Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 10, 1946, p. 1

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the georgetown herald wednesday april iotk 1946 termediates succumb to preston after anoutstancfins hockey season paper makers edged by 9 6 score in total goal series crowd of 3200 witnessed second game at gait on thursday the game was fast throughout the winners tak ing advantage of georgetowns difficulties in getting organized i disputed goal did not add to locals morale tftelaylng before the seasons record rnrd at qttlt arena last thursday xught georgetown intermediates were defeated in their quest for a champ ionship this year by the preston vet erans 43 in the second game of the aeries and 96 on the round the de feat eliminated the papermakers from urther competition after a season of outstanding hockey the homesters won their group defeating both acton and fergus in the playoffs and p on to eliminate port elgin and owen sound the preston club had only played one game outside their group and the long journeys to owen lound and gait arenas seemed to tire give the local squad too much ho- ckey with the result that they fell ra ther easy prey to a club we believe al most their equal the series with preston was howev er a typical b series marked by fast skating close checking and plenty of bodychecks if there were any brea ks in the series preston got mem in the first affair the reiereeing was not all to be desired and the vets got aw ay with some pretty ough tactics ir the second game a goal was awarded the preston club that definitely hit the goal post and did not go in the net these were unfortunate incidents but go a long way in disorganizing team that is keyed for championship hockey 3200 people packed the arena this fixture jean tennant weds john fletcuett at a quiet ceremony in si georges church of england of saturday mar 30th jean florence tennant daugh ter of mr and mrs sam tennant be came the bride of john william flet cher son ot mr ana mrs j arthur fletcher mono road ven w g o thompson performed the ceremony given in marriage by her father the bride wore a streetlength gown of turquoise blue with brown ac- cessortes and a corsage of pink roses her only attendant was her slater mrs dorrle kidd who wore a streetlength fuschia gown with black accessories and a corsage of sweet peas groomsman was the grooms brother joseph fletcher a reception for the immediate fam ilies was held at the home of the bri de s parents on john street mrs ten riant receiving gowned in navy blue with white accessories she was ass lsted by mrs fletcher who chose a mauve ensemble both had corsages of sweet peas the wedding party was continued at the supper dance at the club klngsway in toronto and the couple left on a honeymoon trip st georges tennis club annual the annual meeting of st georges tennis club was held in the club rooms on monday evening archdea con thompson took the chair and after a short devotional opening ad dressed the meeting he outhed the clubs circumstances during the war time years saying that owing to the complete absence of men the club was forced into inactivity but that now with toe men back or soon to come back prospects should be good for ac tive and pleasurable years ahead he then called for nominations which re suited as follows honorary president ven woo thompson president wm anderson vice president mrs bedell secretary margaret hoare treasurer mrs e arnold convenor of grounds committee win mcnally special convenor to be appointed la- ter as need arose the fees will remain as they were three dollars and one dollar but may be revised later mr s w orr chairman of st geor- ge s property committee was present and- has set thursday evening at sev en o clock tor work on the court with a view to repairing damage eradica ting peeds and preparing the courts tor play refreshments were served by mrs bedell and her group of youung ladies the clubs thanks were tendered to mr bedell and also to mr o r tne meeting closed with the bene diction mrs james hlghes diesvat norval a pioneer resilient of the district mrs james hughes passed away at for j norval on thursday april 4th after a to watch the two clubs short illness she was born sarah mc- grve their all in the gruelling struggle hie vets however were able to finish stronger and able to break ip any plays the papermakers could make by way of scoring efforts 700 were aboard the special train from georgetown ac- oompanied by both the girls pipe band and the lome scots brass band the game didn t get under way un ul 9 16 due to the late arrival in gall of the special train play had hardly started when referee george hayes motioned cfaiiss to the penalty box tor crosschecking while shorthan ded nick ferri netted the initial goal on a pass from beaumont at 121 at the ten minute mark colucci went off for roughing but the papermakers veer unable to take advantage the teams even again goad took a pass from venahles to put the game on ev en basis goad then went off for trip ling at 19 18 oouucd was given cre dit for scoring this goal resulted in much difference of opinion wrth ref eree hayes giving the decision in fa vour of preston preston went ahead still further at tho beginning of the second period when poster scored on a beautiful solo effort preston ran into three penalties but again the fine defensive work of the preston team kept the georgetown boys off the score sheet ebropshdre comes m for special men tion at this time for the way ne let attack after attack on the preston for tress while the latter were shorthan ded his plays were wellengineered but goalie domlaraak wtthekl the storm of pucks beaumont scored to wards the end of the ported to make i score 32 at the end of the second georgetown pressed herd in the third period but the vets were able to with stand the attack the defensive tac- itscs of the preston team proved to be a great stumbling block m the path of the papermakers bertwlstle netted the only georgetow goal at the second mark while smith boasted the preston tally at 2 os chrtas got the oruy penalty of the period bertwls tle received a nasty cut ever the eye when bit by a flying pucfc star ratings for the winners were pomianxak in the netsi schmaltz and poster for the losers beaumont fer ri and evans carried the honors threestar selection schmaltz beau mont ferri preston goal pomiapgak defen- fe messener p olcura centre ven- jes wings goad oouucd arema- tfts smith schmalta foster malches- ke j otcura j tatt georgetown goal defense shropshire bertwlsue centre beau mont wings ferri nash alternates obrlss hurst eemehead patterson referees george hayes ingersoll bhtfian jack moekehem toronto summary 1 georgetown 3 rust mi goad venstaes crorie in georgetown 81 yeais ago and was a daughter of the late william mccrorle and annie ponsford fifty- eight years ago she married james hu ghes and they settled on a farm at norval mr hughes passed away in september 1938 and mrs hughes made her home there until yhe farm house was destroyed by fire two years ago this june surviving are three sons and a dau ghter john of georgetown mrs e r mayo idaoelj of mlmico james tor onto and frank norval she also leaves a brother james moororie of milton and three sisters mrs j fogg toronto mrs d stratum rochester n y and mrs m colling st cath arines there are four grandchildren and one great grandchild funeral services were held from the mcolure funeral home on saturday when a service conducted by rev j u self of norval was held at 3 pan pallbearers were robert rekl wil liam sinclair george whtthey james russell john russell and arthur shaln interment was in greenwood cemetery ge united church easter thankoffuekng the easter thankofferlpg meeting ot the georgetown united church was held on tuesday afternoon april 2nd mrs a m nielsen past president was in jhe chair and mnv r h wri ght was at the organ mrs harry be well contributed all the devotional pro gram she read from luke 95226 and mark 16 2nd and 3rd verses the the me was the cross she emphftjrtwi that sacrifice is part of our lot in life the cross is the crucifixion of our lowest selves christ chose the cross to show his love for god calamity and loss develop fine characters ii setting aside self centredness for ser- vice to others we find gethsemanes turned into easter mornings mrs a r vannatter introduced the speaker mrs george bean from bra mpton mrs bean has lived in many places in canada being the daughter and granddaughter of ministers she has came in contact with many types of people in the west there were ma ny foreigners she told stories of for eign children japanese galuclan icelandic and tndtan those stories were full ot keen interest revealing how personal interest in a child of ea ch of these nationalities as regards clothing schooling further education gave each his or her opportunity to make good in quite wonderful ways anything v do in christ s name will bt fruitful mary moyer and marlon hepburn sang most pleasingly a lovely duet come unto me and rest social and personal ross boyle has taken a position as junior at the bank of commerce bra nch in town mr fred laws is back home again after a few weeks in guelph general hospital recuperating from an opera tion mr w a mccarvel is in buffalo this week attending the convention of prudential life insurance represen tatives mrs mccarveu and the chtl dren are visiting with her parents in stratford we are sorry to report that george chapman husband of the former mar garet leslie of- georgetown is in ho spital in sudbury after breaking bis leg in a fall a few days prior to mrs chapman and their daughter patricia joining him there to make their home some forty of the neighbours in col lege view gathered at the home of mrs jack martm last thursday even ing to tender a miscellaneous shower to mrs rocco lorusso a social even ing was spent and many beautiful gifts presented to mrs lorusso who is the former mary wright of glasgow soot- land she arrived m georgetown a lew weeks ago to make her home here engagement william wardlaw purchases clark b electrical vtore william j wardlaw of milton has purchased the electrical business on main stiett formerlj operated by cal vin clark and will continue the bust ness under the nev name of ward la electric the business was es tabllshed by mr clark a year ago in the premises in the j j gibben block formerly occupied bj a chinese laun dry mr clark has purchased the kin near farm at llmehouse mr wardlaw is the son of mr and mr hammnod wardlaw of malton and formerly lhed with his parents in norval and georgetown he was for merly employed in toronto with oen era electric and for the past year has been conducting an electrical business in milton with his wife formerly marion les lie of acton and their children leslie brian and edward he has taken up residence in terra ootta mr and mrs gordon w mcllntock announce the engagement of their i daughter verna clare to william john son of mr and mrs william scheldt of glen williams the marri age will take place on thursday april had aken part there were visitors from several of the outlying woman s missionary societies 25th at pilgrim united church ham ilton glen williams plan veterans presentation and reunion arrangements are under way for the holding of a joint reception and pres entation to returned veterans of world war u in glen williams on june2lst and 22nd combined with an old boys reunion it is planned to start off with a monster garden party on the friday night with the reception and preesnta- tlon at a sports day on saturday top ped oft with a street dance in the ev ening some seven or eight hundred invita tions to former residents are already in the process of being mailed pro ceeds from reunion activities are to go towards establishment of a recrea tional centre in the village j f lindner is chairman of the co mmittee arranging the event and oth er officers are secretary m merryday treasurer mary watson grounds roland haines games roy norton sports thos haines advertising arthur beaumont refreshments mrs j crawford entertainment w lindner- decorations w sohenk 3 preston colucci 19 18 penalties chrlss colucci goad second period 4 preston foster 326 5 georgetown beaumont ferri 1914 penalties messner p otcura tenables sohnujta third period s georgetown bertwlsue ferri jl 7 preston smith penalty obrlss grandmothers party at institute a unique and interesting program was provided by a committee compo sed of grandmothers at the institute meeting held at the home of mrs j williamson on wednesday evening april 3rd after the usual opening ceiemonlea the minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted and correspon dence dealt with the roll call was answered by dos and donts for w i s the meeting was given over to the committee composed of mrs c freure mrs w bell and mrs a wilson who were dressed in grandrnoqser costumes there were several other members in costume also two app read ings on grandmothers were given by mrs w sinclair and mrs harold cleave and mrs c freure gave a po em on grandmother mrs p b cof fin and miss h harrison very kindly acted as judges for the costumes and awarded mrs freure the prist the balance of the taeeaig wm spent playing euchre the prise win nera being mrs herb cleave and mrs a semple after a vote of thanks to the com mittee judges and the hostess a dellc tous cup of tea sandwiches and cook ies were served by the hostess assisted by the limehouse winm u euchre at the hall on rida ntningwue ray webster and mrs s matthews mr wal cr ferricr fton tht lu kyi door prize music for dancing wis prouded by the rhythm rubes with joe scott floor manager the w i meeting was held at the home of mr a benton on wednesday with fifteen attending mrs r l davidson brought an in teresting talk on the home improve ment plan of which she and her hus band were winners in the local con test and fourth in the province a few ears ago mrs khrkpatrick conven or of agriculture was in charge ot the em about a flower a contest a po em about the w i was responded to by five ladies mrs newton was ask ed to judge the poems mrs ellerby read current events and mrs ebnton the motto what a man sows that shall he also reap mrs noble was winner of a scrambled let ter flower naming contest a donation of til 00 the contents of a birthday box was sent to the save the children fund a social half hour was spent in closing mesdames smethurst frank brown and gtsbj at ended the district direc- ois ard cfti r3 vesting in milton on thureaay reports from the department of health concerning sources of water suppry contaminated by the recent flood have shown all but one spring fit for use it is to be pumped out ag ain and retested mr and mrs a w benton and sons spent sunday with friends in to ronto mrs walter t evans dies at htr hornt the death of jane fortt taylor be- loved wife of walter t bvans occur- ac red at her home saturday april kb although mrs bvans had not been m the best of health for the past several years her death was quite sudden and a shock to her many friends mis evans loved her home and her main interests were centred about bar home and family she was a member of the united cniurchandhadtakepaa active part in the women organisa tions of that church surviving to mourn her loss besides her husband are one son james for bes evans and three daughters ruth jean mrs roy m smale and mar garet mrs charles s jeffery an other son the late flying officer john taylor bvans was killed on active ser vice overseas on july mth 1944 also surviving are a brother mr herbert taylor cheltenham and two sisters mrs r h bessey georgetown and mrs victor frazer cheltenham an other brother the late thomas taylor of toronto predeceased her ten years ago the funeral service was held from her late residence on monday april 8th at 2 o clock rev r c todd was in charge of the service assisted by ven w g o thompson mrs h o wiigglesworth accompanied by mrs r h wright sang the city four square at the service the pallbearers were messrs roy at smale freeman charles s jefferj georgetown peter s bessey aylmer and george f reid and robl rekl of toronto interment took place fat greenwood cemetery georgetown engagement mr ii d mrs altx mccalg announce he engagement of their daughter he len irene to ro hendrick hansen el dest son of mrs charles parker and the late johan hansen the marriage ftill take place in egun on united church toronto on thuibdaj apri 25th at 1 o clock high school news norval cecil adams has rebuilt his garage which was destroyed by fire several weeks ago we are glad to report that the vil lage has a barber again in the person of mr r gollop who has opened a shop on mais street- norval has been without this important service since mr c grlmwood closed his shop and moved to milton the rev canon j w macdonald will be special speaker at this sundays service in st paul s norval st steph ens hornby and st johns stewart- town he is field secretary for wycllf- fe college toronto norval and district boys club held then- final meeting on wednesday ap ril 3rd in the parish hall when a program of games was enjoyed the club which is interdenomina tional is planning a father and son banqueijaterjhiamonth when special grc recreational fund previo acknowledged 2200 total april 10th 22 00 the fund seems to have hit a snag this week and no new donations are reported the 2200 has already been used to help meet a rather hnp deficit at the bank and plenty more is needed both for this sod for the base ball season which- gets underway any day now how about tt folks t no donation is too small and none too huge to help provide a full recreational program for georgetown ibis summ the monarch coming soon is ballinafad mrs j nelson nee ella mcsnery of ajnesdale ontario is vlstttreg her father who is ill m guelph general hospital we are glad to know he is a little improved the last few days the pftflfffog of mrs j f sinclalr on sunday cast a gloom over the com munhy although she had been ailing for some time her death was unex pected the sympathy of the commu nity is extended to the sorrowing hus band and family her friendly dispo sition won her many friends mr and mrs j soper of erin are getting settled in their new home in ballmaf ad we welcome them back to our village the executives of the sunday school met at the manse and plans were made for the sunday school picnic the mid dle of june two or three cases of measles have broken out in the neighbourhood the school has been closed owing to the illness of miss brown speakers will be present and motion pictures shown the annual banquet of the young peoples society of norval and union presbyterian churches was held m the basement of the norval church last friday april 5th when over 70 sat down to a delicious dinner the tneurtng president dike archdektn was chairman and rev j l self toa- sttnaster for the evening murray tipps conducted a radio program con sisting of jokes skits and musical nu mbers and guest speaker was rev mc- roberte of cookes presbyterian chur ch toronto the new executive la composed of president elisabeth rekl vice president herb dotson secretary alma mae hunter treasurer bui archdektn missionary convenor jean chester social convenor georgina ecctos music convenor pat robinson devotional convenor lorma mc- clure promoter sam mcclme by don brill all s in order for the big high school optional dance in the rose room on prldai april 12th quite a few for mer ghj9 students have been invited as well as the c comapny of the lor- ne scots the modern aires will pro vide the entertainment of the evening in a musical way tlie high school cadets took advan tage of their invitation to the lorn scots dance in the oddfellows hall last tuesday night turning in a good attendance they were capably enter talned by mr gus morrow and troupa from guelph a grand dinner was al so served by the con lome scot ladles the latest sensations at th school are the newspapers recently edited by both branches of first form all the latest gossip isjkure to be foonft within those well illustrated covers i our sympathies are extended to loss wilson who has been called away dur ing the past week to her mother wha is sick our hopes that she has a guide recovery are very sincere this establishment should be forth coming with a ball team worthy of praise a a 16vo displayed on the campus during mun time plans are gomg ahead to send a is- pxesentatkm from ojis to the an nual field meet at waterloo delegation is expec to be a plentiful were the examples of sleepy heads last friday morning as a sjoojf percentage of the pupus were on band at gait to watch the local boys msst their downfall to receive bj dsoree at a convocation at emmanuel ool- lsg next monday rev j leonard self minister of norval and union presbyter lau obnrchea wtq receive the baobeku- of drrtntty mrs eric stewart arrives from holland mrs eric stewart a charming war bride from holland arrived in geor getown last week to join her husband capt stewart who had preceded her home by a few weeks mrs stewart crossed from england on the letttia she was formerly marie wlthclmine sprangers and their marriage took place in utrecht last october 16 mrs stewart was a nurse in an amsterdam hospital and speaks english fluently captain stewart expects to return to queens university to complete bis course m mining engineering inter rupted when be enllstedj mrs vac end vmung friends in town ashgrove i the ashgrove ypu held their christian m ws meeting on ftunrtay evening at the home of mr and sin charles austin ward buownrksj was in charge herbert wilson took the scripture wading and betty hgk- dell read a poem tny nesghbobjr mrs o dftck gave a very intamttas talk on the missionary work bdng car ried on in africa at the class of tb meeting a very delicious sbncb we served by the hostess stewarttown congratulations are extended to jr and mrs david barclay formerly u- rjory murray on the wrth of a utos dsugrh the service next sunday at st johns church will be a communion s at 8 pa- canon mcdonald of toronto will preach the ssnaop the montttiy ufcvuttaiss f meeting of the- wjk was t at mrs greenwoods home at the i leigh pink sod son peter 1

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