Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 27, 1945, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wednesday june 27th 1945 improved uniform international sunday chool lesson lesson for july 1 lcaaon aubcta ul br1ptim tutta ioud and conrrlbt4 tv intamauonol council of luugloua education imd by ptnolmlon gods jot in creation lesson textgenmls 119 1013 18- 1b x 17 m golden text codfer mffrthlnff that ba had mada and bannw tt waa very good geoeala 1l the destiny of this world seems to be in the balances in our day with wicked men ruthlessly trying to destroy that which is good and upright we axe deeply concerned in our hearts that the right should triumph and that a just and right eous peace should come in such a day it is good to remind ourselves as we will in our three- month series of studies in genesis that man did not make this world nor is it the product of natural forces god made it god who is eternal infinite and knows all from the beginning is not moved by the impulses of the mo ment nor staggered by the catas trophes of a day he made the world he made man he had a plan for them and still has a plan which he will in due sea son work out for his own glory i god made heaven and earth w 15 1012 1618 the biblical account of creation in the beginning god stands as a dignifledi- satisfactory intelli gent explanation of the origin of things and in bold contrast to the confusing and almost unbeliev able theories of men the best of scientists admit that they know nothing of the origin of things and some say that they never will know the answer to this query with which every human philosophy opens is the affirmation with which the divine account in genesis opens in the beginning god spac forbids full discussion of the account of creation but a study of it will reveal its beautiful order symmetry and completeness compare that orderly account with the absurdities of the ancient human cosmogonies and you have a new regard for scripture n god made han hi bis own image w 26 27 although man has often so de based himself by sin and dis obedience to god that it seems al most unbelievable it is neverthe less true that he was made in the likeness and image of god because that is true we never give up hope for him because of that image no matter how deeply defaced by sin man still may b touched by re deeming grace and restored to fel lowship with god the likeness and image of god in man refers to a moral and spiritual likeness man is a living sdtd with intalhgence feeling and wilt he is a moral being knowing the differ ence between right and wrong he is a selfconscious personal being to man god gave dominion over the earth and all its potential sometimfr piw his hffti signed contract by meredith scholl winrnatu hopeful that man was making good p hi the development of the earths resources for bis own good and flie glory of god but one is sad to see bow he has need this great godgiven opportunity for de struction and death only a revival of real christianity can bring him back to his senses let us pray and work for it observe mat the family was estab lished aa the center of mans life ion earth as god gave him a- help meet unto him woman was taken not out of mane head that she iaboukl rue over him nor out of his eet to be trampled upon but out 1 his atde to be equal with him junder ida arm to be protected by him and near his heart to be wed by him matthew henry the decay of family life and the modern substitution of social and icrvic units as the basis of life have led to disastrous results one of which la juvenile delinquency not only do we need a revival of re ligion we also need a revival of the home life of the natkm m god maae an thing well v si when men do recognize the hand ed god in creation they often seem ho feel that what he made was rath er limited and defective it would almost seem that god should be clever about perfecting his work developkur it and making it useful as a matter of fact god who had eb knowledge and whose stand ards are higher than mans stand ards could possibly be looked over his creation and behold it was very good v si it was a fin ished job 11 man das destroyed much of cre- fitioqa beauty sbt came in and marred it what mans inv cleverne has developed of the pos- kdbfitties of this world is only a minote fraction of what is yet avail able instead of boawtfng man might wao be dk at the pathetic iltwieii with which he has mought gods ttasagbts after htm instead ef afhlliag and destroying he ought to ftre bis energies to iwisrcs mlaensett matt xf eldon palmer could never v v hope to be as great a salesman as dana bowen that was too much ike reaching for a stssv to begin with dana was tall and fine look ing and possessed one of those win ning magnetic personalities cou ple this with an easy flow of words the ability to drive home his argu ments with persuasive phrases and emphatic gestures and you have your supersalesman but despite everything including his meekness his limited vocabu lary his shyness his unimpressive manner his negative personality weldon cherished an ambition he wanted to be a good salesman he wanted to be almost as much as he wanted martha coman to like him he felt grateful to mr dempsey for keeping him on the sales staff it never occurred to him to resent dana bowens smirking remarks and despite the fact that it hurt when martha seemed to be amused at danas kidding him he was even willing to withstand that martha tioman was old man dempseys private secretary she was a good secretary and had made herself invaluable to him therefore she wasnt very much surprised when one day he called her into his office and confessed anxiety regarding the good value stores account weldon palmer could fix it mr dempsey swung around and there was on his face an expression that might have been the prologue to- either a burst of ange or hi larity before the old man could adjust his senses martha said i know just the kind of a man mr gorsey is and i know just the kind of a man weldon palmer is ive been watching him a long time she paused flushed hurried on i iean hes always wanted a chance like this he wants to be a sales man but everyone laughs at him why i suspect he thinks even i do but i dont and i think if he were given a chance hed make good mr dempsey stared and gulped in credulously miss coman are you sure you know what youre saying old man dempsey sat down with a thud ten minutes later he rang for weldon palmer and afterwards long afterwards folks in the out er office recalled a curious expres sion on weldons face when he emerged from the boss den at any rate a week later weldon burst into the dempsey food prod ucts inc and his face was beam ing no one paid him much atten tion because it had become habit never to pay the meek little man much attention unless someone were making him the butt of a joke and so the fact that weldons shy ness and meekness and ununpres- siveness had fallen from him ilka a mask was overlooked until a quar ter of an hour later at which time old man dempsey appeared at the door of his private office and an nounced that the contract for the good value stores had been secured and weldon palmer had secured h behind the closed door of old man pampsey private office the anniversary and unveiling well attended at limehouse oreat crowds attended the afternoon and evening services of worship com memorating the 84th anniversary of the limehouse presbyterian church on june 17th the guest preacher was the rev h k caslor ba of grand valley who is well known in this dis trict through his earlier connection with sports in a forceful sermon in the afternoon mr caslor declared that mankind can only escape from gods wrath with his disobedient ser vant by faith in jesus christ the son inline evening in connection with the unveiling of the limehouse communi ty honour roll the minister asked whether in another 26 years there was to be another such unveiling for the soldiers of some future war mr caslor declared that there would not be another such war if we were to learn the meaning of prayer if we learned anew the meaning of the word christian ir we would live lives of consecration and if we would hold our political leaders to strict account the roll of honour was unveiled and presented by po alex wright whose name appears on the roll and who prior to his recent discharge had completed his tour of operauons over enemy err 1 tory music was provided in solos by mr sam gisby and mrs harry smethurst and in duets by misses marion hep burn and mary mqyer and mr and mrs fred shortlll the services were conducted by the minister the rev chas c cochrane head of the organisation sat at his desk and looked across at his pri vate secretary i cant understand h ha was saying and there was still a per plexed look in his eyes it seems too impossible that she said is because you never stopped to analyze the situa tion mr dempsey havent you ever wondered why it was that you kept mr palmer on your staff at ad old man dempsey nodded you bet i have tva been on the point of firing him more times than one and every time if s ended with me taking pity on him and hiring him back ive always kicked myself for being too sentimental about him miss comahs eyes twinkled it isnt sentiment mr dempsey ita because mr palmer is s good sales man he knows how to listen hes the only man on your staff to whom you can blow off steam without be- tag insulting thats why you never fired him because be just sits and listens to everything you have to say and never offers an argument or an excuse there isnt much you can do to a man like that thats why i suggested giving him the gorsey assignment mr lorsey is a man not unlike your self he likes to blow off steam an rdinary salesman would get him nad by arguing and trying to ex plain the merits of our products yell mr palmer simply listened to lim and then asked for the contract and got it mr dempsey arose just a mln- te miss coman he coughed its ust occurred to ma that your in terest in young palmer seems a bit tiore thanfer ordinary might i ask what ilea behind h aut martha coman shook haw head nothing she said brightly noth ingyet however mr palmer has asked me oat to dinner tonight it seems hes been wanting to take me out to dinner far a loaf time but has joet summoned op the age to ask shapauaed i youth for christ 18000 attended the nondenomin ational rally in the maple leaf gar dens toronto saturday evening june 16th a massed band 5 pianos and a choir of 2000 voices directed by t j bittlkoler of chicago ewre in atten- i dance ir beverley shea baritone formerly of ottawa now vocalist with the chica go youth for christ sang other musical numbers were given by the kings quintette the girls octette and the trumpet two carrying flags or the united na tions boy scouts marched to the banked platform in a colorful pageant they were followed in a short interval by two members of the womens divi- sion of the wd of the roaf one carrying the union jack and the oth er the christian flag and anally by mrs ruthstumpt who brought a gos pel challenge to the youth from the millions who sit in heathen darkness already we have received an in vitation from 4000 christian young people in russia to start our move ment in their country said charles b templeton director of the youth for christ in ontario as he outlined the world vision of this rapidly spreadng youth movement climaxing this outstanding program was the heartsearching message brought by rev percy crawford of new york as he forcibly directed the thoughts of each one present to the all important question what shall i do then with jesus which is called christ7 the idea for saturday night rallies originated in chicago and has spread throughout the united states and canada at present such meetings are being held in georgetown on saturday night over 100 attend g1ffen reunion hours of work and vacation with pay act 1944 notice vacation credit cobsthdctmn hdusthy employment period july i 1944 to june 30 1945 vacation pay stamp books employees in the construction industry holding vacation pay stamp books con taining vacation credit stamps for the 194445 employment period may pre- senftheir books on or after june 30 1945 to any canadian chartered bane or to any provincial savings office and upon proper identification shall receive the cash equivalent of the stamps contained therein employees should apply for new vacation pay stamp books now available for the employ ment period july 1st 1945 to june 30th 1946 ofdustht and labour board hon chaste daley minister of labour ontario ajter partaking of a sumptuous din ner they were entertained by lively music from douglas graydon garth about 110 relations of the clan of and gordon oiffen all of staynex al- the late robt giflen motored to short s froni various mem- spring water park mldhuxst on bers of the clan incudln gordon saturday june 16th for their day of gr mjp fun and fellowship officers elected for the reunion in 1947 were president leslie cmtttb- georgetown vicepresident robert giffen stayner secretary mrs elmar may hornby treasurer norman qic fen inglewood friends were present from george town brampton hornby cheltenham norval inglewood toronto and ha milton nlmi unlii s 9ii

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