Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 5, 1945, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wedne december 5 1945 thirteen lucky numbers for esquesing hunters in the recent fourday deer hunt in jesquelng itownshlp we were surpri sed to learn judging from reports of the number of animals shot that there was such a profusion of deer so close to georgetown as an example a hunting party of thirteen district farmers bagged eight deer within five miles o ftown and made it a lucky thirteen with the ad- dttkm of a red fox and four raocoon tlie hunters included george burt bob and bruce lindsay george hen derson cleave wuson jack lawson prank jack fred and newton bud- dell roy christian of orangevllle and britton currie and harvey randal of hamilton one buck had a horn spread of 28 inches to record the hunt for posterity mr w e nodwell secretary of the board of trade accompanied by the herau weatherman prof h l hutt jour neyed to ward ruddell s farm last week to photograph the animals hung up at the ruddell gate and we are hoping to have a copy of the picture m view in the herald window before this issue goes to press if we may inject a personal note the editor would like to thank mrs ruddell for her gnt of a grand venison steak which was much enjoyed for sunday dinner the marked increase of deer in es jruealng is no doubt due to tbe fact that they find this a much better feeding ground and free from the wolf packs of the north qsqueslng is the indian name for the land of tall pines unfortunately most of these have been cut off and all that re mains is here and there a fence of im mense pine stumps showing what they must have been ttie hardwood bush and thickets following the re moval of the pines make idpal shelter and feeding ground for the deer auction sale umehouse out week we regret the unintended omission of jack nobles name from the list of returned servicemen who received their membership cards at the mem orial hall opening jack was present to receive his own card another very enjoyable time was spent at umehouae manorial hall on friday evening when the hall board sponsored a euchre and dance winners at cards were mrs e mil ler and pte clifford mcdonald con solattons going to mrs e stafford and mr don parker mr sidney kirkpatrick won tfae special half way prize following sandwiches and cof fee the floor was cleared for dancing music was provided by helen mere ditb jack noble and the kams bro thers mr r- l davidson was floor manager tbe hall seems to be a popular place as it is booked for sev era friday evenings in december al ready the girls club at doris mitch ell s on tuesday evening and plans were made for a euchre and crokln- ote mr and mrs wright and miss shirley spent sunday with the wrights erin township mrs r movey and david have gone to live in toronto where mr mcvey is employed with canada packers we will miss them in our community mrs gisby and mrs dan mcdonald and children spent the weekend in toronto quite a number of deer hunters were seen passing through the village last week bill shelboume was lucky enough to bring one home too the undersigned has recetred in structions from walter ftdleb to sell by public auction at his farm lot 9 con 6 west chlnguaeoqay one mile south of norval on tuesday december 11th ims at 1 pm the following horses black gp mare with white markings 7 yrs black op mare with white markings 13 yra bred to black hackney stall spartans mac- congratulations to mr and mrs fred brooks on the arrival of their second son on sunday november 25 th mr and mrs james noble spent the weekend in toronto miss winnifred ivens of toronto and mr and mrs bill newton of bar rie spent the week end wili the new tons the girls lookout club sponsored a euchre and crokinoli in llmehousc memorial hall on friday evening winners at cards were mrs jamis noble and mrs s wright consola ions going to mrs e miller and mrs fred brown mr jno newton was highest scorer at crokinole the girh served hot dogs and coffee for lunch rev c l wood ba bd of india was guest preacher at lime house presbyterian church on sun day beth oattle fully accredited and vac cinated reg holsteln heifer rock- fort rag apple topsy 16 mos reg holsteln heifer rockfort rag apple clenls 1 mos reg holsteln heifer rockfort rag apple ramon 15 mm reg holsteln heifer rockfort reg apple brenda 16 mos reg holstem heifer rockfort rag apple lady 16 mos reg holsteln hatfef treasure valley princess 1 mos reg bol- ptem heifer treasurer vadey sylvia u tnos grade guernsey cow due june 11 4 grade hotateta heifwa 14 mos grade holsteln heifer 8 grade holsteln calf 5 mos 3 grade guernsey heifers 1 yr grade guem- sey beifer s mos grade calf 2 mos poultry 360 lb x nh red hy brld pullets laying 60 660 nh j us white hybrid pullets laying 60 360 white leghorn pudets laying 60 poultry eequipment 3 brood er bouses 10 x 14 used 2 years cabin brooder house 11 x 13 in al condition 3 shelters 11 dual purpose feed troughs 6 ft 8 tin troughs spin tops on stands 5 ft number of gal water fountains about 3 do chick troughs 3 jamesway electric brooders 500 chick cap used 3 yrs 1 jamesway coal brooder 600 chid cap used 3 years 1 monarch coal brooder 500 chick cap useds yrs cumber of chicken crates eggcratea 8 egg scales egg candler spr tar nests and roosts new karnbbb set of op i mounted show harness complete with collars set of breeching farm har ness number of halters bridles and collars hay and grain 40 tons of mttsd hay quantity of cut straw approx sb ft of ensilage 1000 bus of mixed grain tmplemfflits massey harris un der 6 ft cut deerlng ideal mower oodcshutt 13 disc fertiliser drill lfe- gbnnlcfcdeertng corn binder inter national team scuffler matter harris steel wheel wagon eaton rubbertired show wagon set of sloop sleighs 4 section set of harrows lft mj hsrrls bay rake hay tedder eutttvmtar icassey harris quebec sulky riding mow new hay rack wmlkmg ptaer 4bckstmtt ftprttn mm complete with gereens set of scales kaaflags cart now fence forks you don t have to leave town to do your christmas shopping it pays to shop at home where quality and value are topsl hornby mra edward harris sister of mrs tamre bailey has been over from toronto hfirrfng with the care of mr jfan bailey for the past week or two the hornby united church young peoples union held its second meet ing in the parsonage on monday even ing november 36th with twelve young people present the following officers were elected president har old learmont vice president john stark secretary treasurer june nee- lands pianist carman oantekm as sistant wilma sinclair other- offices were left for later consideration meetings wll begin at 8 30 pan and will be held every other monday there is to be a membership fee of 35 cents a year the bethel united church held a bazaar in the basement of the church on thursday november 28th and although the weather was stormy and snow and ice made the roads slippery much of the material on hand was sold and about fifty dollars was real zed a splendid supper was served mrs skuoe of milton gave a very interesting reading of poetry some or which had been written by our own canadian poets not only were the poems read with considerable skill and understanding but mrs skuce bad known personally some of the people wose works she read it was i a real literary treat at the bethel young people s meet- 1 lng on friday evening last a new vice- president in the person of keith merry was elected betty hbey led in prayer and jack simpson read the scripture lesson rev earl eddy of oakville gave a talk on fellowship go ing back to the early church for some illustrative material among other things he told of the value of the summer and winter schools of the church games and refreshments fol lowed attendance was good ashgrove former members of the hornby cro kinole club were emertalned at a pleasant social ccmng held fridaj eenint nocmber 30th i the home of mr and mrb c b dick under the auspices of one of the groups of fie wa progrejne ciokinole was en jojcd and the pnu wnmirs were mr wellington wllsoi aid mr howard wriggles worth miss btltj ruddell and mr angus mcnabb who won the trip to chicago left on saturdj for thit city with winners from other counties in the i junior farmer con sts i mr w j blake of woodbridge was a sunday visitor at the home of mr and mrs frank wilson several from the community took advantage of lhe hunting season and report good results introducing guelphs newest store earls furs limited earls furs cordially invites the ladies of this community to visit their lovely new store and get acquainted fur coats fur chokers fur muffs fur trimmed coats untrimmed cloth coats suits every garment is sold under earls furs guarantee earls fur service for your fur coats and furs remodelling repairing cleaning storage all work done on the premises by our experts when in guelph visit earls furs 131 wyndham st fa r l furs guelph ont limited rf masto dalaraj ntfflty mbkmg mm art mil i wffl be tad wtttadeg m- they bite in winter too when canadians drop an expectant line through the ice they are practicing an art which the indian learned front the eskimo and they are also enjoying a prolific canadian asset th abundance oi fish which has been the keystone of our 149 000 000 tounst industry yet this great asset can be endangered by over fishing by pollution of the streqms through forest fires and most of all by nonobservance of conservation laws as a canadian citizen a share in this great store of natural wealth belongs to you and it is both your privilege and your responsibility to help protect ihis nch hentage carung s ueheve you can best help by knowing what should or can be done therefore carhngs have formed the carhng conservation club so that current authenbe conservation news may be made widely available join thi club today simply by writing to dept b13 the calling breweries limited waterloo ontario you will continue to receive factual information on the subject of covasbtyation as it becomes available witnvut cost to you

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