Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 6, 1945, p. 2

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the georgetown herald wednesday june 6 1945 georgetown your shopping centre houses are scarce in georgetown if every householder who could temporarily rent rooms or apartments to those in need of ac commodation would consider this it would help until the present shortage of houses has been dealt with georgetown board of trade retail division in our mail bag olmx wuuatns may 29 1m mt etfitor in order t ofxset any misunder standing or political antagonist it is considered timely to state publicly the true facts of the case in connec tion with the rental of our town hall in olen williams for political pur poses for last friday night 35th in stance the hall was engaged by a repre sentative of the oop presumably from oakvllle the fee asked was duly paid and a receipt given the night of proposed meeting arrived but no meeting was held no advertising and no word received either pro or con rumor has spread to the erect that the use of our hall could not be pro cured which is not trtjb who is to blame m mhrryday sec treaa olen town hau bd glen williams sponsored by the beaumont em ployees parcel fund a successful euchre was held in the town hall on thursday evening fifteen tables were playing and the prizewinners were high scores mrs wm bennett and owen williams low scores mrs hadley and mrs alcott mrs bemple won the door prize with ticket 79 taxation for prosperity the government by the conscious and deliberate exercise of its functions can influence to a vital degree the conditions of canadian life the important thing is that it should direct that influence toward theocreation of a stable and prosperous community to this great end progressive con servative taxation policies are de signed ve believe the power to tax must be creative not destructive it must help not hinder stimulate not depress wisely and deliberately it must be used as one of many govern ment controls to prevent both arti ficial booms and economic depressons above all the progressive conserva tive party is determined that taxa tion shall be used beneficently as an instrument of expanding prosperity taxation must be used to bndle the strong and help the weak it must encourage and not discourage all legitimate enterprise every useful activity which gives employ ment at fair wages and contributes to the sum total of canadian prosperity must be encouraged to develop rta fullest potentialities i in order that an expanding pros perity may be progressively realized too idle capital dormant accumula tions of profits must be forced into productive effort capital must be djnamic and not dormant we be ll v it is the responsibility of pro gressive government to ensure that capital is made to work creating jobs wages consumer demand and prosperity there must be equal opportunity for all the progressive conservative partys plans for an expanding cana dian economy will not tolerate a top he vy burdensome bureaucracy supported by tht workers and pro ducers of this dominion the king government has saddled this domin ion with a gigantic and atill growing bureaucracy and the canadian tax payer foots the bill today state socialism is clamorous for absolute power already envisions a dictatorial bureaucrac of sucft dimensions that canadians would stagger helplessly under the load of their obligations to the statt jx- tacxua we will frame tax policies to stimu late employment the expansion and development of industry natural re sources and international trade we will revise and simpli f v the present obsolete and unscientific tax structure and consolidate the tax collecting authorities we will see that the power to tax is returned to parliament rather than left in the hands of officials so that the taxes borne b the people are those imposed by their elected repre sentatives to that end we will re move the present abuses of income tax administration by ensuring that v a must be made bridetobe honoured pour showers on friday afternoon mwy 18th the employees of beaumont knitting mills olen william presented hiss emma rutledge with a beautiful ohennllle bedspread and linen towels the same afternoon mrs oeo h leslie and ethel were hostesses for a miscellaneous shower herd for the bride tobe many lovely gift were received and a delightful lunch was served the aame evening mrs jack homer of toronto aunt of the groom held pantry shower emma was showered with boxes of groceries and rationed goods the beautiful home of mrs arthur beaumont den williams vaa the setting for a delightful afternoon tea at which a group of girl friends xtt the bndetojbe gathered among those present were mrs rupert beaumont miss leona saxe miss helen black burn mrs mervyn oook mrs eric leslie and miss honor andrews last saturday night emma was giv en another miscellaneous shower at the home of her aunt mrs w p cutts oakville about forty relatives and friends attended glen williams welcomes british brides mrs crawford and mrs poole over 200 from the community of gien williams gathered at the town hau on tuesday may 22nd to wel come two british war brides to the village mrs jack crawford and mrs bernajd poole had arrived a week previously mrs poole to join her husband who recently arrived home from service overseas and mrs crawford to live with her husbands family until pte crawford ends his service on the continent with the lorne scots mr jack cain was master-of-cere- monles for the evening and entertain ment was provided by mrs andy dew- hurst and mrs chris sargent and a community sing song with mrs wil fred cain at the piano mrs albert presawood read a speech of welcome and mrs robert mcmaater made presentations of two lovely mantel clocks and a nurse of money to the two new residents of the olen re freshments included anbig cake letter ed with welcome tortjjolglen mlna and bubs following the lunch dancing was enjoyed by the gathering mrs crawford is the former wu- hehnina harvey napier of dundee scotland she was a member of the atfl at the time of her marriage to pte jack crawford at rye hid sur rey on june 10 ims mrs bernard poole is the former clara welch of portsmouth england they were married in st margaret church portsmouth on january 9th 1043and have two children bernard william 19 months and robert lome 5 months mr and mrs poole hope to settle in georgetown if housing ac commodation is available directory f r watson das 11xa oa bonn 9 to 6 ttanaiay illwiw dr j burns milne dmu hcmonm xuy dr clifford reid uds qdjs townm boo 4tq open hiantnai ifala street gwcsatown elmer c thompson insurance 8ebvick flrt auto madatam o p railway and ama4 pdone 119 or oflorvttown monuments mctma and lsttstmo pollock ingham inspect oar work in omoiood leroy dale kc m sybil bennett ba- miss bertha speight municipal official dies in acton secretary treasurer of the public utilities commission and municipal treasurer miss bertha h speight passed away at her home in acton on may 19th after an umess of ikto months she 3u an o da o tto- kenneth m langdrm barrister seuctur notaiy fwabs pint mortage monty to loan office qregocy theatre bmg phone 88 j a willoughby wlboaxhbt vina agmar hbd office tobolfto 1m toon street admobn lroet end oldest in ouade kutmlihed ftntr teus oonault our actftv cttr depart- mwit for that hnmr in tht 0 nielsen thecmrop drugles therapist slat year of prame htor attendant bwrn a pj choied tunredaj ovkr doutnidrl btoaw georgetown dr s e magw wmam mill roone u offlot between dtvmon i gtafc ofoe and tlie hr armhohwl buttons at te ner of main and mm niiawia i oakville monument works w r stfwarda design submitted good display of uu m hand you patronage aottelaat pbmm oe oakvnia radio re pairing we specialize m tibs work j sanford son oa mw frank fetch ac p promptly and accurately v assessments must be final to far as the xo ernment is concerned except in cases of fraud vthere must be an end to penal ties and interest charges due to departmental delays vthere must be an end to arbi trary assessments based on the discretionary rulings of officials vthere must be an end to the dis cretionary jwwers of officials vthere must be a simplified pro cedure for appeals on assessments by every taxpayer we shall see that personal tax exemptions an raised to at it ast 1200 for married persons and 750 for single persons that each tax paver shall bo allowed in addition a persona tax exemption of 400 for each dependent and that the rates of personal income tax m the lower tax brackets arc substantially reduced this soundly practical taxation policy we of the progressive con servative party pledge to all cann dians as a forthright aid to revita li7ed co operative prosperity for all late charles c and margaret speight and hod lived her entire life in acton she was a faithful worker in the unit ed church where she had been a member of the choir and life member of the women 3 missionary society the funeral service was conducted on monday by re a w posbury and rev c l poole with interment in fairview cemetery acton con gra tula done art in order o locll puckering on his step up in mnk to quartermaster sergeant friends will bo pit used to hear that pio jim ktlly is on his way home from overseas b lit i win with bracken vote for your ggr3 w conservative candidate conavttbtlv party ottmwi tenders for coal and coke federal buildings province of ontario 3eaij5d tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed tender for coal will be received until 3 pjn e d8t wednesday jtxne 27 ims for the supply of coal and coke for the dominion buildings throughout the province of ontario forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be ob tained from the purchasing agent department of public works ottawa and the supervising architect 38 ade laide st east toronto ont tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the department and in accordance with departmental aped ncaticma and conditions attached thereto coal dealers licence num bers must be given when tendering the department reserves the right to demand from any succeatful ten derer before awarding the orter a security deposit in the form at a cer tified cheque on a chartered bank hi canada made payable to the order of the honourable the mlnlltrr oc pubhc works equal to 20 per w of the amount of the tender or bearar of the dominion of ithh or tom mcwson is jvmr lal reprteortauv your eyes most of us work oor eyea to the umlt we work long bovra at the factory store office er at studies at night we read aew go to a movie or play oardm what h the answer eye strain nd fattgaa we can help yon make an appointment with m today new wtrlo t glasses a etj consult i ot walker ro ktbsoht specialist who will be at bia office ow the ban tuephone co main street oeorgetown the aec wedneaday of each month you may consult o t wa at hte office in brampton phone oeorgetown 91 brampton 6m foundation carmcats anyone wishing a further mforsiatlon or call at the bibs w oueiph st of the canadian national railway company and its constituent compan ies unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the dominion of canada or the aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque if re quired to make up an odd amount such secmitr will serve as a guaran tee for the proper fulfilment of the contract br order j m somervtixs secretary department of puhllo works ottawa may 36 1mb walter t evans company twenttfrn tears twahllahfl protection and sbrvkb plre ufa automobot tnsttbanci windstorm aoddent travax agency ocean steamship and inland lakes member toronto baal eaaaa fbone 183 office main st m old chu fmum too own ueut paik mmtan u ajendjk a ian with ihm funby

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