Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 26, 1945, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventyscvejfftk year of publication vjrn wednesday september 26 1945 200 per annum 5c a copy rehabilitation council plans action on housing problem a meeting was held in the municipal building oast monday evening when georgetown rehabilitation council met with a number of citizens inter ested in the housing of our returned servicemen and women also present were some servicemen who were them selves personally anxious to secure accommodation th centered around the pos sibilities of building homes and the immediate necessity of securing ac commodation until such time as per- t houses may he built the usness of the situation was rea lized toy those present but the diffi cult problem is to find the solution the building of homes has been held isp for a number of reasons the main one being the lack of material and labour despite priorities ftor exser vicemen the government scheme calls for a mmlrpit at fifty nouses to be built at one time at the moment it is impossible to get oils number of names as only a small proportion of ttiose who may require homes have returned in view of the fact that even wore it possible to build the houses could not be ready for occupancy until wen into 1646 the urgency of temporary abetter was seen by those present it was felt co project could be attempt ed until it was found who and how many required such accommodation in order to ascertain this all returned men are requested to register their remnrements with the rehabilitation council at their office in the munid pal building at the urnes stated in the advertisement which appears else where in this paper it is hoped that all returned men will do this immedi ately and cooperate la tne work be ing done notice re voting on sewage as the 1m5 voters lists will not be ready until after the assess ment itolt is completed it will be necessary to use the 1944 revised list consequently the names of those who have purchased property in 145 will not appear on the list only those who appear on the 1944 list as owners are entitled to vote fobo cudden wedding in united church georgetown united church was the setting for the wedding last saturday of joan claudia cudden eldest daugh ter of mr horace cudden and th late mrs cudden of georgetown and gnr arthur ford of acton son of mr george ford and the late mrs ford formerly of acton the groom has recently returned from four years service overseas with the artillery the bride wore wiite satin and lace with a bouquet of red roses her at tendant miss madeline sanford of toronto was in pink net over taffeta with a bouquet of pink roses and fern the groomsman was mr james ford of milton brother of the groom and rev r c todd was the officiating minister during the signing of the register miss lynda stewart played i love you truly following the ceremony a reception was held in the basement of the church and the couple left on a honey moon trip qjvis bui king tn the army since october 1940 qms- william king came home last saturday and was reunited with his lfe and daughters oall and betty mrs king is the former clarice mor ton of acton and has been working in the office of j b mackenzie son while her husband was overseas en listing in october 1940 qms king was on the staff of no 2 district de pot in toronto for some tune than left for overseas in april uma he was in north africa for three months later served with the ordnance corps in france holland belgium and ger many he is one of two sons of mrs clara king who have been overseas his brother pte k w jtasmr kmc being in holland at the present tune brotherinlaw harry ml1 la a sergeant tn the air form baseball review by don bbrlll last week end the georgetown pi- rates were defeated by a narrow mar gin by the acton juveniles of the o bjl ontario baseball assoc this makes games this year between these two teams 50 so as they tied the first game 6 fl and georgetown won the second 11 2 the score of the week end game was 14 13 allen a southpaw started for ac ton until lifted in me fourth in fsv vnur of fryer who had been playing centre held up to tinstime alien and v masters came up with most runs with three each for the pirates king mulr norton and hoare each came in with two mel spence did well pitching and alternated with don herrlngton in the fourth the line score was acton 14 runs from 13 bits and s errors georgetown 12 runs from 10 hits and 9 errors walkp spence 3 herrlngton 3 allen fi fryer 2 strlkeouts spence 5 herrlngton a allen 2 fryer 5 there will be a game between the pirates and milton this week end we invite you to come and see your boys play line ups were pirates king ci mulr 2b morton c hoarr 3b brydon ss dillon if rogers rt sargent rf long lb spence p herrlngton p acton coles if v masters 2b allen p 2b robinson lto fryer cf p l masters c kentner ss stew art 3b zuzac rf welcome home y served in france belgium and hol land and his group was atnung piohe which took in food supplies to dutch civilians during the 10day truce on the zuider zee prior to enlistment ljcpl winfleld was employed with william schenk ljs frank oca home on leave pending djacbarge leading seaman frank cleave is visit ing with his mother mrs xsobel cleave at their home on aftttab at he enlisted in the navy tn may 1mb took a radio technician coarse at ttw university of toronto and was first a member of use crew of m oam weyburn which was sank by enemy action in the mediterranean in feb ruary 1943 he later served on the frigate montreal and the tntneswee truro mostly engaged m antisubmar ine work his brother pte walker cleave is in the army at present stationed at barrtefleld pte robert connely i after nearly six years overseas with the hamilton light infantry pte boberl oonnely a former resident of georgetown returned home to can ada las wednesday bob was in the dieppe raid and was also on the con tinent after dday being wounded in holland and returned to england he had gone overseas with opl ed francis and had met him in england last june following his liberation from the german prison camp pte oon nely has a wife and child living in oakvule he plans to settle m to ronto after discharge knoxumehousc sunday school picnic a small but enthusiastic gathering attended the postponed sunday school picnic for the knox and llmehouse presbyterian churches at stanley park in firtn on saturday sept 2id with swimming out of the question slides swings and merrygorounds en- tertained the children until the races and the ball game race results were as follows age 7 and under marna mackenzie bert benton kay norton 10 and under louise webb david do me sandy mackenzie 12 and under boss norton louise webb barbara cromar j6 and under ross norton jimmy gordon barbara cromar girls open shirley wright doris mit chell barbara cromar boys open jimmy gordon ross norton david doble married ladles race mrs har vey norton mrs campbell sinclair mrs art benton david doble pitched his team to a brilliant 147 victory over nell bentons outfit game call ed in the fourth on account of sup per the sandwich supper was served by the ladles of both congregations ajb ii star rookie of the toronto maple leafs in their stanley cup victory in 1942 a b bob ooldham is home on 55 day leave after which he win receive his discharge from the navy he will leave lor preseason training with the maple leafs at owen sound next month son of mr and mrs harry ooldham he joined navy in july 1943 afttr his first ng year in profeeeional hockey and has been stationed fcr mow ume at oo- wallls ms m a phyueal instructor form again this wtottt and will be following his career with interest wk war ieorgetown organizes for national clothing collection sjsgft clifton w moreun s8gt cnfton w uoreton served five years in the world 1 tn the- royal ifistwiiwa and a the preasat war tor nearly six years returned to ms home in norval recent ly ha was met tn toronto by bis wile and son spr herb moreton of the roe who is stationed at the present time at petawawa ssgt moreton enlisted with the lome scots in the early part of sep tember 1r30 trained at brampton and went overseas in january 1940 he spent his entire time overseas ta england with the inf base depot moreton was with his unit during the liverpool blitz he will spend his thirty days leave at his home in nor val after which he expects to receive his discharge he will then resume his duties at the p g early chopping mill where he was employed for a con siderable time prior to enlisting with the present wax sjsgt moreton has bwln brothers troopers jack and pat moreton who are serving at the present time with the desert rats in qenmany sbgt moreton wa honored when a number of relative and menda ta- and the weather by h l hutt last friday was our equinox when the sun crosses the equator and gives us day and night of equal length from now on to the 21st of december the days will grow shorter and the nights longer tike weather at this time of the year keeps one guessing what is to come next hut we usually have gales of high winds and got tthem all right but they natre mere zephyrs compared with what they had in florida and japan where many uvea were lost and mllnnna of dollars damage done we try to take things in t here but got our full share of rain last week and are still getting it hero are the figures dale h and l bain- temp- fall tuesk sept 16 55 40 l80t wed sept 19 68 thurs sept 20 70 53 fri sept 21 67 54 sat sept 22 30 3mx sept 23 80 45 mon sept 24 78 5t j08 last friday night in the municipal building a public meeting called by mayor cleave was held to lay plans the local clothing collection next month in conjunction with the nation al collection for relief in allied coun tries raph ross was chosen as chair man with mrs harold cleave vice- chairman and a committee composed of ven w g o thompson rev o c cochrane mrs r t paul and mrs s groat the campaign opens on october is and the people of georgetown ar asked to contribute such serviceable used winter and summer clothing as cam be spared washable garments should be washed and other garments should he clean and sanitary among clothing being collected ar suits odd coats and trousers skirts womens dresses overcoats jacke footwear fastened firmly in pairs blankets shawls in fact any wearable article of mens womens and chotft- rens clothing further notice wdz appear in the herald next week re garding collection t umehouse mrs campbell and mrs crawshaw have been visiting mrs r lane mrs herbert orr and miss lois orr and mr van zant of manltoulin is land are visiting the merediths and nobles we are pleased to report that mrs klrkptrtck was well enough to re turn home from guelph general hos pital on thursday mr harold ton scratch had the misfortune to break a bone in bis ankle while at work at the alliance min on friday the sunday school picnic was held at stanley park erin on saturday although the attendance was small a splendid time was spent ending with the picnic supper served in the hall mrs f c chapman of bradford pa galled en friends in the village on pipe band holds successful canival in arena last friday night a gala musical carnival sponsored by the girls pipe band was held in the arena guest artists for the night boys band under the leadership of mr charles mason the carnival was the first of two to be held by the musical groups and the pipe band wil reciprocate by playing at a concert in acton on october 23rd mr dave robertson of toronto was master of ceremonies for a variety program featuring jimmy pax a comedian known to young and old tn the district mr fax has reached the grand qld age of 91 and is still going strong as a comic entertainer other entertainment included vocal solos by sam glsby and lieut russell flre- stine a tap dance by dolores herring- ten and a sword dance by two mem bers of the band sgt mary cummins and opl grace beerman a number of booths were operated and lapcard bingo was a feature of the evening dancing was enjoyed in the rose room to music provided by doris hulls orchestra winner of the lucky number door prise of a ton of coal was ticket no 113 and the winner may claim this by notifying mr e r magloughlen the band would like to thank all those who pat ronised the carnival and the friends who operated the booths a good sum of money was raised and this win be used to provide transportation for the band id outoftown enaaghiiaut f sgt lawrence beaumont officially presumed dead the sad news was received by his parents mr and mrs william beau mont last week that their son flight sergeant lawrence herbert beaumont was officially presumed dead he was flist reported missing in action c germany last february 3rd born in olen williams he attended public school there and enlisted at the age of 17 while a student at george town high school he trained at to ronto trenton prince albert rivers iia wuwv man fwhere he received his wings the acton sun pej st john que jarvls and paulson man prior to going overseas his elder brother richard also served in the air force as a sergeant was discharged s time ago and is now working in to ronto besides these he is survived by two other brothers and three sisters jack jean harpln edith and isabel to his sorrowing family the herald fx lends deep sympathy in their of a son and brother marion kntkwood back home after kidnap scars when marion klrkwood aged years disappeared while playing on a back street after being seen getting in a marooncolored car with a man who drove tovard highway 27 her par ents mr and mrs donald kirfcwood of erin village feared their child had been kidnapped however she was found about an hour later by a passing motorist at lie town line and highway 27 arid was brought home it is thought now hat the man who picked the little girl up was intoxicated marlon is the granddaughter ol mr and mrs wm klrkwood main street georgetown lcpl clarence wtnfleu lcpi clarence winfleld of olen williams was among a group of du- trlct men who returned last satur day after crossing from england on the pasteur enlisting on july 1 1940 l opl winfleld went overseas in june 1941 with the 1st armoured brigade of the rcasc and participated in the invasion of sicily and italy he later friday qtoiwtown gathered at his home fn one hundred and seven pupua asrj norval to hold a welcome home re- well as their teachers and a few of ceptlon mr j morgason acted a the parents were present from adjoin chairman for the evening and after ing school sections at s 8 no s to his oxjentng address the guest pf see the first showing in this district honor was presented with many ctfta the evening was spent with dancing and other livingroom amusements and a buffet luncheon was served 8- sgt moreton thanked the large num ber of guests for r him at this time and expressed his pleasure at being back with his old friends and relatives again storey gloye president dies suddenly in acton for several years president and pro duction manager of the storey qlove company in acton william arnold passed away suddenly after a stroke at his home on saturday september 15th he was in his 64th year a son of the late h t arnold he was born in olen williams and went to acton with the family when hla fa ther established a glove factory there for several years he resided in oeor getown returning to acton thirty years ago he had since taken nn active part in community life and ser ved as a member of acton council for several years besides his wife who was before marriage eleanor a langan he is survived by three brothers and two sisters roy r of acton oeorge and e l jock and mrs gilbert mc- nlool of georgetown and mrs oeorge c brown of norval the funeral was held on tuesday afternoon with service at the home orduofd by rev forbes thomson interment was made in fairvlew cemetery acton pallbearers were frank mcintosh neil mcnabb her bert ritchie r speilvogel e marso ind gordon currte t j bhownrtdgpb tamworths win at stratford show a local prisewinner at stratford fau fair last week was t j brown- ridge of r r 2 georgetown mr brownridp won 14 prizes on ten en tries in the swine class including senior and grand champion sow a picture of his prize sow and her five- dayold utter of eight piglets appear ed in wednesdays issue of the strat ford beacon hera id besides being an enthusiastic exhi bitor at the fall fairs showing swine cattle and vegetables t j is a di rector of his own local fan- board the eaqueslnc agricultural society opening fau meeting of the lode the first meeting held this fall by the countess of strathmore chapter i ox e was held in the legion hall on monday sept nth in the ab sence o the regent the chair was filled by mrs wallace thompson guest speaker of the evening was mr stanley of the canadinn national institute of the btrrrdt- who spoke of the work of the blind in the county and the rehabilitation of blind war velerans he also thanked the i o de for taking charge of the tag day j in georgetown two new members were welcomed into the chapter at mondays meeting mrs ray salter and mrs rodgers miss ann hlckey was appointed war services convenor for the balance of the year replacing mrs c rue who has letfl town during the summer months mem bers made up 30 childrens dresses for british children ten personal comfort bags and ten nursery bags were also filled for british civilians 5000 netted from the draw on the oil paint- intt drawn for at the fair a bridge party was planned for the early part of october a letter thanks was read from the crow of the adopted minesweeper thankjlng the chapter for comforts received the hostesses for the evening were misses mirjory oault and ann hlckey and mrs o mccallum united church s s rally beginning a crusade for christ and of the national film board pictures sponsored by the halton federation of agriculture the children seem have gleaned considerable knowledge from toe reels and to have friends with mr heatheiington the operator in tha srantnj umc two fttms shown for adults wnlch aroused considerable was served at the close the wj sponsored a bacaar and af- smith temoon tea at mrs harvey nortons on thursday many useful articles were sold needless to say the homemade baking did not last long an apron raffled by mrs klrkpatrick was won oy mrs smethurst the ladles were x well pleased with the success of tae adalr that they began planning for iinother later on sportlite b tie the series by de feating hnttonrflle 5 s an saturday sept by j stamp businessmen came through wttft their first win at the season by 4fr- featlng the strong huttonville gkob by- a score of 5 3 in the second cmm of their semifinal playoffs jack kemshead allowed more bh than the haittorrvule pitcher btri couple of bad errors by the hutton ville club gave the ausinesstnea thf edge on the game f steve hatpin hit atla 1000 pace fcr the victors getting 3 hits for as man times to bat to be complicated ha amassed 4267 of the total hits mad by his team leslie pitched good ball for the huttonville cuh but his mates dldwi come trough with the backing up needed to win any ban game 0q next saturday sept 3 win these same teams in action once again or the final and deciding game of th semifinals winners to meet smits v stone in a 3 out of 5 series for tbff district championship weve got to make haste and gf these games pjayed or the snow wu be aflyhv and well be running ttw bases up to our knees in snow vittt a five foot snowdrift where each baa should be perhaps a little far-fetcc- ed but just the same its going to bw near the sod of october before usv last game big seven batters ab hits social and personal dr and mir a mcallister attended the meeting of district no 5 of the ontario medical association held in brampton last wednesday martha e isley rn of guelph is spending this week at the home of her paren ts before leaving for leaming ton where she has been accepted on the staff of the rotary hopewell hos pital 3h mrs harry hawkins and daughter helen of markdaler were visitors over the week end with mr and mrs mark clank mrs wm t sinclair and mrs cam sinclair visited in orangeville one day last week with mrs sadie thomp son mrs thompson is recuperating from a severe scald suffered when a teakettle of boiling water overturned on her foot mr and mrs norman wright and mrs elizabeth brownson of chicago 111 have been visiting with mrs george walters and other relatives and friends in the district miss jean mackenzie recently dis charged from the rcaf is taking a trip to the west coast mr and mrs c d nevffl of vic toria bc were guests for the week end at the rectory with ven and mrs w g hjs kingdom tn georgetown church sunday school special ser vices were held last sunday morning i mrs t l lslle and miss ellaabeth in the chimji musical selections by usie bailing in colorado springs the junior choir and the beataww i capt and j j on sunday lawrence james larry the junior choir and the beginners and primary class and musk by the sunday schoot orchestra were includ ed in the service- guest speaker was mr charles e scager advertising manage of the right house hamil- known as the man who ton the chalk talk at the evening ser vice charles wlllson and jack arm strong played a cornet duet prucyv infant son of mr and mrs i joseph prucyk of georgetown was christened in st josephs church ac ton rev ft v j morgan perform ed the ceremony and godparents were miss eleanor treanor and mr nfl gibbons of acton stone ritchie huttonville leslie huttonvlue mcmurchy smith stone chaplin huttonville nixon milan ce mcnally k smith 6c stone- spires pxp 13 4sk playoff standing smith st stone 8 alliance 9 smith stone 14 alliance 4 3 s win round 20 huttonville 10 businessmen f 4 huttonville 3 businessmen b series tied one game eftch lacboss i have some bantam and midget la crosse news this week i iiuiksatsihl that the young boys of norval ar playing against the st johns school from toronto game on wednesday sept 26th tonight in norval try and make a date to see this game and give the youngsters a hand they 4s- serve itl thats all js yet guards in georgetown 60 members of the 60th coy veteran guard of canada to ronto under the command of major e m watts spent the week end in georgetown arriving late saturday afternoon they set up camp m ths rmouries at 848 pjn led by tbetr pipe oand they held a march past on main street taking the aahita m the steps of the municipal buqdtog were ltool o b s oousene mayor harold cleave reeve k r macdon- ald and sergeantmajor wrn carney a picket was posted on the fodr cor ners and the mayor addraned a few words of welcome to ttie visi sunday morning manoeuvres nivu hfld in the slewarttown district and the company left town in the after noon

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