Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 10, 1946, p. 6

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thetkpiyetawa herald wcdnoday aprihoth 1946 notice to dog owners fery owner possessor or keeper of dog who bu not procured a licence atmll do so on or before the 1st dfty of mfty ims i have been instructed by council tbat this law must be strictly enforoed you can aecure your tags from the undersigned or from ttie town olerk at the municipal offloe w g makshaix chief of police treasurers sale of land foe taxes township of bsquesjng county op balton to wit by virtue ol warrant issued bj the been of ttie townenlp of biuee bearing date toe wt day of october ims sole of land m arrears of taa- m til tbe towwfalp of bsqaestng illj tw held at the oounetl chamber fea the village of stewarttown at the boor of ten oclock to the forenoon cm the 15th day of april 1m6 unlaw the taxes and costs are sooner paid jsqtxob ib hereby given that 4im list of lands for sale m arrest of taxes has been prepared that eopka of ttm said list may be had at my of flee that the list of an land for salt cor arrears of taxes is being published fa hw ontario oaaette on saturday january 6th ims and that unless the arrears of taxes and costs are soonst paid x will proceed to sen tbe su lands on the day and at tbe place ab ove mentioned treasurers office this 3rd day of january 1m0 prances james who is to create the title role in the world premiere of deirdre of the sorrows has art appreciative audience in cbc producer sanest morgan left and ettore masaolenl conductor as she discusses her lyric aria in act 1 1 pkcmieie scene n of the opera s sore com posed by heoley wlllan with 11- bietto by john coulter the opera will be broadcast oer the cbc transcanada network on satur day april 20lh at ifuo pjn i foot ailmnts treated 1 miss allan tnttn coot ftomante for boltl butteaand gentlemen open moo than and m ramnge ub retook tm bj appotabnara n tli guelph keys made locks repaired general l art johnson limehouse pikpne 36r6 geattown orden taken at good- iaft hardware sportlite by j stamp no that the hotkey highlights are over for another year it s lime to turn our interest toward the sporting pro gramme for the summei namely tas ball and softball it would be a bit of allright if georgetown could find some one in terested enough in fcjmiiw i ii er mediate baseball club in dec gv awn remember the old team that george town fielded a few years ago those were the days when t ley competed ag ainst milton aeon and oakille sure there ire heap cf gy baseball players who would jump at the opportunity to get back i i uni form for georgetown a s n e whut seems to be a lost sport nrcund these parts except for the jiutnik dldn t we have a firi us hoekej team this year then whv not hit ha me this summei in bt bill im sure the neigrbotmn uwis would soon form teams and a county league could ery s in bi instigated what say jou spon minded people i understand that jimmy sargent j juvenile hardball club the pirates are thinking seriously of entering o b a competition this season these lads should prove their ttfbrih league of lhis calibre as they have what it takes when it cornea to playing i ball i cant see why the glen couldn i enter a club on similar lines they have several good ball players and with good management should makt it tough for their opponents last season i said that the soft ball season for 1m6 would get away to flying start here it is the middle of april almost already and no signs of activity from any one of the clubs coaches although smith stones are ready to start as soon as the wea ther is suitable so i was informed would the other clubs tha played last year please set in touch wtth me by mall or any other convenient way and let me know if they intend to play ag ain this year whether huttonvllle are entering a team tills year or not i can t say for sure but will enow very hortl would certainly like to have six teams in the softball league this season namely huttonvllle s te 8 alliance business men the 45 cha mps olen williams and another team from town or suburbs i intend to start making out the i cuid on the tic here they are 1 del beaumo t 2 ni k ferrl 3 goa lie evans now i can look out i- our fire calls make busy week end for brigade four calls were made upon the local lire brigade over the week end but in only one case was the damage serious bejng early friday evening when a garage belonging to james brunton wa burned dcwrwthe building which on talned a quantity of coal and somt tcols made a spectacular blaze and mmy thought that the fire whs at the mith a stone plant the garage was only five feel r t in mr brunton s hou but the firt was kept from spread ing and no iur her damage resu ted thursdaj noon sparks from a chlm nej a the home of mr f pollock main street north igniteova porttonof the shingled roof but wis extinguished before any extensive damage resulted early sundaj afternoon the brigade was called to the cnr property be tween nixon s bridge and the a llance paper mill where a portion of the fence had caught fire a few hours later they put out a grass fire on the maclaren prpjierij on the 9th line re cently purchased by meadow glen gro wers hornby the bethel united church ypo put on their two oneact plys together with a musical prograinme in the or ange hall on monday april 1st it was a good evening s entertainment and quite apparently was enjoyedby all who carne to hear and see the playb were the happy day and slater sue sixteen women of the hornby wa met at the home of mrs gear sinclair on thursday afternoon april 4th mrs archie king led the dovotlonals by reading an article on the personality of jesus the treasurer mrs mil ton j brown reported that 16 33 had been mode at the crokinole social held recently in the hornby orange hall a lawn social to be held at the parson age the latter part or june was plan ned for some discussion was had in regard to a new devotional book it was decided to oo operate with the bethel church ladies in the securing of a speaker for one sunday in august when yie minister is on hjs holidays quilting was also done and delicious refreshments weer servedby the hos teas mrs sinclair the albert marohment family have moved onto the william sibbold farm which they have purchased mr sib bald expects to live with his daughter in merrlton doug shaw who is managing the hdmby poultry farm on the seventh line is making extensive repairs to his house and is also building a fine poul try house twelve hundred chicks are already in the brooder houses fred robertson has begun work on his new bee house on his property at the hornby station very pretty double ring wedding ceremony was performed hi the bethel united church on saturday afternoon at two o clock when mary uella hall was united in marriage to lloyd fred workman by the rev fred ainsworth mary was assisted by her bridesmaid helen margaret aitken of georgetown nnd fred had his brother allan as best man following the wedding cexemo ny united guests gathered at the ho me of the bride s parents mr and mrs victor hall where a delicious luncheor a served the happy couple sped on their way their car idomcd in the usual manner with the advent of warmer wea ther the sports fans thoughts natur ally turn to ball we wonder when the local ball league gets under way gutta percha take a look at this guna rcrcha tire ii s designed by canadians especially for the kind of road cpnd i no ns th ji face the canadian farmer and stockman ruts gravel pavement good roads had roads no roads you 11 find this tailored to the job canadian tire will give you better service longer wear drop in today and see your accredited gutta percha dealer o scotts garage phone 161 georgetown if you need anything fixed or made to order phone the fix it shop442rl plumbing sheet metal eaves- troughs furnaces stoves repairs to all makes of sewing and washing machines bicycles o what have you woodworking of all sorts all work guaranteed we call for and deliver w g young glen williams d cae jwwiaive 2l- now available for immnhifiti delivery manufactured in accord ance with toronto build ingbylaw specifications cheltenham concrete products cheltenham ont phone 20v31 victoria btfiedule very sootts6we canstarl al least by the 1st week in may so please contact me as soon as possible mr silver mr ldllico mr spires bun gy ward and of course i will have to see about huttonvllle if they don t intend to enter i would like a team from olen williams or wherever one can be mustered that is if all the other teams dont drain the country side of all the a ball players i wonder if i could butt in on elmer and pick what i uiink were the moot outstanding players for georgetown all through the season i know they were all good 1 11 agree 100 per cent but three particular players who see mod to have a little more of what it takes to really make the fans root for them and point them out as they skate fpocii low fares ool any tfo hiandav april 1sdr until 2 00 p m monday april ssnd mi lanm dohnrfon tp to mldnljm tradny april 13rd 1946 i canadian national lloht that would spring in to being at the touch of a switch light that could be fed by the force of a waterfall hundreds of miles away old timers shook their heads and walked wanly around the new electric light standards jim the lamplighter 1 left his flametipped lighting pole at home and did his regular rounds with a pair of pliers and a handful of 6 o fe gthtyifs carbon pencils shaking his head at the newfangled invention that had turned his world topsyturvy but the children in the canadian cities accepted the change with unalloyed enthusiasm gleefully they followed the lamplighter turned electrician gathering as prizes the burned out carbons great men like sir adam beck father of the ontario hydro electric power system were to set the pattern of publicly owned power develop ment for the world enterprising businessmen 1846 dcptcllng thr growth a cnuda t nation ptoducnl b 0 kehf on thr myluon t tnrtr icolh annrhtmrr 1946 were working over plans for the electrification of their factories the stubby black carbon pencils the children of the 90s collected were a portent and an augury for the bright light of destiny that was to shine on their country today by our purchase and holding of victory bonds and war savings certificates each one of us has a chance to play a personal part m the bright future of our country to mvest our savings as we place our faith in the canada unlimited of tomorrow

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