the georgetown herald wednea october 17 1945 tea have you had your motor tuned for cold weather starting your cooling system made ready for antifreeze see us first pattersons garage no 7 highway sowcmfc mb thousand kopu nuts with thp first month of film show lnga sponsored by halton federation of agriculture in oooperatlon with the natioial film board completed the fieldman reports that some three thousand people attended the meet ings in the pleldman s opinion the alms shown to 4e school children left in their minds information otherwise i nobloinable except by travelling which is possible for only a small per centage or our people the interest arid enthusiasm shown by all of the children demonstrated a renewed in terest in bchool life in eery group the children were very keen and eager to respond to questions oh the alios asked immediately after each showing the correct answers proved they had followed tiie pictures closely a large number of schools ore carrying on pro jects etc which is most desirous in order to obtain the real value of the new venture in summing up the suggestions of the teachers on future ainu health agriculture and social studies predom inate it is quite obvious from the dis cussion periods held at each evening meeting of the adults and also from personal contact that halton farmers agree that a sanely planned policy of reforestation is desirous our people seemed shocked at the enormous waste both by fire and man of canada s vast timber wroth the film north west bv air show lng thi development of the nortli west te rltory by the stau created vrry intciesung discussion as to who houlcl oontln i the development of our northern oil mil d timber wealth tht state private in dlvld i lis or corporations the ma joiity favoured tie stitc mas tf thasl undecided favoured tin st tu if hty had assurance of a carefully planned policy of economy home to the land 11m outlining the veterans land aot proved to bt of outstanding interest to our halton farmers the unanimous opinion of all groups being that 6 000 dollars was inadequate to settle a soldier on a 100 acre or larger farm also that after an environment of efficiency and mechanism for three four or five years the soldier should bt equipped for fartn ife in a like manner and his farm stocked with the type of stock recommended to other farmers by the dept of agriculture in order for him to be interested and happy our people also feel that all the nations resources exercised to win the war should be utilized to bold tha peace provision for emergency or cash capital seems to have been overlooked axo the soldier equity over and above the 6 000 dollars whether his own or loaned to him by a relative or friend should be protected laying flocks pmfehqk fsfoz pioneer bigs laying mash r mash here fatiitr and son banqujet one wbkk a wat tickets are selling fast for the fa ther 3c son banquet which will be held on plday october 26th in the oddfellows hall and those interested in attending are urged to secure their tickets immediately before they are sold out adult admission tickets bave been limi ed to 150 as children are to be admitted tree and due te accommodation arrangements can only be made or 300 tickets are on sale from any member of the committee at the herald office or at any of tht three drug stores in town the banquet is planned by a tern porary committee of citizens inter ested in fostering athletics hi town and district during the evening a permanent committee will be chosen to function for the coming year and it is the hope that a full time sports director can be hired to superintend all forms of organized athletics town it is rumoured that tiie pro vincial government will pay part of che salary of such on official and definite advice on this is being sought bob ooldbam back with the maple leafs after service with the navy is bringing along two or three of hla team mates from the leafs to the af fair and rev j l self of norval will also attend and tell the gathering about lhe formation and aim of a similar group which has been func tioning in norval the rebefcahs are ca ering for light refreshments and all in all it looks like a gala evening lor young and old ticket purchasers are asked to bring their sons or xt they have no family to bring along mother kiddie who would like to meet some of the maple leafs in person clearing auctloix sale advantages 1 mora palatable greater feed consumption 3 increased egg production 4 less deterioration in feed quality lower mortality pioneert brydons mill georgeto wn there were two skulls m a museum card op thanks the heck are we i would like to thank beaumont parcel fund and the soldiers ooss second skull if you had any forts committee for parcels loasaft brains youd know by me overseas pte herb bqobmml farm stock and implements the undersigned has been instruct- d by john r scott to sell by auction at lot 23 6th line esqueslrrg on tuesday october mrd 1945 at 100 o clock horses percheron horse 7 yrs blhck horie 7 yrs grey horse ft yrs grey mare 10 yrs cattle black heifer due time of saie jersey heifer due time of sale jersey heifer due time of sale black cow 6 d bred march 18th grade shorthorn cow 7 yrs bred june 24th gtade shorthorn cow 6 yrs bred june 3rd grade shorthorn cow 4 yrs bred june 19th jersey cow 8 yrs bred july 34th reg shorthorn bull 3 yrs dual purpose 5 yearling steers 4 yearling heifers 8 spring calves implements massey harris 7 ft cut binder new massey harris 13 hoe drill nearly new oockshutt spring tooth cultivator nearly new deering mower 5 ft cut peter hamll ton horse rake massey harris hay tedder steel roller 3 drums proet wood cultivator tudhope anderson manure spreader 4 section heavy har tows rubber tired wagon 3 wagons single furrow riding plow 4 walking plows massey harris 14 plate disc set sloop sleighs good as new 2 hay racks 3 wagon boxes stock rack golf wagon wagon scales chatham fanning mill turnip drill 2 scufflers root pulper deilftval cream separa tor in good shape 2 sugar kettles chicken feeders and iountalns pig crate 2 cradles ox yoke 23 ft lad der bag truck cedar posts hay knife wheelbarrow gram bags and uicks milk palls and strainer forks shovels chains and whifneirees and other small articles peed fowl and harness quantity of hav qnantlt of straw to be fed on farm 2 set of heavy team harness 5 horse collars goose and gander no resene as the farm has been sold nothing to be moved until settled for a good industry to be with fred moenery clerk phank petoh effective protection id the natural tuuuf why dont ducks get water logged everybody j knows that nature has provided them with effective protection unique waterrepellant oils impregnating their down and feathers effective protection is the keynote to satis faction in brantford roofing too dependable against the elementstfireresistant durable and attractive brantford roofing serves countless thousands of canadian homes whether you are reroofing an old home of building a new one whether yours is a cottage or a castle its charm and smartness will ba vastly enhanced by the harmonious tasteful designs offered by brantford roofing its easy apply it reasonable in cost and k will mft cbfi waffp or split brantford roofs tfontford roofing company ussim brantford wsrsssvey the ieorgetown lumber co ltd