the georgetown herald wednesday august 29 1 945 goodyear now as always your best buy heres why 20 years experience with synthetic rubber 40 years of roseardi and experience in bvltdtng rajtoant mors hres than any oer tlr manufacturer thafs why the noma goodyear is yowr best guide to tlra value tf you are edgle for new hres i see s today goodyear phone 152 georgetown sportl1te by j stamp brampton 14 nor v at 10 i norval s short winning streak came to an abrupt end on monday nigh aug 20ui when the bramptoh la crosse club invaded the recrahjon centre and whipped the local ladt oy a score of 14 10 the poorest crowd that we have seen this year was on hand and the j brand of lacrosse that was played wasn t first rate by any means brampton were the speediest on tht field and made every move count whereas norval was the opposite slow and not at all the same team uiat beat- inglewood the week previous this loss puts norval in filth place the playoftc tr start very soon wheh er morl games will be plnjed in nor val or not it is hard to say however i 1 pleasa it and profitable season ha been evident or the firs year for the new arena saxe motors i1uttonville 5 s s 2 one of the snappiest games of wft ball that lias been seen this season was played on wednesday night aufc 22nd in the georgetown park be tween the above teams the game was started at 715 and was over by 805- seven complete innings the quickest so far this year huttonvllie were really in the grooved midmurchy pdtrihed wonder ful ball and his backing up was per feet not one error made by the- team itself holdens pitching was fair bjt the park lads managed to bang on 9 safeties for five runs stamp hit best for huttonville 3 hits for four trips to one plate as usual ohaplin and ritchie got the only hits tor smith a stone on each i everett flip high wilson made a sei satlonal jumping catch on short vtop thu looktd llkt a sure hit for oik o the h ttoroulk men what do ou eit iur dreakf lit bv wheatlcs oh yes for once the umpires agreed wi h tacli othei when a decision had lo niatil on holdcn who turned the v one way on av error as he was crcmiik in st h uc miracles do hap- pel yoirs truly 1 d v pktsmt visitoi on 111 irsdu i h ii j wal hi i ml i ind sid silver came to inqui i bo it liit i t t lines for me busn s mm 11u seem awfully inxion to til slirud so uiree gam have been schec iltd for thim shortly we tilled foi s ion minutes on thi subjttt thdi d dualh oir talk chift t six rk in different locil cid reminlsctc a little ind toll n trestn f ts ub it le 1827 2u m pli i lif f toi nio which was mrj int rest n- to lieai especially sirprisiii to nu t hear that carl hubbel once pluhed for the toron o club wilt told us abjut the time be iwji to stf the world series in detroit and stood in line from seven in the momli g until noon before he even got near the box office only to be turned owii sold out no to b beaten he tppcired on the seen he fol owiiik da i id mintgd to gl a seat in the bleachc in centre field foi me 1 d ra ur istm to the game i r it id through all ilues ola us farm equipment in answer to many inquiries following is a list of farm equipment we feel surestrf making delivery withm a reasonable length of time all beatty stable equipment beatty farm water systems tractors gas and diesel hammer mills fertiliser grain drills 13 and 15 marker 0 marker gram drills corn binders horse and power driven tractor disc harrow row crop cultivators wheel 1 ype cultivators hpwer mowers green crop hay loaders tractor gram binders harrow plows corn planters corn pickers ensilage ciitters threshers k c mcmillan farm implement service phone 40 georgetown m 2 uivii br- 6hi si hungry europe needs meat the shortage of food in liberated europe is desperate meat is ob of tie most critical needs as a great food producing nation canada must can and wffl h in meet this emergency that is why iauaaferma has been placed under strict control that is why rahon coupons will soon be used again by canadians to bay mm there is only one objective to reduce meat consumption hi order to provide direct aid for the hungry peoples of europe sic i formers who slaughter meat for their own or their farmer neighbor s use ore required to sub mit monthly reports form rb61 and to sur render coupon for the meat they utm and seff any excess of meat over the farmers or his neighbor t needs may be sold only to the holder of a regular slaughter permit the minimum amount which a farmer may sell to such a permit holder u one quarter of beef or half a hog carcass sheep iambi or calves slaughtered by a farmer for hit own or his neighbor s use may not be sold into the meat trade meat rationing facts amount of ration will be roughly 2 lbs carcass weight per person per week rationed meats an cooked canned fancy and red meats unrationad meats beef brain head tail blood tnpe calf brain head pork brain head ten p gfeet spare r bs lamb brain head tail fr es poultry game and f sh canned or fresh coupons brown m coupons in rat on book no 5 one coupon will become valid each week coupon values group a 1 lb per coupon group b 1 vi lbs per coupon group c 2 lb per coupon group d the perfect thirst quencher salada egj15 tea under the meat ranbnkta regdanans i operators are required to met a int of 4mt7 patrons to the nearest ration branch office a supply of consumer dedarafton fones ft being forwarded to each locker operator wfco will in turn distribute them to his patrons the patron b responsible for completing the form and filng it with the ration branch office consumers must surrender coupons for ad meat held in lockers over and above 4 lbs for each person in the household at a rate of 2 lbs per coupon however no more than 50 of the m coupons in the rahon books of the consumer and hn household need be surrendered thai to uittifss it bowling news flic softball game which was sche rhe georgetown bowling club held tfuled for aug 24 friday between a very successful tournament last alb i nee and huttonmue was called wednesday night uhen twenty rlks 2j lbs per coupon group e 3 lbs per coupon tokens tokens eight of which are equivalent to one coupon will be used as coupon change farmers must turn in to their local rat on boards a coupon for each 4 lbs of meat carcass weight they use in the r households from their own slaughterings so that they may buy other meats from their butchers no more than one half of fhe valid coupons in the hands of the farmer and his household need be surrendered farmers who sell meat to a neighbour farmer must collect coupens at the rate of 4 lbs carcass we jl t per coupon aiotty your assurance of a fair share i a protection against waste shortages inflation that is why farmers are asked to continue to collect and turn in coupons to their local ration boards once a month in the rb61 envelope tiwffv rr on on account of yeah rain i this game will be played as soon as possible glen 19 fibates 15 once asaln and for the second time in the pat uiree veeks jimmy sar- gent s pirates suffered a defeat at the handb of ttoe reinforced glen hard ball team tie game wag practically the glens all the way except for one inning wren the pirates torealened gibtas on the mouo4 was good for tttit olen while dormy henlngton ffave may to mel qpeooe in thp 7ui inning for the pirates pirates hitting waant up to ier usual standard but the glen ea y made some perfect safeties batterlc for glen gibbs and soott for plr ates herrbsgton and pence piton tg and norton with the decker i neil game wednesday aug 2lth at 830 this should prove to be a real close contest as jimmy sargent pu it were out for revenge the big scen leading batters as somewhat chinged this week competed for the prizes first prize went to mcdowell and mess of the home club second to fred robinson of milton who was veiy close to mcdowell third prize went to guelph oajc while tom faram and partner look fourth plxce a few of the local bowlers paid frlendry visit to rodrjwood bowline club era tuesday night and a good time was enjoyed the roofcwood players ware much superior on hielr heavy greens and banded out a good pasting to most of the locals acton sent two rinks down last week in search of the famous shef field trophy and were successful in taking it away from us ho doubt some of our boys will have anotheo- try for it before the season doses chaplin nuth l stone i ritchie- smith stone scott alliance cook 1 huttonville mcmurcnj i hut torn ino robb bush cy men r1chkrdbon bu li c men 650 gil 500 500 ifagit standing p w l t p5 huttorimlle 9 5 2 2 12 sn ith t stone 7 4 2 1 9 allm ce 6 3 2 17 bu ino men 6 0 6 0 d and no argument or finding fault with aboe standing fellows its per fecuy correc as all wins and losses etc are on record in book may have more baseball and sof ball news next week if mr rain docstitjnterfere jjb pa- forgot bo mention if any of the readers of tfcis ookann know where new hardbabs dux be bougbfc uouw tboj ykmm contact jimmy flhr- eentf the fed n berrtnf a duo of a time fetttot new hsrdbejn none id be b halton farmers urged to order fall fertilizer requirements at once at a recent meeting of the fertilizer manuf accurers supplying ontario s eeds it wa very evident that the fertilizer manufacturers are again fee ing qjie an acute shortage of labour ana considerable concern was express ed as to whetiier deliveries could be mde in time or fall use parttculcltly in the fall season far- ners take delivery of their fertilizers oer a eiy short period this usually constitutes a ery serious handicap in giving the farmers the service which the fertilizer manufacturers would ufeb to droide usa uottimiis air areptarrb pmoa h materiallj if all farmers who are in a position to do w would order and take delivery of tbeir fall ferti lizers without delay or incon- nience to the farmers is bound to occur and it is at least posdble that some farmers might not be able to get their fertilizers in time for use tt appears that adequate quantities of tall fertilizers are now ready for snlpment and if ordered at once prempt deliery can be guaranteed but later orders ma be subjeet to onslderable delay houdints secrets lost forever walter b gibson writing in the american weekly with this sundays sept 2 issue of the detroit btmday tknes imswmui the marv fetoks and rtdttfca ttwt baffle tti naole- makers iftmmltm and teas ufaat hv pernio ftitta alien tbsfroraatan ala cm tefly oeteoh asm tor ak