Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 10, 1946, p. 2

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jvlifctijcs bite georgetown herald wednesday april i oth 1946 tse 3 s ju b the isrifbvhlsifcd gun muuua fomtat ibiiiniiin hobhbt inm mbovb balunatad tuba ootta ulmiiulllmi bate uk a kit stasis ooplee be aa advertising hates quoted on anpuoation wauibr o bzehn publisher and editor oarfield l mootlvray staff leslie 1c olark harold davison at herald li printed eacn wednesday afternoon at un offfloa on main st georgetown authorised aa second class mall post office dept ottawa mansber of me oanadlan weekly newspapers association and the ontarioquebec rhvuloo of tne o wna the editors column is wartime housing the answer from tirari to time we have talked about the hous ing shortage in georgetown public meetings have been called the town council has discussed it and the sum of all decisions has resulted in no action now once again with the appearance at council last week of mr g spry representing wartime housing the problem is in the limelight we understand that a deputation of in terested citizens will appear at a special council meeting tomorrow night to argue the pros and cons and to urge council to take some action we are frankly at a loss to know just where we stand on the question our only acquaintance with a wartime house is second hand that is by photo graph and by the in formation revealed by mr spry from this we judge that the housing provided is ade quate though leaving much to be desired particular ly we note the lack of a basement and furnace and do not see why this could not be provided the rental scale which is apparently not subject to change is also somewhat out of line wuh prevailing rents in georgetown 30 is high for a 6 roomed hou se which many veterans would require for their needs and 27 50 and 22 00 for five and four roomed houses are also somewhat above other rental valueb the big stumbling block of course is hat of lo cation wartime housing requires the town to suppl the land and sell it to the company at i a lo it is pre ferred though not required that the land be in one or two large blocks this to simplif building operations and to aid in landscaping and planning if this latter is to be done there are only a few locations available and most of these consist of farm land wi hiy the munici pality if the owners of this were not of a mind to sell investigation could be made of farm land bordering the town with the idea of incorporating it in town limits here we would have a further problem of extending the boundaries of a town which is already too big geograph ically for its population and raising costs of sewage wa ter pavement and other public services if land were io be purchased in smaller pieces there are many of the se available at a price a very high one and here one bumps up against the unwillingness of an owner with say a 6000 house not wishing to have one half this value erected next door extremists will argue that the erection of 25 war time houses will meancreating a future slum district in georgetown we dfo not agree with this argument though we would not go so far as to say that we would be creating a forest hill village either the houses would be adequate and ad wellbuilt as many privately bujlt homes where cost is higher definite advantages to their upkeep is the government plan to redecorate when a change in tenancy occurs and to provide paint every three years for the tenant to do his own decorat ing the cost to the town is something which must be considered if property can be purchased we should estimate that the cost will be at least 200 a lot or a to tal of 5000 for 25 units costs would certainly not ex ceed double this figure on top of this must be added costs of levelling the lots and provisions for town ser vices for this the town gets a fixed tax rate of 24 tor a 2 bedroom house and 30 for the larger plus 1 a house yearly for street lighting when the 1 5year agreement ends the town also has the option of pur chasing the houses in bulk at a price of 1000 a house these as we see them are the main facts about the problem there is no need for writing at length ab out the need for housing of some kind we can think of at least twentyfive people right in town who are des perately in need of a place to live whether wartime housing is the solution is a question which will have to bedecided soon or else it will be too late this year to go ahead with any plans weve had it our hockey season came to rather an abrupt end last thursday night and the papermakers have hung up their sweaters for another year too bad when we were just on me edge of the championship but somebody has tp win and somebody has to lose now we know how they feci in rergus and port elgin and owen sound t wie can altogether agree that the beat team won in fpt veu go out on a limb and say that we think owen duhad the edge on both preston and georgetown v ifffre were to be defeated we woujld have lik- erroen take it r game was a tough one to lose per- h and die few seconds allowed geor- 1 of the rink had much to do with hoiogical effect of a disputed goal at a crucial mornent acjded ttftfti was the superfcffft checking of the preston vets whoplay a nigged bland of hoey which we had almost forgotten since fergus bowed out however though we wont say the best team won well say that a good team won and we hope that they wilj go on and take the last two series from london and bobcaygeon now with several columns to fill up with something oljher than hockey news we begin our yearfy wondering as to whe the news will come to replace it during the ml between hockey and baseball were going back on a promise to unmask elmer at the end of the seasqn the little fellow has been a source of great interest in his anonymity anl he prefers to aestevate and come out incognito again next year hes called em right and called em wrong but hes never failed tocause a lot o comment so thanks a lot elmer an excellent report we hope that everyone will read the report of the medical officer of health which is always presented in such a concise and informative manner dr c v wil liams always exceeds his requirements when it comes to giving a yearly report on health conditions in geor getown and shows that his interest is far ahead of the small monetary consideration of the job he has been a champion of everything which will benefit the town sewage improved educational facilities immunization against disease and this year adds a personal note favouring sterilization of the feeble minded this of course is a national rather than a mun lcipal problem but national opinion is the sum total of individual opinon and we commend dr williams for his stand in this matter and hope that other doctors will side with him in his vision of a healther race of cana dians we also note his reference to the work undertaken for a one year period several years ago by the lions club of conducting a dental survey m the public school this excellent work is often referred o and we should like to see the lions club or some other public spirited group take it up again next ear teeth are so import ant to good health that it is unfortunatt to allow our children s wt11 bemjj to suffer because of carelessness or lack ot finances an active summer there art o man plans in the offing for cele bratioiii this summer that onct again we can t help but nicker at the cit folk who hink nothing utr happens m a small town the girls pipe band have booked a ictory da at the park in june and arrangements are being made by a committee in the glen for a big eel tbration in lae june in honour of war veterans from the village the lions club have planned a three dav dom inion day celebration in the park and the recreational council are taking over the park on civic holiday for a sports day plans are also in the making for the cen tennial year of georgetown fall fair add to these the rural garden parties and the opening of huttonville park next month and it look like a full summer of en tertainment for a place where nothing ever happens according to our city cousins a e lepage realtor head office toronto sjbbeyeareet talopbao ad tiit specializing in farm country estate suburban hone city lion summer properttet o naticmju asbociatow op rbab bsxats boards f r watson ddb auxa georgetown offjca bbura 9 to 6 vaxept inursday afternoons dr j burns milne datntal mjbgaotf xbat pnone to dr clifford reid lda dxjfj dentist 4x0 open evening 8t qecwetora mmtmmmmmmmiuttttammmmaummaaatobm iimanammmntoiimimiuhwimitaummtmiam elmer c thompson insurance service fire auto windstorm c p railway txu auted stvomihip pnone llow en- j georgetown muiuioiiiri iiiiirjimti tmiamijwuiinuiiiiiim oi uiiium juimiiiijiaiuiijj ui in lorwii t taunt niirnmi 1 monuments j i markers and lettering i pollock ingham i galt i deafens on request phone 2048 i inspect our work in greenwood cemetery nielsen j the chiropractor druglew therapist jw year of fnetlos lady attendant bom mun tuas fit m pjss st 3e sa pm closed tnursdegr ovm doanmch stobb oaoilnlomi lma o dr s e magwood phone u office between dmaton oban clerks office and tn hew municipal building at tbe earner of ham and mtu streets oakvojje monument works w r edwards mmiwmmt cemetery i ulna at designs submitted good display of i s en band your o oakthos

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