Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 13, 1946, p. 1

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the georgetown herald wedneadaw evening maid i3i 1s46 own council strikes 1946 tax rate at 40 mills r3etow1esquesn3 councils hear talk on county assessing system mr j p ooombe a representative the department ol municipal at- kttn gave an informative talk on the new qountjf assessing system at a joint j ot georgetown and esquesirig 6oflnfcils new in the municipal build- t last rrlday night the meeting was by assessing officers- and of tiie two mutjrtaiputtes and mr ooombe was mr a shortt another man zrom the snt and mr ford rodgers georgetown and efcqueelng nave been topmowte against the system which vss voted in by last years county ooanou and it was mr ooombe s job to tsy and show the advantages of the new system over the old in bis formal speech be outlined the duties ol a co assessor as one who assists and advise local assessors j that by a sstog tbe aaroe yardstick- a moretuq- form uwmimm nt may be arrived at be said that the equalisation problem xdch confronts a county council each jane lias always been a headache and ghat there baa been too much tendency cor tbe strongest talkers to win out cor their municipalities at the expense ol those with weaker representatives wtih a county assessor to direct thi- ngs much of this difficulty can be overcome and a more equitable div ision ofiaxes arrived at- he also pom- ted out that an assessors duties were outlined by statute in the assessment act and that a local council has no jurisdiction over the performance of these duties the new system embraces a compre hensive survey of all taxable property with information recorded in detail on a form which then becomes a perman ent record it is based on the replace snent cost of a building taking such factors as physical and economic de preciation into consideration one of the major duties of the county asses sor is to see that all municipalities wl thin tbe county are assessing at the tone standard in order that each pays lis proper share of county taxes mayor harold cleave of georgetown opened the meeting and introduced the guests then asked deputyreeve geo sge cleave of esquesing to serve as chairman following mr ooombe s speech a question period was held in vxdeh many points were brought out mayor cleave what does a tax payer in t do if he wants to appeal fats saw urn it ans be can appeal to his own court of revision as before the act does not specify that a local coun cu must sit as the court of revision and i think this job can be better done fay others the local council is sitting lb judgment on its own actions when it alts as a court of revision may suppose a numletpallty refu sed to adopt the new system ana the county assessor would go out and make his own appraisal and report to county oouncilrthat due to lack of cooperation this has been necessary and the picture as he sees tt is aochandsuch the fundamen tal of democracy which is equity of taxation is one of the moat abused in ur whole system mr ooombe then gave an example cf bow the county system can benefit using the town of whitby as an ex ample be said it cost 4000 to inaug urate the system in the first year mnngti prop was put on the tax oil which bad never before been taxed t to par tbjs whole cost tmyor cleave how long has the ac been in effect ana since 1039 out of 16 coun ty councfla 12 have adopted it arid 4 or 6 are now advertising for a man ooodlet could an assessor do the job in one assessment period ana no not all to one year otuabohn bow can you find out the value of a mortgage if the taxpay st ref the information ans the actprovides that these questions must be answered the mort gage helps to determine the real val ue of a p as contrasted to the amies value which fluctuates iindsay i cant see this i per sonally know one farm which is worth 30000 and has a tlflqo mortgag and another farm worth t000 has 4000 mortgage mayor cleave who can prove that the new system u any mare satisfac tory ana the united counties of star- mount dundas and glengarry have proved this fact i cant see how the tacts contained in permanent records en be disputed against no record at afl mayor cleave why doesnt tbe go make tt compulsory if it 1 such a good system ans i the govenxnent is not try- tag to impose its will on the mantel- tuaittes bat is providing a batter sys tem and hoptof they wffl xeattja tt active service league surrender charter at a meeting of tbe executive of the active service league on mmry ev ening the charter of the organisation was surrendered and tbe funds turned over to the georgetown rehabilitation council in turning over the funds they were earmarked to be used as a donation toward a community memor ial as the association had been form ed in 1942 with this and other purpos es in mind the motion passed unan imously is as follows moved by tt c mcolure and sec onded by jos gibbons mat the treas urer be authorized to turn over to the georgetown rehabilitation council the balance of funds on band amounting to 46346 and said funds to be held in trust for a period of twelve months from this date to be used as a dona tion or contribution to georgetown co- riununlty memorial and if at the ex piration of twelve months the said me mortal is not commenced the funds would be made available and could be used at the discretion of the rehab ilitation ooodcq while it was felt that the active senice league did not accomplish what it set out to do during the war years it had fulfilled some purposes and the funds raised would now make a substantial donation toward a mem orial fund bank manager retires mr gordon w mjntjntncfc cor 10 years manager of the local branch of tbe canadian bank ot commerce is retiring from the service of the hank and mr r h ireland of windsor baa been appointed to take his place mr mclmtock has served the bank for 40 years starting as a junior in ham ilton he has played a most active part in community life and it is with regret that we learn that after a holi day trip he intends to make his home in toronto on monday afternoon the staff at the bank presented mr and mrs mc- llntook with parting gifts of a travel ling bag and a relish dish and the girls pipe band of which he is presi dent presented him with a cigarette lighter at one of their recent meetings mr ireland who arrived in george town last week is a banker of consider able experience having served for ma ny yearn in hamilton peterboro and in the head office toronto before re ceiving bis appointment as assistant manager at windsor where be has been for over five years euitor speaks to 50 so club boss thompson buys smiths card op thanks mrs nelson tuck and family wish to thank their many friends and nei ghbors also the many organizations for their kindness sympathy and beautl ful floral tributes in the illness and death of a loving husband and father the 5080 club of georgetown unl ted church met at the home of rev and mrs r c todd on wednesday march 6th mr waiter blehn editor of the herald gave a talk on the life of a weekly newspaper editor stress ing th part that such a paper plays in the welfare of a community a novel contest followed in which those pres ent represented different departments of a newspaper and wrote assignments which were later read during the business period it was decided that the club take charge of a sunday evening service in the near fu ture lunch was served by tbe con venors rev and mrs r- c todd and mr and mrs jack watson mr and mrs e j johnston will be hosts for ihe next meeting recent business change on main street la the sale of smiths shoe store to mr ross thompson who took pos session the first of this month and will operate th business under his n mr thompson is no stranger to georgetown having been employed in town with the alliance paper mills until be went back to farming three years ago he recently sold hla farm on no is slderoad to mr vera picket mr and mrs thompson and their children june lois gttu and jamea moved into the apartment above the store yesterday mr and mrs william p smith have been residents of town since 1926 when they moved umjeorgetown and open ed their shoe store here mr smith who ia now in christie street hospital undergoing treatment is a veteran of two wars having served overseas with the bojha in the great war where he was wounded in 1940 he joined the veterans guard and later trans ferred to the active army with the roamc he was stationed in toron- to schrelber port arthur and bow- manvffie and received his discharge last november mr smith has pur chased the factory street home of mrs walter parsons and they will live there allow mill for director of recreation motion to purchase truck defeated to go on daylight saving time with toronto no by law jor reduction of taxes on farm lands within corporation cast of new road on ewingslreet prohibitive at this time world s day op prater the world s day of prayer was held an friday afternoon march 8th at the united- cfatincb there was a good attendance from all four churches the leaders repie seating these were mrs sydney mac- kenzle mrs a reeve mrs win sin clair mrs clarence hayes members of the various denomina tions read prayers and read the scrip ture mrs j e ostrom gave an ad dress on peace miss ruth brans contributed the solo mrs w r wri ght was at the organ the service prepared by mkxf mabet shaw of central africa was divided under four headings a childlike spi rit a loving heart a quiet and confi dent mind an active good wid- the theme was tbsthlngs that make for our social georgetowns centennial fall fair date sa for september 6 and 7 junior farmers grain show and junior institute display to be attraction this year president crag reld presided at a meeting ot the directors of the kaques- lng agricultural jodety sponsoring georgetown pair held in the munici pal building on saturday afternoon main item on the agenda was set ting tbe date of georgetown s 100th fall fair tor sept 0th and 1th friday and saturday in this oonnecuon a grant of 7500 was also allowed towards a prtoa list for the nerval junior parmers grain show and the junior institute display this will be one ox che fwture-attraet- tlons this year a motion carried adding the names of mrs marion hunter and miss betty ruddeu to the lady directorate director wrlggleeworth was asked to again arrange fox a dinner meeting at which the teachers from the various school section could discuss plans for another grand display of children s work at the fair a committee consisting of john bird robert alexander charlotte mccul- lough marjory gtdt and mrs frank fetch was formed to arrange for social evening in the pariah hall ner val on march stth a delegation to interview tbe town and township councils in regard grants waa also appointed mr reld expres the regret ot the society to director mclintock who is severing his active associations with the board after a service covering some sixteen years hope was expressed that every citi zen in town would back tbe 1046 show in order that the lomtrannlversary might be marked in the finest way po ssible baujnafad the farm forum met at the home ol mr and mrs wul wright monday night the topic discussed was who will export our farm products mrs w shortiu had charge of the re creational group and some lively and i lymiyfing contests were enjoyed next monday evening the forum will meet i a the home of mr and mrs robert wames a good crowd attended the euchre and dance in ballinaf ad hall last fri day night sponsored by the farm fo rum prizewinners at euchre were mrs matt mcdougall erin and mr rob inson oapringe with mr wutott of pa getting the prte for tbe most lone bands after lunch dancing was enjoyed to music provided by bar- den s orchestra walter fidler opens new store in norval this friday marks the opening ot a new general store in norval operated by a well known district man mr walter fidler mr fidler retired from fanning last december and purchasea the building formerly housing the bar ber shop and beauty parlour conduc ted by mr and mrs c grlmwood ex tensive renovations have been made and the new store will rarrj a complete line of groceries meats confectionery and other products mr fidler is a native of the village having lived there until moving to the farm at tbe age of 15 he is the son of the late james fidler and jane ann bird and was married 12 years ago to the former leona featherstone of milton he attended georgetown high school and has taken an active pari in community life being peoples war den at st pauls church chairman of the norval fire protection asaocla tton and a member of the executive of the norval recreational centre mrs gordon sutherland of london as a visitor in townlast mr and mrs tome to spent the weekend er mrs t r cave mr and mrs c s jeffrey spent the week end in detroit michigan visit ing mr and mrs thomas scollon and mrs denny charles spent the weekend visiting with relatives in st marys mrs charles junkin has returned to her home in buffalo n t after a visit at the home of mrs j w kennedy miss audrey kennedy of owen sound was a weekend visitor with her grandmother mr george orabb of chesley who was attending the hydro convention in toronto last week visited in town with his son and daughter in law mr and mrs stanley gtabb among those from town who atten ded the hydro convention in toronto last week were mayor harold cleave w h kentner and graham famell members of the hydro commission and g w mocauum superintendent of the local hydro and act accordingly gibbons can a county council re peal the bylaw once passed ans yea but none has done so ooodlet is a fulltime assess stm n after the first year or so ans in my opinion yes only to the smaller rural municipalities is ef asible to make it a parttime job obiabolm wouldnt some farmers be unduly penalised for large buildings which they do not fully use ana the use factor is impor tant and reduces assessed value hi de serving cases at tbe conclusion of tbe question pe riod mayor cleave thanked mr ooombe tor bis talk sad a vote of thanks was extended by reave k r msrjvmvi ot georgetown and or howard may of ifcqueatng glen williams iced under as ice jam breaks ashgrove the ashgrove y po held their chri stian culture meeting at the home of mr and mrs clayton wilson on sun day evening march 10th bowson rud deu was in charge tbe scripture rea ding was taken by jessie wtogneld and bessie reld led in prayer ismey keen read a story by tour kind ness betty ruddeu and ismey keen favoured with a duet john hunter took the topic of the evening telling of some of his interesting experiences to india and showing souvenirs and pictures which he brought back from there the meeting closed with the mlirpah benediction and lunch served by tbe hostess the quick spring thaw last thurs day brought on one of the worst floods in years at glen wlliama as tons ot ice were sweptby the river into the village arifce jamlnjhej2redit river just above st alban s church diverted the stream onto the ojen road bringing with it large chunks of ice which are still to be found on the lawns although the township enow plow did a good job of clearing them nun the roads over the weekend tbe flood occurred around 3 oxlock on thursday afternoon most serious damage in the gien was suffered at the beaumont knitting mw where the dam which bad been put to good repair last summer was damaged so badly that it will have to be replaced no actual damage was done inside tbe building although there was a heavy deposit of dirt left in the flooded parts of the bunding tbe glen textile in dustries ltd was more fortunate los ing only two hours time when the flood drove employees from the plant welcome home cpl bob chariton returning home to milton a few weeks ago after crossing from england on the queen eusabeth was cpl bob charlton he joined the army to ap ril 1940 and after training to canada went overseas with tbe royal regi ment the following year bob was em ployed ss a barber in town with e r magtoughlen prior to enlistment and expects to return to this position hi a week or two pie bdl bebatts pte bui bcbults was towmast week and expects to be back here to live at soon as he gets bis ar my discharge pte sehutts returned to canada on the queen johwbeth ear ly taferuary he was of smith c stone fjtd when he en listed in june 1943 he was stationed at camp borden with the ordna corps tor two years then was trans ferred to infantry and went overseas with the black watch in august 1944 he served on the western front and was wounded hi the fighting in oer- many pte stockford so served with the a large tree in front of st albanb church bad a swath of bark two feet wide peeled from its trunk and it is feared that the tree will te destroyed two homes those of mrs mary coop er and of wuuam hadley were mar ooned for some time tbe hadley house was vacant at the time but mrs oooper was at home her george reached the bouse in a row- boat as soon as the force of the water permitted and the two were rescued some time later by howard garvin and william bennett who got to the bouse with a team and wagon a dog owned by mr bennett spent thursday night on the poultry roost at tbe rear of the shed where be bad been tied ti nimti hy t of its collar and clambered onto the most members of the ladles aid of glen williams united church bad their hsndtwbrk spoiled wben the idobd broke the ladles had just finished scrubbing the floor in the sunday school room and were enjoying a cup of tea when warned by george cooper to leave the buqdtog mrs jack tlmleck and mrs doro thy white of toronto bad a grand stand view of the flood from mrs tim- leeks secondstorey apartment to a brick house bordering the rtver they were at the front window watoblng men working on the dam when they saw the ce cakes approaching and soon the house was shaklngaa the ice pounded against tbe sides of the bull ding the provincial paper lower mill was also a casualty as the swollen ri ver raced from the glen and burst ov er the paper mltj dam it was first noticed by an employee miss ha smith who gave the alarm and the mill was cleared out in record time water two or three feet deep covered the mlu floor and a number of engines wens damaged and had to be sent to guelph for drying and repairing pa per stock was piled on skids and only stdght damage oaourred to this tbe meeting three nights during one week was no small chore not even for your elected municipal body who met at their regular council meeting on monday and at special meetings on thursday and friday nights to strike the tax rate and hear mr ooombe of the dept of municipal affairs on the proposed change in assessment the discussion on the 1946 budget took up the greater part of the even ing on thursday and council was fin ally successful in striking a 40 mlu rate this is an advance of mills ov er 1945 and is due in part to an in creased estimate from both tbe public and high school of approximately i mills and to increased public services such as hiring a competent recreation al director for the town for which one mill was allotted tbe board of parks management have requested their mill again this year and propose repairing or- chang ing the seating accommodation at the arena the estimate for care ot build ings as increased this year as the chairman of property said it was quite possible a new boiler would have to be installed in the municipal office the town ball needs shingling repairs and also some work is required at the park the public library estimate was also up 5000 due to needed root re pairs the estimate for street and road re pairs and new work took up consider able time and much discussion tbe road chairman tabled a rather unwiel dy road expenditure and in view of toe increased mill rate this year the road estimates had to be sliced almost to two while the council had previously passed a motion to include in tbe bud get sufficient funds for the opening or ewing street tor motor traffic if possible the estimate as given by the county engineer was prohibitive be ing 8460 the council did feel that they should do something to improve the roadway for pedestrian travel and voted too for this purpose 65739 was spent on road work last year of thla amount almost 61800 went to the lay- mg of new sidewalks this years es timate is 66500 council felt that they could increase the tax rate no further and that if new subdivision roadways could not be taken care of by the bud get deebntures would have to be is sued this la however deemed unli kely council also debated the advisability of purchasing a or 3 ton track to take care ot au town serrto s s garbage collection snow plowing ate the iinajority of council fett that this would not only entan large capital outlay at this time but would requtrs further manpower and supervision and that they would also have to pur chase a small track for police dutr and light work as well- others felt a large truck would give the town better service for sandmg ley streets sttsf i enowplowtbg ss well as showing a con siderable saving to current e tors a recorded vote was taken on a motion tabled by gibbons and uao- kensle yeas gibbons maokeuos ooodlet nays cleave maodonald moguvray bason ritchie the mo tion of last years council for the pts chase of a hah ton truck remains aft v t town is now waiting back home with bis parents mr and mrs harry stockford la pte elmer stockford who returned to canada on the queen ntabeth joining the ar my m the fell of 1941 be trained at camp borden and wenijqserseas with the black watch transferred to the irish regiment he served in italy and en the w f hi brother squadron leader chafes stockford sl1rnni was closed down over the week- l ma repairs wen made delivery a motions was also passed daylight saving time into effect to geo between april 26th sad september 29th the seme as toronto referring to the municipal ant it was found that tax reduction bylaws for farm lands inside the corporation must be passed two months prior to striking tbe tax rate and therefore could not now be done at tins time council adjourned at 1a30 and i epted an tivrtfcrtioa from gibbons to come to his home for cof fee social and personat capt and mrs j r turner and son bobby of toronto were visitors its week with mr and mrs walt blab capt turner who has just returned from overseas was a paymaster at ths repatriation depot to england where iao0l john r- barber of george town is wseondhvcoinmand capt and mrs harow maraban sod paul of ottawa spent the weekend with mr and mrs w g mstshsw sunday visitors at the same home ss and mrs v graham bstst mr and mrs r d graham of aasa and mrs end strs wk- 1 abstoori

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