the georgetown herald wednesday october 3 1945 tells about georgetown fair on the air jack mcpherson cbc farm broad- easier clave imprilona of fair over cbl for those in the district who were not fortunate enough to hear the cec farm broadcast on which com mentator jack ktcphcrson gave hls impression aftei spending the day at qtxjrgeloft n fall fair we publish the text ot hla remarks as wn mentioned yesterday i took the oppounlty last saturday ol at- rndlng tne georgetown fair to which nad been imited some two months ago i must say that i spent a most pi asant day at the lair and it was a very successful event oi course the weatherman cooperated beautifully and that is one of the most important factors for having a good fair then too the fair grounds are well laid out and they were in good shape as a matter of fact one director made the claim to me that they had one oj the best half mile tracks in western on tario and i am inclined to agree with him after looking at the track and watching some of the harness races which were featured during the artcmoon however i suppose i had better get away from racing and back to things agricultural there were quite a good number or entries in the various catue classes as well as for sheep and hogs i didnt watch the judging too closely of these jack mcphefson ijcm band too tne oaotvetownomt pipe band the people of that omk- munlty certainly have a group bf to be proud of it may ht sen mf scotch ancestry that caused it but x dont think i have heard 4mn at a fair that wo better to listen to and i suppose i should be fair and add that have seen few if any that wotv bctur to look at in closing my com its on this georgetown fair i should juit like to say that i think it was a fine example of good organi zation of those in charge a suocen- fill fair just as is the case with any other event isnt something that hap pens of its own accord it takm planning and work i would guoai that the board of directors under their able young president craig reld had put in plenty of work to have such a successful event for the immediate attention of farmers fishermen guides tourist outfitters who have been using marked gasoline v 1 2 3 4 on and after october 1 1943 gasoline will no longer be marked or special uses marking of gasoline for special uses ander the jurisdiction of the oil controller for canada having been discontinued the tax exemption purchase permit system is thereby ended farmers fishermen guides and tourist outfitters will be entitled to claim refund of the provincial gasoline tax where applicable claims accompanied by receipted invoices must be submitted to the gasoline tax branch department of highways parliament buildings toronto within six months from date of payment of invoices a simplified method of assuring prompt payment of refunds eliminating affidavits for each claim has been worked out as there is no rationing of gasoline in canada marked gasoline under the jurisdiction of the oil controller for canada has been eliminated thereby ending tht tax exemption purclnse permit system to meet the desire of evcrvone to be relieved of wartime restrictions the provincial government has developed a new s stem as free from controls and difficulties as possible a simplified refund form has been prepared which eliminates the necessit of an affidavit being laken for each refund claim this form ma be obtained on application to the gasoline tax branch department of highways toronto ontario the ending of marked gasoline sale removes difficulties made necessary by this wartime control complaints were made that marked gasoline was detrimental to the equipment in which it was being used records and reports necessary under the marked gasoline system will no longer be required t extra storage facilities will be unnecessary for the separate storage of graded and marked gasoltne with consequent saving to the consumer gasoline tax branch department of highways province of ontario geo h doucet1 mmlikr hlghwort j h robinson cm lniftoo oat o i in tai animals but i old look them over ear lier in thetlay anci there were some mighty nice looking beasts there there were also quite good entries in the heavj horse classes there were realli bome excellent horses there in the lighter classes including the carriage horses roadsters and the hackney ponies i should not overlook the shetlands either and one i or two youngsters were obviously get- ting a terrific kick out ox showing their domes speaking of the youngsters reminds me of the school display this waa set up in the hall where the fruits and vegetables as well as various handi craft exhibits were placed there were entries from i believe 10 rural schools in ebquestng township as well as the entries from the school in georgetown started with grade 1 and went right up to grade 8 there were all different kinds of things shown by the children including some excellent metal wok plaques wax work maps and pictures and flour and salt re lief work i guess maybe i should ex plain thes latter two a bit more par ticularly if they are as unfamiliar to you as they mere to me when i first saw them for the wax work an they dip a cardboard or some other stiff material into hot paraffin wax and thus coat it then they cover the wax with some colouring material such as ink then when they want to make a picture they scrape the ink off in the proper places and leave a silhouette effect which is quite nice in flou- and salt relief work they made a paste out of the flour and salt and then place it on a backing o cardboard or some other similar ma terial if they were making say i relief map of north america they would have the outline on the card- board first thtn using this base they would cover the map building up the mountains and all that sort of thing then they would use inks or water colours to colour various portions and when they are done they have a very good relief mas another school display which i must not forget was the victory garden dis play one group had a very smart idea in setting up their exhibit they built a large horn out of stiff paper which they marked the horn of peace and plenty this was set up in auch a manner that it appeared as if all of th rood stuffs which had been grown in their gardens were pouring out of this horn actually other exhibits of fruits and vegetables fthlch would ordinarily take up a good part of the hall were in the minority this year because of the bad season and had it not been for the schoo exhibits that hall would have looked rather bare however there was one other exhi bit in the hall which bears mention and that is the handicraft exhibit the women of georgetown have cr- gini7ed a handicraft society which be- fnm i believe three years ago when some of the tvomen decided they would like to do a bit of spinning and weav ing as a hobby then the group branched into other fields with one of the women doing a great deal of work with tln seashclls from which she builds nil orts of things including small pictures and various tvpes of costume jewcllerv going back to the spinning and weaving which is really the mainstay of the society as yet thej have developed some erj novel ideas when looking over some of the special classes which were exhibited noticed one very smart looking mans eater if was a pullover but i couldn t figure out what in the world it was made of ill enture that few 11 any of the listeners could have- either i found out though when stopped to read a card that went with it that it was made from the hair or wool whichever you wish to call it which had been clipped from an eng lish shepherd dog you know those fellows wih the great long hairy coats which look unlike the sheep appar ently owners hnd considered the dog was too hot in the summer anyway so the clipped took the hair and spun it into wool which was used to make the sweater i have ieard a good deal in the last lew jears of the posmbllltj of synthetic fabrics placing or at least competing with wool for popularity bit this is the first time i hne heard of a dog that cdm- noted wl m tht jieep in producing material lor mnklrg human clothing one other item which added to- the rnjojraent or the fairwas the band nmch was in attendance and its a good eyesight is your duty to your countty as well as to your employer or to yourself classes if needed correctly fitted enable you to do your best for community family or self be as efficient as you can by seeing tfce best you can i 0 t walker r0 kyk8kghi spboiaust mk fltm tfeoflka m tto am tetavbom oo mmn at ovxxmm fee faoood weddesdftr of each monlfe or jpoa may eoamlfc o t wdktr l bis ados in bmoptaa oeosketown 91 brampton 8s0 the pick of tobacco it does taste good in a pipe foot ailment treated miss allan this winter get easier starting extra protection