Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 23, 1946, p. 1

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is r l twf georgetown the georgetown herald january 23rd 1946 lions buy wheel chair for district crippled lad joan dobbie president f rosebud mission band illa vting carnival dance x planned next month 6 new members initiated cjeorgetown libns voted the sum ot 0 to buy a now wheel chair lor a torlppled lad in the hornby district at their dinner- meeting m the- mcqib- ban house oh monday venimr the case bad been brought to their atben- r hta- iff the coxinlff purse who assured the dob that thefca was deserving f plna for the skating carnl- wal on february 0th were discus sed and e mowblrter reported that strrangementa had been made tor tor onto professional talent to present a atfehy program another activity r discussed wae the holding of a district lions dance tn march and jack arm- art johnston and clarence tyfrnm will serve as a committee to arrange this he newmembers la the persona w k nodweu bob oaldweu art scott joe momwwtmy joseph gjb- faone and bay wsutmee were initiated and a member who had been on over- aeas service jack watson welcomed back ltool jos baflantlne was in charge of the jnrtfatioo b- by e mdwhlrter diok lloata art johnston i roy dale and hon chief clareacl tlaji bstz- i s the weather byh1 hutt we have just had trie coldest week of the winter so far for five days out ol seven the mercury dropped down fc to aero or below apparently it watted till we had a truthful mln to do it justice here are tlhe figures date h and l snow temp fall tues jan 15 14 0 wed jan 16 14 7 theirs jan 17 38 2 fri jan 18 27 u sat jan 9 9 1 sun jan 2 17 9 28 mon jan 21 20 11 400 charles laws and marjone harlow wed at knox church william main dies suddenly at murdoch street home it was a shock to his friends learn of the suddendeath of wlluam a main who passed away suddenly at his home on murdock street last wed nesday january ltfc he was bom in kemptville and re sided there until after hts marriage to the late florence i bauantine who gvedeceased him last april with his wife be moved to chicago illinois where for some time they were in bus- mess together later they were business in ortttia and in winnipeg where the greater part of their lives stent two daughters laura and margaret were born to them and both died in their childhood laura in or- flua and margaret in winnipeg fifteen years ago mr and mrs main moved to georgetown where they had since bved mr main is sur vived by a brother and two sisters in winnipeg and a sister in hamilton nd one daughter joan at borne the funeral service wae held from the home at 230 pan on friday jan uary 18th with interment in fee fam ily plot in gree cemetery rev r o todd conducted the service and raoss ruth evans accompanied at the piano by mrs arthur speight gave a beautiful rendition of peace perfect jyace there were many floral w- tjstes to a good and kind neighbour tor he was ever ready to help when help was needed flowers were from joan the neighbo mr and mrs norman snyder 4th and mh forms of georgetown high school united church sunday school teachers and officers of united church sunday school dr george mcmillan hamil ton brother and sisters in winnipeg mr and mrs k m langdon the dtibson family mr and mrs dick xjcata jim minnie and fred mr and mrs g mcmurohy the panbearers were george chap lin k m langdon alex mccalg dr george mcmillan j09ephgibborrsinul richard licata twilight and evening bell and after that the dark and may there be no sadness of farewell when i embark for tho from out our bourne of time and place the flood may bear me far i hope to see my pilot face to faoe when i have crossed the bar tennyson knox presbyterian church george town decorated with white mums yellow snapdragons and pink carna tions made a beautiful setting for the marriage last saturday january 19th marorie mae youngest daughter of mr and mrs h harlow and char les frederick laws youngest- son of mt and mrs f laws rev c c cochrane b d officiated at the oer- emonj given in marriage by her father the bride wore a floor length gown of white slipper satin with large inserts and sweetheart neckline her finger up veil was held by a halo of embroid ered net and she wore a single strand of pearls and carried a shower bou quet of red roses attending the bride was miss vio let louth wearing a floor length gown of alice blue corded satin and a shoulder length veil of blue net her bouquet was of white roses the groomsman was his brother mr victor tedder of toronto arid the ushers were mr h h harlow and mr g marsden of brampton during the signing of the register miss jean blair sang because accompanied at the organ by mr kenneth harrison a reception was held in the oddfel lows hall where fortyfive guests were received by the bridal couple and the parents of the bride and groom mrs-harlow- wore a french blue crepe dress with black accessories and a cor sage of talisman rosea the grooms moube- was gowned in figured silk ersey with blade accessories and a cor sage of pink roses later the bride donned a lime green wool crepe dress with brown accessor ies for travelling the grooms gift to the bride was a wrist watch to the bridesmaid a string of pearls and to the soloist a- choker guests were present from toronto woodstock ingersoll brampton st thomas colllngwood and lisle the rosebud mission band of the united church held their first meet log of the new year on monday jan uary 21st with 2fi memoers present joan ddbblef the new president open ed the meeting with a new years poem a wldewhlte gate- after the minutes were read mrs tyler reminded the children of their splendid glvings last year and urged them to keep up the good work for 1946 mrs a r speight took charge of the worship period and compared our lives the beginning of the year to a clean white- page until they were soiled ith selfishness anger bad words and unkind deeds this was followed by the story df the golden gloves sandra scott sang jesus loves me after which marjorie roe and sue orabtree took up the offering which was dedicated by joyce denim patsy wlllson gave a reading a hap py new year mrs wiuson continu ed the third chapter of our african story nyengas two villages plans were made for the valentine birthday party to be held in febru ary joan dobbie and sue orabtree were chosen as captains for a mem bership contest which will close m the next meeting feb 4th the los ing side will be responsible for the programme at the valentine party the officers for 1946 are as follows presidentjoan dobbie recording secretary mary mac- donald treasurer mrs frank tyler world friends secretary ross mcguvray shutin secretary sue orabtree temperance and peace secretary joyce denim membership secretary patsy will- son get ready committee bruce den im raymond mccartney pianist mrs c wlllson superintendent mrs local council of women hold annual meeting the annual meeting of the local council of women was held on friday january 18th at 3 pm in the muni- ipal building with twelve ladies pre- ent the mjnules of the last meeting and thet annual report of last year were rread and approved the treas- rirer reported a good balance of funds on band interesting reports from the- affilia ted societies were read showing good work accomplished every society had concentrated in sending j servicemen overseas miss lawsons report of the soldier-s- comforta committee was most grati fying as this would be the last re port from this splendid wartime or ganisation she took the opportunity ol thmrhng everyone for generous sup port of the work carried on for the past five years a year ago this month 310 boxes of jenny llnd choc war veteran killed in highway accident please note through an error the wrong date was given in last weeks esqueslng council writeup for the nomination meeting for a member of the school board of school area no 1 the meeting will be held on tues day january 29th at 1 00 p m in the township hall okttes were sent to the men and wo men overseas and this was just one of many shipments of candy and cigar ettes the report of the nominating com mittee was accepted mrs j b mac kenzie moved that 3 00 be sent to the princess alice fund the meet ing adjourned to meet next month at the home or mrs r t paul when a good program is being prepared and a social hour afterwards will be enjoyed 25th wedding anniversary speight halton junior farmer rally outstanding succk8s ashgrove the ashgrove y p v hell their christian citizenship meeting on sun day evening jan 20th at the home of jstarvey nurse mae wlngf le d was in charge clayton dick jr led in pray er the scripture was taken by elsie bird ismey sean favoured with a ptano solo mrs g wlngfleld gave a wry helpful address on cttlzenshky th meeting dosed with the mlzpah seventeen initiated into fastgrowing legion branch boosting the threemonth total of new legion members to 90 seventeen veterans of world war ii were ini tiated into branch 120 at a ceremony in the legion hall last friday night january 18th in charge of the ini tiation and act as sergeantat arm was t f grieve and deputy zone commander fred mccartney served as acting president with harry savings as past president herb harlow 1st vicepresident charles davis and henry preston standard bearers alex taylor charles parton and jas murphy who explained the legion emblem the flag and the poppy to the initiates president s p chapman spoke a few words of welcome to the new members and extended the privileges of fellowship in the branch to them following the ceremony wives and sweethearts were invited to a social arranged by sam tennant chairman of the entertainment committee t halton junior farmers to a number of between two and three hundred greeted major mblntyre hood at the milton high school auditorium friday evening jan nth major hood who it director of publicity for the ontario dept of agriculture also edits the junior parmer news official organ of the ontario junior farmer aevn in this connection it win be of interest to our readers to learn that miss ismey keen secretary of the halton junior farmers assn was selected by major hood as the on tario junior submitting the most in teresting articles on junior activities for the december issue major hood who was introduced by agrtultural representative j e wcntelock spoke first on the alms objectives and achievements of on tario junior farmers later the same speaker gave an illustrated address on a recent trip made to northern on tario other features of the evenings programme i vocal selections by miss blanche mcklnnon of the acton juniors and lnstrumentals by john bird of the norvaj group while claude mclaughlin also of norval ex tended the appreciation of the gather ing to major hood for his outstand ing addresses john y macnabb president of the halton junlrs was in charge of the meeting and in his opening address announced a series of lnterclub de- ba es to be held d iring the winter months the first debate will l ring together the acton and norval clubs at the milton high school on friday evening february 8th the evenings programme concluded with a short dance the music for which was supplied by the bennett orchestra a very happy time was spent at the home of mr and mrs arthur speight on sunday january 13th when they celebrated ebetrstk wedding anntver sary roses and mums decorated the din ing room where 25 relatives and friends sat down to evening dinner at a very pretty candle lit table centred with a silver and white wedding cake after the gifts were opened and the cards read mr speght on behalf of he and mrs speight expressed his appre elation for the lovely gifts and good wishes during uie evening solos were given by miss marjorie kentner miss betty speight and a duet by mrs a r van- natter and miss betty speight friends were present from toronto kitchener and hamilton bt georges vestry the annual vestry meeting of st georges church was held in the church basement on monday evening the rector archdeacon thompson in the chair the vestryman s declaration was signed by those present the mee ting was opened with the recitation of the creed and with prayers after the minutes of last vestry were read by mr wallace thompson vestry clerk the various reports were presented showing church finances in excellent condition the rector then spoke thanking officials and or ganizations for good service and ask ing their continued and increased support and cooperation he gave the vital statistics of the parish as bap tisms 21 confirmed 23 marriages by banns 2 by license 9 burials 7 mr thomas bason was then appoln- willis wuerch 24yearold war vet eran was instantly killed when toe car he was driving- plunged off the highway and overturned a mccul loughs copier early monday evening injured was ivan tkiesdell of toroo to who received leg lacerations tha owner of the car russell wilkhjsmv or toronto escaped oln jury au three were students at the toronto rehabi litation school the car was proceeding towaroa georgetown from acton and appar ently the driver thought he could not make the sharp curve and attempted to drive straight through on tfce stewarttown sideroad two district men ed sanford and lome norton arrived on the scene seconds after the accident dt o v williams was called to the scene but could do nothing for the victim of the fatality reports presented at the annual congregational meeting of knox pres byterian church held on monday ev ening january 21 showed that ttw work of the church had been generously supported than at any time in the past fifteen years au state ments were adopted as printed in tta annual report and most of them sho rted by the archdeacon as his church wed a marked increase during th knox church had 8uccbs9fui year ashgrove the ashgrove united church annual meeting was held thursday afternoon jan 10th and splendid reports were presented by all departments mr john bellboddy church treasurer re ported ttrat all accounts were paid and a substantial balance was on hand an additi of s new members was reported by the minister rev fred alnsworth despite unfavourable weather there was a good attendance at the crokin ole social held friday evening jan 18th under the auspices of the wa those with the highest scores wore mrs murray brigden mr clifford wrlgglesworth the january meeting of the wo men s institute took the form of quilting bee and was held at the home of mrs john ismond on tuesday af ternoon jan 15th after the three quilts were completed a social half hour was enjoyed over the tea tups warden and mr harry savings was tlectedpeoptes warden mr the parry was el convenor of sides men and mr and mrs wallace thom pson were reelected auditors mr harvey dewhurst was elected substitute for lay delegates it was decided to hold a special ev ening for the church of england re turned men after easter the property committee was re-el- ected with the addition of harvey dewhurst paul berber tom parry and reuben bason resolution of appreciation to the o and all organizations and the rector for their services during the past year was presented and carried with applause the rector then asked gods bless ing on the church and her work and closed the meeting wth the benedic tion refreshments were sewed by woman s auxiliary inifckjvildiate league welcome home m pie r f wnuans sh pte i since june 1944 pte ro- fjnct william returned home this week aboard the maurentanla williams joined the army m ber 1943 and halned at brentford i camp borden ootng overseas with the royal canadian regiment be was in england only ten days be fore proceeding to italy and he later moved wifhthe canadian troops to hfifferu and germany an employee cf provincial paper ltd be la mar- ded tflf th fuifner tlaatil baraes off d tbey bam two dough ten dorothy and kathleen b ther mrs betty williams uvea in to ronto more servicemen home returning home last week on the queen elizabeth were spr tom gol den and pte w j oration ofi geor getown and pte j d ttafleck of glen williams this week cfija jim dobbie l0pl j d booth and pte rf williams are among s returning aboard the mauretanla p w l t p orangevlile 5 4 10 8 acton 8 3 2 17 georgetown 5 3 2 0 6 elora 5 2 3 0 4 fergus 4 12 13 milton 5 14 0 2 games it week elora at orangevlile orange- vule won but score notjcoown jan ll -i- acton 3- milton 2 jan 16 fergus 8 geo 3 jan 21 milton 7 georgetown 6 orangevlile 10 fergus 8 jan 12 acton 8 elora 0 games thb week jan 24 georgetown at acton mflton at orangerflle jan 23 fergus at elora jan 26 fergus at milton orangevlile at acton feb 1 milton at georgetown i t iii r ll group chooses fiftyfifty club as name at the first 1946 meeting of the young married couples of georgetown unlttd church it was derided to call the group the fiftj fifty club a constitution was adopted having as a background the furthering o7 christ ian rela lonshlp and understanding throughout the church arm commun ity the meeting was held at the home of mr and mrs robert jones charles street on wednesday january 16th convenors in charge of the evening being mr and mrs jones and mr and mrs c s jeffrey the feature of esquesing native alexander cross dies in s7th year following an illness of ten days at cvuelph general hospital alexander cross passed away on sunday janu ary 20th born on the 4th line es- queslng 87 years ago he was the son of the late joseph and sophia cross raised on the farm he went to tor onto as a young man and took a posi tion with the masaeyharris co ltd where he was employed until his re tirement some fifteen years ago he had since made his home with lus niece mr and mrs gilbert english surviving is one son cedrlc of georgetown funeral services were held from moclures funeral home at 230 piti on tuesday january 22nd rev h lelghplnk and rev c c cochrane were the officiating clergy men and interment was in lime house cemetery the pallbearers were harry brown fred brown john dciireaus john murray alex hume md anus law son year irtttoe interest and activity of the respeottte organfasitions the wo men s missionary society and the wo mens association were highly com mended for their achievements and it was shown that ffieah6catlon for the budget of the church had been oversubscribed the young ladies auxiliary was congratulated on their very substantial report the following officers were elected managers james kennedy george henderson and eccles mbomre three year term budget treasurer miss janet mcdougall congregational treasurer cecil dobie auditorss j mackenzie and r b foulis steward mrs herbert harlow and miss jean martin record secretary samuel harrison in the chairmans address mr cochrane expressed his gratitude for the f auhfulness and encouragement accorded him by the members of tttt congregation during the year 1945 mentioning also bis appreciation for the good offices of the church organs 1st and the leader of praise ap riate motions of app were made by the meeting for the services given by the stewards the treasures the managers the auditors the sec retaries and the minister the congregation resolved to enter presbytery of biaj if such presbytery were to be foogaeda and motion was made to that effect after the motion to adjourn the ol dies served a deudoue light supper of tea sandwiches and cakes sid mackenzie hku6 st georges wa mr engagement morris fioxe of georgetown engagement of hu daughter leon joy les to mr matton fleishman of toronto the nth i technicolor movie on a trip through florida taken and presented by mr jams grant of toronto an uncle of mrs jones a most delicious lunch was served and we are still s our lips over those mushrooms bob engagement looks like a law suit georgetown generally speaking is a lawabiding community bat once in a while some one forgets that his mode of life is not in accord with that of quietliving neighbors the old question of what constitutes a pub lie nuisance appears to be the cause of a very bitter lawsuit we do hope the gentlemen in question both of whom we highly esteem may solve the matter amicably but rumor per- js that the bitterness is increasing been engaged by the plaintiff stewarttown mr and mrs william deans an nounce the engagement of their dau ghter wlntilfred mae to mr wqham edward beam son of mr anotmrs stanley beam toronto and glen wil liams the marriage to take place on saturday february ninth engagement thai mrs a oatrander wishes to an nounce the engagement of ber elder daughter marian irene to kenneth gibson richardson son of mr and mrs james richardson of george town the marriage wil take place early the women s institute met jast week for a quilting congratulations to mr and mrs edward hodge on the birth of another son wa meeting was held at mrs bel lys home the children of the school with their teacher miss coyne had a hockey matohoo the pond last friday after noon sympathy is expressed by the com munity to the murray family in the death of their uncle mrs cross who passed away at guelph sunday mbrn- mrs david hodge of acton visited with mr and mrs w hodge sunday and attended the service otmemorlalf sad for lorne spots atst johns church the annual meeting of st george branch of the woman s auxiliary waa held on wednesday evening jan 1 at the rectory the president mrs fred laws in the chair after me op ening devotions the rector was ask ed to the fireside archdeacon thomp son expressed appreciation of the work of the branch then called for the minutes of he last annual meeting the various reports were then pres ented showing the affairs of the or ganization to be in good shape f the election showed the following result hon presidentjmrs w g ol thompson president mrs kenzie 1st vlcepres mrs 2nd vice- pros mrs pomeroy surer mrs g mcnlcou mrs a h feller dorcas i mrs momenemy educational tary mrs fred laws little mrs 5 dewhurst extra cent a pay mrs d w baxter united tbonf of fering mrs wm buutvant ltvtnc message mrs weston pianist mrs j pmttoxu rectors reptesentative mrs m maynard mrs w e nbd- weh auditors mrs w v grantm wallace thompson r the rector asked the branch to grrtr their fullest support to the officer who had accepted office he thgav asked the newlyelected president to- take the chair mrs marftnriiu dtd so and the remaining rwrmbsa was briefly concluded the rector otossd the meeting wttrt prayers for gods blessing on the w a and the bens during the serving of presentation of ft hawumm ejom 1 et was mode to the i iij mrs laws by m appropriate tstss oomnosed grants mrs iws ji ar lames most cortbaly for tbebea v mrs o cross beld ladyvhlgh soar at the party m the hall on the e-en- lng of january nth at luneboufc retiring presk moelmcbv niposed bf bee you m aedojavtfrsfctis as4teirxalantfas i

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