Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 11, 1945, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wcdncaday april ii 1945 the georgetown herald news op qcokgktown nohval olfn william umiioij btkwarttown ashorove ballenatad hobnbt miu potta acton bhahpton bolton subscription rates canada united state and ovarseaa 2m a yx single oopaea bo advertising rates will be quoted on application telethc1ve na 8 walter a bibhn publisher oarfibld l mooilvifcay mary h- blehn editor harold davtaon ifamoei of the canadian weekly newspaper association and um ootwloquebec dtvmoo of ttw cwna the editors corner future homeowners need consideration one of t m sensible propositions we have yet heard concerning local rehabilitation plans was that suggested by councillor mcgilvray at the last meeting xti georgetown council unfortunately it came at a tune when a meeting which had many important items f business to deal with had already been in session for fcver three hours and consequently did not get the con federation it merited we hope that mr mcgilvray will firing the matter up at an earlier hour at the may meet ing the suggestion is that the town examine the possibilities of acquiring as much property as possible pnhhui town limits and hold this for resale to returning overseas war veterans at reasonable prices it is not tinhkely that of several hundred such men who will be coming back to georgetown there will be at least fifty and probably more who will want to avail themselves of the war service gratuities by putting the money into a new home we are all famihar with the current hous ing shortage and know that a number of new homes will have to be built to take care of the increasing de mand as our men return it would be too bad if after rendering such service as has been giten our men in uniform should be forced to pay exorbitant prices for lie purchase of property in the town which is home to them the writer would go so far as to say that build ing lots for servicemen should be sold at cheaper than cost if necessary present prices in town are way out of proportion to future values even the poorest loca tion is priced for sale at 400 with most being offered at 500 this is about twice as much as any service personnel should have to pay and in line with mr mc gilvray s suggestion we would support whole hearted jya plan for the town to buy several good building lots s cheaply as possible and set prices on these wfuch would not exceed a maximum of 250 stipulating that die purchaser must be a veteran of the present war wto jias seen service overseas taxes too low while on the subject of property we listened m on an interesting discussion recently about the local tax true tu re the suggestion was that taxes on unim proved property were ridiculouslv low and that this en cou raged the speculative holding of building land which might otherwise be sold the theorv was that if a pro perty owner wishes to hold unimproved land which could be built on and keep a too spread out town from further spreading he should be made to pay for the privilege if this is being held for speculation a higher tax rate would tend to lower present exorbitant proper ty costs by demanding a quicker turn over of such lands this problem is particularly timely with such a large expenditure aa the installation of a sewage system in the offing for georgetown the more homes we have within town limits the more taxpayers we will s liave to help pay for what will necessarily be an expen ive municipal improvement number eight on tap for the eighth time n this war we are on the threshold of a victory loan the support of which is a ohity which every citizen who has a dollcr to invest must shoulder it is a time when every canadian must rea lize that as a nation at war it is necessary for us to pro vide the money to keep our army in top fighting trim nd that without such loans this could not be done in this 8th victory loan it seems scarcely ne ccssary to remind our readers once ajain of the insigni ficance of putting their money in gilt edged securities which pay interest at the rate of 3 this can hardly be looked upon as a burden and there can be no excuse for those who are not prepared to back the loan to the limit of their financial ability a slogan coined for a previous victory loan ticks in our mind the most we can lend is the least we can dol it still holds good todaj income tax returns due soon have you secured your income tax forms jet if is wise to figure i out early all persons who have earned 660 00 per year or who fem earned less than that amount and hae had tax deducted musj file afctem directory f r watson dj1j5 udjb offloe boun 8 to 6 nam rt dr j burns milne dcntal bokoeoh xkay otowtaini fbone m dr clifford rfjd udj9 djdjb dentist phoxw 410 open erantaw mala street georgetown elmer c thompson insurance service fire auto vftndatonn o p railway and allied steemanlp phone 119w or j monuments markers and letteriho pollock ingham galt designs on requesvphone 3048 inspect our work in greenwood cemetery leroy dale kc m sybil bennett ba barrister and solicitors 14111 street georgetown kenneth m langdon barrlstcc solicitor notary rabuo first mortgage money to loan office oregoiy theatre bide aclu street phone tt georgetown j a willoughby wflsoagnby farm bgawny head office toronto 1m yonge street adooobm largest and oldest in canada established forty years consult our active city depart ment for that home in tbo otty toh hkwson is yowr looal repmeartatixra walter t evans twentyfive company years established protection and service fire lite automobile insurance windstorm accident sickness travel agency ocean steamship and inland lakes member toronto real estate fsone 183 offloe mun st n nielsen the chiropractor druglem therapist slat year of praotiot lady attendant houra a s 0 0 pa closed thuradaj over dominion 8tosk georgetown dr s e magwood vbixbdmby 8cbokw pone 11 office between division oomt oletfca offloe and toe kwa municipal building at tt cor ner of mala and mill oakville monument works w b edwarda henwjenu ceawterr lettaftam dealgni aubmltted good miy of monumenta on hand you patronage aol 6w oaktluk radio repairing we specialize in this work 16 years 1 j san ford son oeorostown ml frank petch licensed auctioned prompt qsrvka phone 301 po boa 41 qualified oorfietterb for bettor class foundation garments reasonably priced anyone wishing a fitting or further information phone is or cajl at the house mrs w hendhah guelph st georgetown fight it out by vic yardman vnu roatuna n robt p worthy cei letery lettering and monuments phone 278 or write 215 queen st w brampton o one envied abe tucker the job of sheriff of prayton county for the county still primitive and isolated from any real civilised centers was at the time of abe s election owned and run by bay moore and martin ladd who were the setting of this story laid east of the mississippi would be known as political bosses however locale makes little dlf fereriea in human nature moore and ladd had all the characteristics usu ally associated with political bosses they were entirely lacking in scru pies and to climax it all they hated each other with a vehemence that had already resulted in a half dozen cold blooded murders ben midgeley abes closest friend and newly appointed deputy made no bones about voicing his doubts you can never clean em out abe ben said both moore and ladd have too strong a hold they own half the land to the county and have mortgages on the rest of it there arent a half dozen honest men in the whole blasted county got guts enough to help you make a single arrest abe got up and closed the door of the little adobe office listen he said speaking confidentially fred halliday who is martin ladd a right arm and first lieutenant is in town today that s right ben admitted he s dver at the paradise now fine abe leaned closer you go over there ben and tell fred that kay moore is making a big drive tomorrow night through hell gate canyon about five hundred head and there 11 be only four riders doggln em drop the news kinda casual like as if you didn t suspect fred would be interested george ratnor arrived an hour later he was a little man brown and wizened with a fiery look in his eyes he owned a small ranch bordering on the extensive acres of ray moore for months he had suspected moore of annexing part of his small herd whenever convenient but realized the folly of trying to prove a charge george said abe characteris tically coming to the point at once i need three men besides ben midgeley to assist men in cleaning up prayton county can i depend upon you you re danged right you can the little man exploded i don t know what your plan is but i m for it nevertheless abe smiled contentedly fine this afternoon i want you to bump into one of ray moore s men casual like and drop remarks to the effect that martin ladd is making a big drive tomorrow night through hell gate canyon and there 11 be only four riders along give the impression you overheard some of ladd s men talking in town at eight o clock the following night george ratnor tod leland ben midgeley and a youth named curly sellers gathered in abe tucker s of fice and listened to the sheriff unfold his plan an hour later headed by abe the party of five made an unobtrusive lxit from the town riding north at ten o clock they had reached the en trance to hellgate canyon a deep cavern like defile separating the moore ranch from that of martin i add but now the group had diminished to three george ratnor and curly sellers having ridden on to the south a mile or two back abe led his three companions to a narrow shelf which ran along the canyon floor for a hundred yards or more here concealed by scrub growth they dismounted tethered u eir horses and walked back to the 1 p of the canyon to wait suddenly abt stood erect a n vt iver shot had sounded far dwn tht canyon it was followed by an thtr and then more motioning his t jinpamonfa to follow abe led tt t ty along the shtlf descending al st to the canyon s fli legi0kjwtes due to the lour page paper last week it was impossible to include our legion notes in the last issue so here goes for this week well comrades with only a few weeks left before our newly elected officers will take over the affairs of the legion it is only fitting at ttus time to remombei all toe officers wi served so faithfully during he past year oomradc- harold stafford aa pasb president ably assisted by too executive did good work for the bene fit of all veterans comrade stalford as president ultji the support of the immediate past president comrade dutch mccartney comrades har low roney thompson and other members of the executives worked in harmony and cooperated to bring toe affairs of the legion in uptop shape during- the past year comrade stal- ford was nominated for a second term but declined to accept the reponslbi- i llty for another year aa harold explained to the writer lis responsi- tolity last year aa president took con siderable time and he felt that for too betterment of ttt branch that some other member should take over toe duties for the coming term so in conclusion all ccnirades join me in ex pressing to all retiring officers our sin cere thanks for their loyalty to branch 120 during the past year at the close of the deadline on monday night last week for qualify ing for the different offices we find that the following names will ap pear on the ballots for president comrades cumipxnan grieve and tay lor for 2nd vicepresident comrades armstrong and hale acclamations resulted for the following 1st vice- president com h harlow treasurer com wm roney secretary com waly thompson executive com mrs blanche grieve muir mccart ney and hadlejy the chairmen of the various committees will be elected at the regular meeting on april 26th for the offlc of president comrade grieve is a charter member and held several offices during the past 17 years oomrades taylor and chapman bre been members of branch 120 for the past 15 years aud it now rests in toe hands orf the members to elect one of the three for the presidents chair all comrades were glad to see oom radc yates back in the club room on saturday fred spent some time in the guelph hospital and returned home on april 1st by car accompani ed by comrades pat cullen jimmy roberto and mrs yates fred has lost weltht but looks well on the road to recovery and we ail hope to soon see him back to normal health congratulations to comrade dean hartoy for the nice order he received from the royal hotel in ouelph to equip their building with harley fire escapes more power to you dean aa we all know you have something real worthwhile in your fire i gray coach lines timetable now in effect daylight saving time leave okoroetown for toronto 7 04 am m ajn 234 pjn j 1035 ajn j 220 pm 4j0 pjn 044 pzn 034 pjn b 10 00 pjn for london a 7j5 pjn b am pjn x 1110 pjn b aim and hobdays only z to ouelph daily to kitchener to bmtford bd8 depot phonk k c n r timetable daj light saving time going east passenger 7 01 ajn passenger and mall 10 10 am passenger and mail 7 06 pjn passenger sundays only 8 31 pjn passenger daily 925 pjn going west passenger and mall 8 47 ajn passenger sat only 223 pjn passenger daily except saturday and sunday6 35 pjn dally except sunday 733 pjn passenger sundays only 11 63 pjn dally except sunday 1 00 ajn going north passenger and mall 650 ajn goino sooth passenger and mall 708 pjn tvfcet offloe vtieo n the writer ilslted comrade roney over the week end and was amazed at the amount of work bill has al ready put on his garden under the guidance of prof hutt bills peaui tree underwent a complete overhaul and we will watch very carefully the progress made during the summer months according to prof hutt the peaches on this tree last ear rated as class a large fieestone peaches were harvested and were very delicious al ter examining the meliod used by prof hult in uroi ing this tree we did the some to cur own tree any comrade having peach trees should call on bill and look over the job done so as to or ure better fruit this coming season we left bill busily engaged in planting gladioli bulbs and rom the vsrietj he mentioned he planted in his garden this summer ul see a mass of prettj colors from thes- ran bulbs harmon is the nex subject com- raoa not harmui among the mei the distant firing had increased as w a11 kllow we b along very n volume and now mingled with t they heard the hoarse shouts of men shod hoocs sounded on the unt existing canyon floor a rapidly moving shad ow materialized from the darkness abt we mean ringing harmonj com udes kno of the wonderful our legion many 1 lard the oomrades with this one and slri i raised the rifle in hia hands and that one joining i i the singing wha- find the figure crumpled others rl se behind drew rein cursing nor r bl and in the mod confusion that followed while they turned about the thrte concl ikd men fired rapidly two more wer added to the casual ly list then space at the mouth of the canyon was empty and the clatter of pounding hooves grew fimter those wen moore s men abe siid they susptct we belong to the ladd outfit and thnt we have them trapped the drum of 1 oovts had soundtd again on the rocks but it wtsnt rrnde by horsemen the cattle which george ratnor and curl slii ers had borrowed from the former s range and driven into the cmon to make the trap seem real were trj ing to esctpe abe clucked content edl as they went b there were 50 head in the bunch and he feared they might be killed in the battle this night s affair resulted in the killing of no less than a dozen men from both the moore and ladd fac lions and abe tucker and his four loal followers were happily content are we doing l lt it nothing one about this urn opened his home to tw it some oj 1 members who had singing talent his main object was to form a nuarteite chorus or glee club and we al know this member recei ed us in a most co t al manner but did he git amwlwv no arter all ili lurino 1 f clec ens are over we are kol g to 1 1 once more to get the ooys together we run singing talent tha the publl should hear and w- don i mem mrvbe if re elected cits j ear the writer intends through the modi m of ui s column to interest suttcient menwers to get together and form some xjiid of singing orgi i isait on am t 1 1 bj this stur soil it ing voles for he office of transports tloi and pub icitj i have done my dun d irmg ttfc past three jears to keep the name oi this grand organis ation to which am privileged to b long before the public t e legion deseres all the publicltj thej can ge as l is one o tne most importan organizations in canada to look after the interest of he return men and their familiesj b

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