Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 11, 1945, p. 2

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the georgetown herald seventysevents year of publication wednesday april htr 1945 2 00 per annum 5c a copy leek and bradley head eighth victory loan ex a preliminary otganiaztkm meeting i r the 8bh victory loan which seta ondazmy this month was bead in the bunding last friday night with about 26 citizens attending plana ifae canvass in this district were discussed and a motion was passed re electing the complete organlmtlon oh mode such a success of conduct- the 7th loan last fall the executive is composed of w t bradley and l e pleok jotut tftatomen ralph ross honorary ohairman b v macoormacfc and leroy dale canvass obmnilttee r b foums group payroll sid silver ptebudty t bseon jr secretary a meeting is being held tonight at trttfch ytm local executive will meet with the county organisers repre- jentattres of various dubs and or- gaofaations have been asked to at tend and it is expected that much of the groundwwork for a sutxuuful drive ill fie planned at tills meeting pte harvey dkvidaon killed accidentally overseas sad news was received morning by mr and mrs ken david son charles street that their eldest son pte harvey oawidbon had been accidentally killed overseas the sympathy of the community is en tended to the family in their loss good attendance at rebekah birthday party another milestone was passed in the ilte of verdun refcekmb lodge no 14 when the 2tti birthday was marked by a successful euchre held to the now lodge rooms last thursday eveemg there were 32 tables and the urtfaday table decorated in the lodge colore of pink and green spring flowers nghted candles and the usual birthday cake in the centre at the conclusion of twelve games of raobxe a dtuclous lunch was served tar which mrs myrtle dron noble grand in a few well chosen words jhanked all in attendance for their support in helping to make the party oh a success and tben presented the following prizes buchre high core miss prahle msaguire norval second miss lyla frands third mrs vred sinclair fcurth mrs bdna duncan t fxttfa mrs znmn orsto oneolauon mr florence young of toronto door prifee miss marjorls oauh birthday prize mrs w spence and mrs harold campbell had to cut mr campbell winning lucky number drawlst robert hah 2nd mrs peggy hyde a carload of visitors from toronto were present including mrs florence young district deputy president of oeiue district no 23 the singing ol the national an them brought a delightful evening to dose from the proceeds the sum of 1800 was votei to the red cross and 1000 to the mlresweepers fund cpl carl hyde news f the death in germany of cpl carl alfred hyde of george town was a shock to resident of uus district sen of mr and mrs a hyde be leares his wife for- erly agnes tsley and two cnildren anne and rodney he had been overseas since awgast 1940 and served in e france bel gium holland and germany pte bill chaplin weds english girl on february 28th at oranjrroot baptist couch a wedding of local interest united in marriage kathleen m vardlgans only daughter of mr and mrs v j vrdlgans of dford sussex england and pte wtulam o ohapun youngest son of mr w chaplin and uie late mrs chaplin of georgetown the bride given in marriage by her father wore a turquoise ensemble and carried pale pnk caxnatkma was attended by mrs e ashton ho was attired in pink with wine acces sories and carried wine colored car- nouons the best man was mr e aahton a reception was held at the home of r and mrs a alway of 21 auck land road ward who have opened their home to the bride and her par ents since their own home was de molished by enemy action the honeymoon was spent with the brides aunt and uncle in norwich norfolk the bride is a niece of mr robert brjrth of glen williams kennedy kay wedding at clarkson a quiet wedding took place on e ter monday orvenlng at the home of and mrs prank langton dark son when edith constance kay sum- merside pei became he bride of james mckunley kennedy son of mrs w a kennedy and the late mr ken nedy of georgetown the marriage was solemnized by rev h saunders the bride wore a lavender ensemble and a corsage of aweet peas mrs w kennedy was matron of honor gowned in an old gold ensemble wilt matching corsage miss dawn marie kennedy niece of the groom was dower gin wearing a pink silk crepe dress and carrying a bouquet of chry santhemums mr w a kennedy brother of the groom was best man the wedding music was played by mrs dennis richardson pipe band concert party entertains troop georgetown girls pipe band con cept party none out on two pcchar- mftnees for the troops in the past two weeks the flrit al brampton army gamp a week ago tuesday and the second at no 2 district depot to ronto on monday night at both per- formances the georgetown entertain ers were well received and greeted with tounda of applause besides the ppe band under the direction of e r magloughjen the conceit party included owen hughes as masterofceremonles bul mc donald and the rhythm rubs the scott and smtaxqehurst trio the three bs qprge barber jim and clare burns in acrobatic numbers as well aa several specialty weal and dance number by members of the band ken harrison was piano aocom panlst for the group active service notes arthur padbury heads halton jersey club the whifti meeting of the halton jerrey cattle club was held at the orange hall hornby on wednesday march 28th the meeting was pre sided over by edwin harrop presid ent of the halton dub following the business session in the morning the hornby wi catered for the din ner with their usual efficiency at the afternoon session j a car roll supt of agricultural societies and jas brenrer secretary of the canadian jersey cattle club were the chief speakers in paying tribute to the farm people of canada mr carroll pointed out that in the sixth year of the war we find ourselves with between 25 and 30 less manpower and yet in 1044 our total production was almost three times that in the 1935 to 1939 period it was also point- after a buffet supper ttie bride and ed out by the speaker that the out- groom left on a short honeymoon trip and will take up their residence in georgetown red cross campaign total reaches 680000 mark lj8 franklin cleave of the ron v r is home for a sboweek leave af ter having been at sea since the early part of december congratulations to percy saxe wk won his sergeants stripes at the gra duation ceremonies at no a wireless i school calgary alberta sgt saxe is a wireless atrgunner lewis brandford is the third son of mr and mrs george brandford to enlist in the services lewis enlisted in the infantry t wednesday and la temporarily stationed lxt toronto one brot er sgt george brandford is sta tioned with the rcaf at rocfccllffe and was home for the week end the otter brother lccpl malcolm is serving in england mr and mrs j brarrtford received a lovefcy easter bouquet of flowers fron tieir son pte walter brandford a ho is serving in belgium congratulation to sgt ernie hyde who received his wings and stripes at the graduation ceremonies of the final clasj at no 2 sfts uplands he is home on a 30day leave m hti list wtei home f o leslie clark said that on his test two leaves in london england he had the good fortune 0 meet two georgetown men he was talking to major j r barber the weather b h l hutt this has all the earmarks jpf a real spring three or four weeks in advance of normal the willon leaves nearly half size and a tinge of green show ing in the elms and maples the for- sythla has not forgotten the 26 de grees below it hat to endure last janu ary and is now a mass of yellow bloom for the two feet below the snow line and only the leal buds growing above the pyrus japonica now orientals and not japonic will be a mass of red blooms for three feet up to where it was burled in snow and all above that eaten off tr the rabbits how well those rascal know their botany and stick to the tasty rose family the lilacs promise to be at their best by 24 of april instead of 24th of may and when trie mercury now ap proaches 70 we think we hear our old friend joe saying its time bake them off but the scotch blood in our veins cautions nere cast a clout till may be out following are the records for lasl week date h and l preclpi- temp tatton tues wed apr 3 apr 4 thurs apr 5 fri apr 8 sat apr 7 sun apr 8th mon ap 9th 63 6 09 30 37 the citizens of georgetown and dis trict realizing folly the won work done by the red cross have al ways given splendid financial support to the red cross campaigns in the campaign just ended final figures now available show that all previous efforts hav been exceedfd with a total of 6800 contributed this is s2800 over bhe ofdclat objective and the cam pafcm executive canvassenj and those who were so generous in their gift are to be congratulated on such a or aiuevexuenrtw in addition to the larger donation already acknowledged the following were received last week j5 rain 29 trace of snow major roger guyot formerly of glen williams who has been acting as command army examiner at oamp borden ince earlj in december has been tratisferred to military district no 1 london ont where he has been appointed as district army kramlner congratulations to edgar beeney nho has been promoted to the rank of flight sergeant with the rcap overseas pte elmer stockford sent his mo ther two beautliul cameo neck pieces from italy mrs a mcdonald received some oha intermediate roundtjp stewarttcwn community plans soldiers welcome a a well attended meeting held in the council chamber last wednesday the organization of the kewarttown soldiers reception oommlttee was completed and general plans were made for welcoming the men as they returned officers were appointed as follows chairman of the committee rev b r colebrook secetary miss christine dicnenbcn welcome oom mlttee mr john murray decorating committee mr w hulls social com mlttee mrs john standish all the resldnts of the stewarttowi area are member of this organizatloc and it is hoped that they will give their generous ana whole learted help rher called upon to do so the pur of the reception oommlttee is to provide a welcome for those returning from overseas nd to honour all who have been in the services as the clr cumstances allow it will also wel come and assist in any waj possible the wives and amules of the men who have married overseas as well as the men themselves this is an ypportunitly for bhe com munity to serve the men who have served and saved them at the close of meeting mrs joseph standish read tht names of the fortj men and won- en who had enlisted from the stewarfcwn district these were remembered in a moment of sil ent prayer followed by the national anthem put per worker has doubled since 1920 it was mr carroll s opinion great as the developments in recent years amazing strides are to come in the post war period as a result of war developments further mechaiuzation will develop in agriculture and this he stated is in the interest of the nation however stated mr carroll there and p o jim kelly bottl of whom he b news at easter time by way of reported as being fme lw postcards from her son pte nor man mcdonald prisonerofwar in george gilmer is to be congratulated a german camp norman said that he on his promotion tc flight sergeant was well and the red cross parcels fit sgt gilmer has been overseas which reach him regularly are sure since sept 1st and his promotion is a appreciated he mentioned that he retroactive for b months had a first glass christmas dinner halton holstein breeders stage outstanding program dominion seed house eaoo walter lawson 20 sidney silver 30 j h bingham 60 hugh dicfclj 30 k c mamillin 30 j d godfrey 30 canadian legion 50 d r mclaughlin 260 board of parks manage ment 2880 georgetown legion proceeds bingo 31 oreolt lodge aj aj4 2500 town line euhre club 16 m lions club xm it seems a long time since there was hockey en oeotreetowti with spring- setting tn about march hrt but must planning otherwise the all the time ue oea intermediate w trdh industrialization teams have ben battling it out for of agriculture with larger units re- rh ontnh- rjhrrtrmrir ference was also made by mr oar- vthen georleswned ellmin to developments in the nutritional he ne theatre milton on wed- mi ton who goes on tour shortjy with when georgetown finished ellmin hinsutmalon nesday evnta april 4th with well the san carlo opera co in new york the halton holstein breeders club theatre in new york in the near fu- i held their anrual entertainment in ture mildred dixon soprano of ha ated by port colfcorne there were still five teams left lr the running 1 e field to increased food consumption i in canada and he pointed out that ovtr fou- rundre in attendance the ted rus noted ventriloquist of to- halton club has gained n reputation onto who was ably assisted by mbr- for uieh hlg c ass programme and lej watson of taiisley past president this eai b e nt wa certainly no ex- o the halton cub josephine anna guest nere present from kocnlg popular versatile english and midland omemee owen sound port thc les learned in war is going to colborne and windsor in the ehnln stlck ami wlth lt tne demand for atlon series osnemee put out midland i mon r ca lfldn ports under port rvmvmp eirpr nut a ili win present condition 35 of v agricul cepuon wixr on ul t tural production or to other th 1 1 o canadian dlue dnunauo enr srnerri t t oontst tols st proauctio ol thn million acres la numbered talner ol toronto and pau daniel rrt coorne tartarrlund altoble for export a e interpret 0 j m f h m acoompanlt shs tot he nu senet led mr carroll address muirtccr 3 vlcepresldenl ol the parent or- oeo drennan popular hotateln orphans he final series cxixrtng sgr n gfcrzatlo re dyment director ion and plan itxordingiy he final series these team3 w ent into a bestin fhi series and after playing the five an es owen bound knocked out tin election on tas in the lira game last saturdaj follow niglt 4 to 2 to take the ciampionahip for intermediate a hockey officers resulted card ot thanks mrs carl hvde anne and rodney fxend their deep appreciation to the relatives and friends and neighbours ho sen flower sympathy cards and 1tters anu helped in many ways re- i parting the los of a beloed husband i and father o carl hyde dern cha feather directors m c beaty edwin har roo w h devlin f w ruddell gerald graham wm davles herb alton duncan moffat chas mckeown bruce kennedy formerly a flying lome ella ana mrs officer in the rcap has received his appointed audito- honourable discharge from the air tentative pi wv force and has become a member of 194 the rcaf reserve on the holstein friesian executive w h mccaughertj president of the pel club irwir mcoaughert as- i oclau editor of the holstein journal padbur rock- and b s beer agricultural repres- tnunue for peel ros segswertr- president of the halton club presided over the pro gramme vhlch in lie opinion of many of those present surpassed anything luard from the legitimate stage in mn a year loui blake duff of wclland was the guest speaker tak ing ns ii subject lost books mr duff wai in hi usual fine form and trotted ils audience to an address full of hjmoir and food for thought beat was tirtl- s were roi aid stewart i of clarkson f lor who is now in were lalo for the uj1 edward johnson annual fir d da and also coun show president arthur wood 1st vice president les georgetow 2nd vice pr4ldem jacc stone oakvllle aec treas j whttelock milton naw yoik mr stewart is expected to m ike his deb t in the metropolitan mrs w a main passes florence louisa ballantlne beloved wife of w a main died at her horns on murdock st on sunday morning april 1st following an illness of some months duration she was born at asbgrove in bss- queung township and moved with her famliy to georgetown at an carry age ana lived here until she accepted a position in ken pvllle in which place she met and was married to wm a main of that town in 1902 following business engagements in chicago mfl guelpta they sotted in orfilia where bhey lived for five years subsequentiy- thy moved to winnipeg where they conducted a successful business for fifteen years in orillia their flnt child laura died and in winnipeg their second margaret also died la early childhood in 1929 they moved to georgetovn where they hw lived ever since all her life she was an enthuataitjo musician and had been a member of the mfcthodlst and united igtauxoh choirs also of the choral society she was a life ong member of the metho dist and ater the united church and was active in church work in orillia and winnipeg and later in george town till ulnesi curtailed her acttvity av the funeral service miss r evans accompanied b- miss hilda erwln made a beautiful cantlnbutkm by their rendition of abide wlbh me a hymn for whlcii mrs main had a great low and veneration she is survived by her hi abend and daughter betty joan two sisters mrs wm rogers of point claire que and mrs wm edmlnston of dlsley sask also one brother james of georgetown she was burled in lbs family plot hi gieenwood following a set ice conduced by the reverend r c todd a he home on murdock st the palibeareri wee prank tough j d godfrey kenneth langdon jut gibbons s p chcpman jas bmusn- tine the espect of the i was at sted by mfny floral tributes and the many callers whose expreasiona of sympathy were 1 eartfelt pnd amoera the neighbours were especially kind and helpful a id the family deeply appreciac all those manifestations ta their time of bereavement fie dman for the district presented superior production certificates to the following halton breeders har old bingham sr son georgetown me- thune dearinv palermo ross segs- worth frcemar and w s hall of oafcvllle another pleasing feature of the evening wns the presentation by agricultural representative j e whltelock on behalf of the halton breeders of a silver tray to e j meag her oikvllle in recognition of the recent achievement of graymar bes sie patnflndei in establlslilng a new r w t tl 1 i v mre a bm brother ua old on 3x with a record of 23033 lbs clrfap j i j1z of milk card of thanks sister wish to express their stneera thanks and appreciation to ihelr khirz friends and neighbours for their ex- add anoiler leatner in the cap of tte vnaelm sympathy extenoed to t and so closes another event which halton club which in recent years has gained a reputation throughout on tario in the steglng of iiigh class events oteir sad bereavement tn the lost of a dea son and brother opl carl hyde prepare to invest in the best 8th victory loan campaign april 23rd to may 12th help complete the defeat u r

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