the georgetown herald wednesday july 24th 1946 caldwells food s to r e self serve jphone 366 meats groceries vegetables potatoes bushel 200 10 lbs 45c large alberta peaches ib 15c large supply firm tomatoes lb 33c new carrots 2 bun 15c canteloup large 29c we hope to have bananas and apples for week end at regular market prices we also have a good supply of quality meats you are under no obligation to buy but come in and get acquainted we deliver all orders 200 and over furnish that room for your son or daughter with one of these juv enile bedroom suites every child likes to feel they have their really own room these suites in honey maple and natural finish will make a most attractive setting m your home for that citizen of tomorrow card tables yes at last we are able to offer a limited number of hand decorated tilt top card tables ideal for that card game or serving lunch then folding back into a fire place cover or bright spot in that dull living room cor ner radios and record players wide selection of table mpflel radios and re cord players you have waited and planned for a long time just for one of these type come in and let us dem onstrate harold c mcclure home furnishings store phone 54w georgetown eyes adjusted for seeing by day and night human beings have two pairs of eyes one or seeing by day and the other by night the retina of the eye has two kinds of light re ceivers the cones and the rodb the cones give sharp vision in daylight and they are the elements which distinguish colore the rods on the other hand do not have sharp vis ion and they function best in dim light they are unable to distinguish color and for that reason colored objects appear gray under dim light when the rods are doing most of the work of seeing when the second pair of eyes go to work on the night shift they ease into their task gradually usually a per son is unconscious of the transition as the sun goes down the light diminishes over a long period and the rods automatically tune themselves up for seeing in dim ughi however when a person quickly goes from bright lllumina hon into a dark room as from the outdoors when the sun is high into b movie theater it takes several minutes before the rods can tune themselves up to carry on the work of seeing about half an hour is required for the eyes to become fully adapted to the dark the set of daylight eyes the cones are more versatile if a person moves from a dark room into the bright sunlight it takes only a minute or so for the cones to adapt themselves and take over the work of seeing with maxi mum efficiency farnells ration calendar 1 for the wfek july 25th 3 1st inclusive 1 sugar preserves si s23 incl butter r10 r15 incl meat m40 m47 inc 1 make your own tomato juice lealand brand 105 02 tin tomato puree 69c heinz 10 oz tin cream of mushroom soup 2 tins 27c makes 10 big gi sses freshie pkg 5c oranpe lemon or lime bexerasr flavor maple leaf toilet soap 6 cakes 29c victory brand sub standard canned peas 20 oz tin lie try lyons cocoa or a delicious cold chocolate milk drink y california lima beans ib 17c the soapless cleanser woolsol jar 60c for quick sale washing of hostery lingerie silk and woollens fresh fruit and vegetables arriving daily farnells phone 75 free delivery differ over site where moses rolled back sea bible scholars differ as to just where moses stretched out his hand over the soa and the lord caused the sea to go back and the waters were dmded exod 14 21 they place this action how ever between scrapeum on the north and suez itself on the south great bitter 1 ikt and little bitter lake occupy 24 miles of this 40 mile reach after the crossing moses brought his people to marah but they could not drink of the waters of marah for they uere bitter exod 15 2i the bitter lakes have been identified by some scholars with this marah of the bible be fore the 76earoid suez canal was built the bitter lakes were dry salt- encrusted depressions after exten sive dredging the barrier at the north end of great bitter lake was opened allow ing the two dry lakes to be filled with water from the medi terranean sea ships pass freely on great bitter lake which thus greatly expands traffic on the canal in little bitter lake ocean steam ers must stick to the dredged chan nel in the 10mile long cut of the canal between little bitter lake and suez the dredging engineers re moved mud and rock containing great numbers of crocodiles teeth and bones of various large quad rupeds markers erected at the red sea end of darius s canal to the nile also were found apples lend selves to variety of dishes although americans are said to be the inventors of the famous com bination of apples and pie crust turnovers tarts and dumplings often suit the occasion as well and are a great saving turnovers are more convenient and easier to pack in lunch boxesi to make apple turnovers you roll pastry dough into rounds about the size of a large saucer arrange layers of thinly sliced peeled apples on half the pastry sprinkle with a mix ture of sugar cinnamon or allspice and a bit of salt and dot with fat moisten the edge of the pastry and fold the empty half over the apple- covered half press the edges to gether with a fork and prick the top crust to allow steam to escape in cooking bake in a hot oven 400 to 425 f about 20 minutes until apples are tender and crust brown apple dumplings are nice for a good winter dessert peel and core whole apples roll the dough in rounds about the size of fruit plates in the center of each round place the apple sprinkled with sugar spice and salt and dotted with fat lift the edges of the dough up to the top of the apple and press together like a bag bake in greased muffin tins in a hot oven 30 to 40 minutes until the apple is tender as for tarts they are the easiest yet to make bake pastry shells on inverted muffin tins just before serving fill tfie shells with wellseasoned applesauce if desired sprinkle with nutmeg or chopped nuts good diet proper die plays an impor tant part in prevention of rheu matic fever and chronic rheumatic heart disease which has become prevalent in recent years in an article published by the nutrition foundation d c peet reaches the conclusion that the average diet of the patient with rheumatic fever u low m those foods that supply vita mins a and d and the minerals especially calcium phosphorus and iron he noted also that the diets of the rheumatic patients were de ficient in proteins and contained an excess of starchy foods and re fined sugars dr peete concludes from his several observations and dietary surveys that poor diets and lack of exposure to sunshine are the most important predisposing factors in the causation of acute rheumatic fever adequate amounts of vita nuns a and d milk proteins and the value of sun bathing were espe cially emphasized in the prevention of rheumatic disease explains first aid care for burns prevention of infection should be one of the chief alms of first aid in both trivial and serious burns ac cording to dr horace j mccorkle of the university of california sum marizing the latest knowledge in burn treatment developed by him and others in the surgical service he gives the following suggestions for first treatment of burns the small superficial burn should be cleaned with soap and water and covered with a sterile dressing and a mild ointment such as a 5 per cent boric acid ointment a phar maceutical salve containing an anal gesic to control the pain is satis factory kitchen fats soda or tan nic acid preparations should not be used he warns the seriously burned patient should be wrapped in sterile dress ings or if these are not available in a freshly laundred sheet nothing fuzzy should be used he em phasized it takes hours to pick the fuzz from a blanket out of a bad burn keep the patient warm but not hot give sedatives codeine for children and morphine for adults and blood plasma if available pro vide rest call a physician l0talnews knox church- congregational meeting monday july 2wh at 815 pm in sunday school boom the lords day alliance is repre sented in our community this year by rev h 8 warren ba tthe new phone number of james kennedy painter and decorator is now 189 avoid disappointment by having your cup read soon at ritas mme sherrat will be leaving in the near future as rita is remodelling doming aug 15th and 18th 25th anniversary celebration of llmthouse wj aug 15 afternoon tea spea ker- memorial hall aug 16 garden party dave norxies girls pipe band watch lor further particulars for prompt electrical repairs to appliances and wiring call h c bailey charles st phone 399w have your eyes examined by o t walker 3 o optometrist v at his office over the bell telephone co main st georgetown the second we dnesday of each month or you may consult o t walker at his office in brampton phone georgetown 167 brampton 599 troubadour from cuba is chlcho valle havanaborn star of radio and night club who came to can ada because he heard the cana dians liked latin american musle he is currently singing songs that are known and new lyrics that he brought from cuba in his weekly piogram chicho valle sings terra cotta what might have been a disastrous fire broke out here last week when an old pile of ties at the cnr station caught fire with a strong east wind blowing it caught in mr hoggs pas tore field and was heading for the cottages on the town line when the alarm was given over 76 of the neigh bours were on hand and soon had the tire under control before much dam age was done mr clark of hamilton is here at present drilling for water for some of the cottagers on the town line and is getting lots of good water mr clark says that he is very busy drilling welli and is over a month behind in his orders here mr norman vlggers ol glen wil hams spent the weekend witii mr r j stringer mi prank mezwick had a valuable cow killed by lightning during the el ectric storm last week we are sorry to learn that mr a mcdonald is on the sick list at pres ent his many friends hope soon to hear of his complete recovery mr taylor of toronto spent the weekend at his summer home here mr a oummings and son of toron to are spending their holidays with terra ootta friends miss l laughton of toronto spent the weekend at her home here the fall wheat harvest is in full swing at present and is a bumper crop n frifty tears a resident thqlfcas scott dies in hamilton a resident of georgetown for almostlj fifty yearj thomas scott passed away in hamilton hospital on monday july 15 in his 88th year born in flnchley england he came to canada when a lad of 15 and had lived all his life since then in helton county he was employed for many years as a section foreman with the grand trunk rail way and later worked at the old creel- i man factory in town he was a quiet homeloving man and had been a faithful member of the old methodist church his wife the late marion leigh pre deceased him 17 years ago and since that time he had made his home with his daughter mrs w robinson on victoria street he is survived byjwo daughters mrs w robinson laura of georgetown and mrs jack rush jessie of milton and a brother in illinois his eldest daughter mrs w b peatherston jennie of milton predeceased him the funeral sen ice was held on wednesday from mcclure funeral home with interment in greenwood cemetery rev c c cochrane took the service and pallbearers were jack rush jack rush jr george hall thomas robinson earl soulier and thomas souter the latter being a greatgrandson rhineland palatinate the modern rhineland palati nate comprises chiefly the german political subdivision of the saar land a state which occupies nearly 2000 square miles between the west bank of the rhine and the french alsacelorraine border it includes the extremely valuable and now em battled mining and industrial saar district which was placed under league of nations rule for is years after the first world war and then returned to the reich by plebiscite besides the mines and industries the palatinate has rich stands of timber and fertile farm land that normally produces considerable grains tobacco potatoes and sugar beets orchards and vineyards are a peacetime feature of the region which has been noted as a wine growing center of germany wines from this district are called palati nate the word palatine has been applied also to a fur tippet covering the neck and shoulders it was in troduced during the 17th century by the princess palatine wife of the duke of orleans ghost town awakens the town of maldon 89 miles from melbourne victoria which has been more or less a ghost town since the gold mining days of the last century has come alive again through the federal govern ment s decentralization of indus try plan in the mining era maldon had a population of more than 20- 000 and no less than 45 hotels i after the gold rush the place dwindled to a mere stop on the road with 3 hotels and 1500 in habitants now 2 new shoe factories have been opened giving employ ment to more than 1 500 persons the ne factories have a capacity of 150000 pairs of boots and slip pers a year nylon hammocks v when g i s first went into south pacific jungles they used a sleep- ing hammock with a regular mos quito netting canopy that hung to the ground that way it was thought insects wouldnt be able to get into the hammocks un believable as h may seem termites ate their way right up the netting and then across the hammock so fast that they cut it like scissors in one night so now nylon netting m used not only will termites leave it alone but it resists mold dries quickly after tropical rams la mfldewproof and weighs less than cotton although it has nearly twice 1u tetitile strength sowing radishes with radishes as with other crops you must sow according to what you will eat figure out the num ber you will use in a week and esti mate that 12 early radishes can be produced in a foot of garden row then sow a week s supply of an iarl variety at a time mid season n dishes will be usable for two ttiiks so two a cok supply of them cm be sown thi eirlv varieties d not grow well m hoi v cither if ou want a supplj all summer sow n inle summer nriety for that sea son but frequent snv mgs in small lots is o good rulr for nil except winter radishes which take two months ti mature and remain good for six weeks they grow very large some weighing spvenl pounds no industrial softball last both games in the industrial soft ball league were postponed last week and businessmen are still in the lead with smith stone in second place the schedule this week includes tonight alliance- businessmen july 30 businessmen dayfoot august 1 dayfoot alliance how housewife aid tvcq the busiest housewife helps this dominion department of agriculture economist in a food consumption survey compiling results from hundreds of these interviews the department ines farm marketing groups accurate in formnt ion on the kinds and grades of produco which consumers prefer department economists conduct numerous surve a nt the request of organized farmers the food in ltmtr nnd promcni rovframpn criminal penalties the 18th century classical school approach of fitting a penalty to a crime would be a good system if all people were born equal and each person was the master of his des tiny it would be sound if there were no deviations and variations in the manner of committing each crime it would be commendable if there were no natural causes pre-dis- posmg personality in the direction of degeneracy provided that one disregards the repository of tmowl edge r by criminal sci ence throughout 75 years of study experimentation comparison and analysis thaclassical school is on solid ground wuul oti a sample yom will find yourself one of the best informed persons hi your community whoa you rood the christian science monitor regularly yew will find froth new viewpoint a fuller richer i vhttststnndhig of work affairs truthful accurate unbiased news write for sample copies today or send for a onemonth trial subscription to this international daily newspaper r o the christian science publishing society one norway street boston 15 man name street city state jt pteote tend sample copies the christian science i monitor including copy ot i weekly magazine section please send o one month j trial subtcr ption to the christian science monitor i or which i enclose d i a musical powder box is sure to please her and dont forget our lovely selection of wrist watchea rings necklaces and costume jewelry birth stone hint ruby for july peridot for august phoenixl house main street j georgetown