Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 26, 1946, p. 9

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the georgetown herald wednesday june 26 1946 dancing huttonville erin innis lake our deluxe cabs are r- aoaue for dance nights at the above resorts low return tariff book your seats early whitmees taxi s phone 241 medicines extracts film swbn j sfrajb yod get the best from dick riddall yow rawktgh dealer agent fr santtfnr vwonbi cleucr queen st phone 436 church news lotth anniversary senriom pultte worship u ajn and 7j0 pjn ooaat speaker- rer red dodaiaa bjl ac th of twwto soloist mr ronald btwwmrt c usdsa fte chan services withdrawn for norval aznu- aff hfcj lrfhpk ltd bector ah aervices on ijayhght time i u fine first sunday to the month when effenms prayer is held 3 pm holy commnnlan s sunday tn the month at 11 aja w a meets 2 pm tuesdays at homes at memoecb sunday school every sunday at 10j30 sl jshns stetrarttanm morning prayer lst sunday in month at 930 ajn sunday tn month at 3 pm other sundays evening prayer at 3 pjn son- day school 2 pjn every sunday w a meets 2 pjn thursdays at ho st raatts nerval morning service every sunday at 9 ajoa during summer be h ldh ptalfs address is the rectory honraj oni teknhone georgetown 382 r 11 gbaa c oochraae bjl bjj i sunday school ii ajn pub- no evening service nootba tnaayterlab caanrcai 2 pjn sunday school 3 pan public worship st george chsneh ten woo thompson rector second sunday after trinity after trinity at the the beginning of evensong l sunday lieut paul barber was admitted as ley reader lor st geor ges by archdeacon thompson st annas charch glen williams matins 930 am sunday school 1030 second sundaj after tnnltj ajn shoe repairing p and efficient service james cummins at ross thompson shoe store hanmafsd charge the united cwrefa of canada rev a o w foreman ba min charchill 10 ajn worship 11 ajn sunday school 1015 am sunday school 11 la ajn worship melriue 2 pxn sundav school 3 pjn wor ship holy crass k- c chaorch rev fr v j mogan mass a 9 ajn 2nd and kh sjndavs ii i lst 3rd and oh sundavs first baptist chnrch minister rev j e ostrom- organist miss m cook sunda june 30th bible school 945 am u ajn worship studies in matthew 64a pjn hymns 7 pjn gospel service lords supper bypu and prayer meeting on wed nesday at 8 pjn welcome nest sunday on the occasion of the anniversary services in norval presby terian church glen williams 7 pjn public wor ship come and worship ijmehouse mrs ted brown doris swttaer was honoured with a iruseeuaneous shower at her home on june 12th by twenty four relatives and friends dancing was enjoyed during the evening with mrs paul barber at the piano and re freshments were served on monday evening the daughters of the church of which she is a mem ber paid a surprise visit and presented her with a lovely coffee table games were played and the evening conclu ded with a sing song on monday night some fifty friends gathered in umehouse memorial hall to tender a miscellaneous shower to miss doreen kennedy of huttonviue and mr archie mcdonald of this com munity whose marriage took place last saturday dancing was enjoyed to music supplied b emmanuel kams helen meredith and jack noble and after the many lovelj gifts were open ed delicious refreshments were served guests were present from lomehousc dublin and bannockburn united church rev r c todd ba minister miss u stewart choir director 10 ajn sunday school 11 ajn hoi commun ton 7 pjn evening aoship sundav school and co ional pic nic th irviaj leaving charch for erin park at 1 o clock friday 8 pjn preparatorv service and receptkwi of new members norval i nited church charge minister rev f j dun lop services in mount pleasant and nor t3u uni ed churches will be withdrawn balunafad the w ms met at the home of mrs f j shortul wedneday evening for their june meeting there was a good attendance mrs a o w foreman had chargt or he opic several womei taking part plans were made to hold an afternoon tea july 17 at the home of mrs shortill the proceeds are to be used to send bibles to angola the mission circle met at the home of mrs llovd swindlehurst with the president in the chair mrs d brown had charge of the topic which was very interesting the next meeting is joanna shorluls at the close of the mce ing mss lyuu sno read an ad driss and mrs foreman was presented with n beautiful table lamp from ttie crcle rev a o w foreman will preach his farm ell tnon 11 ballmafad ui et church sundaj tht death of mi j soer removes anothe or the lughlv rt pected ciu zens trom the village svnipa h is ex ended to the be eaved famil and hii ma i friends mes5age for those who need trained workers f recommend to you canadas veterans rf ta wa tl army trade htter only one of 216 army trades the trade fitter was brained to make and fit new or reworked parts of gnns power trains gearing traits valves and mf mob he ind to follow p- sketches and blueprints and among other duties make parts from metal g forgings and stock a knowledge of the working proper of steel and nonlcrrous metals was essential he typifies thousands of veterans available to industry today electrical artificer in the navj this man maintained electrical navigation equipment lighting systems telephone switches and was a specialist in many naval electrical installations he was a skilled machinist qualified for general machine work and for manufacturing and repairing electrical equip ment with onthejob training he would be capable of house and industrial wiring stationary engineer r caf his duties were the installation operation overhaul and repair of all beating equipment used by the r ca f he had a knowledge of steam fitting valves pumps of all types and underground and overhead dis tribution systems he holds a current provincial first second or third class certificate this is only one of tbe many specialized trades in the roa1f suvtce tkji4e mod published in the inthestsof veterans by the government of canada ase tmbss booklets many canadian em- ploycn have these book lets the nanonal em- ptorment scrvxe and depmrcmeni of veter ans affairs offices will interpret ilsm and g sat yoo m choosing vet erans for your postwar tom hews0n representing woods electrical equipment milkers grinders coolers fast freezers servel electrolux refrigerators firestone tires and accessories cockshiitt farm implements see the new farm jeep wtlloughby real estate agency office on mill street just around the comer from die bank of commerce phone office 332w residence 332j patronize georgetowns best electrical shop strombergarlson and deforest radios hoover vacuum cleaners universal milking machines sales and service fujfugijlatorseijictric stoves and repairs radio repairing a fully qualified radio mechanic has been added to our staff to give you a complete radio repair service wardlaw electric formerly clarks electrical shop phone 305 main st georgetown tuau tfiii a sampir rsw was nasi vwswasw asa sw hsa aasr aavsffsaaa assfsa rr i i i 1 m th cwta ii m n vaaaafry a wa had nassli mv viswssialss a fawatv aaiiittiaiiaa at wrtd awsws tnnmhd scctsta aaaisiil saws writs twsasmscahsstaa m saad tw a awaasai trial lasiiilaluui f this i daor aisajafai j th ovistion idmncm pubhsnng socisrty i on norwoy strt boctan 15 mem i street d of tt oirisuon name city state monitor tndudanq copy oft i lrvoouy mooozlns sschoa ds osrtstson soionor sti georgetown your shopping centre first in service in quality in fashion youll find these three firsts and many more when you shop in town with your friendly george town merchants georgetown board of trade

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