Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 21, 1945, p. 3

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english servkt paper praises work of canadas chintkes h are tnrtsmwi to mr john l fea aanicas newspamr of south atexrjand the article baaft- a canada ctotaitbae dm a orand wnitd in the angoa ath inoe tu printed in calcutta j the local men who participated a ttework besides her husband were bas broonihead witt bono jack fjnrrft and tony mason a picture f be ltterappearb m a group i hi connection with the ar- tfcfej canadas contribution to the war in htm air 1 second only to that of qkeat bat oompatmttreh utue mttt baa been awarded the dcmta loo fljwb as canadians many of tn haw served stnoe the beginning a awhb of rap unite and rob headlines have as a nfle been con fined to the two big ajr broee 4he rap and the dbaajp bow many people know of the signal contribution which the two canadian squadrons setting with combat cargo task force made tow aids the reoonqtleet of burmat this 1b the story of one of these squadrons the fffrtnthfl squadron it ranks with the finest stories in the records of transport command since last november the obinthe squadron has followed the 14th army all the way from pinlabu near ksulin to uagwe they flew by day and by night sometimes with fighter escort sometimes without they flew under high pressure end they never baulked at flying overtime farm improvement loans under the farm improvement loans act a farmer may oow borrow on sptcial terms to buy agricultural implements livestock or a farm electric system and for fencing drainage repairs to buildings or other farm improvements this bank is fully equipped to mike loans to farmers under the provisions of this act consult the manager of our nearest branch the canadian bank of commerce owiim bwk o w mdjntock bunaier the georgetown herald wedneaday novmnktf 21st 1945 caw saapart fire and on the last run one of hto the me dakotas often unloaded their euppum and ware airborne again witiuh 10 minutes of touching efeure lighter squadrons per sonnel and equipment were moved up to close support aerodromes in a single days hard work the cbmthes dropped in d za do bigger than geranium pots and on more than one occasion their drop ping circuit took them right over the jap lines they landed at airfields which were under are at other air fields constantly changing pontiff but the chlnthe squadron brought its cargo through and lts cas ualties back without a single loss the squadron files contain many letters of tn from grateful commanders of the 14th army the squadron originnlly came out to india in september 1844 under the command of wing commander t harnett special attention was paid j6 paratrooplng exercises and many guessed that they were being groom ed for some big do perhaps even for an airborne operation against han goon tough job on frontier when the american squadrons ber ing the 14th army were called in an emergency last november to support the crumbling chinese defences the chinthe squadron immediately moved to the burmese frontier by flying their aircraft 24 hours out of 36 they succeeded in moving the entire squad ron in a little more than one day it was 2300 hours when the last air craft arrived at the forward station i bringing with it the final remnants of i aircrew groundcrew and equipment by 1000hours the following morning the squadron was on ops they had no tents no beds no kitchen no maintenance equipment nothing personnel equipment was nowhere to be had a month after their arrival aircrew were still sleep rag on gunny sacks stretched between bamboo poles ground crews per formed their dj s with nothing more than screw-driver- and hammer gen erauy by the light of torches but the squadron put up one of the finest performance records in the command running consistently top or very near the top in percentage of serviceable aircraft and n hour f own per aircraft transport is not a soft job when the br tlsh fought their way into shncbo the ghuilht sq ladron detailed to flj mtpplits o a dropping zone near the town w u out escort in th circuit the big oakouis were suddenly pounced oi by several ztros when they broke off one dakota had been destroed anc c rlouilj dam aged had make a remarkable crash landing in a little jungle daartos a third not so badly damaged was limping home when the 14th army established its first tenuous bridgehead across the irranaddy the chlnthe squadron had the distinction of flying the first tran sport over the river in support of the bridgehead the bridgehead was so tiny that in order to bit the oz the pilot had to fly over the jap lines he made five circuits under fire and on the last run one of hto crew was brlouslp injured the pilot broke off sew the injured man back to a field hospital near shwebo then came back and dropped the remain lng quarter of his load the chlnthe squadron were prom lnent in the airborne operation tm tnvma whn bad against rangoon the troops participated m the operation trained with the two canadian port squadrons and asked that their old jumpmasters be allowed to ac company them on the final operation the chlnthe squadron supplied 20 and their sister squadron supplied 20 100 p o success the drop was 100 per cent accurate and not a single major casualty was suffered m a letter complimenting the participating units general downs c lnc paratroops stated that to his knowledge this was the first air borne operation of the war to oonu off 100 per cent tle chinthe squadron is still busy delivering the goods and has found time to develop amenities that are perhaps unsurpassed by any squad ron in the air force it has a news paper of its own a riding stable of 7 horses and 12 mules open to all a swimming pool that can vie with the best in india with a pier a floating dock and a diving tower among the trees that fringe the pool the squadron has set up a rest camp in which all ranks can spend 48 s at a cost of l rupee par day canadians are proud of the re cord of the chlnthe squadron and the 14th army will always be grate ful to it omar ffee 19c 35c a old dutch cleanses ioc ha wes wax t 4 f s javex bleach 4 i01viaie rf f a v o t peas rxo le maxwell hotmb coffee light bulbs auction sale of registered and grade holstein the undersigned has received in itrucflons from n j duckett to sell by p blic auction t lot 29 co 3 townsl ip or eequesing farm adjoins town of acton on saturlmi ofcmbfcil 24th 1945 at 1 pm h following rdg holsreins f r i blosom lady poslii w 1 iorf fr shei cd sept 0 tojij t x 1 beets due may 3 j wl betlh posch due march 16 tuba ia juli wir dai i d l mar 21 flossy bet s posch d e aug 12 b 11 rag a 1 1 hi tog captain young bull calf maughlln j h sir hei gtrveld 4 yearling heifers z heifer calves 1 bull calf grade cattle 1 ayrshire 5 years 1 holsteln 6 years 1 ayshlre heifer calf 1 red cow 6 years due jan 10 1 jersey cow a years old due feb 17 2 jersey heifers terms cash on day of sale boy hlnrxlet win bracken clerk w vacuum fack jam 4 15c quick qupfcar oais rka 7d v uuu white beans 1 mewvobt fluffs r j1fft poskidce 7 iilloccl ef junket t abuts swansdown flock n h tdm 476 f cbsam wheat x4c axe shredded wheat x no x3c h soup i colden tip tea r e caarouf own tea r c oua lasi tea ts 32c y ltr cornflakes l 5c p e i seed potatoes bag 3 50 place your order for next week size 288 valencia oranges size 300 lemons doz 33c doz 49c thank yon jack miner northward in the spring to the vast solitudes of the baffin land breeding grounds southward in the fall to louisiana the blue goose wings his way across the uncounted years he remains part of the bounty which nature has bestowed upon canada only because buch men as jack miner of kingsville ontario set up game sanctuaries and because wise game laws were devised to protect all migratory waterfowl against the tragedy of reckless slaughter the blue goose is part of the vast heritage of natural beauty of nature unspoiled to which every canadian falls heir and which each one of us must help to conserve this we can do only by improving our knowledge of what to do and when and how to do it it is with this in mind that the carhng conservation club has been organized to make knowledge available to all you can join this club today by writing to dept a 13 the carling breweries limited waterloo ontario you will receive authoritative and interesting lniorrnation on conservation as it becomes available and at no oost to yon clearing auction sale farm stock implements furntctre the undersigned have received in structions from john k smith to sell by public auction at lot 0 concession 8 township of trafalgar 1 miles south of hornby on seventh line on saturday december 1st 1s45 at 130 oclock the following horses percheron mare aged percheron gelding aged cattle 2 jersey cows in full flow bred aug 6 red durham cow in fub flow bred aug 28 jersey heifer bred to freshen in march 2 heifer calves 4 months old pigssow and 6 pigs impalements fordson tractor tractor disk 14 plate with weight boxes tractor 3 furrow plow oock shutt grain drill 10 hoe 2 furrow tractor plow mh grain binder 6 ft deering mower mc 5 ft steel land roller 3 drums set seed harrows xn- throw disc l pjl 13 tooth cultivator outthrow disc ecuffler mh 17 toottk cultivator garden seeder vlga cream separator 650 lbs set bent sleighs light wagon renfrew scales 2000 lba cutter gem fencer fanning mill oh drums barrel churn oak barrels pig troughs feed bins silo rods a quan tlty of good oak lumber 2 pieces of timber 24 ft long wagon tongues odd collars water fountains hay rack odd harness manure spreader j xx in extra good shape forks boat chains etc 40 tons mixed hay a quantity of pipe popwrrurb oak f room suite including table 6 chairs ohtna cabinet glass book case walnut cup board 2 jacobean chairs parlor table brass bed iron bed dressers wash stands wamut settee set 3 pieces kitchen tables 3 heatera coal or wood secretary roll top rug is x 18 mounted moose bead atrrerware and dishes num other small bona hold articles reserve as impropriator has anu fas farm and ia grrtnc up tmrmlnc rot j a ffdttarfc

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