Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 4, 1945, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wednea july 4 f945 legion notes the regular meeting of branch 120 was held last thursday with president s p chapman in the chair and among the many important matters brought before the meeting was the passing of a motion by the members to donate the sum ol 100 00 to the hospital for side children building fund i the degree team headed by com rade tom grieve initiated several new members at tne meeting and congrat ulations are in order to the new mem bers as well as the following members ol the degree team who performed their duties in an efficient manner- comrades grieve taylor harlow thompson roberts and president chapman the past president com rade h stafford read the obligation to the new members the ladles auxiliary of the cana dian legion voted a substantial check towards the sick children s hospital at their last meeting congratulations to comrade jimmy roberts who celebrated his birthday anniversary last saturday the age ask jimmy yourself as we prefer to stay on the right side of our popular member tickets are now on sale by legion members for the victory e jamboree dance to be held at the armouries on civic holiday and we would like to inform the purchasers of these tickets that a valuable prize of a fine wool blanket has been omitted in the list of prises printed on the tickets third prize should read pure wool blanket fourth ladles set and fifth basket of groceries while on the above subject of vic toy e jamboree on civic holiday the committee in charge are hard at work organizing the different allotments and all can be assured of a splendid day of entertainment comrade dear harley is back in jie club rooms ifter spending some time in ouelph hospital dean is not his old self as yet but is recuper atlng very nicely sunday june 24th comrades pat cuiiens j murphy j roberts mrs f yates and mrs w carney motored to toronto to pay a visit to comrade fred yates a patient in the toronto improved uniform internation sunday i chqol lesso by harold l tundqui8t dd of the moody diti iftiuiuut of chic nsleamd by wectara nowapapr union lessons for july 8 iccled and council of rlouc education ib ecta and scripture text copyrighted br interna ellfli vflian s failures and gods promises lesson text ceneml s 57 s j 4 is 20 22 golden textwhuc the carta r eth seed time and harvttft and cold and heat and summer and winter and day and night anall not cense genesis 8 xx build health for countless children a bove is the architect s dnwmg of a new hospital for sick children which the people of onnrio must begin to build in the immediate future this task cannot bt delayed scores of little children today are awaiting the specialized hospital attention which only this institution can give during the past 70 years hundreds of thousands of sick and crippled ontario children hive been treated 95 per cent of the beds are in the public wards the 88 doctors in ittenchnce make no charge for these patients the research laboratories are among the largest of their kind in the country all canada benefits from this research it has been effective in the prevention and cure of disease why is a new building needed throughout its historj the hospital must rclj on the noroit of public spirited citizens 1 housinds of little children liok to jou to restore them to hcilth vc h itver jou tin ive will brin nth rew inis to jou to ont ino ind to the dominion both now md in the ye irs to come the present hospital u obsolete and overcrowded more beds are needed the total number of patients treated has increased 50 since 1929 no bed is ever empty and there is a continuous waiting list of 200 cases the estimate cost of the new hos pital is 6000000 today as facts tell the whole story hospital founded 1875six 1xds coiltkc street hospital huu 1 8h9 wihl beds fcrttndcd later present capacirj cit hospital 320 beds 300 in public wards con slant waiting list 200 pa dents hundreds of thousands of on tar o children treated since founds treated last car cot patients 9 730 outpatient treatments 60 858 research work benefits whole at canada and other countries over 3 000 problem cases ad nutted from outside of toronto each jcar 88 doctors cue free services totalling over 45 000 hours yearly hospital treats more children than any other hospital in north america- 600 beds urgently required with all related services send your contribution today to the hospital for sick children college street toronto the hospital for sick children 6000000 building fund the beginnings of all things in the book of genesis include we are sorry to note the beginning of sin in the fall of adam soon we read general hospital fred is getting along t 1 rioy n li wn hls godly brother abel because hir s 5 u a i u acceptance with god exposed thv this visit comrade j roberts took heart attttude of sie this opportunity to present a donation- the godly line was renewed in from the comrades of the local branch sun b before lontain again lifted fred was deeply moved by the kind ts ugly head now the wickedness generosity of his friends and through the medium of this column wishes to convey his slncerest thank to all 00m rades of the branch who have been so kind in thinking of him while under medical care he hopes in the very near future to thank one and all per sonally so until next week comrades don t forget to dispose of some of the tic kets you carry around for the vic tory e jamboree jb for the wicked miss jesgik mcdonald dies in brampton having been a resident of brampton for the past thirty jears miss jessie mcdonald of 42 market street pass ed away at hamilton june 23d after an ldness of lengthy duration she was born in caledon township being a daughter of the late david mcdon aid and j 11a ann orr mcdonald af ltr leaving nshlp the i mi 1 to chicago iii ht 0 td with the marsh nil lej is o five years she ret rned to brampton thirty jears ago thre s resided until her passing s c is s rvtvtd by too sisters and c diy th mrs coorgc townsend i m j li piterso sr both of h j pt n d s 1 el mcdonald c tn im tit f no 1 was held im her r s c r ere the ser r m c ci cted bi lnd f bitnell form re icr of th ri ci re of c rlsl 1 i hicl p rv ave to f to i n took nlace 1 the n h 1 fi b 1 mills cl ncterv ii c b r s ere fr d m xo aid b m do id jo 1 patterson fred k sho l j d mcdomld 1 d earte h ie 11 firm nims to be isllown in ii lton the ii 1 p icratlon line signed an agreement with the natiomi film board o operate one of their vro jectors will sound eq ipment in this count r r the winter starting in septembei the hue chosen twenty points in the co mtj where farm groups have intd to sponsor monthly meetings in the afternoons a special showing ftill be made in rural schools by ax ringcment with the school boards the film board nov have a large number of films dealing with a wide range of farm topics as well as home benutlfication soil conservation mar ketlng farm products canada s na tural resources etc and many special films for school children however they cannot carry on this educational work without a full time man a numbei of other counties hare given leadership in ohis work and they are most enthusiastic about their result this is a great adventure in rural ad it education and the film board is making substantial pavment toward the expense of any county federation that will take it on there is only a limited amount of this equipment yet available in ontario and we feel tha halto is fortunate in being accepted where i once r the rural people wish to have it continued several counties have requested a second unit 1 vitome home do vou think tte trees are lovelier the grass more richly green the birds of summer sweeter than they have ever been does the kettle sing more joyously are summer i starclad do white sheets bring calm slumber do you wake refreshim and glad you do well so do we dear since mighty oceans foam ijiyed down its magic carpet for the snip that brought you home margaret elsorc woodstock ont tell your friend about george town fair which win be held this year on september ttti and kb of rnaji had become so widespread that gool wafi driven to a drasti judgment i judgment 6 5 7 the lord sees the wickedness of men let us not forget thatt at times it seems as though the un godly flourish in their sin and that there is no judgment upon them god knows what goes on in the world he is long suffering and mer ciful but there is a boundary line to his patience and when that limit is reached there can be nothing but judgment ever imagination of the thoughts of man s heart was evil continual ly v 5 one is reminded of jere- mah 17 9 andof such a contem porary estimate of man as that of dr mackay who said psycholc uy has unveiled the dismal and sin- ster depths in human nature man an no longer flee from reality into u e romantic refuge of his own i art for the human heart has be- n e a house of horrors in whose ru rky recesses man cannot erect f r his solace cither a shnne or t del man is bad he is a sin- n r c od did not change his mind v c but man by his sin moved i elf out of the circle of god s i i over into the circle of his j lament god never changes but change our relation to him by ictions such is the evident i ning of u is erse ii deliverance for the lipnght 8 1 4 18 c re 1 i red n lh and he 1 f r nth c os of the i g n g ft beca e he was a t n at tl e l rd s com i ht 1 1 ird tie irk for the ml of h self ind h house i fter tic l rd had shut him titi 1 th great judg i by w ur cmne upon the earth ft r 150 days ctn 7 24 the rl r tml ercd noah 8 1 and ju d the earth tu dry up once a th same lord who shut him m to keep rnm during the fio0 hr ugl t him out after the flood 8 15 ifa give i im great power 9 1 4 assured him of his protection 57 and gave him the great i romise 9 8 16 of which the rauv lj v became the token the god who will in no wise for get the sm of the wicked wid never leave nor forsake those who uilk uprightly before him tbl story of noah should stimulate oui faith causing us to obey and trust god his protecting hand is over his children and he can bring them through the darkest days ol tribulation iii mercy in the midst of ha 8 20 22 noah builded an altar for the first impulse of his heart was tc give praise to god for his mighty deliverance his offering came up to god as a sweet savor that ti it was pleasing to god to come before god with accept able worship man must eomfl with clean hands the question li not whether he is brilliant leaxped or of high position the one thing that counts is obedience whex such a man offers the worship of his heart before god it goes up w him like a sweet savor god knew mans heart si he had no illusions that tn thi judgment of the flood would ohang it eagerly hb love sought mans obedient response but he well kam that the awful pestilence ef sb would continue until the vary end of the age so in spite of that sin and m th vry midst of it god promised tha he would never agaki wipe out hu manity as he dp in the flood there would be tnaividdal judgment and collective judgment on certair groups but never again the smitinf of every living jthtng thus he se men free from the terror whict must have now been tn their hearts the beautiful rainbow m the clou became a token of clods promise and the visible sowurance to al flesh that ihe judgment of the hoot would not be repeated never agaiz would seed time and liai teat not any of the orderly prooeaaas ol nature fail taroughoat fltt whole earth what a gracious god we have and what a pity that men presume upon his goodness

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