms with all modern convenience apply herald qfftcse dec btf wanted bearwood logs of veneer quality win take a small percentage of elm apply the qakvtlle baskrt oo ltd oakrffle ontario dee sfto two inlaid walnut oofto tables mor sale also lovely bookrack and tvnrr d wicker nloe ooal on heater electa grate type heater almost new apply- t phone 326 dec 27p georgetown many attend lions community xmas tek herb loath neml won doll and xca0 cub lucky draw for fowl sorry polks a fourpage paper due to the mon day holiday necessitated leaving se veral news items personals etc over till next weeks issue lost several small bills folded once lost tuesday evening dec 26th main st vicinity reward apply herald office caretaker wanted caretaker for georgetown arena apply selective service oppsofe dec 13 brampton abundance of fresh white snow mads santas annual christmas visit to the lions community christmas tree a memorable one last saturday after noon over 800 kiddles received bags of apples and oranges and after the georgetown children had all been treated santa and his helpers visited the girls at cedarvale school who in turn treajted them to sandwiches and cake the lome scots regimental band was in attendance on main street and the christmas music was enjoyed by everyone the lucky draw tickets lor the doll and 925 in cash and for the fowl were drawn by mayor harold cleave mr herb louth of nerval winning the doll and 25 cash with ticket num ber 4063 following were winners of fowl all of georgetown unless other wise stated chickens ticket no 3 mrs arthur araold ill john wagstaffe glen williams 368 audrey nlelson 376 g nlcol 1684 bruce mckerr milton 2106 dave curry 2106 miss laura scott 2271 w a gardner bolton 2436 chester scott 3702 miss sybil bennett 2725 jack mcglbbon 2677 2877 prank petch 308 carol ben- ham 3114 jack benham 3300 art speight 3413 george mcclure 3g0 harold bullivant 3557 ellen saw dead horses and cattle for fro pickup phone collect deo 44 phone ad 3036 toronto gordon young ltd cal electrical repairs mads to appliances and whine apply r a tf young st georgetown wanted live and dressed poultry highest market prices apply a barnbtt bon phone brampton 843 r 14 reverse charges curlers attention all interested in curling plan to attend the opening night thursday dec 28th in georgetown arena your vote and influence are respectfully solicited for my election as esquesing township councillor for the year 1945 a happy new year to everyone r n brown vote for w o brownridge for esquesing council 1945 born and raised in esquesing township active in community fraternal and farm organizations i now offer my services to you as a councillor if elected 1 will do my best to serve in this capacity your support will certainly be appreciated election monday january 1st 1945 a perfect winter afternoon with an eorge cleave again depatyreere acclamation for wesley murray as 1945 esquesingjleeve fomr id seats field for three 4726 r b shortul 4762 jack lawsv kq gillies by j p humphrey 4894 betty lucas 340 george mcclure 4163 jos watson geese 387 karen d shortul- 361 john mcfarland 2896 mervln robot 4356 miss violet barnes bar c k stacey made a jovial santa claus and the lion committee charge of the event was comprtedc ab tost dave brill dick licata gar field mogtlvray and walter carpenter church news pint baptist chorea sun dec 3111 ajn worship pjn church school 645 pm gospel gs 7 pm worship did we make the most and have the best in 1044 the last prayer and midweek meet ing of the old year on wednesday at pjn let us make it the best and recelsa h3s best united 10 ajn sunday and bible class u uxn ptibuc worship guest preacher or charles endloott of toronto yfi tun carol service senior choirs happy new tear to both junior an btewarttown st johns chana 2 pjn sunday school 3 pjn evening prayer hornby bt stephens charon 1115 ajn mnmlng prayer norva st fatfi char 730 pjrt evening prayer esquesing township nomination ueetlng was held last friday in the iownshlp hall at stewarttown there y3 a very small turnout of rate payers possibly due to the heavy road iiroughout the township mr isaac bennett township clerk was chalr- ran for the meeting at which rt- virts of last years work were gteetk y the various council mtwihw as veil as a statement by the township treasurer k o lindsay nominations for the 1940 vere as follows fob reeve j wesley murray by miller and j g gillies x howard may by j p hrey and r h hunter deputy reeve jeo e cleave by wm r cromar and r h hunter council l n brown by r l and a dobbte w o brownrtdoe by btandlsb and l devrlea 3borge ctfrirxe by james standlsh and j sanfoxd anfirobt mjiler bwivlastd may by g c brown and r h hunter atm a felbon by robert miller and- j p humphrey the retiring reeve c howard may tflm was also warden of the county as year has announced that he wur ieek election as a councillor for 1946v and a wesley murray last years deputyreeve is given an acclamation or the reeveshtp also a winner bjr acclamation is george e cleave veteran municipal official who steps ip as deputyreeve from- his council wat two nominees for council messrs w a wilson and j g guiles de clined to let their names stand election whlcn leaves a fleldof fbur seeklng election for the three council seats c howard may george currte w o brownrldge and a ic brass esquesing ratepayers will go to toe polls on new years day to cast then- ballots for their municipal tor 1945 agsd- tx years the weather by h l hutfc it was a white christmas all over ontario with more ahdmanox the beautiful fortunately rt asms down softly with no wind to blow it into drifts the country has just nicely been dug out from the dkttts of last weeks storm and a hand blow now wouia block the roads up again there was utue or no frost to utom grtwntt wsterx the first heavy srsuatall came oonsswuenuy the snow has been gra- dnaur melting away tuidmeath till the foot we had on the level has set tled down to less than hatt that this past week we have had the shortest days and the longest nights of the year and isnt lb grand to lie in- bed in the morning till the sun shines rn your window and for the first tune this winter the mercury slid down to nero and probs to day say it may go doom to five below here are the figures for the weak date h and l finow- temp fall tues dec 19 22 ft wed dec 20 29 16 t tnuxs dee 3 o prl dec 22 xl ft sat dec 23 26 lf sun dec 24 x 1 man dec 28 30 26 christmas bax present for bibs gsqbjge gbehnswarav a letter and capture card croat her husband pte george greensward made it a happg christmas day for mrs greensward and daughter carol- it was the first mall received from pte- greensward since he was taken pris oner by the germans in september he reported himself safe and well and hoped that it woudnt be many months before be could be home again with them yesterday morning mrs green sward received a letter horn the inde pendent short- wava- monitor new- york telling of a short ware broadcast picked up fmm berlin which reported her husband a prisonerofwar annual christmas party ot local 474 bftg success the second christmas party of lock 474 alliance paper mills ltd was held in the legion rooms on pridsy evening december 16th about 309 ibers management personnel children and friends were present mr roy norton president was chairman tor the evening the program open- ed with the singing the national anthem followed by carol staging other items on the program were as adkrwsi t flongn by miss grace beer- accorolan numbers by m harvey dewhurst short act put on by mr c stacey assisted by mr and mrs w wheeler and a song by tsk sisters mr c sfacey assaritav assistant then presented gifts a boat of candy and an orange to about se ventyone children present the four- committee girls misses marlon pdt- grare aqce addy elsie pey and ines- scott were presented with a small gift in appreciation of their work dm- ing the season gifts were given oat to every member of the local and msnagement winners of the dra- for a dolt and two ducks were as fol lows winner of doll mr r held winners o ducks miss m muffln mr h tracey mr p bryen who did a good lob of selling the ticket was presented with a tin of smokmg- tobacco the president thanked mr l e fleck mr j h bingham and mr d p crlcbton for donating th candles and oranges a decfclous lunch was served and the remainder of the evening spent in- dancing the committee in chargsf was as follows thos bason jr conr venor marion porgrave alice addr elsie fey inez scott maude mcdon aid roy ward- ernie porgrave wnv wheeler and alf goodwin st gtmrgot orarelk first sunday after christmas holy communion 8 ajn ehooi 10 ajn matins 14 ajn even song 7 pjn st abmob charcb glen wlirtfinm pint sunday after christmas sunday school 2 pm evensong 2 pjn your vote and support are respectfully solicited to reelect me as councillor for the township of esquesing for the year 1945 seasons greetings to all george currie your vote and influence ae respectfully olicited for my election a councillor for esquesing township for 1945 choward may election day monday january 1st 1945 kims presbyte cbansh georgetown rev crjas c cochrane ba bd minister 10 aja sunday school 11 ajo public worship sarshmfflmr ittsjbytertaii jimreai pjn s school s pjn pnbnc worship i ligmd bn ration reld beloved daughter of mr and mtr r st held passed to eternal rest on thursday decem ber 31st atfcerra long illness she was years o age she had been par tially paralysed for a itsw- of years and during the last few months of her life particularly had suffered a great deal jean was always cheer ful in spite of her pain and managed a smile for- everyone right up sntll the last surviving are a sister betty and two brothers norman and claude the funeral was held from the home of herr parents orr milt street saturday dec 23rd by ven w g x thompson paubearexs were james huts allan parton janes valentin kenneth davison murray hill george baitey mbennent was kn oitn williams ce gjls column hjec ib n 1m4 by joammaln the eaamlnatlona are all qvac and everyone la now ready to anjos their the ghb had thstr n b rose bnom on turadaqb dk 2ut there was a aft alit and everxone enjojtd thessselvea tke sacs of tiit spedal dances wars eusalnatlon dance isabsl dohaon and eocles mcclure carol dance tffttyir mjbtere and mwjorle kfntner birth day dance renee digging and don psxfcer st georges war services committee send ufts to members in serviosl st georges war services ctonnntt- tee have completed the sending of fiftyseven boxes of chocolates andt christmas cards to church members its service overseas a parcel of cigarettes to a member who is a prisonerofwar in germany and also fortyhpe hand kerchiefs and cards to service men and women in canada the committee remembers all thosa on the honour rolf in the church there are at the present- tdatb obis hundred and twentyfour names of these one is dead one mttfng at sea and many honourably discharged tns committee regret owing to some fa- mutes having moved from town that it was impossible to obtam all vt addresses the names of all on t2w honour roll were rehearsed at sis midnight eucharist on christmas eve mrs pred armstrong secretary of the war services committee wss to charge of obtaining names and ad dressee as well as sending the gifts on bebatr of st georges church tba committee wish to take this oppor tunity of earfendlng the seasons osmfessft ss ar ote members on the hanoa roh and hope that the new year whl bring victory and pesos nerval and union preabyterlas charchee rer x l self ba minlstsr norval sunday school 10 ajn public worship 11 ajn union sunday school 3 pjn public worship 3 pm hsly croat charon rev fi v j morgan mass tl b ajn 2nd and 4th days 11 ajn 1st 2r and stfc days glen 1lliams son- sun- the annual meetlhg of the glen united womens association wss held friday dee j m u basement of the chureh with mr swart maddon the mtrdstsr prssiamg the follow ing ofboers were elected for the com ing year president mrs j wheeler vlosiwsbliliiiil mrs logan trsssmwurs albert p seoratary mrs stanley bsan uttsc oornmruee mrs logan mrs r addy mrs o aqsn fjlwr to 8pr and mrs archie lawr a son peter stanley born m peel memorial hospital on december 10 in mehoriam 54archment in loving memory of a dear mohcr mrs richard marcji- mentwho passed tiway december 30 1942 with tenderness she cared for me all throurh my childhood years she always tried to comfort me atid shield me trom sll fears one love that never failed me when sometimes i would roam in sickness or misfortune i was always welcomed home ever remembered by daughter ethel marohment in loving memory of a beloved wife and mother who passed to her eternal rest dee soth 1mb two years have passed and gone since one we loved so well was taken from our home on earth with jesus christ to dsnll the flowers we place upon her grave may wither and decay but the lore for her who sleeps be- shau i accounts passed at last town oounc1x meeting the following accounts were passed at the december meeting of the town councils a johanson salary s4q0q k m langdon postage etc 1180 wm ward court services 400 e g thompson court services 400 k m ijangdon court casts 450 speights garage ww town truck 540 tonshlp of esquesing ww taxes 2336 h mclellan sts 100 concrete pipe ltd sts 3031 snyders cartage t 660 sanford son b00 municipal world stationery 1374 bell telephone co 2280 j b mackenzie son 7166 s p chapman stationery 166 dept of healthr welfare 10 thos haines sts 690 j n onelu town truck 2797 georgetown herald printing 23209 h stockford dr0 600 t p grieve dro 600 m robb dro 600 r c adams dro 600 geo arnold dro 6j plorla aloott pou clerk 6joo alice treanor poll c 600 d o harris pdh clerk 600 uarjorle qault poll cleric 600 mrs p petdh poll clerk 600 mre i hbrncy rent 1000 concert and dance at ba 1sv esquesing the christmas concert of 6 s hov is bsuesmg was held on tae even ing of december 21st with an esc attendance and mr w a wilson ae able chairman the programme con sisted of dialogues recitations drills an operetta entitled the little rtofa girl who was poor and a play by the expupils u doubt about daisy much credit is due to mrs coerpen for so ably conducting the murines numbers of the bperettta and train ing the children in their songs ttoe dramatics of both present and ex-ptt- plls were worthy of most favourable comment and the comedy and snspf of the play in doubt about delay drew many laughs from the audience the present pupils enacted theh several parts m conscientious i and were rewarded before ttue of the evening by the appearance of santa glaus who quickly gave out gifts and treats to su pupils the rhythm rubes of georgetown supplied the music for the dance sad there followed sevendhours t enjoyment to the evenings ment war souv sent prom overseas some war souvenirs sent from over- j seas are on display in the herald window this week it is the first tune most of us have had a fhnnj at as authentic omnasn officer cap wweli was sent to his fantty by pvk ha tennant now serrtnt tn imf pta tennant dkmt gfve amy detafls sf where he osptored it so flbsts ssart wm hare to wait tflt after be war the ober mam are a osarsari paaa- drato ftsre sad a paws ft 1

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