j the georgetown herald wednesday july 17th 1946 died at your ser in 1 886 ooyears ago the dominion experimental farms were founded starting with five farms the system has since been exten ded to 34 farms and stations and 210 illustration stations this system the largest and most comprehensive of its kind in any coun try is maintained with the other services of the dominion depart ment of agriculture for the promotion of agriculture and the national economy of canada as a result of the work- carried out in the past by all the services of the department in cooperation with the provinces and agricultural colleges a much greater measure of stability has been given to farm ing in the dominion now that the war has ended all the services of the dominion de partment of agriculture experimental farms science production and marketing visualize a broader and fuller program of useful ness to the people of canada the facilities of these services are var ied and extensive everybody in canada is invited to take ad vantage of them freely the department is always ready to assist in any way in the advancement of the basic industry of canada agri culture dominion department of agriculture ottawa canada hon james g gardiner minister dr g s h barton deputy minister look smart feel smart be smart barragers formed itoenhn ctosmra phone 233 shot repairing pro and efficient service james cummins at r03s thompson shoe store from toronto comes tfata trumnrous account toy j w e of tfce demise of the mirror wntoh be dslms bu the wholehearted approval of gord aloott cine account not the demise bdj suddenly at mo home on john bt early tyiday morning june 26 the mirror dearly beloved 4weekow newspaper of gord ernie and steamer the mirror was a descendant of tine spouts weekly whkfc predeceased it nine years ago at uie grand old age of three mootlbs i left to mourn the mirrors passing besides the owners are twentyfive paid up advertiser and one corres pondent at large but harmless the mirror now rests in pieces at ke john street residence the sudden demise came as a shock to all who taiw the mirror accord ing to those present during us last hours the mirror had been enjoying perfect health throughout thursday evening and early friday morning and was cheerfully looking forward to hs fifth anniversary later that day was chatting away gaily telling about a pleasant visit with its friends in olen williams and georgetown and had just finished telling about a trip to pson s shoe store wtiere the elite meet in stocking feet when without warning an attack of weak ness overcame it and everything grew faint and indistinct an urgent summons was sent for the chief operator nho eventually arrived by slow train from weston no amount of deft probing on his part however could restore the mirror to full cons ciousness even a strong dose of printers ink failed to overcome its iaint spell gradually it grew fainter and fainter and finally at 3 o clock in the morning while georgetown slum bered on blissfully unaware it uttered hoarse metallic groan shuddered to a stop and lay still solemnly one of the attendants lea ned oer to pull uo the last white sheet on it were the mirrors final words oh eer so faint yet legible teil bill mcdonald tudor beaumont and dirttrack valentine they read faintly that there s no more work for for poor old ed 1 ve gone where the good papers go jw dancing huttonville park every wednesday stan portch and fau 10piece orchestra every saturday johnny boyd and hit 10piece orchestra jhncne gowks whose pioneer an cestors et sail in a prairie schooner tor canadas west gets the feel of hie wagon and ttw pioneer life by taking his own schooner out beyond the gates of winnipeg with him is mary kosbowati soprano soloist who often assists at the microphone when jbn- mle gowler and his musical company recreate the ballads and times of the early settlers in the weekly broadcasts of prairie schooner over the cbc transcanada network fridays at 1030 pjn edt 1130 pm ajdt herald advertising brings results gruen watches fine diamonds lakeuleman jeweler phone 456 brampton halton juniors compete at guelph junior farmer field day the junior farmer field day for western ontario was held at ouelph on saturday june 2th nearb 2000 juniors were in attendance and a full days programme resulted no less than 19 counties entered softball teams in the boys section and 6 countie in the girls section hahon was rep resented m both divisions by teams from the palermo juniors while nei ther team attained a championship they nevertheless made an excellent showing in the first round the hakon boys team eliminated the strong duflerin county contenders but in the second round bowed to the oxford county team which in turn was eliminated in the finals flowers design work a specialty w dettvtr norton floral concrete blocks fwt lfe hal davis and his highlanders direct from the highland at gab retumingafter s year for 1 night only midnight august 4th if you need anything fixed or made to f order phone the r f i x 1 t s h 0 p 442r 2 plumbing sheet metal eaves- troughs furnaces stoves repairs to all makes of sewing and washing machinrs bicycles or what have you woodworking of all sorts all work guaranteed we call for and deliver w g young glen williams wanted fulltime or parttime female help 39 cents per hour to start 43 cents after six weeks nonincentive workers 49 cents after 12 week incentive workers 47 cent phis bonus after 12 wnrlri light assembly work clean surroun dings also urgently required room and board in good homes for girls and men apply smith stone georgetown or telephone george 212 manufactured in accord- with tomato bmu- chltnwamont 0 tourist camp- ajatetf far cavortf a rfeir oji bto mm where good neighbours meet texas idaho california maine slink of any state you wish and youre sure to see its name on the license plat of a car somewhere in canada during the summer each year with the unerring directness of migratory water fowl ttiilhrtn of american tourists come north to canada they come because canada offers them nature unspoiled and w they come to revel in those joys of the outdoors which we canadians are prone to take too much fox granted in theix travels and during their stay here the money they spend forms the basis at a 150000000 industry bringing an added measure oi prosperity to all of us like any asset the tourist industry must be protected this we can do most sorely and easily by protecting and conserving the heritage of natural beauty and wildlife lor our own enjoyinentas well as theirs very canadian as a shareholder fat canadas natural wealth has a vital interest tn the conservation of thts heritage con u not t us a doctrine to be preached to hunters and fishermen 111 a vital part in the continuance of our national economy and must of neces sity ftiu u its meojures do not receive the foil support of all canadian cttnwns o k v