Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 11, 1945, p. 4

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ithe georgetown herald weaimrtny july 111 945 mewaftvektisemenzs dead hones and cattle for 1 nftcfcnp phone collect phone ax30b3 tnronta dee 4b gordon youno vcd piano nl saix upright evans piano lor sale good condition andy july i phcwc j t 4 fob 8au quantity of bed owrant juty 11 phone 374 r 32 for sale buckrake lor sale complete with hoist and cable apply o h tpyttk sons r b 4 georgetown july up phone brampton 233 r 14 for bale masaeyharrts under 7 it cut in fair condition ap arthur rutxdejxs july 11 fb tt r u rhabiutationcoiincil asked for physical demands survey wanted will give spaniel pet to good home fa country friendly clean mnooulat- ed ltt years old phone 177 deoiketown typing done typing done at reasonable rates address inquiries july u box p hkratj wanted wanted to buy childs used kiddle car with pedals apply herald office kawlexgh products foe sale dick riddall queen st is your karwlelgh representative in george town get in touch with him for your medicines food poducts toiletries and tosecuddes he will call soon at your july 4th tf strayed jbtryed to the premises of william hunter terra cotta on july 1st hol- eln heifer about ia years old ear tflij mw1w3 owner can have same i proring property and paying ex- 1 phone victoria 26 r 11 at tht regular monthly meeting of the georgetown rehabilitation coun cil held last wednesday evening ti the municipal building the members heard an excellent informal talk by mr j k held assistant oasuatttf rehsbnitauon offlcer for this district a veteran of the last war mr rcld has a sympathetic urderstanding of the problems of handicapped veterans as he himself lost a teg due to war injuries he explained the use of a new form designed to find what jobs handicapped veterans might fill and asked the local group far consideration- in asking local facto to nil out the information on the form with a view to placing casualties of this war in proper positions in industry lxcol g b s cousens chair man of the council reported on the regional conference which he bad at tended recently in london and hinted tjiat new measures for helping veter ans to build homes are under contemp lation by the government and will soon be announced he alao informed the meeting that the rehabililation council was now registered under the war charities act and could accept public and private donations the secretary and treasurers ports were presented by mrs mend- ham and donations since the last meeting were acknowledged from lion club 10 esqueing township 25 limehouse wj 5 local coun cil of women 10 iode 10 mayor harold cleave reported for the reception committee and explain ed that the previous custom of per sonal calls by the committee on re turning overseas personnel had bad to be abandoned now that men were coming home in such large numbers in place of this cards were now sent to the men inviting them to meet the committee at a certain time and place the first such meeting had been hod on june 27 in the municipal building when seven local men had been en tertained by the committee and mayor cleave said the new system wae working fine personal ip backaches are slowing you up take romaoaps pains and aches are relieved after the fire dose macoobmacks ixtvo store rosss drtjg stork church news boriptsre text therefore being justified by rattn we nave peace with iod through our lord jesus chrtav bom 5 1 knox presbyterian church georgetown ev ohas c cochrane bjl bx minister 10 aju sunday school 11 am public worship the rev j l self ba of norval will preach llmrhoue presbyterian church 3 pm public worship the rev j l self ba of norval will preach sunday school picnic for knox and limehouse on saturday july 14th to stanley park erin male help wanted mule spinner and carder for small modfcrn woollen mill war workers in- tiigible apply to your nearest e fc 5 office referring to cr no 2871 july lltf wanted to bent house apartment or two rooms fur nished or unfurnished for respectable married couple with no children this to for a returned veteran from over- notice in order to avoid unpleasant prose cution will the party who was seen taking a watch and wallet from the who is now working m george- pocket of a swimmer at the glen town apply jury up ted marohant po box 358 for bale woods electric peed grinders fsnunff ttf muk coolers eled- fete pence also oookshutt farm rlilnrrr district represenutte for wffloushby farm ag t e hswbon georgetown phone 3q please mall them immediately to the owner or to the herald office the watch was a souvenir brought bacc from oermany by an overseas veteran the party is known and if the articles are not returned by this week end a charge will be laid july lip po an ofportujutt one of the nations largest conp- ansa catering principally to farmers ads is ready to place a tmlnabas con tra which should mean complete dependence for a man fortunate n- ogb to have the foflowmg qualmea- jons character record tbat ffl withstand famatigatton and protan ggttuty to effidentty manrtr both bwaea and bis own bmlneai fman- ftm1 status not extranet important feat a travel outfit is it- write bm j ft watidns oompany daps 006 3177 afasaan at montreal st georges church vtm w g o thompson rector seventh sunday after trinity st swlthuns day sunday school 10 am holy commun ion corporate 11 am evensong 7 pm sunday school picnic on saturday leaving church at 3 pm picnic a mrs dawson 6 farm st albans church glen williams seventh sunday after trinity matins 930 am sunday school 1030 am the united church of canada georgetown rev r c todd ba minister miss lynda stewart atcm lrsm music director union services with georgetown baptis church 11 ajn at th uriled church 7 prc at the baptist church rev r c todd win preach at both services 1 0 first baptist church minister rev j e ostrom organistsmiss m cook sunday july 15th 646 ajn bible school 11 ajtn morning worship in the united church 646 pm gospel songs 7 pjn evening service in the baptist church the bypu meets on baonday at 8 pm the midweek service for prayer and fellowship on wednesday at 8 pm visitors welcome joyce mcmillan at st catharines show wellknown as a competitor at fall fairs and horse show through out the province 12yearold joyce mcmillan ambitiously entered the hackney pony stake at the st catharines horse show june 26 29 she made a good showing against veteran horsemen with her pony manor barbaras joy above she s being congratulated by the winner wilfred newman st catharines photo courtesy st catharines standard fall fair notes remember the dates september 7 and 8 georgetown fall fair is jurt two months away pte ed htll home pacific volunteer among servicemen who returned from overseas service on dominion day was pte ed a hid son of mr the t eaton co is again offering j and mrs bert hul of glen wuhams- their special prizes for best pens ofjenhsung with the lome scots pte four bacon hogs they intimate lnj we overseas in june 1941 with their letter that hogs for britain i the regtoient he has served in italy are as important today as during the belgium h and holland and made a previous war years on the continent short trip over the german border cnt has increased year after sister pte una wheeler now dls- year until in 1944 there were 64 hogs charged has also served in the war exhibited in his section i tli the cwac j on saturday nighthe was guest of speaking ot prizes the halton un- at a birthday party at the n fanners mutual fire insurance i n of mr and mrs william hul o is offering prizes for the best john street after a thirtyday leave ey on fire protection open to pub- pcp hu1 who has volunteered for ser- school pupils in halton better rice ln uie pacific will report to to- wanted house to rant commencing as soon a possible modern conveniences wu a j krdtan podoey out er ftpptr herald office work wanted man wants parttime work after 6 oolook tn the evening and all day baturday any typo of work appto roland acrom june 2ttp obapel street uv and dreassd poultry htghest a babflett and bom brampton ml r 14 reran charges room and board wanted in georgetown employment for 30 young u is available if acconv paodnnon can be procared cad or write smith stone ltd georgetown phone 212 eleotucal woxk leatilial repairs made to appliances and whine appb p c whitafee tf young 8t oeufiatown norval and union irtbyterlan churches rev j l self ba minister norval sunday school 916 public worship 10 am m union pnbhe worship 1118 ajn get busy boys and girls and send ln your essays to the secretary long be fore fair day prizes 1st 300 2nd 1200 3rd 100 mr k c mcmillan who recently bhowed his fine horses at the st ca tharines horse show reports that a number of exhibitors are definitely lo georgetown horse show ken was in the money at st catharines show as was daughter joyce and also at i the brampton horse show on domln- i ion day the mcmillans winnings at st catharines were 1 flrst 1 second thirds 4 fourth and a fifth and at brampton 2 seconds 2 thirds and 3 fourths daughter joyce was fortunate enough to get her picture in the st ronto for further training help wanted 2 labourers s joguaaker i sweeper for port time work apply federal sales engning phone 402 georgctov foot ailments treated miss allen 8h hg chiropodist treats foot ailments for both ladies and gentlemen open mon thurs and sat evenings till 9 oclock ad by appointment phone i390j 27 arthur st guelph better vision ter success holy cross kc church rev fr v j morgan mass at 9 am 2nd and 4th sundays 11 ajn 1st 3rd and 5th sundays major ted graham g h s graduate awarded mjbe a graduate of georgetown high school major theodore corbett ted graham has recently been honoured with the decoration mj3j5 for distin guished army service recently re turned from service overseas major graham has resumed civilian employ ment with woodaonoordon toronto industrial engineering firm and has been working this week tn town at the smith stone plant he is a son of mr thomas l gra ham of fnglewoodl radio repair specialist in the surrogate court of the county of halton in the matter of the estate of an drew dobbie ksto of the volace of glen wbharns in the county of halton geniletnan deceased there will be offered for sale by pubucr auction on saturday the lltb day of august at the hour of two oclock ln the afternoon at the pre mises hensmafter mentioned ln the town of georgetown in the county of halton by prank petoh auctioneer the fobowin property namely part of lot number is in the ninth con- russlnr of tfae township of samisalng m the county of halton now tn the aid town of geonpttoam -ontanrne- hatf an aore aim or lam 1t amid property betnc on tbe a side ot sknaty btrac and south ot the gnb and on tbkh ptopatw 1 erected a one sterey finam booae at flair atata of rapatr tkrmb 10 of om posobaas terra cotta the annual sunday school picnic was held on saturday afternoon for the children of the united church s scholars there were games races biscuit races etc after which all par took of a sumptuous lunch and all re port a very enjoyable time a number of our dtlaens attended mr j r campbells sale on thurs day afternoon mr frank pctch as usual wielded the stick in his usual good natured style and all report a very successful sole now for fish stories master beverly eaves caught three beautiful brown trout last week one tipped the scale at one pound and a quarter but an other one was caught which beat that it weighed 4 pounds and a half yours truly saw it weighed who can beat thi nextl haying is going on in full blast this week and the harvest is plentoua bu alas the labourers are few we are sorry to learn that ben young our genial mall courier had to be taken to the hospital again with his injured leg we hope he will soon be able to return home fully recovered we arc also pleased to learn thai mrs leslie young has returned home much improved ln health after bar re cent operation wt understand tbat mr pitt purchased a gargae at victoria and le a busy man these days we wish him erary suooaa tn bis new enaar- ajriekly and efficiently is the springboard far promotion and better pay good work requires good vision while poor vision retards mental and physical reactions and causes fatigue have us your eyes regularly good glasses at a reasonable price 0 t walkerlr0 i eyesight specialist a a who will bs at his office over the bau telephone co main street oaorgatown the a wednesday of each yon may consult 0t at bis office m brampton catharines daily standard congratulations to director and mrs howard wrtgglesworth on the birth of their second son we ought to get at least one director out of these two fine boys when miss mary white teacher at stcwarttown school for the past num ber of years resigned her position to go to a toronto school the society lost a very interested and energeti worker in the school pupils section of the fair the directors wish her succce ln her new school and ex press appreciation for services render ed while ln this district and speaking of races why of course there are always races at geor getown pair i we noticed where a number of the expert sulky sitters got their pictures in the toron- to star last week among them dr h heslop of milton and warden of halton who always officiates at the georgetown races and ken thomp son of elora owner and driver of bruce henley who knows georgetown track well also dr simpson of har- riston anouaer veteran winged wheel er hope to awt these experts on the local track again this season how ever they will take part in the au gust futurity at toronto first throughout canada fines for price control violations covered a wide range of offences during the last two weeks pom june 16 to june 23 twentyseven persons were fined for selling textiles used cars and food at overcelling prices of olan whbaaaa pent sunday with mr r j willi r born on juno th to mr ana mrs o ouumfbam a am rt fcwto ttatrai mrs graham of tbronto pant few days with her aunt mrs jl poo ering mr oaorat edaa and daughter of tsronto also apart a few aa huttonville park community singsong reopens again sunday night july 15th at 830 pm sound pictures amateur talent and quiz contest featuring irene may pianist c a chirm projectionist and sound man gord vivian masterofceremonie james mccracken announcer the entire proceeds to be donated to the hospital or sick children toronto atr an kn j musfe be is o uncor dr nimi o bsm ar watch this space its crowing dance and draw races for allt- with good prizes victory e jamboree civic holiday monday aimust 6 r h

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