Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 5, 1945, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventyseventh year of publication wednesday v september 5th 1945 2 00 per annum 5c a copy come to the fair saturday georgetown votes on sewerage october 9th among the important items on councils agenda last night after a summer recess was the beverage vote and tt waa decided to submit- the question to the electors on october mb a public meeting for which mr h zj gregory has offered the use of theatre will be held shortly be- i election day at which the proper- tar owners wlb be able to discuss the project mayor oleave brought up the quee- tftou of providing suitable gifts from the town to men and women who bad wed in the aimed farces and said that a public meeting would be oabed later on cr armstrong brought op the ques- tftoa of a new ttton truck for town and public work and a permit to buy this will be sought or ljoos asked if georgetown waa not enuued to a dopatgrreeve and the opinion was that georgetown was no yet qojta large enough for one the ijoldjb wet given permission to hold a tag day for the blind on september ttnd fall fair notes just another day and the greatest show in georgetowns history will gel underway entries are literally pouring in to the secretary as we go to press each majlj bringing new exhibitors to the from all parts of ontario it is believed that this years geor getown show will see more carriage and road horses and hackney than any other fall show this this statement is not exaggerated aa many prominent exhibitors bare sfg- nifled their intention to come haytumbuil wedding in tarn last weekend the home of mr and mrs m hay tara was the scene of a lovely late summer wedding last saturday sept 1st at 1 pjn when phyus laicffle turnbull daughter of mr and mrs james turnbull plate saskatchewan j was married to their son ivan bow man hay rev w j davis of dob- union officiated at the ceremony i the bride given in marriage by mr j tugman of owen sound wore a wedding dress of emboss organdie with dutch headdress ty1 fingertip tefl she carried a bouquet of pale j pmk gladioli and roses her brides maid miss margaret pasmore wore hue net over taffeta and carried a bouquet of pink asters and cornflower mr ben mcharg was groomsman and the wedding musk was played by miss helen macdonald following the ceremony a reception was held mrs isobel oleave receiving for the bride assisted by the grooms mother for going away the bride chase a brewn suit and hat with matotrtng accessories they will motor to flake for a visit with the brides parents and on their return wul take up residence on mill street george town mr hay is proprietor of the vogue halrdressing and mrs hay was employed at mahon prior to her mar riage limehouse welcome home f1lll kenneth fsfft- gearge birth fit la ken mackenzie son of mr home to see his baby daughter and mrs j b mackenzie arrived in lbjaren for the first time fsgt george quebec on august 37th and proceeded blyth arrived in georgetown last to his wifes home in plctou njb jweek after crossing from overseas on the samaria son of mr and mrs r w blyth glen williams he is married bo the former elaine oohins enlisting in the roaf in march 1941 he brained at trenton mountain view dartmouth and shelburne ns and botwood newfoundland before going to england in december 1943 went to france in june 144 with the 2nd tactical air force being an armourer with the city of westmount tycoon squadron and has been in belgium holland and oermeny his last station was at flensberg on the danish border prior to enlistment he was employed with the brill hosiery mill and schenks general store in the goen his brother sgt horace blyth is with the canadian army in fklt mackenzie has been in the rcaf since qot 23 1940 he went overseas about ve day and has been posted in england since that tune while in canada he grained at dunn- vule toronto and cap de madeleine que he received his wings and com- mlssion at sununerslde pjsx after course in navigation at pennfleld ridge n3 he became a na instructor at st hubert quebec and aylmer ont coming back to live in acton with him are fjl mackenzies wife the former lois aikena rjj of plctou nj3 and their baby son jack upon his arrival here ken will join the firm of j b mackenzie sonfij looking after the acton branch of the business jack mophbb0oh obcs ontario farm broadcaster who wul attend the fair in person and wlb report the show an mondays radio broadcast we welcome jack to geor- j getown and hope he will enjoy me stay with us some outstanding judges in all class es have been secured including light horses alan mann peterborough heavy horses fred featherstone free man dairy cattle a d bunions o ac guelph shorthorns j a pettlt freeman sheep j r baker hamp ton hogs w p watson toronto poultry r h crosby markham j 8 greenshiendb st catharines and c e herrlngrton georgetown vegetable grain flowers w h hortop bverton ladies work and domestic science mrs h sands guelph handcraft rev cochrane e j keenan fte ken beerman arriving in georgetown a week ago st night after crossing from england on the samaria pte kenneth beer- man was welcomed home by his par- ents mr and mrs jack beerman and his wife and children a pacific volunteer pte beerman joined the army on january 30th 1944 and train ed at petawawa hnin ikades school and debert before going over seas in february ims he served in england holland and germany an employee of smith stone at time of enlistment he is married to the former millie klages who with their children johnny and david has been living in chesley pte beerman is spending his 30day leave in ohesley and was hon oured with a civic reception which the town tenders to all its returned personnel pte c e suplcton pte c e tony stnnleton who crossed from en on the pasteur arrived home in hmillton on sunday the eldest son of mr- and mrs h stapleton of nerval he was employed at the dale estate in brampton prior to enlisting with the lome scots m 1039 he was stationed at camp bor den before leaving for overseas where he has seen service in italy winnwi and germany he is one of three brothers serving in the aimed for albert and eddie being in germany with the canadian army miss beulah bruce visited miss ivens recently mr and mrs j n newton spent a few holidays in the north bauman bros have their m ery set up and are gravelling town ship roads from the nit on the evans property i school opened at s s no 9 with miss jean ruddeu in charge and twentyone pupils enrolled mr and mrs ted morrow and elane visited mrs lane i mr cyril englebv is laid up with a leg injury received while playing base ball on saturday j sunday school reopens at 2 pjn m sept 9bh ft the wj ladles quilted a quilt on monday afternoon for the mclaughlin family who lost their home by fire a week aco messrs archie and ken mcdonald and w summers motored the harvest last saturday mr and mrs harvey norton spent a few days at kearney recently mr and mrs mi lucre and mr and mrs scratch spent the week end at wasaga beach the midway will be in full swing on friday and saturday with a special of 6c a ride for the kiddies on friday don t forget a softball game will tart sharp at 1 o clock between hut- tonville and smith stone set george lang sgt george long son of mr and mrs john long who has been attach ed to the raf for the past four yeata arrived home on wednesday night george had volunteered for the army of occupation in europe but wasnt accepted and after a 30day leave at home he will report for his discharge sgt long enlsted in the rcaf four years ago last may and took a course at the university of western ontario as a radio technician prior to en listing he was employed at alliance paper mills ltd oeorges brother bdemn bill long of the navy left tuesday night for halifax after furlough at home pte bernard tennant following his brother pte bill ten nant home from overseas by a few weeks pie bernard tennant arrived home last week after docking at que bec city on the samaria enlisting in april 1941 with the lome scots pte tennant went to england the follow ing july and has since been with the regiment in france belgium and hoi dand he is married to the former sylvia button who with their son bbemard jr expects to come to canada in another month s time the boys are sons of mr and mrs sam tennant john st biggest show yet promised at georgetowns 99th annual fair all roads will lead to georgetown next saturday wheiv fjsqueslng agrfc letter to the editor september 3 1945 the editor the georgetown herald dear sir the following is a brief general des cription of a proposed sewer system georgetown as planned by the hagey engineering company and presented to the town council in june 1946 this plan has the approval of the ontario department of health the system may be divided into the following components disposal plant trunk sewers lateral sewers and house services the disposal plant would be situated in the vicinity of cedarvale school feeding it would be a m mob pipe which roughly follows the course of the stream a point near the junction of john and mcnab streets the pipe reducing in size to 21 meh and 18 inch from there two hues would branch one following the south side of the ojvjb tracks ibaot and west to victoria and chapel streets the second paaatus under the cnjt subway easterly to 8t michael street two other abort tranfcs complete the trunk sytsem one from twh and joseph streets lnteneotlons and the second from the neighbourhood of water and factory streets tote tlons both empty into the main trunk the section of the town north of the cnjt east and west tracks and east of st michael street cannot be be sewered by gravity and would re quire a pump system which would be situated at a point to which sewage from that whole lowlying district would readily flow it would be col lected there and pumped through a 4 inch force main to the top of the hill such a trunk system divides town into several compact sections each of which would empty into the trunk lines the configuration of the town lends itself admirably to a composed almost entirely of amas sized pipes serving small sections of the town and entering the trunk sys tem at various points analysis of effluent from some in dustries have been made results in dicate that this system would dispose of all industrial waste further the construction is such that no replace ments of sewer pipes would be nciss sary na the town grows they wffl be cultural society presente its 99th nual fan- fair at the park ing the biggest fair yet both from tta standpolnt of exhibits pd of talnment the fair board are an anxious eye on the and hoping he will favour tfrfn wttfa jirtt such a day as brampton enjoyed at their labour day show there has been an extremely i demand for prise huts this year wbteti indicates that interest hi the george town show win exceed even the bss- ner years of the past sure to atliaat lots of ahentton is the arte crafts exhibit put on by thds enteiprtstaa georgetown group who have reviled interest in handicraft in this rtbtfrtpfc fair patrons win be able to see band looms m operation angora labbua and handmade articles of apparel and novelties another lar ladles feature is the noncompe titive women s institute displays open to junior and senior institutes m ttm county once again the new crop of babies will be competing in the guthrie baby show always a favourite for ma and pa to show off their young ones a georgetown old boy mr nat guttt- rle of toronto has sponsored una tor some years judging and pituwuthh the prises himself and there are al ways plenty of youngsters in the two classes under and under 18 months the school children promise good entries in handcraft art and essay competitions and in the victory vega- table garden special this latter be ing an entry open to rural and urban schools as units horses cattle sheep pigs and pool- try will ail be there in good mxnh roe poultry exhibit this year is to ttav form of a lawn show promoted joint by the fair board and the george town and halton poultry a s it will attract exhibitors from farther out who have never shown in george town before and anyone who is a feather fancier wont want to ma k v tory gregg wlnghatn radio an nouncer win be in charge of tbmaa around the grandstand whsce hone races and mgh j wbl be attflo the features the latvote midway fcj the best yet and wffl operate in the social and personal card of thanks i wish to sincerely thank my friends and beaumont s employees the sol diers comforts committee and huti v w j twm tonvllle stag son crarrt pmm to z to slss their pared and clgarottoa mot to f add another unit to b j f w i jt fmmd to oheaper and nmre i rose rem with tfce modem am sausfactory for pavements to be art in i tpplyto8 n the centre tor a width of 30 lnohe mtani the pair jim lo mm the sowers on h so hard to make the af- terra cotta mr j eaves ve are pleased to learn has arrhed home from the general hospital at guelph and is now much improved in health after his recent operation and his many friends here hope soon bo hear of his complete re cover pte george puckering of debert n called on terra ootta friends last week i we regret to learn of the death of i the late mrs elijah townsend who i passed away at the home of her daughter mrs earnest hayes of or- or the deceased prior to her removal to monti cello some years ago had oeen a resident of terra ootta for a number of years we all join in ex- amongst visitors with mr and mrs wodson during the past week were miss dora farncomb and miss maud hopes of toronto visiting in town for the holiday week end wlih mr and mrs t c of paved streets laterals would be tunnelled under the street and side walk to the basement wan not more than one business block would be clos- mlss charlotte mccullough and mr mehllle mccullough are vacationing at minltulin mrs frank blnnie of lindsay was irftor in town last week mr w h tost of miami florida taylor ere mr and mrs edward ncw to tonn 0 week end to j august 22nd issue of the georgetown stephens and master teddy of st u mo mrs w tos herald and is on display in the munl- ca hirlne mr and mi- chas jor- mr ind mra a e oordingley of building it is subject to rninor wnrton were week end guests at ch 3 of which have been mrs w tyndalls j made since its preparation guests from georgetown at the haj thls s would require very little run bull wedding in tara last satur- p enre or expense the efllu- d i included mrs isobel cleave miss ent from the disposal plant is clear margaret pasmore miss helen mac- whicn returns to the stream fair a success taciude president oralf held 1st vicepresident w j alex ander 2nd vicepresident price treasurer p w cleave mr and mrs reld and famuy of i the 2nd line have moved into mr mr and mn chas jor- and mrs e walls toronto mr and mrs matt lawr sptnt the w cek end w ith mr and mrs fred mirshni visiting crystal beach port dover and buffalo mr and mrs frank penson mrs jio dear and mr and mn bruce rundle motored to crystal beach for the holiday weekend mr and mrs jack campbell of weston and mr and mrs dald wylie mrs wjllc st vd mr md mrs wal ter mcgllv ri of leamington were visitors on the week end with the mc- gllvray s on guelph st mr and mrs thomas johanson of detroit michigan spent the holiday with her parerts mr and mrs chas hoare their daughter june who has been spending the summer with her grandparents returned home with them lrjbdr jack hoare of toron- was also a week end visitor with ed at any time and sidewalk traffic 9ectetar garfield moailvrey wh would not be greatly disturbed the lhem have been a hapd board ixuement would be replaced in a sat of directors evtt o dotoe h p isfactorj manner by the contractor to ensure r blg day this plan has been printed in the lets them our alr ot town a boost and see all attendanot records shattered at the park next sittirdaj join the crowd and meet jour friends at georgetown fair tending our slncerest sympathy to the 1 bereaved family in the loss of a kind i monroe of- am umr ther deceed watta n y has been holidaying with mra he g8th if x2 o threshing still seema to be the or- vlattors with miss stnokhamer re- oentr include mr and lira distent- hall of long island mrs mexeohnle mr and mrs george mullere and km j r jst tt 0 j jeerge of toledo ohio and mia ve tzjll h spe houdw to isen swacinamer of detroit f j i and iahw mcdure uh peggy smettur of sodbmr ttj t f kt a very pleaaant holiday with ur laffinernktherhde t ff uh2z and hermn 8umfc recuperating from a tonsil operation t cottage at torrence uusknka mr and mrs o a orant of to- ff mr and mrs frank penson mrs ronto spent the week end with her jf hgham and fan- j dear and mr and mra brae mother i 5t here hm m0t bundle motored to cryrtl beach for mr and mr mill pent the m b ouulngham tn ho md miss elma king married at ayr the home of mrs a l kaston ta donnld mr ben mcharg mrj rice t soud wasl to p not ayr waa the aettlng last saturday mr and mrs james ritchie and mr i fotaf a nuisance for those lrrfng temoon for the marriage of mtsl nd mr twrence mccliutock i ln neighbourhood and is m de- mrs ivan hay phyllis turnbull rtmr whose wedding took place last satur- j mr edltor tor daj was guest of honour at several j qourief social gatherings during the past few youi weeks on saturday afternoon and c v williams eenlnff aug 22nd mrs tobel cleave moh georgetown end at the old stewarttown pte aenderson of spruce fans vtavnakasing spent the weak and at baihome hara waa formerly section foreman here and we are sorry to lose such kind and estimable cltwns from our mrs w g pow of tltaonburt li visiting her sister mrs o meoalhan mr and mrs james ounkard and jlmmle and mrs john the week end with 1 parents mr and mrs john bnsfan in wtarton mrs hueho ratnnisd altb them for a rlatk and miss margaret pasmore held trousseau tea at mrs cleaves home when a large number of friends en- joyed seeing the brides trousseau and a dainty tea served from a prettily decorated table centered with pink and white sweet peas mrs w bay of tara mother of the groom held a pantryshelf shower when mr bay and miss turnbull visited ln tara a few weeks ago and many dendoub things for the pantry shelf were re ceived on vj day evening members of the stitch and chatter club held an enamerware shower and social evening at the home of miss helen macdonald on tuesday eve augt 18 mrs james lutohld enter tained a number of friends hbon- our of miss turnbull to present her with a handsome walnut coffee table and fhe hostess served a dainty hmch tncwempayees at vcoryattwaft marton also presen miss turnbaq with a lovety ckt ebna jane king daughter of the lata mr and mrs thomas m king of chatham and former organist and cholrleader of georgetown united church to mr john p ritchie of ayr formerly of winnipeg rev b a steed officiated and the wedoaoa music was played by mr murray mna of guelph dr james h king of guelph gam his niece in marriage she won ft frock of heavenblue sheer with sasy accessories and carried pink tosbjl ashgrove miss pearl christian of toronto spent the weekend with her aunt mrs frank ruddell miss jean wrlgglesworth of milton th were no attendants a has been holidaying at the home of tlon followed and the coupe will tt mr and mrs horace barnes m at after their wedding fcrt master johr wrlgglesworth of mil- ton visited recently at the home of twentyeight ladles of the mr and mrs cecil wilson i church held a surprise mlscedaneoai mlsa grace mclaughlin of hamilton i shower for an english war bride and visited last week with her cousin mrs j her husband mr and mrs bill oban thomas giffln i in ftt the home of mrs walter peek mrs r hewins of stoney creek tuesday night august atth maze miss mary sayere of georgetown and i lovely gifts were received and mr and mr and mrs walter brownridge attended the funeral of thelrjjncle the late johr long of meaford on monday miss agnes mcolure has her teaching duties on the woodbrldge public school staff mrs ohapan voiced their slnosn ap preciation a dainty lunch and l time was enjoyed mlrs margery macfcepsle and agnes pasmort motored to last week to meet vju ken just returned fran orsnsan nd aata uattml

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