Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 17, 1946, p. 4

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j the georgetown herald wedneiday jwly 17th 1946 and personal miss margaret dickie of toronto pent the weekend with miss hilda mr an4 mrs j b mackenzie have returned from a vacation at royal iufii ann hlckey is spending two weeks holidays at her cottage at mea- ford miqs btodwen davles wellknown in uterary circles as a writer was a recent guest df mr and mis a o m bnryns miss davles makes her home inj4fpdale rev and mrs meitheson and mub mary meitheson of chesley called one day lost week to see mra w v grout end miss betty grant mr and mm james forbes of wat ford and mr john forbes of houston texas yfetted last week with dr and mm a moallleter mr and mrs george herrmgton and mrs kred monauy spent a few days jaarweefc in brighton with mr and mrs atonao herrmgton mrs j dudgeon and miss verle dudgeon of toronto visited one day this week with mr and mrs stan grabb miss marjorie gauk has returned from a vacation with mrs norman collins of bradford at her cottage at canarbon mr thomas e3son has retired from his position as machine tender at the provincial paper m1h where he has worked for many years mr and mns sam mackenzie and family have returned home after a holiday spent at bayfield on lake hu tan mr and mrs walter blehn and car- ctyn spent a few days last week with fete mother mrs c e blehn at her cottage at tjnverhuron mrs john w hoare of barrie spent be weekend with her husbands par- ota mr and mrs charles hoare king street mr and mrs harry stoefcford are fas him this week at downsvlew with mr and mrs thomas watte and mr and mrs charles stoefcford mr wullam logon and miss olive logan are spending a two weeks vac ation with friends in minneapolis minnesota mr and mrs oecu poble dairfd and judbre spending a few weeks at victoria point oruua mr and mrs a o mobride and lome are boudaiymg for two weeks with relatives lb vaueyfield quebec mr and mts howard wrlggleswobh douglas and robert nave aetarned from a two weeks vacation at sund- ridge mr j r campbell miss margaret campbell miss mamie campbell and mrs maude robinson are spend ing this week with mr george leslie at his cottage at cedar point perae- tang among a group of local girls who are at number glen camp near bolton are jean odknan shirley jdobbie ann crabtree shirley thompson and jean tyler visitors last week with mr and mrs harry stoefcford were her brother and sisterjttbw rev and mrs bertram wluoughbr and miss dorothy wll- loughby of los angeles calif and miss dorothy hughes of saint john n b mr norman bird mjl spent a few days at his home on the 7th line before leajving on a vacation trip through the canadian west to victoria norman hopes to visit a number of agricultural caqeges and experimental stations during the summer mrs charles l hall helen and jim of lindsay are visiting in town with her parents mr and mrs fred braisby joan blckle celebrated her sixth birthday with a party on monday at the home of her parents mr and mrs harold blckle her little guests included june oliver patsy sohrag gall mcguvray judy mccum- ber and helen muckart mr and mrs c h barber mr and mrs paul barber miss lena mcnally and miss marion robinson are vaca uonlng this week at barbers island muskoka mr h caldwell of cheltenham is visiting for a few days with his son and daughter inlaw mr and mrs bob caldwell mr harold mcclure spent last week at his cottage at port sydney where mrs mcclure and george are spend ing the summer months mrs j a mcclure returned home with him hew advertisements men wanted two men wanted for concrete work for july and august apply reeve bros phone 25w georgetown help wanted two men for steady outside work delivery permanent box 15 herald office for sale tent for sale size 9 by iq mrs been elm street for sale bmad quebec cook stove price 1800 j h mclaren paper mill road wanted dead horses and cattle for free pick- p phone collect gordon young ltd ads696 toronto dec up painting and decorating call us for an estimate on your painting and decorating our customers are always satisfied d laridn phone 83r apr 26tf cabins cabins newly constructed and fur nished for rent by day week or month apply stanley park phone 41 r 1 srin ontario for sale 0ptece dinette hi good condition mrs wm freestone victoria bl or phone 368j between 0 and 8 pm for sale buil pedigree papers vuung brook farm glen williams phone 4 r 12 rags weekend vtattan with mr and iocs howard wodeon were mlss obsdetta sanderson miss dorothy ward and miss helen baker of tor onto add mr and mrs herbert pru- den of aurora and enterprise mr and mrs allan robinson and daughters diane and sandra of ham ilton are holidaying wtth mrs robin sons slater mrs jack saunders at her summer cottage olenwood beach lake simcoe among those graduating in the fac ulty of dentistry at the university of toronto last thursday was dr robert wlhlain marshall soar of dr r t marshall toronto dr marshall is a brother of john m marshall and james w marshall of norval mr and mrs molarty of toronto spent snmday with y pred braisby mr and mrs r p sallows of hamilton spent the weekend at the same home mr and mrs charles brown have recently moved into their notation george street which they purchased from mr alesc lewis mho has movgd to goderich mr brown is employed with caldwells food store m town mrs vance kentner left last week for a trip to claybank bask where ehe will visit with her daughter and soninlaw mr and mrs dick welch dr and mrs clifford reid and miss dorothy oiney axe leaving this week for a trip to maultoulln miss betty grant is vacationing at eapanola with miss esther shamus mr and mrs bruce mackenzte and paul are holidaying at turkey point lake erie mrs george watt has returned af ter a pleasant weeks holiday with her family mr and mrs fred campbell and ross mr tweedle nurse tweedle and two children at airport beach mrs charles boyle here from overseas crossing from the old country on the aqultanla mrs charles boyle ar rived in georgetown on dominion day in time to celebrate her wedding anni versary with her husband here last sunday mrs boyle is an irish girl but has been living in glasgow scot land for the past few years gets high post x v hughes of toronto who has been named general electrical engineer of the canadian pacific railway wth headquarters at montreal thirty rune years with the c p r he has been electrical engineer for eastern lines since 1916 we are sorry to hear that mr how ard lilllco proprietor of luucos beauty parlour on main street is ser iously ill in toronto western hospital mr lilllco was taken to toronto last saturday and his many friends are anxiously waiting for encouraging news of his condition norval womens institute meeting the norval women s institute held their monthly meeting at the home of mrs wishart on the town line thurs day afternoon jury 11th mrs graydon chester president oc cupied the chair and after the open ing ode and prayer mrs wm graham read the minutes the rollcall was answered by the ladles giving household hints there by exchanging many laborsaving de vices mrs glegg and mrs patterson then led the quilting session two large ones on the spacious lawn which will no doubt cover some european next m since 1939 i amount paid to plant employees doubled 1 income tax payments increased six fold profits paid to shareholders no increase at all year payments by year ended march 31 dominion textile 1939 19 3 incrcasa to plant employee 4 503785 9 29753s 106 to income ta 244513 1509 647 617 to shareholders 1485842 1485842 none 68 out of this is wage rate increases the remaining 38 is dm to increased production since 1939 as of june 12 1946 there were 3765 shareholders dominion textile company limited o cotton the master fabric winter the finished products packed away the hostess served a delicious tea sixteen members including some visitors took part m friendly discus sion of the institute work in the pro grams for the year which were given out the august meeting wm be betd at the home of mrs mcmichael main st highway no 7 east a full attem- dance is requested of all ladles vjban the annual report is to be given tar mrs w o m brown chickens custom chicken picking with latest machinery also highest market price paid for fowl alive or dressed culling flocks a specialty huttonvfue egg grading station brampton 343 reverse charges to whom it may concern to my nosey and curious neighbours and ab others interested m the rum ours as to why my son left home they may call around and get the truth anytime they wish until then mind your own business afeert e oolman ttsefdeat repast made to appliances f o wunet toong stove and furnace repairs stoves relmed wtth plrebne joint- leaa firebrick last indefinitely guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction sa ves cuel estimates given appty j v savage oo phone 243j george town july lotf help wanted bqmrlaneed knoerg wanted to work at boms or in lbs factory we put the mmiim id the home laws knlt- togoo for that odd trucking job see harry eott comer queen oudph st aprjto painttng and dsoorattno time to plan your spring decorating qow estimates grran on interior work and exterior work apr tf plastering par poor plastering work see john j issaas phone 90 r 21 norval aglp deooratina or interior decorating spray r brash bstsknates gladly grren h w bkttjjno apr mtf phone 34w acton oms or women wanted full or patt erns 3sc an hour after first week band knitting co 2nd floor of brill building opposite post office for bale seven room brick and frame resi dence m good condition full cellar bard and soft water furnace electric ity available on 8 acres of roumg land nicely situated on mem road open year round 8 miles from town also for sale 600 ft chain link f enctng used 8 ft high with wood posts win sell all or part a o seale r r 3 erin gtorgttowti rehabilitation council sf vsssraas affafc

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