Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 25, 1945, p. 4

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the georgetown herald wednesday april 25 1945 cuud or thanks lira sandr mcdonald fum huk tap many friends lor tba lord iiiih aba rsoetvsd at tt ann bald in her and sanders honor at ximebouae school also toe the won- denful welcoms aba isislvsd srfei jtrtmc bbrrim 3betaixr qs- vitamin ftcommax uouid otmtttforii fihbs mm stoke w rda stork modern and old tyme dance georgetown arena thurs apr 26 sponsored by norval georgetown combines modern aires orchestra admission 50c birth notsoa jones mr and jta ted jon for- marly of wlartoa are happy to au- nounoath birth of their m james baimrd tn peel memorial hospital brampton on april 8th tost rln peel memorial hospital brampton on wednesday april 18 to mr and mrs jack tost a son james henry death notice liindsayai her late residence lot 7 7th line erin township on tues day april 2tth ims buna a oole beloved wife of a j lindsay funeral on ftiday april 27th at 230 oclock from the family residence in terment in erin cemetery sutton in georgetown on tues day april 24th 1945 mary barney widow of the late mark sutton in her 83rd year the funeral will be held from the home of her brother hbdigen barnes young st on thursday april 26th service at 330 oclock interment in coningsby cemetery wagstafpe in ouelph on mon day april 23rd 1945 percy daniel wagstaffe beloved husband of lucy ford aged 53 years the funeral wll be held from the family home glen williams on thursday april 2flbh to st albans okurch for service at 230 oclock in terment in glen williams cemetery enter now for husking corn competition 150 in prizes sponsored by esqaesing agricultural society and halton crop improvement assoc rules and regulations from j e whitelock agri rep or garfield mcgilvray georgetown secretary pair board send 100 membership and for entry forms at once as this promises to be a keen contest all kinds of plants for 5 bedding i stock i r s sp zhmiiif 2 marigold j and many other kinds of flowers tomato cabbage and cauliflower plants norton floral victoria st phone 315 georgetown time table changes v eppbcnve sunday april 29 1945 pull information from agents cnnarlinn national railways in memohjam halpin in loving memory of pte wilbert kalpln 116th battery kill ed in action in prance april 17th 1918 not just today but every day in silence we remember ever remembered by mother and family millar in loving memory of our only beloved son able seaman vic tor vic millar rcnvr missing in action april 29th 1944 he marched away with head held high so young so brave so true none prouder of the uniform he wort- of navy blue but out upon a stormy sea the pilot called him home dear thoughts of him will always be iry the hear us ne left at home too dearly loved to be forgotten mom and dad millar in fond remembrance of a dear brother ajb victor millar missing in action april 29 1944 i to all the worw just another one but to us our brother god be with you till we meet again sadly missed and lovingly remem bered by sister and brotherinlaw audrey and bob millar in loving memory erf ajb victor mi mitring in acton apr 20th 1944 sailor rest thy warfare oer sleep the sleep that knows no break ing dream of stormv seas no more days of danger nights of waking pondly remembered by sister irene and nephew vie new advertisements fob u1s a acre held olen williams ap- ply apr lop w beaton fob ba1m columbia gramophone in good con dition loud and clear tone records included apply apt above pensons empire lunch after 530 pm apr 26p wjeip wanted high school bo wanted to help in hardware store after school houra and summer months apply apr 38p box x herald for sale a purefared dualpurpose shorthorn bull eleven months also two pure bred yorkshire sows due in july ap ply mxller brothepb apr 25 7th line phone 398 r 11 personal slendor tablets are effective two weeks supply 1 12 weeks 6 at maccormaoks drug store fob sale walnut bedroom suite in good con dition double bed chiffonier vanity dresser with bench marshall mat tress set of slumber king springs piano and bench helntunan red ma hogany plain case medium size in good condition apr 25 phone 87 po sale small hen house for sale apply aprsfip herald ovpe0k business orrobtoloxih ambitious manjof manmgarial wanted to handk distribution of in ternationally famous wattdna pro ducts in georgetown busmesa tab- llsbed tremendous present and post war possibilities plenty of room for advancement big earning assured no investment nec as ample papfrant oi papuapn aq mi 1rw3 person for free details write prompt ly to depl oog1 2177 montreal 24 j chicks fob sals government approved chick bar gains for this week and next barred rocks new hampshlres black aus- tralorps new hampshire x barred rocks noneexed 1055 pullets s179s cockerels 895 white leghorns non- scxed 9995 pullets 2085 cockerels 05c assorted heavy breeds nonsexed 995 pullets 1595 cockerel 035 as sorted medium cockerels 175 2- week old add 6c per chick to above prices shipped oxxd this adver tisement must accompany your order top notch chiokeries ouelph ontario fob sale one 2wheel trailer with- 7foot stock rack also one coal range stove with reservoir and warming closet ap ply d radollfe apr 25p 4th line phone 441 r 5 personal rheumatic pain sciatica lum bago quickly relieved by using rum- acaps recommended by thousands who have gained better health maccormacks druo store robbs drug store for sale quantity of seed potatoes for sale apply walter hyde may 2 main st n phone 377 djmlm of wellington district visits gbkdit lodge the official visit of right wor bro thomas e green of ouelph dxjg m of wellington district to credit lodge ajf ac all took place an the evening of friday april 13th accom panying him were wor bro a par ker district secretary and brother the rev field district chaplain wor bro ross thompson wor- flhlpful master of credit lodge wel comed the visitors and conferred the let degree rt wor bro green ex pressed his pleasure at the work of credit lodge visitors were present from guelph acton milton campbellville and erin wanted girl or woman for part time store work apply apr 18 herald office wanted live and dressed poultry highest market price apply a barnett and bon phone brampton h3 r 14 reverse charges win a tourist lodge 13000 tourist lodge a 1942 chev sedan or 73 other prizes totalling 5500 kxaxl this ap wtthons dguar subscription to the kamloapi llemorlsl bsormtlonal soctotr tasss street k ho ttaessos to b uatd to araot a iialaol outre tor our ssssnfe tihaana and sbbbbvb of usb tfwdok d8awos3 j pont delay acibowi for sale the reliable poultry farm and hatchery is for sale and mdnedlate posses ion to interested party ad conveniences with 6 acres of food soil good lo a go ing business persona tatersat ed would do well to see same be fore buying it a bargain ereryihind la mrjivlart stock and all wrttt to e r underwood qfinim ont help wanted reliable young women for store and kitchen work fridays and saturdays apply empire lunch phone 293 sweeper wanted wanted tor industrial plant sweep er for 48 hours per week night work apply national selective service office apr 23 brampton for sale acme cook stove 6 holes reservoir heating closet nickle base and trimm ing good pnrg oven good size fire box burns wood or coal can be seen evenings atfer 6 pm or saturday af ternoon enquire at apr 25p herald office wanted to buy will pa c for- a u good condition apply m j baker georgetown r r 1 apr 25 phone 264 plastering we are in a position to do your plastering of any kind patching or complete job apply h walters apr 2p phone 400 for sale seven room frame diweiang and five lots in factory district 2000 8tx room cement block dwelling on ninth line open to offers on the same ap ply walter t evans ft oo apr 18 georgetown phone in tenders for goal the public 3chool board will re ceive tenders foi 75 tons of omar block coal no 5 or similar coal ten ders to be in by may 5th p b harrison apr 25 secretary tenders for eavestroughing the public school board will re ceive tenders for eavestroughing the public school for particulars see mr hodgen barnes tenders to be in by may 5th 1945 to p b harrison apr 25 secretary notice to d06 owners irarr ownar su ox saapar at a dog wlw boa not isowa s asanas ball so on or astora urn 1st osj tt liar iml i bass tosn tnatratsa or ossbsu bst tola law asast ba strlotb aotansd ton can aaoms raw tass fnoa ass uklaishinh or lbs can at ba ones w o marhhau i s onlac ocroaos odd dlabaa ooboctlon oi sbads fcttobsn otaulla anaotbsr skuss twjoabossh n7uito to ba setlbd for with booampsr tbs asoo- lng of tbe amle j looaa and boaa pwch olartoi nank pktoh a notice to creditors and others pursuant to section 51 of chapter 196 r60 1937 all claimants against the estate of elisabeth jessie nbsan late of tjhe town of georgetown in the county of halton who died on the 1st day of november 1944 are hereby required to file their claims duly veri fied before the 16th day of may ims with the tnidersigned executors who will forthwith thereafter distribute bar estate having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice dated this 25th day of april 1945 norman lome mcleod and hubert mckay jwetherald executors by mcleod st lament 1103 temple building toronto their solicitors therein tenders for painting the public school board will re ceive tenders foi painting the outside of te school for particulars see mr hodgtn barnes tenders to be in by may 5th to i p b harrison j apr 25 secretary for sale woods electric feed grinders milk ing machine milk coolers electric fences also mount forest threshing ktaipa district representative for wllloughby farm agency t e hewson georgetown phone 332 p o box 257 wanted to awnt small modern house or apartment five or aht rooms for businessman and wife wanted to rent by april 1st ap ply mar ttf box l herald auction sale op- antique and other household furnitub the undersigned has received in structions from the estate of the late mrs dbi a w nixon to sell by auction at the residence 9th line georgetown on saturday april 28th 1945 at 2 pm antique walnut purn1ture- 2 large oval dining tables 8 dining chairs library table hall seat 2 wall racks with mirrors occasional chafr magazine rack 2 arm chairs large library chair canebottom rocker small desk 2 bedside tables 3 small tables bed washstand 2 clocks 2 rocking chairs spinning wheel other ptjrntture cherry side table oak cornel china cabinet oak desk rosewood tabic large wardrobe 3 large leather chairs 3 wicker chairs wicker rocker tea table large hall seat leather couch several good pictures several electric table lamps 2 large mirrors volumes of good books camp cot happy thought kitchen range like new kitchen table kitchen chairs 2 step ladders garden hose deck chair hotpolnt 4plate electric range like new verandah furniture sever al rugs screens bedroom dishes your eyes if you attach as mtaah tance to naving your eyes amlned as we do you wtn be a patient of ouzm we havo kept uptodate by tatting pos graduate courses using 0doa equipment and bare over twentyfive years experl- ence in eye examination for a complete eye serties aad quality glasses at city frleaa consult s 0 t walker r0 kregght specialist pj who will be at his office over stbe ben leleptoone co uafcv street georgetown the second m wednesday of each month or you may consult o t walker at his office phone georgetown 07 brampton 609 how about letting reta serve you sandwiches hunters inn when youre out for a stroll man wanted the town of georgetown requires a man for general town work return ed man will tie dlven preference ap ply selective service office brampton help wanted good smart boy also women men ders part time apply lavoie knitting co mar 7tf georgetown electrical work electrical repairs made to appliance and wiring apply f c whlimeb tf young st georgetown fob sale dining room fiiltc chairs buffet table electric rangettc prices reason able mrs edith deering aprjasp union st at mrs roifes fob kent one extra huge front room a grand floor partly tntotahad ana

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