Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 24, 1945, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wednesday january 24th 1945 jl n mi thomas to addue8s utoe imnuwsflhatnt nostwo the annual meeting of the crop improvement assodauon is scheduled for the fanner side mu- ton on january 37th at ijo pon mates j e whltelock secretary ol tbat organisation prof n j thorn- as soils specialist at the ontario agricultural college cmelph will 1m the apodal speaker taking as his sug- ject soil fertility in relation to permanent pastures and soil gonser- tatlon in addition to a summary at the years activities of the organisation the following halton farmers will lead brief discussions as follows harvey nurse how x grew a 90 bushel crop of husking com cecil lawrence my experience with a k soybeans and corn for buage emerson ford my experience with sorghum and com tor suage vem archer my experience with udan grasp for annual pasture jboss segsworth my experience with ajal oats j h willmottrmy experience with galore barley claude picket a seasons experi ence with com sheaf loaders victor hall the buckrake method ol filling blto weather and roads permitting this programme should mean a full house for this live and thriving organis ations annual meeting to which an invitation is extended to all 1 uniform international sunday chool lesson bit haroud i lvmdqtnwt o d os tbe moody boda lasututa ot ohlcaso bias il by waataro btewapabr union lesson for january 28 l aubjacta and sehptun luti aa- hckd ml cosyrtghtad ky international education usad by council of 1 uyaltx to the kingdom lxssolf text matttaw is1u ibsb golden textsoek ya brat tt king lsom al god mm hla rlghtaousncaa and all tbaaa ttttass ahall be added unto you f notice to creditors xn the eauie of george graham late f the township of eswraeatng hi the county the creditors of george graham late of the township of bsqueslng tn the county of balton farmer deceas ed who died on or about the sth day of october 1944 and all others hav ing claims against his estate are hereby notified to send by post pre paid or otherwise to deliver to kenneth m langdon georgetown ontario solicitor for the undersigned executors of the last will and testa ment of the said george graham de ceased on or before the 10th day of february 1945 their names addresses descriptions and full particulars of their fiain and the nature of their securities if any held by them and that immediately after the 10th day of february 1045 the executors will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the parties en titled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executors shall then have notice dated this sth day of january 1845 samuel john thomas hoclure and sarah ann graham executors by kenneth m tangdon their solicitor georgetown ontario jan 34 georgetown free of serious fire damage last year gratitude a widow has recently written us i owe you a debt of grati tude for the way in which you nave handled my accounts the same service is available to you simply send in your list today and watch the pleas ing results follow no collection no commission kelly aiken osfjeetlon specialists orangeville ontario lost i reward to anyone returning ladys yellow god wrist watch and bracelet believed lost on saturday evening between i ouelph st and post office i finder please notify i tthbatjl office shortly after the herald was published last week the finder of this lost ar tide contacted the herald office and was put in i touch with the owner try a small j advertisement it pays ii in the kingdom of christ there must be unquestioned loyalty if then he is the king ot our lives we as christian men and women will want to live in accordance with his blessed will loyalty to christ leadsto the best kind of living it surpasses any ex perience of loyalty to a cause or a human personality instead of hin dering or limiting our development it opens wide the grand vistas of a file altogether worth while it is a hfe i wen ordered 6 33 much of the distress in which men and women find themselves i caused by the fact that their lives are not well ordered they live in a constant flurry of uncertainty in decision and disorder they have no proper center for their lives and consequently they are lopsided and lacking in real usefulness see how delightfully right is the experience and activity of a follow er of christ he is the center the interests of his kingdom are the first in thought his righteousness is the rule of life other things well all that is necessary god adds day by day when the center of life is right everything else is right when that is wrong all is wrong is our life centered in christ ii kind 7 12 spiritual principles apply to daily living to our attitude toward our fellow men here we have the to- alled golden rule it is not the way of salvation it is a summary of the teaching of the law and proph ets but it does provide us with a splendid principle of dally conduct our active concern each day and in every touch with others is to be how would i like them to deal with me let me do thus to them that is a higher standard than you think until you really try it only christ can enable you to do it 111 fruitful 7 16 20 two fruit trees or vmes may look almost alike until the fruit appears and then we learn the true char cter of each whether good or bad every life brings forth some kind of fruit and in its outward manifes tation the life speaks of the inward condition of the life unclean and i profane speech hatred dishonest and trickery these come out of an evil heart righteousness pure and kindly speech thoughtful actions honest and straightforward dealing these speak of the good heart the one whose life is centered n christ see above is a vine aftt god s own planting his roots stnkt deep down into the grace and mercy of god and his fruit is the christ like grace of christian charade r see gal 5 22 23 iv genuine 7 21 23 lap service will not do v 21 even an imitation of the real srv ice of god s people but rendei t rt without the backing of a life of faith will result only in disappointment and our lord s own disavowal vv 22 23 the opposite of that is equally rue the real child of god works for christ he speaks of his lord dnd calls on his name but in ind through it all there is the ev ient ring of sincerity and genuine ims which marks it as the real hing one does not hear much mentioi hese days of hypocrites in tht hurch perhaps we are too polite to speak of them or it may be th it we think them too obvious to nei d pointing out but they are then going through the motions ol a christian life talking the language nd imitating the works but com letely dead spiritually v weu grounded 7 2429 the figure of speech changes in lead of being likened to fruit trees ten s lives are said to be like ouses with their various kinds f undattons and superstructures the figure is an interesting and nstructive one- there is only on foundation upon which one can buil i a christian life other oundati can no man lay than that is la t which is jesus christ i co 11 therein lies tht tolly ol the n rnist or liberal he has denied ot rejected the only foundation ar yet tries to build a house of chn tian character when the real pro ferns of life strike he goes down ir utn on the other hand let no christi i mho has laid a foundation on it rock fail to go on and build up it thus grounded his houst faith will stand though the wind ram and floods ol life seek to u t down of that kind of house- vt ead that it fell not for it wj fuunded upon a rock v 25 this lesson will afford many pro essed christians a chance to test their lives and their loyalties by ods standards fire damage in georgetown for the year 1944 amounted to only 75 according to the report submitted to council last week by fire chief don ald latimer a total of 16 calls were responded to by the local brigade most of them for grass and chimney fires and the fact that no serious damage resulted is a credit to the local volunteer fire brigade first fixe of the year was on feb sth when the chimney at mcolures furniture store took are chimney fires were also attended to on feb 25th at henry latimer a and on mar 29th at henry shepherds on april 19th a grass are was ex tinguished on papermill road april 29th was a busy day for the brigade with grass fires at scott a oarage and wards hill and a chimney fire at the home of alex taylor there were three fires in may grass fires at meadowglen orowers i and the alliance paper mills on may 2nd and 3rd and a chimney fire at the baptist parsonage on victoria day may 24th no further fires were reported until august 18th when an electric stove at the home of c e herrlngton caused a small are children playing in a barn on emery 6t belonging to w h kentner were believed to have started a fire in that building on sept 17th two october calls were received when a rubbish fire at the home of jack harlow on oct 13th got out of control and on oct 23rd when burn ing leaves on wesleyan st were spreading to a neighbouring building in the latter some members of the boy scout troop were first to notice the fire and had partially extinguish ed it before the brigade arrived on nov 24th a truck belonging to provincial paper ltd and a car own ed by art johnston of umehouss col lided and ignited gasoline called for the services of the fire truck the last ore of the year on dr 22nd was at penaons fish and chip store where burning grease on the stove did damage estimated at 75 this was the only fire in which dam age was reported members of the local fire brigade are donald latimer chief fred mccartney deputychief jack tost driver harry savings treasurer bill hyde secretary j valentine oapt no 1 h hilte capt no 2 fred gilmer lieut no 1 a ritchie lieut no 2 f huts hook ladder j ritchie o herrlngton jl tracer o carey f sykee w brydoni george chaplin w richardson c spence r bonfleld o bradley walter hyde j harlow h burrows and j david son d0esthe trick v geo c brown norv al phone georgetown 382 r 21 heres the skuatlsai makers of telephone equipment have been busy on orders of all kinds for the armed semces for them the time to start reconverting still lies ahead even after war needs bane been met these manufa must make a major changeover before they can resume normal production of supplies for civilian use which means that we must continue to defer many requests for telephone semcc awaiting the day we hope tl mmy not be too long delayed when materials in adequate volume and skilled manpower again become available the application on our waiting list will be filled as promptly and fairly as possible on a firstcomenrstaerved basis never pack any inflammable materials in parcels matches and lighter fluid in overseas if matches or lighter fluid take fire and parcels have started serious fires think they do that means that brave seamen what this means thousands of bags con- must go into the smokefilled hold and risk taining letters and parcels lie deep down their lives thousands of parcels may be in a ships hold lurching in a rough sea destroyed thousands of men disappointed wont you help we knou tbat you would not knoutttgly endanger lives arid niatl so think arid then dont put matches or lighter fluid in overseas mas canada post office c

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